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Create-A-Hero RPG Season IV OOC Thread


May 18, 2007
Reaction score
This informative pamphlet brought to you by:
NiteMare Shape - Editor-In-Chief
trustyside-kick - Editor
Hound55 - Editor
Erin- Editor

First, A Few Rules and Guidelines:​

You can create any superhero or super villain in this New Universe, as long as they: Are NOT deities, gods, or people such as Death. People like Thanos and Silver Surfer and Captain Marvel are okay, though...
Do NOT rip off existing heroes in comic universes. Come up with your own creation. If your character is too similar to one in Marvel, DC, or other comic companies, you will be asked to change it or come up with a new character.
Do NOT criticize another poster’s character. We are not all Stan Lee or Shakespeare. Constructive criticism is okay as long as it is not offensive. This rule applies even if a poster asks for feedback.
Communicate with others in your arc. This is key to the fun. It doesn’t matter how many fights you win, it matters if the fights were written well.
The Game Masters have the final say in matters of character acceptance. You are welcome to alter the character to make it less powerful or more creative, but arguing with the Game Masters is not allowed. This is a game, let it be fun.
You are allowed three characters, provided that you have already established yourself capable of playing two characters at once for a sufficient amount of time determined by the GMs.
This is a working environment, so you can travel to different places using your powers or vehicles. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're a teleporter or such.
If you are new to the RPG, your first arc should be your origin arc. There are NO pre-established characters in this RPG - save for those established by players in previous seasons.
You can reside in any place in the New Universe. Note, however, that the main city is Lost Haven, Maine. This is where a lot of the action will take place. You can also travel off-planet.
Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off NPC victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM.
Don't be killing people without reason. You know your weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Dazzler will lose against Thanos one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away.
If you want to take part in this, just fill out an app and your name and character will appear on the roster, pending approval.
You can form super villain gangs, superhero teams, alliances, the works.
There can be a number of stories going on at once, using different people.
Act like your characters; ASSUME their traits and personalities.
There should be MINIMAL cussing and swearing in posts.
There will be NO By-passing the censors. This is a Hype rule, and NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.
No obscene topics!
People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED by the Game Masters. If a Hype! Mod need boot you; do not bother applying again.

Interested? Fill Out This Application:

Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application

Character you have created:

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not):

Character Alignment: Hero/Villain/Walking the Line

Identity: Secret/Known

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations):

Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like

Origin Info/Details:

Hero Type (Select one):
Normal (Non-powered characters)
Elemental (Select: Water, Wind, Earth)
Energy (What kind of energy? Ex. Electricity, Fire)
Gray Matter (Super-smart characters)
Shape Shifter
Mystic (Spell casters/magic users)
Supernatural (Divine agents, Vampires, werewolves, Cosmic deities)

Power Level (Select one below):

1. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
2. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)
3. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)
4. Cosmic (Ex. Silver Surfer, Green Lantern)

NOTE: Having only one or two powers does not automatically make a character a level 2. The levels reflect how powerful the powers themselves are, not only the variety. A level 3 may be more powerful then a level 4. These levels serve to show where your powerful hero operates, as heroes this powerful may be cosmic wonderers or Earth-bound. Also, Game Masters will be wary of approving level 3 or 4 characters. An extremely well-thought out and great sample post will be needed to be approved for a high level character. Your post should be as powerful as your character.

Powers (Be Specific):

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100 tons. (Characters stronger then 100 tons fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100 MPH. (Characters at 100 MPH or faster fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours. (Characters at 5 hours or more fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)

Agility: Normal Human, 5X, 10X, 15X, or 20X Human level. (Characters at 20X or higher fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)

Intelligence: Average/Genius/Super-Genius (If another Level 3 or 4 stat is chosen with Super-Genius the character falls under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)

Fighting Skill: Untrained/Trained/Mastered (If another Level 3 or 4 stat is chosen with Mastered the character falls under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)

Resources: Minimal/Average/Large/Extreme (If another Level 3 or 4 stat is chosen with Extreme the character falls under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)

NOTE: Even if all attributes chosen are Normal human when Super-Genius, Mastered, and Extreme are chosen for the final three attributes, this player is a level 3 or 4 character, such as Batman.

Weaknesses (If your stats chosen are deemed powerful enough by a Game Master with no weakness, the character will fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters. Even with a weakness, a Game Master may rule it as a Level 3 or 4 character):

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

List a few reasons why you've created that character:

What can you bring to the RPG?:

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):
Last edited:
Character you have created: The Vigilante
Alias: Isaac Fontaine

Speech Colour: [BLACKOUT]Blackout Courier new white. In cases of thought, bolded courier new.[/BLACKOUT]

Character Alignment: Hero but not far from walking the line in his social interactions.

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Mid 20s but has been living a double life beating criminals for over a decade. Slight frame but very well cut as a former light middleweight amateur boxer. Was the sole heir to a very wealthy family but lives/eats like a bum; eats microwave food and 2 minute noodles regularly, shaves, but more to preserve identity than for any vanity or general sense of hygiene. Heavy amounts of guilt have moulded him into the young man he is at this point, the experiences he’s had as a result of these family issues have led him to be quite socially maladjusted or “socially ******ed” as he describes himself. He will frequently speak his mind with little thought for the consequences and feelings of those around him. Does however show remorse afterwards, suggests just thoughtlessness on his part. Understands that there is no book on what he’s doing and as such modifies how he goes about his fight, analyses what took place after each conflict. Understands own shortcomings but falls into habits because of comfort (i.e. fighting style he prefers to fight like a peek-a-boo, toe-to-toe boxer despite not being built for it, largely due to habit and lack of fear for his own person since he can’t feel the damage he’s taking on – also other psychological reasons likely behind the choice to take large quantities of damage). Looking to delve more into motivations this season.

Uniform/Costume: Fontaine is more about effectiveness than style, as such everything he takes/wears has to be justifiable. He wears a black balaclava, generic black tracksuit top and pants, strapped with duct tape at the wrists and ankles to avoid leaving DNA evidence, wears rubber surgical gloves under leather gloves allowing him to remove leather gloves for greater dexterity.

Origin Info/Details: Born in the mid-80s, his was a remarkable situation. A very rare condition saw his mother’s body treating the foetus as a disease/obstruction, her immune system attacking the baby and leaving the mother dramatically weakened and needing an extremely pre-mature c-section. In what was previously thought to be a zero survival rate case, Isaac Fontaine the miracle baby was born in uncomfortable silence. His nerves fused in such a way as to not allow the sensation of pain to travel through to the receptors in his brain as his body managed to somehow naturally adapt to prevent the foetus dying of shock. His mother’s body however was ravaged and weakened by the birth, dying in the hospital. Her body died fighting the baby her mind wanted so badly. The father named the child Isaac, as was his mother’s wish and he raised the child as she would want, despite some deep-seeded resentment towards the child for being the cause of death to the woman he loved so much.
The boy and his father would eat at the dinner table with the evening news on in the background, and his father would comment on it with the problems of the day (his father was a brash, opinionated man, just as the son would be – he was also grooming him to one day rise to fill his shoes in the corporate world). A liberal government combined with the news would lead to great rants from the conservative father, about the government being out of touch and needing to crack down on the criminal youth element (gangs and organised crime were becoming increasingly prevalent in Terraria through the 90s-early 2000s). One phrase which was repeated often which would resonate in the younger Fontaine’s ears: “Something has to be done”.
Fast forward a few years, and a young Fontaine is playing soccer, representing his boarding school, the young Isaac was taken out via a slide tackle from a vastly bigger boy from a rival school with a bullying reputation. Isaac got to his feet and shoved the bully who countered by punching Isaac in the face. Isaac had his feet set and took the brunt of the blow, returning fire with a shot that broke his nose and sat the behemoth on his arse. The following season he was urged into boxing as word passed through the school of the soccer incident. That next winter he also moved into rugby as he grew to love the positive response and reputation he got as a fearless, loyal teammate who would throw himself in to play support regardless the odds for success… coming out on top more often than not.
His first vigilante moment came at 16, when he saw an old man get mugged by 5 punk kids who stole his wallet and, seeing that nobody around was looking to oppose them, kicked the old man in the chest and walked away laughing. Fontaine’s dark scowl reflected his posture as he hunched in an intimidating fashion over the wheel. Observed the 5 walk to their car and trailed them back to a house. Fontaine picked off the residents one or two at a time, found the wallet and fled. From the security of his car he saw the wallet had been picked clean of cash, after a brief stop he returned the wallet plus $200 to its rightful owner after knocking on the door and leaving the wallet on the step whilst checking from a safe distance. The old man’s heart dangerously skipped a beat when he found it brimming with currency, but all was well and a hero was born.
A year later his father was mugged and bled out in a backstreet after leaving through a backdoor avoiding current affairs reporters who had been harassing their way to the top due to the poor behaviour of a comparatively lower down representative of the company. With this event a hobby mutated to obsession as his father’s words echoed with meaning now greater than ever.
With access to new wealth from his passing father, an empty house to work towards his fixation and the additional alibi of taking some time off to mourn the passing of his father added to his rapidly improving methods and the cool, fearless head which led to many calling him “Iced veins” Fontaine, Isaac now threatens to be the biggest blight on crime yet… if the police and a Premier seeking re-election don’t take him down first.

Recent History: Season III was an eventful on for the Vigilante. In which he found time to:
* Get hurt
* Curse out a massive hall full of children... on television.
* Convince/manipulate the former front man for the Guardians to return to the group
* Showed signs that he could possibly walk in his fathers shoes in the chief executive position of his own company... if he could find the time.
* Beat the hell out of the leader of the most organised criminal power in his hometown of Cooktown, throwing him out of a first storey window.
* Fought a man dressed like a giant condom who called himself The Jellyfish.
* Nearly got himself killed by not taking a man dressed like a giant condom seriously...
* Worked with cops to try and stop a serial killer.
* Pissed off cops whilst trying to stop a serial killer.
* Attempted to dig up information on S.T.R.I.K.E using an iPhone
* Pissed off some S.T.R.I.K.E agents
* Pissed off the dedicated liaison officer between the cops and the Guardians.
* Pissed off the serial killer.
* Stopped the serial killer... by switching drinks with an innocent woman when he believed it likely his drink would be spiked.
* Investigated the crime scene of what turned out to be the opening shots of S.T.R.I.K.E against the meta-community.
* Pissed off some more S.T.R.I.K.E agents...
* Called the hope of Lost Haven with a dog whistle.
* Broke INTO prison.
* Freed a little girl with the power of a god from S.T.R.I.K.E's prison.
* Pissed off even more S.T.R.I.K.E agents (including one potential arch-nemesis in the making)
* Watched said arch-nemesis' head explode.
* Died. Three times.
* Was re-constructed on a molecular level. Three times.
* Saved either the human race or the entire planet from a little girl with the powers of a god (and the mind of an ******** Terrarian).
* Learned the answer to the "mind/body question".
* Hurt himself again.
* Fled a bunch of S.T.R.I.K.E agets he must have previously pissed off.
* Pissed off some more S.T.R.I.K.E agents by beating the living hell out of them.
* Waded around in raw sewerage.
* Smelled like raw sewerage.
* Met up with some more meta-humans (united over their position... in raw sewerage)
* Formed a resistance against S.T.R.I.K.E with sewer-dwelling meta-humans.
* Manipulated the sewer-dwelling metahumans by organizing an orchestrated attack, which also served as a cover for him to sneak back to Guardians Headquarters.
* Walk in on a naked woman in the shower at Guardians Headquarters.
* Piss off said naked woman in the shower at Guardians Headquarters.
* Cause naked woman (no longer naked) to piss off from Guardians Headquarters, despite the danger in the outside world, rather than put up with him for one more minute.
* Attempt to rescue pissed off naked-clothed woman from S.T.R.I.K.E robots.
* Shoot naked-clothed woman who is being attacked by S.T.R.I.K.E robots.
* Get rescued from S.T.R.I.K.E robots.
* All the while continuing to smell like raw sewerage...
* Meet Cybernetic Police officer.
* Piss off cybernetic police officer, and by extension much of the Lost Haven Police Force... on television.
* Beat up house-breaking punk teens.
* Went back to sleep after beating up house-breaking punk teens.
* Handled the cop father of one of the house-breaking punks, and his partner.
* Got attacked by Guardians Headquarters own security system.
* Helped carry out one of the few people who can tolerate his personality on a solid door, in the absence of a stretcher.
* Met the Director and asked unknowingly asked questions pertaining to the organization's ties to the Department of Fishing and Game.
* Scored the Director of S.T.R.I.K.E's address from him instead.
* Bumrushed the S.T.R.I.K.E director with the help of three methumans.
* Pissed off Alexander Anderson
* Got himself shot by Anderson.
* Took down Anderson.
* Let the man who probably wants him dead more than any other person go free.

He's been busy...

