The Avengers Avengers a culmination of Marvel history (including 616/Ultimate/etc.)


Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
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I noticed not all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is based on Earth 616 or the original comics universe. Specifically, some aspects must have been based on (or at least more closely resemble) the Marvel Ultimate universe.

For instance:
- Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury
- Nick Fury initially assembles Avengers
- Captain America as a founding member of the Avengers
- Avengers battle Chitauri in their first official team-up

Are there any other similarities to the Ultimate universe? or any content inspired by any other Marvel "universes"
Captain America's costume was based on Ultimate Captain America costume.


Hawkeye costume's was based off Ultimate Hawkeye
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Ultimate Thor is bearded. Original Mighty Thor not so much.


Thor was pretty much dressed like Ultimate Thor while on the Helicarrier (no cape/sleeves/helmet).

Black Widow and Hawkeye as partnered SHIELD agents instead of criminal duo-turned heroes.

Tony Stark's general smart-assery.
Um 616 Thor for the most part until his rebirth had no sleeves. It wasn't until Coipel redesigned Thor that he had the plate maile other than the Rune Thor armor and Simonson armor
I know, but he's always had the cape and helm (even if that one was mostly omitted in the movies anyway). And he had the sleeves in his movie, plus the NYC fight.
Wow I didn't know Hawkeye's costume was so similar to the costume of Ultimate Hawkeye. They look very similar unlike with the 616 costume of Hawkeye.
While most characters take some form of visual cue from the Ultimates, they retain almost entirely 616 characterisations. The only exception to this is Hawkeye who I think can pretty safely be described as a direct adaptation of Ultimate Hawkeye. I think that's the biggest element taken from the Ultimates, barring the initial involvement of SHIELD.
Hawkeye and Nick fury are taken from Ultimate versions.Although case can be made Fury has elements of 616 Fury.Ultimate fury Is primarly a general.Particly In The Avengers I can some of classic 616 fury In.

Shield Itself comes off more like 616 version.

They crossed The hulk's origin between the ultimate version and TV show version.

They had Tony Stark be publicly known as Iron Man after ultimate version although apart from smart assery Stark Is more like the 616 version.

Hawkeye Is pretty much only one that Is totally based on Ultimate version
That and his clever quips are more 616 imo. If you choose to find his quips clever.

"...or are you sending more guys for him to beat up?" (Thor)
"better call it, I'm startin to root for this guy" (Thor)
"You and I remember Budapest very differently" (Avengers)
i always figured Avengers Movie was just a altered copy of the Ultimate Avengers comic as the Ultimate Avengers was written with the pretext of being more grounded and styled in the essence of movie quality.
i always figured Avengers Movie was just a altered copy of the Ultimate Avengers comic as the Ultimate Avengers was written with the pretext of being more grounded and styled in the essence of movie quality.

While it's certainly true that everybody liked to throw the word 'cinematic' around when discussing the Ultimates and many saw it as a template for a potential film, I think the actual Avengers film owes mostly superficial debts to those volumes. When you break down the elements of the Ultimates and compare them to the meat of the Avengers, I think you notice only one defining influence which is Fury and SHIELD form the Avengers. Everything else is different to a degree that makes the comparison fairly meaningless as the similarities are shallow (They fight Chitauri, there is team conflict etc).
Thor was pretty much dressed like Ultimate Thor while on the Helicarrier (no cape/sleeves/helmet).

Black Widow and Hawkeye as partnered SHIELD agents instead of criminal duo-turned heroes.

Tony Stark's general smart-assery.
Thor was a little bit of both Ultimate and Classic Thor.

He looked like ultimate Thor in the Helicarrier.

He looked like classic Thor when he fully suited up.
I'd say Avengers was basically an Ultimates adaptation, but with classic, 616 personalities.
He looked like classic sleeveless Thor when fighting IM and Cap.
I hope we see more of Thor wearing his helmet in the future...
Loki being their first villain and using the Hulk as a weapon is straight out of 616.
Here's a few things I could think of from the top of my head:


-Loki, while imprisoned, tries to use the Hulk as a pawn against the other heroes, and get them to turn on him for something he hasn't even done.
-A misunderstanding leads heroes to fight each other. (a 616 staple if ever there was one)
-Mjolnir's enchantment. Only Thor can lift it.
-The hellicarier is SHIELD's main headquarters.
-Hawkeye is unwittingly a villain, until he is redeemed by joining the Avengers.
-Thanos wants the Cosmic Cube/Tesseract.


