Batman Casting poll - in hindsight


Making Your Head Explode
Dec 30, 2002
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Well it looks Mirko, Jett and Sanchez were not off the mark with Armie Hammer. Thus this poll (admin or mod fix option two "I give him the benefit of doubt")
For a Justice League movie, some one else entirely. Doesn't have to be an unknown actor.

For a World's Finest, Bale all the way.
As with Nolan, i've liked Bale even before Begins, but i just don't think this Batman Version would fit into the world of the Justice League. So i think i'm going with whoever's available and suitable for the role...
Bale dont wanna do any Batman films outside of this current Nolan Franchise. It aint happening people.....
Bale dont wanna do any Batman films outside of this current Nolan Franchise. It aint happening people.....

Huh? Bale supposely signed a contract where he supposely can play Batman again for something like Batman/Superman or JLA if he want. I don't know the whole story, but I know he mention that. Someone should know beside me about this.
Bale's signed for three films, one of which is specified COULD be an ensemble film.

That clause was placed there for the possibility of a Superman/Batman film.

However, that option seems unlikely, and Bale would most likely do a TDK sequel.
I say either do it with Bale or get Michael Keaton back. That's the only way the fans will buy Bale not being on JLA.
He's signed for three films, the last one we know will be strictly Batman, after that they gotta renegotiate. Considering he's got a possible Michael Mann/ Johnny Depp John Dillinger Biopic he's close to signing and that he could be involved in the Terminator franchise, he dont need no more Batman films, especially ones that are cross-over. His career is on the up, why milk that cow?
He's signed for three films, the last one we know will be strictly Batman, after that they gotta renegotiate. Considering he's got a possible Michael Mann/ Johnny Depp John Dillinger Biopic he's close to signing and that he could be involved in the Terminator franchise, he dont need no more Batman films, especially ones that are cross-over. His career is on the up, why milk that cow?

You assume that he signed T4 just because he need it.. well who's to say that he need it? he has like you say the batman serie ans his carreer is on the up.. maybe he enjoy the idea of playing John Connor? he liked the script? maybe he could not be interested in a epic movie with multiple super heros.

Bale has no "disciplined criteria" when choosing a film. He simply reads something and "if I'm still thinking about it a week later I know for sure that in making it I'm not going to find myself a month in and decide I'm bored.
It's possible he just liked the T4 script. The money didn't hurt either.

Bale alone might not be as marketable as say Johnny Depp or Will Smith, but Bale as Batman is more marketable than "X" as Batman. For all it could matter it was Daniel Radcliffe in BB and TDK, point is the public consciousness tends to tilt towards the last successful actor in a major franchise role. It's possible to transition to someone new, but its definitely riskier. Think Moore to Dalton, Dalton to Brosnan, and Brosnan to Craig (keep in mind I am talking about success of transition - not who is the better actor).

For me, it makes more sense to do JLA after Batman, not because of Bale though. It presents WB more options. They can retain Bale if he expresses interest, and if he does not, they get a new actor for JLA AND have a new actor for the Batman franchise.
You assume that he signed T4 just because he need it.. well who's to say that he need it? he has like you say the batman serie ans his carreer is on the up.. maybe he enjoy the idea of playing John Connor? he liked the script? maybe he could not be interested in a epic movie with multiple super heros.

Nah, Im saying because he got T4 and the Dillinger pic in the pipe, he really doesnt need to milk the Batman character beyond the current franchise. He got better stuff ahead and because of that, he might even have time to do another one.

Plus I think it looks ****ing stupid having Nolan's Batman mix with Singer's Superman and only comic book/superhero fans see no problem with this......(*waits for the fruitflies to come*)
Someone else. I don't want Bale in Justice League and I don't want Armie Hammer.
Sam Worthington or Alex O'Loughlin. Either one would make a great Batman, imo.
someone else.
If this movie should ever be made, it's got to be either with Bale or someone older, he has to be the veteran of the group, or just make 'em all older and go with a Kingdom Come type-story. The moment Batman is younger than me (I'm 21) I loose all faith in WB.
I say either do it with Bale or get Michael Keaton back. That's the only way the fans will buy Bale not being on JLA.
Michael Keaton is 56 years old. Thats 5 6. Dark Knight Returns or Kingdom Come type stories are the only ones that could make his return possible. That being said, outside of Tim Burton taking over the studio, I can't imagine WB ever signing off on it....again.
Several fans (on MTV's website) and even Kevin Smith on a radio expressed how they wanted him back, plus there were rumors that the script originally called for an older Batman.
Warner pays attention to that type of stuff and they aren't that dumb to not know that Bale not being in this movie makes alot of people dismiss it.
The only way to really get pass that is to get the actor that to many is still the best Batman and has a cult following such as Bale. Many people still say they would want Keaton to return given his trilogy was cut shot with Warner's change of direction on the movies.
Besides 56 is not that old. these past 2 years have been dominated by older actors returning to their iconic roles.
Who knows? Didn't mean to slight your opinion. Stranger things have this Miller cast of misfits. :cwink:
I am all for giving Hammer a try. I find the idea of Keaton to be interesting and would pay to see it, but to be real. Bale is the best Batman we have right now so bring Keaton back wouldn't matter. I enjoyed the 89 Bat but I was one of the many that thought back then Keaton was wrong for the part...I was wrong and it worked. Go Figure! JOHNNY D. and Bettle Juice = Batman didn't see that one coming.
Yes very sad news and we all were talking about it earlier today in other threads and i was so shocked when i heard. But not to be disrepectful this isnt the area to talk about his untimely death.

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