Hero Type: Between Normal and Muscle. In this world of super-powered beings he leans closer to normal.

Power Level: Going by the level of his actual powers you would say 1. By definition he watches over his home city though.

Powers: Inability to feel pain. Very minor healing factor that allows him to heal perhaps 50 percent faster than regular people.


Strength Level: High level human. Pain no factor.

Speed/Reaction Timing: High level human.

Endurance at Maximum Effort: Above regular level human since not held back by pain barrier.

Agility: Held to human level.

Intelligence: Borderline genius intellect by human terms. Particularly suited to his own lifestyle.

Fighting Skill: Heavily influenced by boxing where he gained experience as a high school amateur boxer. Will kick, but generally when opponent is exposed. More power than finesse, will occasionally break his own bones/harm himself trying to take out opponents. Knows some counters in other martial arts but is far from a master in any. Looks to intimidate. Not opposed to inflicting serious injury to self or opponents in combat. Better at fighting against knives than with one himself, since training low and he’s largely self-taught from a decade of crime-fighting. Not a good marksman due to his inexperience/fear of possible harm to innocent bystanders and largely abhors guns in general.

Resources: Large but not obscene to Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark/Danny Rand levels. Family was wealthy as father was banking high-up and left with vast inheritance. Rents numerous places in Lost Haven as “safe houses”, this allows/results in him living in a number of places and not really considering anywhere in this new city home.

Equipment: Nightsticks (previously jimmy-sticks), grappling hook gun/bolt gun (which he carries both piercing bolts and “concussion” dulled-head bolts), “flash-bang” grenades, balaklava, $500 in cash, spare cble/hooks, duct tape. Will occasionally carry light pack with other ordnance/equipment.

Weaknesses: Poor marksman, but doesn’t really use firearms anyway. Is very intelligent, but needs it focused to be applicable. Quite (extremely) socially maladjusted; too frequently speaks his mind. Is only human in a world of superhumans. Inability to feel pain results in more serious injuries since he pushes his body to further and further extremes.

Supporting Characters:

List a few reasons why you have created that character:

What can you bring to the RPG: The same thing I bring every season, Pinky...

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype boards:

Sample Post:
Character you have created: The Vigilante
Alias: Isaac Fontaine

Speech Colour: [BLACKOUT]Blackout Courier new white. In cases of thought, bolded courier new.[/BLACKOUT]

Character Alignment: Hero but not far from walking the line in his social interactions.

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Mid 20s but has been living a double life beating criminals for over a decade. Slight frame but very well cut as a former light middleweight amateur boxer. Was the sole heir to a very wealthy family but lives/eats like a bum; eats microwave food and 2 minute noodles regularly, shaves, but more to preserve identity than for any vanity or general sense of hygiene. Heavy amounts of guilt have moulded him into the young man he is at this point, the experiences he’s had as a result of these family issues have led him to be quite socially maladjusted or “socially ******ed” as he describes himself. He will frequently speak his mind with little thought for the consequences and feelings of those around him. Does however show remorse afterwards, suggests just thoughtlessness on his part. Understands that there is no book on what he’s doing and as such modifies how he goes about his fight, analyses what took place after each conflict. Understands own shortcomings but falls into habits because of comfort (i.e. fighting style he prefers to fight like a peek-a-boo, toe-to-toe boxer despite not being built for it, largely due to habit and lack of fear for his own person since he can’t feel the damage he’s taking on – also other psychological reasons likely behind the choice to take large quantities of damage). Looking to delve more into motivations this season.

Uniform/Costume: Fontaine is more about effectiveness than style, as such everything he takes/wears has to be justifiable. He wears a black balaclava, generic black tracksuit top and pants, strapped with duct tape at the wrists and ankles to avoid leaving DNA evidence, wears rubber surgical gloves under leather gloves allowing him to remove leather gloves for greater dexterity.

Origin Info/Details: Born in the mid-80s, his was a remarkable situation. A very rare condition saw his mother’s body treating the foetus as a disease/obstruction, her immune system attacking the baby and leaving the mother dramatically weakened and needing an extremely pre-mature c-section. In what was previously thought to be a zero survival rate case, Isaac Fontaine the miracle baby was born in uncomfortable silence. His nerves fused in such a way as to not allow the sensation of pain to travel through to the receptors in his brain as his body managed to somehow naturally adapt to prevent the foetus dying of shock. His mother’s body however was ravaged and weakened by the birth, dying in the hospital. Her body died fighting the baby her mind wanted so badly. The father named the child Isaac, as was his mother’s wish and he raised the child as she would want, despite some deep-seeded resentment towards the child for being the cause of death to the woman he loved so much.
The boy and his father would eat at the dinner table with the evening news on in the background, and his father would comment on it with the problems of the day (his father was a brash, opinionated man, just as the son would be – he was also grooming him to one day rise to fill his shoes in the corporate world). A liberal government combined with the news would lead to great rants from the conservative father, about the government being out of touch and needing to crack down on the criminal youth element (gangs and organised crime were becoming increasingly prevalent in Terraria through the 90s-early 2000s). One phrase which was repeated often which would resonate in the younger Fontaine’s ears: “Something has to be done”.
Fast forward a few years, and a young Fontaine is playing soccer, representing his boarding school, the young Isaac was taken out via a slide tackle from a vastly bigger boy from a rival school with a bullying reputation. Isaac got to his feet and shoved the bully who countered by punching Isaac in the face. Isaac had his feet set and took the brunt of the blow, returning fire with a shot that broke his nose and sat the behemoth on his arse. The following season he was urged into boxing as word passed through the school of the soccer incident. That next winter he also moved into rugby as he grew to love the positive response and reputation he got as a fearless, loyal teammate who would throw himself in to play support regardless the odds for success… coming out on top more often than not.
His first vigilante moment came at 16, when he saw an old man get mugged by 5 punk kids who stole his wallet and, seeing that nobody around was looking to oppose them, kicked the old man in the chest and walked away laughing. Fontaine’s dark scowl reflected his posture as he hunched in an intimidating fashion over the wheel. Observed the 5 walk to their car and trailed them back to a house. Fontaine picked off the residents one or two at a time, found the wallet and fled. From the security of his car he saw the wallet had been picked clean of cash, after a brief stop he returned the wallet plus $200 to its rightful owner after knocking on the door and leaving the wallet on the step whilst checking from a safe distance. The old man’s heart dangerously skipped a beat when he found it brimming with currency, but all was well and a hero was born.
A year later his father was mugged and bled out in a backstreet after leaving through a backdoor avoiding current affairs reporters who had been harassing their way to the top due to the poor behaviour of a comparatively lower down representative of the company. With this event a hobby mutated to obsession as his father’s words echoed with meaning now greater than ever.
With access to new wealth from his passing father, an empty house to work towards his fixation and the additional alibi of taking some time off to mourn the passing of his father added to his rapidly improving methods and the cool, fearless head which led to many calling him “Iced veins” Fontaine, Isaac now threatens to be the biggest blight on crime yet… if the police and a Premier seeking re-election don’t take him down first.

Recent History: Season III was an eventful on for the Vigilante. In which he found time to:
* Get hurt
* Curse out a massive hall full of children... on television.
* Convince/manipulate the former front man for the Guardians to return to the group
* Showed signs that he could possibly walk in his fathers shoes in the chief executive position of his own company... if he could find the time.
* Beat the hell out of the leader of the most organised criminal power in his hometown of Cooktown, throwing him out of a first storey window.
* Fought a man dressed like a giant condom who called himself The Jellyfish.
* Nearly got himself killed by not taking a man dressed like a giant condom seriously...
* Worked with cops to try and stop a serial killer.
* Pissed off cops whilst trying to stop a serial killer.
* Attempted to dig up information on S.T.R.I.K.E using an iPhone
* Pissed off some S.T.R.I.K.E agents
* Pissed off the dedicated liaison officer between the cops and the Guardians.
* Pissed off the serial killer.
* Stopped the serial killer... by switching drinks with an innocent woman when he believed it likely his drink would be spiked.
* Investigated the crime scene of what turned out to be the opening shots of S.T.R.I.K.E against the meta-community.
* Pissed off some more S.T.R.I.K.E agents...
* Called the hope of Lost Haven with a dog whistle.
* Broke INTO prison.
* Freed a little girl with the power of a god from S.T.R.I.K.E's prison.
* Pissed off even more S.T.R.I.K.E agents (including one potential arch-nemesis in the making)
* Watched said arch-nemesis' head explode.
* Died. Three times.
* Was re-constructed on a molecular level. Three times.
* Saved either the human race or the entire planet from a little girl with the powers of a god (and the mind of an ******** Terrarian).
* Learned the answer to the "mind/body question".
* Hurt himself again.
* Fled a bunch of S.T.R.I.K.E agets he must have previously pissed off.
* Pissed off some more S.T.R.I.K.E agents by beating the living hell out of them.
* Waded around in raw sewerage.
* Smelled like raw sewerage.
* Met up with some more meta-humans (united over their position... in raw sewerage)
* Formed a resistance against S.T.R.I.K.E with sewer-dwelling meta-humans.
* Manipulated the sewer-dwelling metahumans by organizing an orchestrated attack, which also served as a cover for him to sneak back to Guardians Headquarters.
* Walk in on a naked woman in the shower at Guardians Headquarters.
* Piss off said naked woman in the shower at Guardians Headquarters.
* Cause naked woman (no longer naked) to piss off from Guardians Headquarters, despite the danger in the outside world, rather than put up with him for one more minute.
* Attempt to rescue pissed off naked-clothed woman from S.T.R.I.K.E robots.
* Shoot naked-clothed woman who is being attacked by S.T.R.I.K.E robots.
* Get rescued from S.T.R.I.K.E robots.
* All the while continuing to smell like raw sewerage...
* Meet Cybernetic Police officer.
* Piss off cybernetic police officer, and by extension much of the Lost Haven Police Force... on television.
* Beat up house-breaking punk teens.
* Went back to sleep after beating up house-breaking punk teens.
* Handled the cop father of one of the house-breaking punks, and his partner.
* Got attacked by Guardians Headquarters own security system.
* Helped carry out one of the few people who can tolerate his personality on a solid door, in the absence of a stretcher.
* Met the Director and asked unknowingly asked questions pertaining to the organization's ties to the Department of Fishing and Game.
* Scored the Director of S.T.R.I.K.E's address from him instead.
* Bumrushed the S.T.R.I.K.E director with the help of three methumans.
* Pissed off Alexander Anderson
* Got himself shot by Anderson.
* Took down Anderson.
* Let the man who probably wants him dead more than any other person go free.

He's been busy...

Hero Type: Between Normal and Muscle. In this world of super-powered beings he leans closer to normal.

Power Level: Going by the level of his actual powers you would say 1. By definition he watches over his home city though.

Powers: Inability to feel pain. Very minor healing factor that allows him to heal perhaps 50 percent faster than regular people.


Strength Level: High level human. Pain no factor.

Speed/Reaction Timing: High level human.

Endurance at Maximum Effort: Above regular level human since not held back by pain barrier.

Agility: Held to human level.

Intelligence: Borderline genius intellect by human terms. Particularly suited to his own lifestyle.

Fighting Skill: Heavily influenced by boxing where he gained experience as a high school amateur boxer. Will kick, but generally when opponent is exposed. More power than finesse, will occasionally break his own bones/harm himself trying to take out opponents. Knows some counters in other martial arts but is far from a master in any. Looks to intimidate. Not opposed to inflicting serious injury to self or opponents in combat. Better at fighting against knives than with one himself, since training low and he’s largely self-taught from a decade of crime-fighting. Not a good marksman due to his inexperience/fear of possible harm to innocent bystanders and largely abhors guns in general.

Resources: Large but not obscene to Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark/Danny Rand levels. Family was wealthy as father was banking high-up and left with vast inheritance. Rents numerous places in Lost Haven as “safe houses”, this allows/results in him living in a number of places and not really considering anywhere in this new city home.

Equipment: Nightsticks (previously jimmy-sticks), grappling hook gun/bolt gun (which he carries both piercing bolts and “concussion” dulled-head bolts), “flash-bang” grenades, balaklava, $500 in cash, spare cble/hooks, duct tape. Will occasionally carry light pack with other ordnance/equipment.

Weaknesses: Poor marksman, but doesn’t really use firearms anyway. Is very intelligent, but needs it focused to be applicable. Quite (extremely) socially maladjusted; too frequently speaks his mind. Is only human in a world of superhumans. Inability to feel pain results in more serious injuries since he pushes his body to further and further extremes.

Supporting Characters:

List a few reasons why you have created that character:

What can you bring to the RPG: The same thing I bring every season, Pinky...

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype boards:

Sample Post:

Vig is approved.
hey guys, I posted this in Flagons but figured I'd do it here as well...

