Back in October I noticed they edited something out on the DVD...


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
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Why...why in God's name did they edit Reed saying "why do you keep watching this garbage?"
So now it's "why do you keep watching this...." and you can see his mouth OBVIOUSLY move.

Did some law just recently say garbage is a bad word?:confused:
Maybe the word garbage doesn't have enough PhD's in astrophysics and sub-molecular genetics to be associated with Reed Richards.

Yeah, that's gotta be it, even Superman said garbage.

"Gee, that's funny. Never seen garbage eat garbage before." :woot: :up:
I noticed this first time i watched it on DVD, its not really a big deal to be honest, but E! must have complained.
I just thought it was really stupid because it was so obvious and there was this akward space.
I didn't notice until you said it but now it's painfully obvious, and kind of annoying. I mean you're right, there is like a full second of silence with Reed walking towards the tv with his mouth moving.
I just thought it was really stupid because it was so obvious and there was this akward space.

It was stupid, but E! must have complained or something, it was their channel on the t.v at the time. Thats the only reason i can think of.
I didn't notice until you said it but now it's painfully obvious, and kind of annoying. I mean you're right, there is like a full second of silence with Reed walking towards the tv with his mouth moving.

I guess to Fox it wasn't worth the troube to get Ioan to re-do the line with "stuff" instead of "garbage." So instead we get a character's mouth moving silently. Great job, Fox.
Pft, E! has no right to complain.
They are, in fact, garbage. Truth hurts. You know they know it, too.

Freedom of expression!

Maybe the word garbage doesn't have enough PhD's in astrophysics and sub-molecular genetics to be associated with Reed Richards.

Yeah, that's gotta be it, even Superman said garbage.

"Gee, that's funny. Never seen garbage eat garbage before." :woot: :up:

Superman can get away with it because he's been (makes lifting motion) working out. :supes:
They should have just digitally edited in any scene of the Batman and Robin movie. Then they could have left the word garbage in there :cwink:
E! is garbage. screw those damn celeb obsessed bottom feeders.
ha funny how theres a thread for this, if u hadnt started it i wouldve done so myself haha

i remember showing that to my brother when i first saw it on dvd, he was shocked haha like "omg man y did they do that? so stupid"

o and E! is garbage, u already knew that tho

ahem but not girls next door :wow:

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