Bad Boys or Bad Boys II

i prefer 2.

better action, better camera work, a little more cliche, but c'mon, it's bad boys, it's really supposed to be, isn't it?
They both suck equally, so I'll pick the Sean Penn Bad Boys movie from the 80's.
I liked both to an extent, but BB1 is the better movie IMO.
Nick Frost told me to pick number 2 (Even though I've seen neither)
Not sure... The first has a better story but Tea Leoni gets on my nerves. Both movies are equally as funny but I like the guys relationship in the first movie more. The action scenes are more impressive in the sequel but it has a weaker ending.
They both suck :o

But I guess 1, since it doesn't end with the idiotic invasion of Cuba that doesn't result in Smith & Lawrence getting arrested for breaking the embargo :o
I like them both, but my favorite is Bad Boys. :up:
Bad Boys II just feels compelled to be more violent than it has any right to be. Even the Lethal Weapon movies managed to show more restraint. You can sympathize with Martin Lawrence's character, 'cause Will Smith's character was a full-blown psychopath! This man just took way too much pleasure in killing people.

Beyond all that, the villain just comes off like a putz. There's zero personality to him, and it astounds me that anyone would wasting even a second being afraid of him. Tcheky Karyo, yeah he's a scary MF'er. You believe him as vicious. Johnny Tapia just comes off like some guy who was a total dark in high school, watched Scarface, and decided he was a badass. Then the overkill of him getting the back of his head blown out with pieces flying in slow motion, and THEN falling on a landmine and having his whole torso get blown up?!? What was that?
BB2 for the win, period. That movie is just pure Bay. It's a guy movie, honestly. Even if you are an artsy-fartsy guy, that flick was just made to give you a *****.

Now, I do like BB1 for Tea, because I have always had a thing for her for some inane reason. :o
I like the first one better. But the introduction to Lawerence's and Smith's characters in the second one is pretty trump. Taking off the KKK hoods? I loved it.
I like the first one better. But the introduction to Lawerence's and Smith's characters in the second one is pretty trump. Taking off the KKK hoods? I loved it.

Bad Boys! Bad Boys!
What'chu gon' do?
What'chu gon' do when we come for you?!?

Nes to mes an ness noes ney-hey!!!
Bad Boys 2
way funnier.
Bad Boys but Tea Leoni was annoying, kind of hot but annoying as hell.
I love Bad Boys 2 I've seen it a dozen times... It just pure straight action and I love every second of it.
I just remembered Gabrielle Union was in two, I wish I could change my vote and I thin k it was lil funnier and had better action
I was laughing so much that I was crying already.
I was crying too. That scene was effin hilarious. Even though it had a homophobic message. I just found that scene amazing in comic standards! Then the big black lady with the two little kids goes up to the manager and says something like "you showin pornos and homo flicks up in here" and then when Martin Larrwence's and Will Smith's characters walk by then she says "you two Motherf******* need Jesus!" I was crying and laughin so hard!
I like the scene in the sequel when the kid comes to the door to take out Marcus' daughter, it's just funny as hell. The twisted up look on Martin's face when he's like "Ain't gonna be no f***in' tonight!"
I like the scene in the sequel when the kid comes to the door to take out Marcus' daughter, it's just funny as hell. The twisted up look on Martin's face when he's like "Ain't gonna be no f***in' tonight!"

:lmao: :up:

Other than the parts already talked about, I was dying when Marcus accidentally took the ecstasy and started drinking out of Captain Howard's vase. "...What the f*** is going on?"

:lmao: :up:

Other than the parts already talked about, I was dying when Marcus accidentally took the ecstasy and started drinking out of Captain Howard's vase. "...What the f*** is going on?"

I was crackin up durin that scene too! That was also hilarious! I wonder why this movie got panned so badly from critics, even some movie goers really hated it.

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