Going to be out of touch for a couple of days (at the most), I'm finishing up my move and won't have access.
# I'm ronery, so ronery... #
[FONT=&quot]Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Character you have created:[/FONT] Jonathan Small, but he likes to go simply by "Jon".
[/FONT] Blacklight

[FONT=&quot] Speech Color: [/FONT]Black Franklin Gothic Medium, bolded when speaking as Blacklight.

[FONT=&quot] Character Alignment: [/FONT]Hero

[FONT=&quot] Identity: Secret[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Character Personality:[/FONT] Jon is an overall nice guy with good morals, a rocky but strong upbringing, and just enough naivety to think that one man is capable of making a difference. Although Jon is quite intelligent, he's by no means your stereotypical "nerd", but more of a fan of nerdy media spanning from comic books to movies, as well as TV and video games. He doesn't find himself bullied or picked on at school (at least not excessively), but he does find himself and his accomplishments to go unnoticed by his fellow classmates outside of his friends. He avoids confrontation whenever possible and avoids fighting. Jon, when he's alone and thinking about his life, is occasionally overwhelmed by feelings of unfulfillment and feels as if his destiny is to lead a life of endless mediocrity. But that all changed when he received superpowers.

[FONT=&quot]Uniform/costume: Hard to describe in detail, so please l[/FONT]ook at the picture below for a good look at the design.

[FONT=&quot] Origin Info/Details:[/FONT] Superheroes don't exist. Let's face it. They only exist in comic books. This the REAL world.

...but if they did? Then Blacklight would be one the first.

Enter 17 year old Jon Small, an East City, Connecticut native. He was just your average (albeit somewhat nerdy) teenager. Or WAS rather, seeing as how when he had reached a point in his life where mediocrity was the norm, a freak accident on a high school field trip had blessed him with an extraordinary gift... as well as a curse.

You see, it all started when irradiated light beam happened to find it's way to Jon's chest, where his body was infused with the radiation contained within the light. This rather traumatic event had thus infected his cells with the radiation, granting him abilities far beyond that of ordinary teenaged males.

Of these "superpowers", Jon could now fly via self-propulsion, lift a car with disproportionate strength (that comes paired with increased tissue durability), as well as absorb ambient photons, expose them to the radiation in his cells, which in turn rob them of their illuminating qualities, then emit the charged, black-colored light particles through his hands. A side effect of using these abilities, however, being the alteration of his hair color and eye pigments.

Using these powers, as well as having a costume crafted specifically for him out of a nigh-indestructible superfabric known only as "Quadro-Weave", he began to defend East City as the superhero Blacklight, a name derived from his strange powers.

But, as I had stated earlier by saying how it's a curse, we all know being a superhero and leading a double life doesn't come without a wide load of problems, but Jon can take it. Because he's not just ordinary Jon Small anymore...

He's Blacklight.

[FONT=&quot] Hero Type:[/FONT] Blacklight is a combination of Brick and [FONT=&quot]Energy (Bio-Luminescent Energy)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Power Level:[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]City Level/[/FONT][FONT=&quot]World Level[/FONT]

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Powers (Be Specific):[/FONT] Jon, after receiving his powers, will be able to fly, possess superstrength and enhanced durability, as well as generate black light energy through his hands. A side effect of using these abilities, however, is the alteration of his hair color and eye pigments.

[FONT=&quot] Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: 10[/FONT] with Maximum effort.

[FONT=&quot] Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human[/FONT] without the aid of Self-propulsion.

[FONT=&quot] Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Agility: Normal Human[/FONT] [FONT=&quot] Intelligence: Genius[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Fighting Skill: Trained[/FONT] somewhat...

[FONT=&quot] Resources: Large[/FONT] via good friend and his Genius Inventor father.

[FONT=&quot] Weaknesses:[/FONT] Jon's powers might have limitations as to how long they can be used until they fail. Or as Jon put's it, "burn out" on him. And naturally, the effectiveness of his powers are completely dependent on his self-control as well as his state of mind (i.e. if he feels intense feelings of sadness or depression, his powers will cease to work and conversely, if severely angered, they will increase in power with catastrophic results).

[FONT=&quot] Supporting Characters:[/FONT]

Ryan Reitz: Jon's best friend and confidante. He is also Jon's "fight instructor" in a sense. They've been friends for years and have a really close, brotherly bond.

Jessica Long: Ryan's longtime girlfriend and close friend to Jon. She's very talented artistically, and help's Jon to design his costume after recieving his powers.

Josh Montanez: Close friend to both Ryan and Jon, and the son of inventor Peter Montanez. He and his father are the minds behind Jon's suit, arsenal and gadgetry.

Jessica "The Wasp" Gerbutovich: Jon's co-worker and close friend who was recently revealed to be the elusive investigative blogger known to most by her screename/alias: "The Wasp". As the Wasp, Jess is the mastermind behind "thewaspiswatching.com", a website devoted to exposing the faces East City's criminal underworld and putting them in the public eye. Her past is quite a mystery, and her personality while operating as the Wasp is vastly different than how she normally acts, as when she is the Wasp, she comes across as a loner who prefers to work solo. That is until she forms an alliance with Blacklight, who will aid her in her endeavors as she will for him.

The Girl who's name Jon doesn't know...: The girl Jon is actively pursuing and wishes to date. Jon doesn't know much about her outside of the fact that they go to school together, and he desperately wants to find out her name. But every time he gets close, circumstances make it so he won't hear it.

[FONT=&quot]List a few reasons why you've created that character:[/FONT] Blacklight was I character I created when I was 13 years old, but as these past 7 years have gone by, the character has evolved into a character that I'd like to describe as a superhero who's as relatable as Spider-Man, lives in as grim and gritty a world as Batman's, yet with the iconic status as well as the vast scale and fantastic concepts associated with Superman, all blended together with the sense of realism from Kick-Ass. In other words, a combination of all the things I love from my favorite superheroes in one neat little package. My dream character. The one I was born to play.

[FONT=&quot] What can you bring to the RPG?: [/FONT]The best writing I can offer these boards and the promise that it will be my best work to date.

[FONT=&quot] Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

[/FONT]Chapter 1: Our Hero, Ladies and Gentlemen...

"I hate my life..."

It's a phrase I mutter more than I'd like to, but sometimes it's just instinctual.

The stress. The repetition. The loneliness. The overall mediocrity of it all. I feel as if it's all enough to justify my hatred of this enigma that continues to plague me and others like me. An enigma simply known as 'life'.

Simply put? My life sucks...

Sometimes it's overall suck-titude is downright unbearable. I wake up EVERY DAY with absolutely nothing to look forward to. Nothing exciting to take me away from the misery I trudge through. No motivations outside of sleep, the only time of the day where my crap life doesn't drain me of every ounce of strength I can muster.

However, it's not as if I believe it'll always be like this. No. Even at this very moment, I'm holding out for something... Holding out for something extraordinary to happen to me in hopes that I can finally free myself from the prison known as my life.

But for now... This is it. Just a seemingly endless loop of pain and suffering.

'So what caused you to go on this tangent about how much your life sucks, Mr. Narrator,' you ask?

Take a look for yourself...

* * *

1 moment ago...

It's lunch period, and here I am sitting at my table, playing with my food as I think to myself. Thinking of how maybe a life such as mine might not be as bad as I make it sound. That was, until something happened in the matter of a few seconds to make think otherwise.

"Hey, Small!"

Instantly I look up, which I knew would be a bad move on my part in a split-second as I feel the splash of poorly salted, mashed tomatoes, over-cooked pasta and gigantic clumps of beef mushed together into a spherical shape against my face.

Spaghetti and meatballs... How original.

"Suck on those balls! HAHAHAHA!!"

As I wiped the gross pasta from my face, I sighed.

Anyways, this is a story about me. Your average, everyday, nothing special nerd with a heart of gold and the worst luck going through the MANY obstacles life throws my way.

My name is Jon Small, and...

"I hate my life..."

But as I was about to find out... Things were all about to change.
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[FONT=&quot]Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Character you have created:[/FONT] Jonathan Small, but he likes to go simply by "Jon".
[/FONT] Blacklight

[FONT=&quot] Speech Color: [/FONT]Black Franklin Gothic Medium, bolded when speaking as Blacklight.

[FONT=&quot] Character Alignment: [/FONT]Hero

[FONT=&quot] Identity: Secret[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Character Personality:[/FONT] Jon is an overall nice guy with good morals, a rocky but strong upbringing, and just enough naivety to think that one man is capable of making a difference. Although Jon is quite intelligent, he's by no means your stereotypical "nerd", but more of a fan of nerdy media spanning from comic books to movies, as well as TV and video games. He doesn't find himself bullied or picked on at school (at least not excessively), but he does find himself and his accomplishments to go unnoticed by his fellow classmates outside of his friends. He avoids confrontation whenever possible and avoids fighting. Jon, when he's alone and thinking about his life, is occasionally overwhelmed by feelings of unfulfillment and feels as if his destiny is to lead a life of endless mediocrity. But that all changed when he received superpowers.

[FONT=&quot]Uniform/costume: Hard to describe in detail, so please l[/FONT]ook at the picture below for a good look at the design.

[FONT=&quot] Origin Info/Details:[/FONT] Superheroes don't exist. Let's face it. They only exist in comic books. This the REAL world.

...but if they did? Then Blacklight would be one the first.

Enter 17 year old Jon Small, an East City, Connecticut native. He was just your average (albeit somewhat nerdy) teenager. Or WAS rather, seeing as how when he had reached a point in his life where mediocrity was the norm, a freak accident on a high school field trip had blessed him with an extraordinary gift... as well as a curse.

You see, it all started when irradiated light beam happened to find it's way to Jon's chest, where his body was infused with the radiation contained within the light. This rather traumatic event had thus infected his cells with the radiation, granting him abilities far beyond that of ordinary teenaged males.

Of these "superpowers", Jon could now fly via self-propulsion, lift a car with disproportionate strength (that comes paired with increased tissue durability), as well as absorb ambient photons, expose them to the radiation in his cells, which in turn rob them of their illuminating qualities, then emit the charged, black-colored light particles through his hands. A side effect of using these abilities, however, being the alteration of his hair color and eye pigments.

Using these powers, as well as having a costume crafted specifically for him out of a nigh-indestructible superfabric known only as "Quadro-Weave", he began to defend East City as the superhero Blacklight, a name derived from his strange powers.

But, as I had stated earlier by saying how it's a curse, we all know being a superhero and leading a double life doesn't come without a wide load of problems, but Jon can take it. Because he's not just ordinary Jon Small anymore...

He's Blacklight.

[FONT=&quot] Hero Type:[/FONT] Blacklight is a combination of Brick and [FONT=&quot]Energy (Bio-Luminescent Energy)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Power Level:[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]City Level/[/FONT][FONT=&quot]World Level[/FONT]

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Powers (Be Specific):[/FONT] Jon, after receiving his powers, will be able to fly, possess superstrength and enhanced durability, as well as generate black light energy through his hands. A side effect of using these abilities, however, is the alteration of his hair color and eye pigments.

[FONT=&quot] Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: 10[/FONT] with Maximum effort.

[FONT=&quot] Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human[/FONT] without the aid of Self-propulsion.

[FONT=&quot] Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Agility: Normal Human[/FONT] [FONT=&quot] Intelligence: Genius[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] Fighting Skill: Trained[/FONT] somewhat...

[FONT=&quot] Resources: Large[/FONT] via good friend and his Genius Inventor father.

[FONT=&quot] Weaknesses:[/FONT] Jon's powers might have limitations as to how long they can be used until they fail. Or as Jon put's it, "burn out" on him. And naturally, the effectiveness of his powers are completely dependent on his self-control as well as his state of mind (i.e. if he feels intense feelings of sadness or depression, his powers will cease to work and conversely, if severely angered, they will increase in power with catastrophic results).

[FONT=&quot] Supporting Characters:[/FONT]

Ryan Reitz: Jon's best friend and confidante. He is also Jon's "fight instructor" in a sense. They've been friends for years and have a really close, brotherly bond.

Jessica Long: Ryan's longtime girlfriend and close friend to Jon. She's very talented artistically, and help's Jon to design his costume after recieving his powers.

Josh Montanez: Close friend to both Ryan and Jon, and the son of inventor Peter Montanez. He and his father are the minds behind Jon's suit, arsenal and gadgetry.

Jessica "The Wasp" Gerbutovich: Jon's co-worker and close friend who was recently revealed to be the elusive investigative blogger known to most by her screename/alias: "The Wasp". As the Wasp, Jess is the mastermind behind "thewaspiswatching.com", a website devoted to exposing the faces East City's criminal underworld and putting them in the public eye. Her past is quite a mystery, and her personality while operating as the Wasp is vastly different than how she normally acts, as when she is the Wasp, she comes across as a loner who prefers to work solo. That is until she forms an alliance with Blacklight, who will aid her in her endeavors as she will for him.

