This informative pamphlet brought to you by:
NiteMare Shape - Editor-In-Chief
trustyside-kick - Editor
Hound55 - Editor
Erin- Editor
This informative pamphlet brought to you by:
NiteMare Shape - Editor-In-Chief
trustyside-kick - Editor
Hound55 - Editor
Erin- Editor
First, A Few Rules and Guidelines:
You can create any superhero or super villain in this New Universe, as long as they: Are NOT deities, gods, or people such as Death. People like Thanos and Silver Surfer and Captain Marvel are okay, though...
Do NOT rip off existing heroes in comic universes. Come up with your own creation. If your character is too similar to one in Marvel, DC, or other comic companies, you will be asked to change it or come up with a new character.
Do NOT criticize another poster’s character. We are not all Stan Lee or Shakespeare. Constructive criticism is okay as long as it is not offensive. This rule applies even if a poster asks for feedback.
Communicate with others in your arc. This is key to the fun. It doesn’t matter how many fights you win, it matters if the fights were written well.
The Game Masters have the final say in matters of character acceptance. You are welcome to alter the character to make it less powerful or more creative, but arguing with the Game Masters is not allowed. This is a game, let it be fun.
You are allowed three characters, provided that you have already established yourself capable of playing two characters at once for a sufficient amount of time determined by the GMs.
This is a working environment, so you can travel to different places using your powers or vehicles. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're a teleporter or such.
If you are new to the RPG, your first arc should be your origin arc. There are NO pre-established characters in this RPG - save for those established by players in previous seasons.
You can reside in any place in the New Universe. Note, however, that the main city is Lost Haven, Maine. This is where a lot of the action will take place. You can also travel off-planet.
Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off NPC victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM.
Don't be killing people without reason. You know your weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Dazzler will lose against Thanos one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away.
If you want to take part in this, just fill out an app and your name and character will appear on the roster, pending approval.
You can form super villain gangs, superhero teams, alliances, the works.
There can be a number of stories going on at once, using different people.
Act like your characters; ASSUME their traits and personalities.
There should be MINIMAL cussing and swearing in posts.
There will be NO By-passing the censors. This is a Hype rule, and NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.
No obscene topics!
People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED by the Game Masters. If a Hype! Mod need boot you; do not bother applying again.
Interested? Fill Out This Application:
Create a Hero RPG SEASON IV Application
Character you have created:
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not):
Character Alignment: Hero/Villain/Walking the Line
Identity: Secret/Known
Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations):
Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like
Origin Info/Details:
Hero Type (Select one):
Normal (Non-powered characters)
Elemental (Select: Water, Wind, Earth)
Energy (What kind of energy? Ex. Electricity, Fire)
Gray Matter (Super-smart characters)
Shape Shifter
Mystic (Spell casters/magic users)
Supernatural (Divine agents, Vampires, werewolves, Cosmic deities)
Power Level (Select one below):
1. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
2. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)
3. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)
4. Cosmic (Ex. Silver Surfer, Green Lantern)
NOTE: Having only one or two powers does not automatically make a character a level 2. The levels reflect how powerful the powers themselves are, not only the variety. A level 3 may be more powerful then a level 4. These levels serve to show where your powerful hero operates, as heroes this powerful may be cosmic wonderers or Earth-bound. Also, Game Masters will be wary of approving level 3 or 4 characters. An extremely well-thought out and great sample post will be needed to be approved for a high level character. Your post should be as powerful as your character.
Powers (Be Specific):
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: Normal Human, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100 tons. (Characters stronger then 100 tons fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100 MPH. (Characters at 100 MPH or faster fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours. (Characters at 5 hours or more fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)
Agility: Normal Human, 5X, 10X, 15X, or 20X Human level. (Characters at 20X or higher fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)
Intelligence: Average/Genius/Super-Genius (If another Level 3 or 4 stat is chosen with Super-Genius the character falls under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)
Fighting Skill: Untrained/Trained/Mastered (If another Level 3 or 4 stat is chosen with Mastered the character falls under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)
Resources: Minimal/Average/Large/Extreme (If another Level 3 or 4 stat is chosen with Extreme the character falls under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters)
NOTE: Even if all attributes chosen are Normal human when Super-Genius, Mastered, and Extreme are chosen for the final three attributes, this player is a level 3 or 4 character, such as Batman.
Weaknesses (If your stats chosen are deemed powerful enough by a Game Master with no weakness, the character will fall under rules of Level 3 and 4 characters. Even with a weakness, a Game Master may rule it as a Level 3 or 4 character):
Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
List a few reasons why you've created that character:
What can you bring to the RPG?:
Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards?:
Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):
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