-The Chitauri attempt to invade earth.
-SHIELD is responsible for the creation of the Avengers.
-Hawkeye and Black Widow both start off as SHIELD agents.
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Physical Appearance:


-Thor: Sleeveless or not, Thor's look is heavily based on the 616 design, with maybe a nod to the Ultimate version when he takes his cape off.

-Hulk: Not much to say here. 616 Hulk has been green for most of his history, while Ultimate Hulk has mostly been shown to be grey skinned.

-Iron Man: Based directly on 616 art.

-Black Widow: Black catsuit and stingers. both are 616 staples of the character.

-Loki: The green/gold motif, the huge horned helmet.


-Nick Fury: Based entirely on Samuel L. Jackson.

-Hawkeye: Again, the suit is pretty much a direct translation of Ultimate Hawkeye's uniform.

-Captain America: Arguably inspired by the Ultimate version, if only because it has some noticable design change from the classic version.


-Captain America: Both versions are pretty similar, but the movies, like the 616 version use vita rays as part of the process to create super-soldiers.

-Thor: Nobody questions his otherworldly origins, the existence of Asgard, or his sanity.

-Iron Man: Injured and captured by terrorists. Creates a chest piece that keeps him alive and a suit of armor to escape.

-Black Widow: Again, both versions are very similar, with the whole "former Russian spy turned SHIELD agent and superhero". But unless she turns traitor in a sequel, so far it's closer to 616 history.

-Loki: Same reasons as Thor, I guess.


-Hawkeye: pretty much the same as the Ultimate version, basically a highly specialized SHIELD agent who joins the team.

-Nick Fury: Again, a direct translation from the Ultimate version.

-Hulk: Resulted from an attempt to recreate the super-soldier formula.



-Captain America: Not a jerk.

-Thor: lofty attitude, but without the constant political or social critique that the Ultimate version had during the first couple of volumes.

-Hulk: Not a horny cannibal. He smashes...that's it.

-Black Widow: Could easily go both ways, since both versions are so similar. But I'm putting here based on the obvious attraction she displayed towards hawkeye in the movie.


-Nick Fury: Smooth talker and badass. Not the gruff old warhorse he is in the 616 universe.

-Hawkeye: a few quips aside, he's definitely more serious and calculated than the 616 version. Although there is an underlying attraction to Black Widow which is definitely 616 based.

-Iron Man: Tony has historically been more serious in the 616 version, as opposed to the easy going attitude of the Ultimate and movie version.
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I would put Black Widow in the 616 column:

1. Former villain turned to good

2. Not a traitor

3. Not a supersoldier
Captain America's costume was based on Ultimate Captain America costume.

Caps "First Avenger" suit was clearly inspired by the Ultimates 2 suit[crossed with the Ultimates 1 cap ww2 suit] The suit used in the Avengers movie ditches many of the elements from the Ultimates suit that made it different from the classic 616 suit and the typical modern 616 suit. Like the shade of blue, shoulder stars, grey armpit and surrounding area, brown boots and gloves. I'd say the avengers movie costume was based entirely on the 616 look simply trading in physical wings with painted on ones

Hulk curbstomps Loki(leader of the invading chitauri force) in a similar way as he stomps the leader of the invading chitauri in Ultimates 1 vol 2
I would put Black Widow in the 616 column:

1. Former villain turned to good

2. Not a traitor

3. Not a supersoldier
She isn't a traitor to Shield/Ultimates until Ultimates 2 and Romanov wasn't always a shield agent in the ultimate world she was a russian spy, turned freelancer/merc, turned shield black ops before going public as a member of the ultimates so I would put movie widow in the ultimates camp

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