The Girl who's name Jon doesn't know...: The girl Jon is actively pursuing and wishes to date. Jon doesn't know much about her outside of the fact that they go to school together, and he desperately wants to find out her name. But every time he gets close, circumstances make it so he won't hear it.

[FONT=&quot]List a few reasons why you've created that character:[/FONT] Blacklight was I character I created when I was 13 years old, but as these past 7 years have gone by, the character has evolved into a character that I'd like to describe as a superhero who's as relatable as Spider-Man, lives in as grim and gritty a world as Batman's, yet with the iconic status as well as the vast scale and fantastic concepts associated with Superman, all blended together with the sense of realism from Kick-Ass. In other words, a combination of all the things I love from my favorite superheroes in one neat little package. My dream character. The one I was born to play.

[FONT=&quot] What can you bring to the RPG?: [/FONT]The best writing I can offer these boards and the promise that it will be my best work to date.

[FONT=&quot] Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

[/FONT]Chapter 1: Our Hero, Ladies and Gentlemen...

"I hate my life..."

It's a phrase I mutter more than I'd like to, but sometimes it's just instinctual.

The stress. The repetition. The loneliness. The overall mediocrity of it all. I feel as if it's all enough to justify my hatred of this enigma that continues to plague me and others like me. An enigma simply known as 'life'.

Simply put? My life sucks...

Sometimes it's overall suck-titude is downright unbearable. I wake up EVERY DAY with absolutely nothing to look forward to. Nothing exciting to take me away from the misery I trudge through. No motivations outside of sleep, the only time of the day where my crap life doesn't drain me of every ounce of strength I can muster.

However, it's not as if I believe it'll always be like this. No. Even at this very moment, I'm holding out for something... Holding out for something extraordinary to happen to me in hopes that I can finally free myself from the prison known as my life.

But for now... This is it. Just a seemingly endless loop of pain and suffering.

'So what caused you to go on this tangent about how much your life sucks, Mr. Narrator,' you ask?

Take a look for yourself...

* * *

1 moment ago...

It's lunch period, and here I am sitting at my table, playing with my food as I think to myself. Thinking of how maybe a life such as mine might not be as bad as I make it sound. That was, until something happened in the matter of a few seconds to make think otherwise.

"Hey, Small!"

Instantly I look up, which I knew would be a bad move on my part in a split-second as I feel the splash of poorly salted, mashed tomatoes, over-cooked pasta and gigantic clumps of beef mushed together into a spherical shape against my face.

Spaghetti and meatballs... How original.

"Suck on those balls! HAHAHAHA!!"

As I wiped the gross pasta from my face, I sighed.

Anyways, this is a story about me. Your average, everyday, nothing special nerd with a heart of gold and the worst luck going through the MANY obstacles life throws my way.

My name is Jon Small, and...

"I hate my life..."

But as I was about to find out... Things were all about to change.


And on a side note, I'm all moved into the new place not...sorta...

Still have to set up my computer. Once that's taken care of, I'll be back to normal.
Create a Hero RPG SEASON III Application

Character you have created: Molly-Ann Pym

Alias: Pygmalion

Speech Color: Dark Red

Character Alignment: Antihero/Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Molly-Ann is charismatic and personable. She has the sort of radiant magnetism that causes people to often overlook or forgive her flaws, making it easier for her to get away with behavior less charming people might be reprimanded for. She lives life for herself, and usually doesn't consider how her actions affect others. In her wilder moments, she embodies the sex, drugs and rock n' roll persona show business is known for while in her better moments, she is a hard-to-commit adrenaline junkie with more potential than motivation. Her charm often leads people to love her for what she could be, and ignore who she actually is.

Uniform/costume: Street clothes except at night, when she wears a black full-body suit and hood with visor to protect her from moonlight.

Origin Info/Details: Molly-Ann grew up in a normal middle-class family. Her own flamboyant personality and disinterest in authority caused her to break away from her parents at a young age. She went across the country to attend college, where she intended to get her degree in theatre and circus performance. Though she proved a natural talent on stage, and had a great creative eye for offstage work, she lacked the commitment to her academics, struggling to balance her theatre major with her party major. What marginal success she had in school was due largely in part to the constant encouragement she received from her roommate, Katie. She was able to graduate in four years with little to show other than the piece of paper saying she didn't flunk out.
Katie remained her best friend throughout college, and made sure they remained roommates all four years, despite being very opposing personalities. While Molly-Ann was loud and charismatic, Katie was quiet and gently reserved. Where Molly-Ann was impatient and uncaring, Katie had both perseverance and empathy. It wasn't until after graduation when Katie was accepted into grad school and Molly-Ann was turned down for the circus that a relationship blossomed between them. They moved in together, and Katie supported Molly-Ann while starting grad school until Molly found work with a childhood friend as a production designer for the Gilded Lily House of Burlesque.
Being something of an adrenaline junkie and never liking the idea of being tied to anything, Molly-Ann looked for escape in more extreme outdoor sports. Whitewater rafting, base jumping and rock climbing all found their way into her downtime. While out climbing with a friend, a sudden storm forced them to bivy in a nearby cave. Though the caves were off limits and spelunking was prohibited due to cave-in risk and a higher than normal rattlesnake population, curiosity got the better of her and Molly-Ann waited out the storm by exploring the cave. A misstep caused her to tumble down a drop-off and cut herself on an unusual cluster of crystals.
It was fairly soon after the incident at the cave when the changes began to take place. Molly-Ann found climbing easier, as it seemed the rocks nearly rose up to help her. She realized she could control sand and stone, and even more strangely, she discovered that she could turn herself into a statue at will. Unfortunately, it was the unsuspecting Katie who discovered that Molly-Ann turned to a statue if moonlight touched her exposed skin.

Hero Type:

Elemental: Earth

Power Level*(Select one below):

1. Street Level*(Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
2. City Level*(Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

Powers: Molly-Ann can control the stone around her. She is able to make it change shape and use it as a weapon. In battle, her skin is as tough as rock, making it difficult to damage her seriously. She is also able to turn herself into a statue at will (useful for camouflage)


Strength Level: 20

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Double normal human

Endurance at*MAXIMUM*Effort:4

Agility: Double normal human


Fighting Skill:*Untrained


Weaknesses: Turns to stone if moonlight touches her exposed skin. She has trouble taking anything seriously, often causing her to get into situations where she over her head.

Supporting Characters:
Jason – Molly-Ann's friend and former boyfriend. They have a steady on-off, drunk-dial hookup relationship. They are currently off, but remain good friends.
Katie – Molly-Ann's college roommate and girlfriend of six months. She is empathetic, sweet-natured and forgiving. She is an unwitting enabler to Molly-Ann's own bad habits and destructive tendencies. Katie is getting her MBA in zoology. She plays guitar and she is always a little starstruck by Molly-Ann's charisma.
Tart Nouveau, AKA Christine Sharp – a childhood friend of Molly-Ann's. She owns and operates the Gilded Lily House of Burlesque with her husband Danny, where she is the headlining performer. She employed Molly-Ann as a favor and has since promoted her to Production Designer for her shows. They work on the same wavelength artistically. Tart knows Molly-Ann better than anyone, and is one of the few people who is not dazzled by Molly's charismatic personality. Because of this, she is able to call Molly out when she screws up. Though she is often hard on Molly-Ann, the friendship has remained strong due to Molly's own unwitting desire for someone to be critical of her and demand more from her potential.

List a few reasons why you've created that character:

What can you bring to the RPG?: There's leftover taco salad in the fridge. Help yourself.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?: Yep

Sample Post:
“Thank you. We'll be in touch.”

Molly-Ann Pym watched the scantily clad blonde sachet off stage, her rhinestone G-string sparkling under the lights. Molly found if she tilted her head just right, she could just catch a glimpse of the dancer's ass as she stood offstage, double-checking her information with the stage manager. Damn. It was a fine ass.

“What do you think?”
“Huh?” Molly tore her eyes away from the glittering blonde and swivelled them to the woman sitting next to her, one Tart Nouveau.

“I think it's astonishing so many women showed up for a burlesque audition.” Molly looked down at her clipboard, pretending to re-read the dancer's resume.

“I put out the word to the dance studios. Most of them are students.” Nouveau replied with a bemused sigh. “And most of them can't dance.”

“God blessum for trying, though.” Molly replied as she scribbled the words 'nice ass' under the dancer's headshot.

“Have you seen enough to cast a chorus?” Nouveau looked up at Molly, her cat-eyed makeup and flawlessly sleek brown hair casting shame on Molly-Ann's own hurried red ponytail and lipgloss routine.

“I won't lie.” She grinned. “I'm prepared to see lots more. Do you still need a compere for this show?”

“No.” Nouveau replied sharply, in a manner that told Molly she meant more than the question. “I'm not letting you do this.”

“Do what?” Molly grinned, fairly certain she knew exactly what her childhood friend meant.

“The only time you're ever interested in hosting one of my shows is when you want to bag one of my dancers, and I'm not letting you do that to Katie. And I don't plan on casting the blonde with two left feet and no rhythm anyway, so you can forget it.”

“She has a nice ass.” Molly retorted plainly.

“And no idea what to do with it.” Tart settled back in her seat, scratching out the dancer's name from her list with a flourish.

Tart Nouveau wasn't her real name. Her real name was Christine Sharp. She and Molly-Ann had grown up in the same small suburbanite town in the middle of Nowhere, USA, and had both made their grand escapes to California shortly after high school. Though she was only a few years older than Molly-Ann, Tart had proven a hard worker and a natural talent at the business end of show business, and by the time she was only twenty-four, she and her husband Danny owned and operated the Gilded Lily House of Burlesque – one of the most successful burlesque reviews in the nation. After Molly-Ann graduated and moved to California, Tart had thrown her a bone, letting her work on the design team for her shows, which were the prime attraction of the Gilded Lily.

“Why are you here anyway?” Tart arched an eyebrow in Molly's direction as she leafed through the pile of resumes. “You're not required to come to auditions.”

“Eh... Katie's dad is in town.” Molly laces her ankles on the back of the seat in front of her, slouching down into the red velvet theatre chair and doing a double take over some headshots.

“That was this weekend!?” Tart's eyes widened and she turned to Molly, a look of shock on her face. “You promised you'd be there for - “

“I know!” Molly-Ann cut her off. “I know I did, I just... I don't really see the point.”

“Mol, your girlfriend is coming out to her parents! How exactly do you not see the point!?”

“I just DON'T, Tart!” Molly threw up her hands.

“You're going to leave her there to do it alone.” Molly didn't have to look over to tell her best friend was staring daggers through her.

“She won't do it if I'm not there.”

“So you don't want her to come out?” Tart turned in her seat, resting the resumes on her knee and her head in her free hand.

“I just -”
Molly tilted her head back, counting the Fresnels and wishing she could avoid the conversation.

“You don't think you'll be together long enough for it to matter.” Tart finished vindictively.


“That's not it.” Molly-Ann squirmed in her seat.

That was exactly it.

“Look, everyone else may put up with your ****, Mol, but this is me.” Tart indicated her flawlessly made-up face with her immaculately manicured hand “Katie obviously thinks you're sticking around long enough to make this worthwhile. Are you?”

Molly squirmed visibly in her seat, uncomfortable with the implications of any answer she might give. Her silence seemed to answer Tart's question well enough.

“Well if you are, you need to get over there and support her and if you're not, then you need to do the right thing and break up with her already. She's not one of your skeevy little one-nighters. She's better than that and you need to treat her like it. Either way, you need to get the hell outta here and go talk to her.”

“Yeah...” Molly-Ann nodded slightly to herself before standing. “Yeah, okay.” She tossed the headshots onto Tart's pile. “And for the record, choreographically challenged blondes don't do it for me.” She shrugged on her patched denim jacket she had had since freshman year of high school. “It was the ginger with the balloon-pop routine.”

“Go home, Mol.” Tart ordered, not acknowledging the comment.

“Yeah.” Molly-Ann walked up the aisle and out into the lobby. Reaching for her phone, she pressed a number on speed dial and waited nervously for an answer on the other line.

“Hey, Jason! Yeah, I'm off for the rest of the day – you wanna go climbing?” Relief swept over her as she was assured of a few more hours of avoiding her apartment and her no-doubt enraged girlfriend.

“Yeah, my gear's in my car. I'll meet you out there.”
Create a Hero RPG SEASON III Application

Character you have created: Molly-Ann Pym

Alias: Pygmalion

Speech Color: Dark Red

Character Alignment: Antihero/Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Molly-Ann is charismatic and personable. She has the sort of radiant magnetism that causes people to often overlook or forgive her flaws, making it easier for her to get away with behavior less charming people might be reprimanded for. She lives life for herself, and usually doesn't consider how her actions affect others. In her wilder moments, she embodies the sex, drugs and rock n' roll persona show business is known for while in her better moments, she is a hard-to-commit adrenaline junkie with more potential than motivation. Her charm often leads people to love her for what she could be, and ignore who she actually is.

Uniform/costume: Street clothes except at night, when she wears a black full-body suit and hood with visor to protect her from moonlight.

Origin Info/Details: Molly-Ann grew up in a normal middle-class family. Her own flamboyant personality and disinterest in authority caused her to break away from her parents at a young age. She went across the country to attend college, where she intended to get her degree in theatre and circus performance. Though she proved a natural talent on stage, and had a great creative eye for offstage work, she lacked the commitment to her academics, struggling to balance her theatre major with her party major. What marginal success she had in school was due largely in part to the constant encouragement she received from her roommate, Katie. She was able to graduate in four years with little to show other than the piece of paper saying she didn't flunk out.
Katie remained her best friend throughout college, and made sure they remained roommates all four years, despite being very opposing personalities. While Molly-Ann was loud and charismatic, Katie was quiet and gently reserved. Where Molly-Ann was impatient and uncaring, Katie had both perseverance and empathy. It wasn't until after graduation when Katie was accepted into grad school and Molly-Ann was turned down for the circus that a relationship blossomed between them. They moved in together, and Katie supported Molly-Ann while starting grad school until Molly found work with a childhood friend as a production designer for the Gilded Lily House of Burlesque.
Being something of an adrenaline junkie and never liking the idea of being tied to anything, Molly-Ann looked for escape in more extreme outdoor sports. Whitewater rafting, base jumping and rock climbing all found their way into her downtime. While out climbing with a friend, a sudden storm forced them to bivy in a nearby cave. Though the caves were off limits and spelunking was prohibited due to cave-in risk and a higher than normal rattlesnake population, curiosity got the better of her and Molly-Ann waited out the storm by exploring the cave. A misstep caused her to tumble down a drop-off and cut herself on an unusual cluster of crystals.
It was fairly soon after the incident at the cave when the changes began to take place. Molly-Ann found climbing easier, as it seemed the rocks nearly rose up to help her. She realized she could control sand and stone, and even more strangely, she discovered that she could turn herself into a statue at will. Unfortunately, it was the unsuspecting Katie who discovered that Molly-Ann turned to a statue if moonlight touched her exposed skin.

Hero Type:

Elemental: Earth

Power Level*(Select one below):

1. Street Level*(Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
2. City Level*(Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

Powers: Molly-Ann can control the stone around her. She is able to make it change shape and use it as a weapon. In battle, her skin is as tough as rock, making it difficult to damage her seriously. She is also able to turn herself into a statue at will (useful for camouflage)


Strength Level: 20

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Double normal human

Endurance at*MAXIMUM*Effort:4

Agility: Double normal human


Fighting Skill:*Untrained


Weaknesses: Turns to stone if moonlight touches her exposed skin. She has trouble taking anything seriously, often causing her to get into situations where she over her head.

Supporting Characters:
Jason – Molly-Ann's friend and former boyfriend. They have a steady on-off, drunk-dial hookup relationship. They are currently off, but remain good friends.
Katie – Molly-Ann's college roommate and girlfriend of six months. She is empathetic, sweet-natured and forgiving. She is an unwitting enabler to Molly-Ann's own bad habits and destructive tendencies. Katie is getting her MBA in zoology. She plays guitar and she is always a little starstruck by Molly-Ann's charisma.
Tart Nouveau, AKA Christine Sharp – a childhood friend of Molly-Ann's. She owns and operates the Gilded Lily House of Burlesque with her husband Danny, where she is the headlining performer. She employed Molly-Ann as a favor and has since promoted her to Production Designer for her shows. They work on the same wavelength artistically. Tart knows Molly-Ann better than anyone, and is one of the few people who is not dazzled by Molly's charismatic personality. Because of this, she is able to call Molly out when she screws up. Though she is often hard on Molly-Ann, the friendship has remained strong due to Molly's own unwitting desire for someone to be critical of her and demand more from her potential.

List a few reasons why you've created that character:

What can you bring to the RPG?: There's leftover taco salad in the fridge. Help yourself.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?: Yep

Sample Post:
“Thank you. We'll be in touch.”

Molly-Ann Pym watched the scantily clad blonde sachet off stage, her rhinestone G-string sparkling under the lights. Molly found if she tilted her head just right, she could just catch a glimpse of the dancer's ass as she stood offstage, double-checking her information with the stage manager. Damn. It was a fine ass.

“What do you think?”
“Huh?” Molly tore her eyes away from the glittering blonde and swivelled them to the woman sitting next to her, one Tart Nouveau.

“I think it's astonishing so many women showed up for a burlesque audition.” Molly looked down at her clipboard, pretending to re-read the dancer's resume.

“I put out the word to the dance studios. Most of them are students.” Nouveau replied with a bemused sigh. “And most of them can't dance.”

“God blessum for trying, though.” Molly replied as she scribbled the words 'nice ass' under the dancer's headshot.

“Have you seen enough to cast a chorus?” Nouveau looked up at Molly, her cat-eyed makeup and flawlessly sleek brown hair casting shame on Molly-Ann's own hurried red ponytail and lipgloss routine.

“I won't lie.” She grinned. “I'm prepared to see lots more. Do you still need a compere for this show?”

“No.” Nouveau replied sharply, in a manner that told Molly she meant more than the question. “I'm not letting you do this.”

“Do what?” Molly grinned, fairly certain she knew exactly what her childhood friend meant.

“The only time you're ever interested in hosting one of my shows is when you want to bag one of my dancers, and I'm not letting you do that to Katie. And I don't plan on casting the blonde with two left feet and no rhythm anyway, so you can forget it.”

“She has a nice ass.” Molly retorted plainly.

“And no idea what to do with it.” Tart settled back in her seat, scratching out the dancer's name from her list with a flourish.

Tart Nouveau wasn't her real name. Her real name was Christine Sharp. She and Molly-Ann had grown up in the same small suburbanite town in the middle of Nowhere, USA, and had both made their grand escapes to California shortly after high school. Though she was only a few years older than Molly-Ann, Tart had proven a hard worker and a natural talent at the business end of show business, and by the time she was only twenty-four, she and her husband Danny owned and operated the Gilded Lily House of Burlesque – one of the most successful burlesque reviews in the nation. After Molly-Ann graduated and moved to California, Tart had thrown her a bone, letting her work on the design team for her shows, which were the prime attraction of the Gilded Lily.

“Why are you here anyway?” Tart arched an eyebrow in Molly's direction as she leafed through the pile of resumes. “You're not required to come to auditions.”

“Eh... Katie's dad is in town.” Molly laces her ankles on the back of the seat in front of her, slouching down into the red velvet theatre chair and doing a double take over some headshots.

“That was this weekend!?” Tart's eyes widened and she turned to Molly, a look of shock on her face. “You promised you'd be there for - “

“I know!” Molly-Ann cut her off. “I know I did, I just... I don't really see the point.”

“Mol, your girlfriend is coming out to her parents! How exactly do you not see the point!?”

“I just DON'T, Tart!” Molly threw up her hands.

“You're going to leave her there to do it alone.” Molly didn't have to look over to tell her best friend was staring daggers through her.

“She won't do it if I'm not there.”

“So you don't want her to come out?” Tart turned in her seat, resting the resumes on her knee and her head in her free hand.

“I just -”
Molly tilted her head back, counting the Fresnels and wishing she could avoid the conversation.

“You don't think you'll be together long enough for it to matter.” Tart finished vindictively.


“That's not it.” Molly-Ann squirmed in her seat.

That was exactly it.

“Look, everyone else may put up with your ****, Mol, but this is me.” Tart indicated her flawlessly made-up face with her immaculately manicured hand “Katie obviously thinks you're sticking around long enough to make this worthwhile. Are you?”

Molly squirmed visibly in her seat, uncomfortable with the implications of any answer she might give. Her silence seemed to answer Tart's question well enough.

“Well if you are, you need to get over there and support her and if you're not, then you need to do the right thing and break up with her already. She's not one of your skeevy little one-nighters. She's better than that and you need to treat her like it. Either way, you need to get the hell outta here and go talk to her.”

“Yeah...” Molly-Ann nodded slightly to herself before standing. “Yeah, okay.” She tossed the headshots onto Tart's pile. “And for the record, choreographically challenged blondes don't do it for me.” She shrugged on her patched denim jacket she had had since freshman year of high school. “It was the ginger with the balloon-pop routine.”

“Go home, Mol.” Tart ordered, not acknowledging the comment.

“Yeah.” Molly-Ann walked up the aisle and out into the lobby. Reaching for her phone, she pressed a number on speed dial and waited nervously for an answer on the other line.

“Hey, Jason! Yeah, I'm off for the rest of the day – you wanna go climbing?” Relief swept over her as she was assured of a few more hours of avoiding her apartment and her no-doubt enraged girlfriend.

“Yeah, my gear's in my car. I'll meet you out there.”


And on a side note...glad you're back! :woot:
Last edited:
And I'll be getting an app up here soonish. Just gotta get replies elsewhere finished up first.
I should have 2 apps up within the next 24 hours...taking care of a few things and tryng to get things lined up for both characters.
Character you have created: Darren Cole
Alias: The Invisible Man

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): DimGray when visible / Gray when invisibile

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations):
Darren is swarmy, snarky, hates authority, and is highly intelligent, although you might not realize it, and neither does he.

Darren's pretty much the thief with a heart of gold thing going on. He's still very much the criminal, but is starting to figure out that being the good guy isn't that bad after all.

Uniform/costume: Darren just wears regular clothes....although

Origin Info/Details: Growing up, Darren was always the trouble child, always getting into, and doing, things he wasn't supposed to. His brother Kevin was the brilliant good boy stereotype, which always got under Darren's skin. But they were still brothers, and when their parents died, and they moved in with their grandparents, they became much closer.

But the bad boy was still there. And someone recognized the young man's talent and took him under their wing. Within no time, Darren was an expert cat-burglar and thief. But even experts slip up from time to time.

And on Darren's the third time only because he happened across the rich owner of the pent house he was robbing who had had a heart attack. Caught while trying to perform CPR, the police assumed he'd actually killed the man, and on his third strike, Darren was convicted: life without the possibility of parole.

Which gave the head of a secret government agency known only as The Agency a golden opportunity. They needed a human test subject. Darren needed a pardon. And Kevin was head of the project that brought everything together. They implanted a gland in his head which let him secret the quicksilver substance over his body, making him invisible. And it all worked...which is just when everything went wrong.

One night, the facility was attacked, and everyone other than Darren, including his brother, was killed. The Agency found Darren and gave him a job as their new agent, which was fortunate when they realized the quicksilver was poisonous and would break down Darren's brain unless he received regular doses of counteragent. And since only The Agency can produce the counteragent Darren needs to survive, he's now essentially a captive employee.

Hero Type (Select one):
Secret Agent

Power Level (Select one below):
1. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)

Powers (Be Specific):

Darren can secret a light-refracting substance called quicksilver from the pores in his skin. Whatever he coats with quicksilver, including himself, becomes invisible. The effect is temporary unless he continuously maintains the flow.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Better than Normal Human (being a thief requires excellent reflexes)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Better than Normal Human (being a thief requires excellent physical skills)

Intelligence: Above Average

Fighting Skill: In Training

Resources: Average

After using enough quicksilver, the buildup in his brain begins to breakdown his higher functions and his inhibitions, causing intense pain and pushing him towards insanity. And even if he doesn't use it, it just builds up slowly, still leading to the same issue. Hence his reliance on counteragent.

Supporting Characters:
Darren's partner and friend, experienced agent Bobby Hawkes
The Director, head of The Agency
The Doctor, chief scientist and medical expert of The Agency
Elbert Alberts, chief toadie and anal retentive assistant of The Director

List a few reasons why you've created that character: I loved the tv show this character is totally not based on in any way. He's fun to play in fits in quite nicely with the CaH universe.

What can you bring to the RPG?: Great sex. And the character I've been working on since last season.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):
Too long. I was invisible for way too long. And now it's become a blinding pain, and I lay on the floor fighting through the haze while I slap my pockets trying to remember where I put that eppy pen.

"Dammit!" Still patting my clothes, I force myself up and stumble to the bomb. No way I can try defusing it now. Even as the wave of pain passes, I don't want to have my hands digging through wires when the next one hits.

"AHA!" I pull the pen out and hold it in triumph, take a breath, and jab it into my thigh. The relief washes away the pain in my leg and I sigh with satisfaction.

"Oh, right. The bomb."

And the timer has pretty much counted down.

Have to slow it down. Stop it. Buy myself some time. But how do I give myself the time to get inside and slow it down without first getting inside to slow it down.

"...Nah, that's a crazy idea." I've done it before, but not like this.

"What the hell do I have to lose? Except my sanity...and maybe my life."

I put my hands on the bomb and let the quicksilver flow. I know quicksilver gets cold, absorbing all light and heat. Now I'm about to find out just how cold I can get it. And see just what that little shot in the leg has bought me.

The quicksilver gives me a peek inside at the devices guts. And I can see exactly what I needed, according to the plans the Fatman's friend gave us. I just need this damn counter to not trigger...Just. Stop. Ticking!


Hawkes pulls out his ringing cell while driving the van as fast as the old thing can manage. He glances at the number. "Cole? Cole, what happened?!"

"...Oh, nothing much. Took down a half dozen armed agents. Gave myself a booster shot in the leg. Froze a bomb and deactivated it before going all red-eye..."

"So you're good?"

"Well, if good means being on the floor, trying to ignore a phantom knife in my skull..."

"We're on our way, partner. You just hold on. The Doc's gonna fix you right up." He glances at her in the passenger seat.

"Thanks for making me sound like an addict. Now, if you don't mind...think...gonna pass out...now..."


"Darren? Darren? Can you hear me?"

I groggily focus on the voice in my head. "That you, Doc?"

"Glad to have you back with us."

"Ugh. What's the point of a hangover without the party beforehand?"

"You did good partner."

"Indeed," the Fatman's unmistakable voice adds.

"So it's all over, Charlie? Did we win?"
Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application

Character you have created: Agent Henry Kelly
Alias: N/A

Speech Color
: Trebuchet MS and bold

Character Alignment: Walking the Line


Character Personality: Hank is quiet, intelligent, and very observant. As an intelligence analyst, Hank uses his degree in psychology to psycho-analyze the people he watches and has a knack for getting inside their heads and calculating their frame of mind. In addition to his psycho-analytical skills, Hank has shown flashes of being to use psychology to manipulate certain people. Also, Hank is self-conscious about his father, always afraid of people drawing comparisons between the two of them. He is also afraid his father is why he is in his current position.

Uniform/costume: No costume.

Origin Info/Details:

Henry "Hank" Kelly is the only son of Joe and Mary Kelly. Hank's mother died when he was 16 and his father never remarried. Shortly after that, Joe, a war hero in Vietnam, was elected to his first of what would become many terms as a member of the House of Representatives. After high school, Hank attended Dartmouth University and graduated with a major in psychology. After learning that he took courses in Arabic, Hank was recruited by the CIA and became an intelligence analyst. Hank become an analyst in the Company's Middle Eastern section while Joe had a successful political career. In 2011, Joe was sworn in as Speaker of the House, third in line for the presidency.

In early 2012, Hank was approached by CIA Director Tennant to head-up a small, classified sub-section of the CIA. Codenamed MOSS, the Metahuman Observation and Surveillance Section is charged with watching and gathering intel on any and all metahumans in the name of national security. Hank works alongside Wilton Slade, a former superhero who went by the name of Bedrock. Together, the two of them watch and wait.

Hero Type (Select one):


Power Level:

1. Street Level

Powers (Be Specific)
: No powers.


Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Above average

Fighting Skill: Untrained


Weaknesses: Bullets, blunt things, sharp things, lack of oxygen, falling from large heights. In short, he's a regular human.

Supporting Characters: Wilton Slade, former superhero named Bedrock and Hank's partner. CIA Director James Tennant. House Speaker Joe Kelly, Hank's dad and Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

List a few reasons why you've created that character: I just had this idea to play this character. Figure with how things ended with STRIKE, there's room to play with the spooks and spies of CAH. And who loves non-powered characters more than me?

What can you bring to the RPG?: Decent enough RPer

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?: Yep.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

CIA Headquarters
Langley, VA

Intel Report #12494-02468-0248

Based on Al-Assad's recent activity (See intel report # 19840-9742), it is safe to conclude Al-Assad and his sixth wife are having martial troubles due to a visit at a cathouse in Dubai (see surveillance report #000812-7555) and Al-Assasd's ensuing venereal disease. It is currently unknown what disease in question he may have, but a CIA medial consultant has ruled out AIDS, Herpes, and Hepatitis B. If Field Asset 845 can procure a blood sample, the results could be made obvious. Regardless of the exact disease, a threat to leak the news to certain Jordanian news sources could serve as sufficient leverage to turn Al-Assad into a CIA asset.

"Hank," a voice said from the entrance to the cubicle. Hank Kelly turned away from typing his intel report and saw Chip, his cubicle neighbor at Langley. "I was on my way back from the breakroom when someone told me to come get you. Director wants to see you."

"What?" Hank asked, a shocked tone in his voice. "Why?"

"Hell if I know," Chip said with a shrug. "I'm just following orders, Herr Kelly," he said in a faux German accent.

Hank rolled his eyes and left his cubicle. He walked through the halls of Langley and up to the sixth floor. He was shown to Director Tennant's office.

"Mister Kelly," Tennant said with a smile from behind his desk. "Sit, please."

Six months ago, the middle aged man had been a four-star general, commanding all military forces in Afghanistan. Now, here he was in charge of the Company. Considering the last director was now sitting in the Pentagon, it wasn't a bad choice as far as career directions were concerned.

"Anything I can get you? Coffee? Tea?"

"No, sir," Hank said nervously.

"Relax," Tennant said with a laugh. "It's not one of those meetings. How are things, Hank? How's your father?"

"Good... on both accounts," he said. Hank was a bit suspicious about the amount of care the Director was taking. This was the first time they had talked. And the question about his father... well, everyone who knew who Hank's father was always asked about him. Hank was certain Joe had called up Tennant and told him all about his son in the CIA as soon as it was announced the general was taking over the Company.

"Tell me, Hank. What do you know about superheroes?"

"People in capes," Hank said with a shrug. "They fight each other and leap over tall buildings in a single bound."

"Right. Well, the government agency known as STRIKE was gutted, its director went bat-**** crazy. STRIKE was responsible for looking after the capes. They got way too involved. Congress, the Pentagon, and the White House are all in agreement that the problem with STRIKE was that it was responsible for everything cape related. With that agency going up in flames, the government is spreading the burden around to other agencies. Including the Company. Starting next week, there will be a new division. Metahuman Observation and Surveillance Section. MOSS. I want you to head it up."

"Me?!" Hank said, shocked. "Why?"

"Because you're a solid intelligence officer. Your analysts and insights are spot-on. With the work we'll be doing with the capes, that type of analysts will be needed. It's a small unit, in fact you're only one of two agents. Your job is to watch and gather intel on as many capes as you can. These people out there are operating without impunity. They need to be watched and in certain dire cases, they need to be taught a lesson. That's where your partner comes in."

Just then, the door into the Tennant's office swung open. Both men turned to see a tall, muscle bound man walk in.

"There he is. Hank Kelly, meet Wilton Slade. Former superhero, and a special consultant with the Company. He knows the superhero game like the back of his hand. He's your partner in MOSS."

"So," Slade said. "When do we get started?"
Character you have created: Darren Cole
Alias: The Invisible Man

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): DimGray when visible / Gray when invisibile

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations):
Darren is swarmy, snarky, hates authority, and is highly intelligent, although you might not realize it, and neither does he.

Darren's pretty much the thief with a heart of gold thing going on. He's still very much the criminal, but is starting to figure out that being the good guy isn't that bad after all.

Uniform/costume: Darren just wears regular clothes....although

Origin Info/Details: Growing up, Darren was always the trouble child, always getting into, and doing, things he wasn't supposed to. His brother Kevin was the brilliant good boy stereotype, which always got under Darren's skin. But they were still brothers, and when their parents died, and they moved in with their grandparents, they became much closer.

But the bad boy was still there. And someone recognized the young man's talent and took him under their wing. Within no time, Darren was an expert cat-burglar and thief. But even experts slip up from time to time.

And on Darren's the third time only because he happened across the rich owner of the pent house he was robbing who had had a heart attack. Caught while trying to perform CPR, the police assumed he'd actually killed the man, and on his third strike, Darren was convicted: life without the possibility of parole.

Which gave the head of a secret government agency known only as The Agency a golden opportunity. They needed a human test subject. Darren needed a pardon. And Kevin was head of the project that brought everything together. They implanted a gland in his head which let him secret the quicksilver substance over his body, making him invisible. And it all worked...which is just when everything went wrong.

One night, the facility was attacked, and everyone other than Darren, including his brother, was killed. The Agency found Darren and gave him a job as their new agent, which was fortunate when they realized the quicksilver was poisonous and would break down Darren's brain unless he received regular doses of counteragent. And since only The Agency can produce the counteragent Darren needs to survive, he's now essentially a captive employee.

Hero Type (Select one):
Secret Agent

Power Level (Select one below):
1. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)

Powers (Be Specific):

Darren can secret a light-refracting substance called quicksilver from the pores in his skin. Whatever he coats with quicksilver, including himself, becomes invisible. The effect is temporary unless he continuously maintains the flow.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Better than Normal Human (being a thief requires excellent reflexes)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Better than Normal Human (being a thief requires excellent physical skills)

Intelligence: Above Average

Fighting Skill: In Training

Resources: Average

After using enough quicksilver, the buildup in his brain begins to breakdown his higher functions and his inhibitions, causing intense pain and pushing him towards insanity. And even if he doesn't use it, it just builds up slowly, still leading to the same issue. Hence his reliance on counteragent.

Supporting Characters:
Darren's partner and friend, experienced agent Bobby Hawkes
The Director, head of The Agency
The Doctor, chief scientist and medical expert of The Agency
Elbert Alberts, chief toadie and anal retentive assistant of The Director

List a few reasons why you've created that character: I loved the tv show this character is totally not based on in any way. He's fun to play in fits in quite nicely with the CaH universe.

What can you bring to the RPG?: Great sex. And the character I've been working on since last season.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):
Too long. I was invisible for way too long. And now it's become a blinding pain, and I lay on the floor fighting through the haze while I slap my pockets trying to remember where I put that eppy pen.

"Dammit!" Still patting my clothes, I force myself up and stumble to the bomb. No way I can try defusing it now. Even as the wave of pain passes, I don't want to have my hands digging through wires when the next one hits.

"AHA!" I pull the pen out and hold it in triumph, take a breath, and jab it into my thigh. The relief washes away the pain in my leg and I sigh with satisfaction.

"Oh, right. The bomb."

And the timer has pretty much counted down.

Have to slow it down. Stop it. Buy myself some time. But how do I give myself the time to get inside and slow it down without first getting inside to slow it down.

"...Nah, that's a crazy idea." I've done it before, but not like this.

"What the hell do I have to lose? Except my sanity...and maybe my life."

I put my hands on the bomb and let the quicksilver flow. I know quicksilver gets cold, absorbing all light and heat. Now I'm about to find out just how cold I can get it. And see just what that little shot in the leg has bought me.

The quicksilver gives me a peek inside at the devices guts. And I can see exactly what I needed, according to the plans the Fatman's friend gave us. I just need this damn counter to not trigger...Just. Stop. Ticking!


Hawkes pulls out his ringing cell while driving the van as fast as the old thing can manage. He glances at the number. "Cole? Cole, what happened?!"

"...Oh, nothing much. Took down a half dozen armed agents. Gave myself a booster shot in the leg. Froze a bomb and deactivated it before going all red-eye..."

"So you're good?"

"Well, if good means being on the floor, trying to ignore a phantom knife in my skull..."

"We're on our way, partner. You just hold on. The Doc's gonna fix you right up." He glances at her in the passenger seat.

"Thanks for making me sound like an addict. Now, if you don't mind...think...gonna pass out...now..."


"Darren? Darren? Can you hear me?"

I groggily focus on the voice in my head. "That you, Doc?"

"Glad to have you back with us."

"Ugh. What's the point of a hangover without the party beforehand?"

"You did good partner."

"Indeed," the Fatman's unmistakable voice adds.

"So it's all over, Charlie? Did we win?"

Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application

Character you have created: Agent Henry Kelly
Alias: N/A

Speech Color
: Trebuchet MS and bold

Character Alignment: Walking the Line


Character Personality: Hank is quiet, intelligent, and very observant. As an intelligence analyst, Hank uses his degree in psychology to psycho-analyze the people he watches and has a knack for getting inside their heads and calculating their frame of mind. In addition to his psycho-analytical skills, Hank has shown flashes of being to use psychology to manipulate certain people. Also, Hank is self-conscious about his father, always afraid of people drawing comparisons between the two of them. He is also afraid his father is why he is in his current position.

Uniform/costume: No costume.

Origin Info/Details:

Henry "Hank" Kelly is the only son of Joe and Mary Kelly. Hank's mother died when he was 16 and his father never remarried. Shortly after that, Joe, a war hero in Vietnam, was elected to his first of what would become many terms as a member of the House of Representatives. After high school, Hank attended Dartmouth University and graduated with a major in psychology. After learning that he took courses in Arabic, Hank was recruited by the CIA and became an intelligence analyst. Hank become an analyst in the Company's Middle Eastern section while Joe had a successful political career. In 2011, Joe was sworn in as Speaker of the House, third in line for the presidency.

In early 2012, Hank was approached by CIA Director Tennant to head-up a small, classified sub-section of the CIA. Codenamed MOSS, the Metahuman Observation and Surveillance Section is charged with watching and gathering intel on any and all metahumans in the name of national security. Hank works alongside Wilton Slade, a former superhero who went by the name of Bedrock. Together, the two of them watch and wait.

Hero Type (Select one):


Power Level:

1. Street Level

Powers (Be Specific)
: No powers.


Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Above average

Fighting Skill: Untrained


Weaknesses: Bullets, blunt things, sharp things, lack of oxygen, falling from large heights. In short, he's a regular human.

Supporting Characters: Wilton Slade, former superhero named Bedrock and Hank's partner. CIA Director James Tennant. House Speaker Joe Kelly, Hank's dad and Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

List a few reasons why you've created that character: I just had this idea to play this character. Figure with how things ended with STRIKE, there's room to play with the spooks and spies of CAH. And who loves non-powered characters more than me?

What can you bring to the RPG?: Decent enough RPer

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?: Yep.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

CIA Headquarters
Langley, VA

Intel Report #12494-02468-0248

Based on Al-Assad's recent activity (See intel report # 19840-9742), it is safe to conclude Al-Assad and his sixth wife are having martial troubles due to a visit at a cathouse in Dubai (see surveillance report #000812-7555) and Al-Assasd's ensuing venereal disease. It is currently unknown what disease in question he may have, but a CIA medial consultant has ruled out AIDS, Herpes, and Hepatitis B. If Field Asset 845 can procure a blood sample, the results could be made obvious. Regardless of the exact disease, a threat to leak the news to certain Jordanian news sources could serve as sufficient leverage to turn Al-Assad into a CIA asset.

"Hank," a voice said from the entrance to the cubicle. Hank Kelly turned away from typing his intel report and saw Chip, his cubicle neighbor at Langley. "I was on my way back from the breakroom when someone told me to come get you. Director wants to see you."

"What?" Hank asked, a shocked tone in his voice. "Why?"

"Hell if I know," Chip said with a shrug. "I'm just following orders, Herr Kelly," he said in a faux German accent.

Hank rolled his eyes and left his cubicle. He walked through the halls of Langley and up to the sixth floor. He was shown to Director Tennant's office.

"Mister Kelly," Tennant said with a smile from behind his desk. "Sit, please."

Six months ago, the middle aged man had been a four-star general, commanding all military forces in Afghanistan. Now, here he was in charge of the Company. Considering the last director was now sitting in the Pentagon, it wasn't a bad choice as far as career directions were concerned.

"Anything I can get you? Coffee? Tea?"

"No, sir," Hank said nervously.

"Relax," Tennant said with a laugh. "It's not one of those meetings. How are things, Hank? How's your father?"

"Good... on both accounts," he said. Hank was a bit suspicious about the amount of care the Director was taking. This was the first time they had talked. And the question about his father... well, everyone who knew who Hank's father was always asked about him. Hank was certain Joe had called up Tennant and told him all about his son in the CIA as soon as it was announced the general was taking over the Company.

"Tell me, Hank. What do you know about superheroes?"

"People in capes," Hank said with a shrug. "They fight each other and leap over tall buildings in a single bound."

"Right. Well, the government agency known as STRIKE was gutted, its director went bat-**** crazy. STRIKE was responsible for looking after the capes. They got way too involved. Congress, the Pentagon, and the White House are all in agreement that the problem with STRIKE was that it was responsible for everything cape related. With that agency going up in flames, the government is spreading the burden around to other agencies. Including the Company. Starting next week, there will be a new division. Metahuman Observation and Surveillance Section. MOSS. I want you to head it up."

"Me?!" Hank said, shocked. "Why?"

"Because you're a solid intelligence officer. Your analysts and insights are spot-on. With the work we'll be doing with the capes, that type of analysts will be needed. It's a small unit, in fact you're only one of two agents. Your job is to watch and gather intel on as many capes as you can. These people out there are operating without impunity. They need to be watched and in certain dire cases, they need to be taught a lesson. That's where your partner comes in."

Just then, the door into the Tennant's office swung open. Both men turned to see a tall, muscle bound man walk in.

"There he is. Hank Kelly, meet Wilton Slade. Former superhero, and a special consultant with the Company. He knows the superhero game like the back of his hand. He's your partner in MOSS."

"So," Slade said. "When do we get started?"

Create a Hero RPG SEASON III Application

Character you have created: Eve
Alias: Cassie Yates (real name though will not be used)

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Verdana. When she has shape sifted and speaks she will use normal font with purple coloring

Character Alignment: Hero/Villain/Walking the Line : Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): Eve has a wicked sense of humor and sarcasm but she does have an analytical mind (think James Bond). She will look at a situation with logic and reasoning and then take action with a quip. Eve believes in fighting for justice and the rights of the oppressed. Though she has made peace with what has happened to her there are times she is frustrated by what has happened to her and she misses her humanity. (She’s a cyborg!)

Uniform/costume: Think a combination of Cyclops and Daredevil’s costumes. Eve’s costume is an advanced design in costume. It looks like black with silver trim around it and a silver visor around her eyes, so when you get down to it looks pretty simple. However it resistant to extreme heat and cold, bullets, water, electricity, and low levels of radiation.

Origin Info/Details: Cassandra Yates was a former CIA operative who got tired of the bureaucracy of Washington DC. She felt she could do so much more good on the local level so she resigned and joined the Lost Haven Police Department. She quickly worked her way up the ladder and eventually became one of the best undercover officers, but her investigation into the Michaels Investment firm changed her life forever.

It was suspected that the Investment firm was involved in a laundry list of crimes and Cassie was handpicked to investigate them. Then just as she was about to nail them with every indictment in the book Cassie was framed for several crimes she didn’t commit including the murder of a federal informant within the firm.

The evidence against Cassie was over-whelming and the verdict was very quick. Guilty of all charges and sentenced to death by lethal injection. All her appeals and pleas of innocence fell on deaf ears. Then came the day of her execution, she was injected with the syringe, and declared dead by the state.

However Cassie didn’t cross over to the other side instead she woke up on a metal operating table with her arms and legs restrained in the basement of an abandoned building. She met Deacon Hawk and Brother Paul of "The Society." As Deacon Hawk called it, "The SWAT unit for the Roman Catholic Church." The R-C felt it was time to begin getting involved with the MetaHuman Community and Eve is seen as their in-road into that community. She has stopped many street level crimes with the aid of an advanced Motrocycle called The Serpent. Deacon Hawk watches over Eve and advises her and gives her assignements as needed. Brother Paul is the one who takes care of the cybernetic aspects of Eve and upkeep on The Serpent.

Hero Type (Select one): Eve is kind of a combination Muscle, Speed, Gray matter, and shape shifter. She is a Cyborg!

Power Level:

World Level

Powers (Be Specific): Eve has super-human strength and speed. Her mind is part organic part computer giving her advanced intelligence. Eve does have shape shifting ability in the sense that her costume is lined with microscopic sensors that allow her to assume the appearance of anyone she has seen even for a second, and if she has heard their voice she can also sound exactly like them right down to the vocal imprint.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: 100 tons. She can lift two hummers with each arm without any issue.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: She can run up to 100 MPH (but not for long distances).

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 12 Hours, but it does take time for her to recover.

Agility: 10X inspite of cybernetics Eve’s agility is not super-human, but certainly not normal.

Intelligence: She is Super-Genius thanks to her computer enhancement. Without it she is only above average.

Fighting Skill: Eve is a trained level fighter thanks to her days at the CIA and her time on the Police force, but she is not a fighting master however she can hold her own in hand to hand combat

Resources: Large! To keep up her equipment she needs them, and her backers (The Roman Catholic Church)are able to help out where necessary.

Weaknesses: Her brain is a computer which means it’s vulnerable to all other computer problems such as viruses, being hacked and other issues. If her computer brain is tampered with her human half will know it but not be able to do anything about and if they are not dealt with quickly she will die. She also must lay perfectly still for one hour each day to allow her systems to recharge, reboot, and diagnostics to be run otherwise her systems will start to show signs of wear. Her cybernetic limbs while powerful can be damaged.

Supporting Characters:

Deacon Hawk: Deacon is somewhat of a man of mystery. He wears all black and dark sunglasses and has a deep voice. He represents Eve’s backers (The Roman Catholic Church) and he gives her assignments when her services are required by her backers. Otherwise he observes and reports what he is seeing with Eve and has no issues with Eve wanting to go out and stop street crimes to keep her skills up. Their relationship is one of professionalism and respect and Hawk usually indugles Eve in her sarcastic remarks and humor, but when it comes to his work Hawk is all business.

Brother Paul: Paul is a young monk who is cybernetics/electronics expert. His responsibility is to keep Eve in perfect working order. Before he became a monk Paul was a top-flight Government weapons designer, but as time went on Paul began to become depressed and ashamed of what he was creating. He left the private sector and sought to join the Priesthood. He was on his way but he could never get weapons designing out of his system, and The society took noitce. Eventually he was recruited and was taken under the wing of Deacon Hawk and saw where his skills could be used for the betterment of all. The relationship between Paul and Eve is one of back and forth bickering at times, but underneath the arguing it is also one of deep respect and caring and Brother Paul is occasionally able to make Eve smile when he pulls one over on her. (Think Spock and Bones.)

List a few reasons why you've created that character: 1)I’ve never played anyone like Eve before. 2). I’ve played a villain for so long. 3) The struggle between her humanity and cybernetic side opens the door for some interesting story telling.

What can you bring to the RPG?: I’ve been here since 2004 and I’ve played with many of the RPGers so I’m familiar with the group. I’ve also been RPGing for 30 years so I bring LOTS of experience.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?: Yes I do

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

Eve is resting on her recovery table at The Church when her Neural Net alerts her to a break in at the local Diamond Exchange.

Well so much for a quiet night.

She gets up and Deacon Hawk asks, "You got the alert about the Diamond Exchange?"

She says as she heads to The Serpent, "Yeah I'm on it."

Deacon Hawk says, "Be careful. A crew hitting the Diamond Exchange is probably pros. You gotta assume their well armed"

Eve says looking back flexing her arms with a smile, "I bet I'm better armed than them."

Hawk shakes his head as she walks towards the garage area and Brother Paul is working on The Serpent.

Paul says, "Be careful with it Eve you scratched the rim on your last assignment at the dam. This isn't cheap."

Eve says getting on the motorcycle, "Hey it was no day at the beach for me either. If you remember I almost got pounded by several tons of water besides you fixed it good as new."

Brother Paul says, "I know but I wish you would take better care of it. One day your cavailier attitude will get you in trouble."

Eve touches the sides of Paul's face and says, "Thanks for your concern dad, and I'll call if I'm out past midnight."

She starts The Serpent and her visor now now transforms into a helmet covering her flaming red hair.

Eve says, "Serpent plot me the quickiest route to the Diamond Exchange and execute."

The Serpent takes off into the night as Eve's Nueral Net gives her the information on the Diamond Exchange and surveilence information on the crew in quesiton.

5 crew members with automatic weapons and advanced thieving tools. Peice of cake.

When she arrives on sight she engages the Serpent's whisper mode, and sees only one crew member in the van.

Eve uses her shape shifting mode and assumes the look of the crook in the van. She approaches the van and the crook says, "What the?"

Eve says (in the crook's voice), "Ahh thanks needed I needed to hear your voice."

She then quickly punches out the crook in throws him in the dumpster. A few minutes later the other four come out of the Diamond Exchange.

One of the crooks says to Eve, "All-right get us out of here!"

She moves to the driver's seat and then quickly dives out. Eve then shape-shifts back into her normal self and picks up the van and slams it down twice.

Eve opens the doors and sees the crooks are shaken and disoriented. Eve says, "Time to join your friend!"

She carries each one quickly into the dumpster and dumps the dumpster on it's side so they cannot open it from the inside. Eve then hears the police sirens approaching and she says, "On the bright side you five will smell so bad nobody in lock-up will bother you."

Eve hops on The Serpent and heads back to The Church.
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Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application

Character you have created: Adam Phoenix
Alias: Arron Collins

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not):Century Gothic

Character Alignment: Hero/Villain/Walking the Line: Villian

Identity: Secret/Known: Kind of a combination of both. (The Origin will explain it all)

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): Adam is very cold and calculating. He enjoys the finer things in life is very disciplined and focused in any task that he sets out to accomplish and it is not enough that he succeeds but all others must fail. Adam loves power and all the trappings that come with it and will destroy anyone that will try to take away what he feels belongs to him.

Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like: Adam doesn't wear a costume. He is usually in a set of sweats because he stays behidn the walls of his sprawling estate called The Phoenix's Nest. However when he does venture out (VERY RARE!) he has a specially made Armani to accomidate his large boday. (He is about 8 Feet Tall and well over 500 Pounds all of it muscle).

Origin Info/Details:

Arron Collins was once a member of The Society like Deacon Hawk and Borther Paul. He believed in the mission of The Society and appreciated making a difference. A brilliant mind and skilled negotiator he was the poster child for everything you would want in a team player. Arron designed many of the tools and tech for The Society. If there was ever a Hall Of Fame for Society Members Arron would be a first ballot Hall Of Famer. As brilliant as Brother Paul is Arron taught him so much more, and Deacon Hawk viewed Arron as a Father Figure.

After a while though Arron grew tired of not only not getting the credit he felt he deserved, but also the "play-it-safe" attitude of The Society Members concering the area of human development. Arron started taking secret risks and treatments using himself as a lab rat. He experiemented with PEDs and Steroids to an unhealthy extreme and eventually became a danger to himself and others. He became a massive giant with increased intelligence as well.

Deacon Hawk and Brother Paul were tasked with taking Arron into custody. They faught along with 20 other Society members and Arron was eventually subdued. While Arron was being transported to a secured location he escaped and wrote in the van in the blood of the guards, "Vengence one day!"

Arron went into hiding and began to develop his own technology firm called ColTech with the help of a disgraced Governement Agent named Edwards. Edwards changed his name and appearance to Colter and he changed Arron's name to Adam Phoenix. It was agreed by both men that Colter would be "The Face" and Adam would be the power behind the throne. Arron chose the name of Adam Phoenix because Adam was the first man in creation and Phoenix symbolizing new life. This would one day be a very subtle message to The Society whon Adam has sworn will pay for what has happened to him and not recognizing his greatness and he is obsessed with destroying Eve.

Hero Type (Select one):Brick/Muscle

Power Level (Select one below):
3. World Level

Powers (Be Specific):

Adam possess superhuman strength and intelligence

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level:
100 tons.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 50. Adam does possess above average speed but his reactions at his size are not that great.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Adam's endurance level is at about 5 hurs. However he can wear down easily and at his size it takes a long time to recover.

Agility: Adam's agility is above average but his size makes his manuvering somewhat an issue.

Intelligence: Super-Genius.

Fighting Skill: He is a great brawler but he has no trainning in fighting styles or techniques. Adam is a brute and uses brute force.

Resources: Extreme! He is one of the wealthiest men in the world. Think an evil Bill Gates.

Weaknesses : Inspite of his size and strength and intelligence Adam is mortal. It would take more than a couple shots but if someone unloaded 6 shots from a 44 that would do it. Adam also must undergo what are called "Treatments" twice a day. Each one lasts about 30 minutes and these keep his muscles from continously growing. If they grow anymore eventually his vital organs will not be able to support him. He also has to wear dark glasses. His eyes are so sensitive now because of the drugs he took that prolonged exposure to light causes him great pain.

Supporting Characters:

Colter: Colter is Adam's private valet. He is his one of the few people who see Adam and he is "The Face" of ColTech. The name of the company that Phoenix owns and makes all his tech through. The Public thinks Colter is Arron Collins and since he is a handsome and charming man he is perfect. (If the public actually saw Adam they would be horrified)

List a few reasons why you've created that character: 1) Villians are fun! 2) Having someone with a connection to The Society and to Eve makes for some interesting dynamics. 3) This RPG needs more villians!

What can you bring to the RPG?: I've been playing for over 30 years and I am familiar with many of the players here.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

Adam is lifting an entire Nautilus Gym Set for a workout as Colter enters the room.

Adam says, "Impressive appearance today. You looked as though you were enjoying giving those nuns that check for their orphange."

Colter says, "Thank you sir. I hated that had those disgusting little orchins touching me though."

Adam replies, "Comes with the territory Colter. You want to enjoy the good life and the respect of the larger world you have to give them something to latch onto."

Colter says, "Quite right sir. How goes the progress on your latest project if I may ask?"

Adam replies, "It's going well. Her Neural Net is impressive but Brother Paul is still using many of the same tactics and methods I taught him."

Colter asks, "How much longer?"

Adam replies, "Not much longer. Soon vengence will be mine and The Society will be brought to it's knees and their Golden Child will be upon the scrap heap!"

Colter says, "I have no doubt about that sir. Do you have any further need of me right now? I need to get some rest before the Charity Banquet for the Lost Haven Fallen Police Officer's fund, and I want to take time to read over the speech you wrote for me."

Adam replies setting the Weight Set down, "No that will be all for now. Make sure my next treatment is set to go in the next 20 minutes and have any new Eve footage uploaded to my tablet."

Colter bows and leaves as Adam goes back to working out.
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Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application

Character you have created: Kyle Porter

Alias: Lyger

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Dark Blue Veranda

Character Alignment:


Character Personality:
Kyle is a laid back teenager, who despite having a somewhat difficult upbringing would be described by most as being carefree for the most part.. However, he does have a tendency of getting overwhelmed, and that can sometimes cause him to get into a bit of a funk, which can be difficult to pull him out of.

Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like: Lyger wears a black body suit that is marked with orange “tiger stripes.” He also wears a black mask that covers his entire head, which is adorned with a pair of catlike ears.

Origin Info/Details:
Kyle Porter has had a hard life by some standards. His mother died when he was a young boy and never really got to know her. He was raised by his father, who never got over the death of his wife and mostly found comfort in the bottom of a whiskey bottle. He went through much of his life in relative obscurity, never popular at school, however not really unpopular.
His life changed once he enrolled at Lost Haven University. He became relatively popular on campus, he even started to date an upper classman.
However, his life would change even further one night while he was on his way back to the dorms after a party. The car that he was riding in was struck by a drunk driver, and Kyle was severely injured. He required emergency surgery as well as a blood transfusion. Little did anyone know that the blood he received contained the meta gene, and when the blood mixed with his own, he began to develop special abilities of his own.

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level
(Select one below):
City Level

NOTE: Having only one or two powers does not automatically make a character a level 2. The levels reflect how powerful the powers themselves are, not only the variety. A level 3 may be more powerful then a level 4. These levels serve to show where your powerful hero operates, as heroes this powerful may be cosmic wonderers or Earth-bound. Also, Game Masters will be wary of approving level 3 or 4 characters. An extremely well-thought out and great sample post will be needed to be approved for a high level character. Your post should be as powerful as your character.

Powers (Be Specific): Enhanced agility and senses. Super human strength.

(Select one at each category):

Strength Level
: 1 ton.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 45 MPH.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort
: 2 hours.


Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

NOTE: Even if all attributes chosen are Normal human when Super-Genius, Mastered, and Extreme are chosen for the final three attributes, this player is a level 3 or 4 character, such as Batman.

(If your stats chosen are deemed powerful enough by a Game Master with no weakness, the character will fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters. Even with a weakness, a Game Master may rule it as a Level 3 or 4 character): He has the same weaknesses as a normal person. He is vulnerable to illness, injury, and even death.

Supporting Characters
(Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
Samantha “Sam” Myers Childhood friend, long time crush.
Erin Walters-Girlfriend
Ronnie Chang- Best friend, tech wizard
Jack Porter- Kyle’s father
Max Bradshaw- CEO of Bradshaw Industries
Various villains, classmates, and other characters who will be described when introduced

List a few reasons why you've created that character: This is a concept I’ve had for awhile, and will give me a chance to do something that I haven’t really done in this game before.

What can you bring to the RPG?: A new character and lots of experience...did I mention...I’m the GM? :p

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?: Yup

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

Kyle Porter sits up in his hospital bed as the nurse enters his room and takes a few last minute readings before the hospital can send him on his way. He is anxious to get out of the room that has been his home for the last week. He has never particularly liked hospitals, and after spending a week there, he is in no rush to come back anytime soon.

There was a knock on the door and suddenly he saw the familiar features of Samantha Myers pop into the room. His oldest friend looked around for a moment before entering.

"Just wanted to make sure you're decent." She quipped as she approached his bed.

"Yeah. I'm good to go. Just waiting to get the OK from the doctors." He said.

Sam took a seat beside the bed as Kyle packed the few possessions that he had in the hospital room into a small plastic bag. After several long minutes, the nurse came in and told him that the last tests came back clear and that he was free to go.

"Awesome. Let's head down to the lobby and wait for my dad." He said cheerily.

"Um...your dad can't make it. He had to fly out to Pacific Point last night for business. He asked me to come get you." She said, somewhat apologetically.

"So...you're my ride?" He asked.

"You're quick, aren't you?" She said with a grin.

"Oh great...first the crash and now this....Somebody really wants me dead." He joked even as she smacked him on the arm as they made their way down the hall.

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Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application

Character you have created: Kyle Porter

Alias: Lyger

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Dark Blue Veranda

Character Alignment:


Character Personality:
Kyle is a laid back teenager, who despite having a somewhat difficult upbringing would be described by most as being carefree for the most part.. However, he does have a tendency of getting overwhelmed, and that can sometimes cause him to get into a bit of a funk, which can be difficult to pull him out of.

Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like: Lyger wears a black body suit that is marked with orange “tiger stripes.” He also wears a black mask that covers his entire head, which is adorned with a pair of catlike ears.

Origin Info/Details:
Kyle Porter has had a hard life by some standards. His mother died when he was a young boy and never really got to know her. He was raised by his father, who never got over the death of his wife and mostly found comfort in the bottom of a whiskey bottle. He went through much of his life in relative obscurity, never popular at school, however not really unpopular.
His life changed once he enrolled at Lost Haven University. He became relatively popular on campus, he even started to date an upper classman.
However, his life would change even further one night while he was on his way back to the dorms after a party. The car that he was riding in was struck by a drunk driver, and Kyle was severely injured. He required emergency surgery as well as a blood transfusion. Little did anyone know that the blood he received contained the meta gene, and when the blood mixed with his own, he began to develop special abilities of his own.

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level
(Select one below):
City Level

NOTE: Having only one or two powers does not automatically make a character a level 2. The levels reflect how powerful the powers themselves are, not only the variety. A level 3 may be more powerful then a level 4. These levels serve to show where your powerful hero operates, as heroes this powerful may be cosmic wonderers or Earth-bound. Also, Game Masters will be wary of approving level 3 or 4 characters. An extremely well-thought out and great sample post will be needed to be approved for a high level character. Your post should be as powerful as your character.

Powers (Be Specific): Enhanced agility and senses. Super human strength.

(Select one at each category):

Strength Level
: 1 ton.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 45 MPH.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort
: 2 hours.


Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

NOTE: Even if all attributes chosen are Normal human when Super-Genius, Mastered, and Extreme are chosen for the final three attributes, this player is a level 3 or 4 character, such as Batman.

(If your stats chosen are deemed powerful enough by a Game Master with no weakness, the character will fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters. Even with a weakness, a Game Master may rule it as a Level 3 or 4 character): He has the same weaknesses as a normal person. He is vulnerable to illness, injury, and even death.

Supporting Characters
(Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
Samantha “Sam” Myers Childhood friend, long time crush.
Erin Walters-Girlfriend
Ronnie Chang- Best friend, tech wizard
Jack Porter- Kyle’s father
Max Bradshaw- CEO of Bradshaw Industries
Various villains, classmates, and other characters who will be described when introduced

List a few reasons why you've created that character: This is a concept I’ve had for awhile, and will give me a chance to do something that I haven’t really done in this game before.

What can you bring to the RPG?: A new character and lots of experience...did I mention...I’m the GM? :p

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?: Yup

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

Kyle Porter sits up in his hospital bed as the nurse enters his room and takes a few last minute readings before the hospital can send him on his way. He is anxious to get out of the room that has been his home for the last week. He has never particularly liked hospitals, and after spending a week there, he is in no rush to come back anytime soon.

There was a knock on the door and suddenly he saw the familiar features of Samantha Myers pop into the room. His oldest friend looked around for a moment before entering.

"Just wanted to make sure you're decent." She quipped as she approached his bed.

"Yeah. I'm good to go. Just waiting to get the OK from the doctors." He said.

Sam took a seat beside the bed as Kyle packed the few possessions that he had in the hospital room into a small plastic bag. After several long minutes, the nurse came in and told him that the last tests came back clear and that he was free to go.

"Awesome. Let's head down to the lobby and wait for my dad." He said cheerily.

"Um...your dad can't make it. He had to fly out to Pacific Point last night for business. He asked me to come get you." She said, somewhat apologetically.

"So...you're my ride?" He asked.

"You're quick, aren't you?" She said with a grin.

"Oh great...first the crash and now this....Somebody really wants me dead." He joked even as she smacked him on the arm as they made their way down the hall.

Hey guys,

I'm gonna be out of town through the weekend.

IC thread is up and we are underway. Have some fun, and I should be back around Sunday sometime.
Just tied up a loose end with Pinup in the IC thread. Going to start posting this week, hopefully (visiting family, so I'm not sure how much time I'll get online)
Thanks you Hound. I was gonna ask if you wanted to play along, and you end up doing it anyway better than I imagined. Which can only mean one thing...

You're a telepath.


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