Batman Quotes: The Best of the Best

Master Bruce said:
...They released that?!:eek:

Holy ****,when?!

I've been waiting for months...Goddamned delays...:mad:

Yesterday. You should see the Lee cover, it kicks Miller's ass.
[drops into a moving car]
Catwoman: Boys upstairs didn't believe I'd hitch a ride. How about you?
Man: m... Me? Uh... y-you can ride with me anywhere, babe.
Catwoman: Who said anything about you? I need a ride... not a driver.

Catwoman: Use them to take these gung-ho bonzos down -- so you and I can both get back to business. After all.... I'd much rather be swooped by you.
Batman: Hnh...

-- Outlaws

Tiger: You are American -- and out of your element. Hong Kong triads are different from your gangster organizations.
Batman: Crime is criminal -- within any borders. There's nothing different about your triads. American gangsters boast the same "honor" and "trust" -- in lies inspired by movies.
Night-Dragon: Incredible. No man addresses the Tiger with less than guarded respect -- yet this stranger shows naked contempt. He's more than a man because he's less -- because he's a bat... making the true man a mystery.

-- Hong Kong

Batman: Those animals, cowering there under the weight of their own sins, are not your friends. They use you. They would turn you into a dog. They will poison you. Why do you run with them? ANSWER.
Luke: I... I don't know. They... they're my friends... mostly. They... they like... having me around to... I don't have anyone else.
Batman: Wrong. You have a mother. She may not be perfect, but she cares about you. Loves you.

-- Bouncing Baby Boy

Martian Manhunter: Ah. You. The Bat-Man.
Batman: This is my city. And I am not amused.

Martian Manhunter: Intellect AND instinct. I was very impressed. This "urban myth" was formidable, indeed.

-- Brothers
From the new frontier

(to martian manhunter)
Batman: I've been watching you, mister jones. I know all about you. Expect where you come from. My instincts tell me you're to be trusted, but make no mistake ..... it took a seventy-thousand dollar silver of meteor to stop the one in metroplis. With you, all I need is a penny for a book of matches.
Batman:I'm not really a people person. But when you need help, and you will, call me
Lorder Batman: What are you hiding for?
Batman: I do my best work in the dark.
Lorder Batman: I used to think that, too. But what have you ever accomplished from there? Besides from scaring a few punks half to death and putting a few more in jail.
Batman: It all adds up.
Lorder Batman: Not fast enough. If you really want to make a difference, want to change the system instead of just patching it, you've got to step into the sunlight. Take over, like we did.

Lorder Batman: Think about it - a world where there's no crimes. No victims. No pain.
Batman: And no choice! Who elected you, anyway?
Lorder Batman: Who elected *you*? The problem with democracy is, it doesn't keep you very safe.
Batman: It has other virtues. But you seem to have forgotten that.
Lorder Batman: *I* didn't forget! I just chose peace and security instead.
Batman: You grabbed power!
Lorder Batman: And with that power, we've made a world where no eight-year-old boy will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun!
Batman: [pauses, then drops his batarang] You win

Wonder Woman: [after being turned back into an adult] Circumstances aside, it was kind of... enjoyable to be a kid again.
Batman: I haven't been a kid since I was eight years old.(I love this line sooo much, his tone of voice and wonder womans reaction just really seem to get to me)

Green Lantern: Diana's carrying a grudge.
Batman: She'll get over it. How 'bout you? Carrying anything?
Green Lantern: What? Shayera? We're cool. We're giving each other our space. I'm seeing Vixen, now.
Green Lantern: I'm very happy.
Batman: [Unconvinced] Uh-huh

inside the Batcave]
The Flash: Hey, that's a giant dinosaur!
Alfred Pennyworth: And I thought Batman was the detective

The Flash: [the League is forced to travel in street clothes to avoid detection by the Thangarians] Hold on a second here. What about the whole secret identity thing? I mean, I trust you guys but I'm not sure I'm ready to...
Batman: Wally West, Clark Kent...
[removes his mask]
Batman: Bruce Wayne.
The Flash: Show off

Batman: [while falling through the air after having to abandon his plane] I could use a little air support seeing as I can't fly... at all.
[continues to fall]
Batman: Now would be a good time.

Superman: You don't know Darkseid like I do.
Batman: We know he used you. Humiliated you. Brainwashed you. Wound you up like a tin soldier and turned you loose against Earth. Cry me a river! On the outside chance that this isn't another one of his schemes, we have to take action. So I suggest you GET OVER IT!

Batman: Joker. I should have known you'd be in on this.
Joker: Really? I must be falling into a rut.
[to Luthor]
Joker: You're not going to leave him like this, are you?
Lex Luthor: Why?
Joker: HELLO? He's still alive!
Green Lantern: Anyway, why are we always talking about my love life? What's going on between you and Diana?
Batman: Nothing. She's a respected colleague.
Green Lantern: Uh-huh.
Batman: I don't have time to pursue a relationship. My work is too important to allow another distractions. Diana is a remarkable woman, she's a valued friend. She's... standing right behind me, isn't she?
Wonder Woman: Don't let that stop you - keep digging.

J'onn J'onzz: You were greatly missed, my friend. By all of us.
[everyone looks to a stoic Batman]
Wonder Woman: Don't let him fool you. Your death hit him as hard as it did any of us.
Superman: Really?
Batman: No. I never believed you were dead in the first place.
Superman: I guess that's sort of a compliment

Batman: Son of the Demon

BATMAN: Time's up.
TERRORIST: Yeah...for you!
*gun fire, Batman dodges, the bullet hitting an oil barell, burning off the terrorist's face.
TERRORIST: Goddamn you...!
BATMAN: Looks like he got you first.

DOCTOR: And what seems to be the trouble with you?
WOUNDED TERRORIST: I'm shot. I'm bleeding.
DOCTOR: Well, let's have a look and see what we--
BATMAN: That man can wait, doctor.
DOCTOR: I beg your--
BATMAN: I said, he can wait--
DOCTOR: He--he has some rights, you know.
BATMAN: That woman has more.
DOCTOR: No need to be so snotty.

BATMAN: Are the two of you all right, ma'am?
MAN: you for all your...your help, Batman...
BATMAN: And your child?
WOMAN: I...I think he's fine...thank you...
BATMAN: Good. ...A child needs his's a terrible thing for a child to have to grow up alone...

GUARD: The master's daughter...and his greatest foe? You will both come with me.
BATMAN: *sigh* Every time I come here, it's the same thing. Some bonehead tries to prove his manhood by flashing a weapon...and I prove mine by taking it away from him.
*rips gun away, elbows guard in the face*
BATMAN: Someday, you boys will learn.

BATMAN: There's never been any room in my life for a woman...that's what I told myself, after every liason I've ever known shattered...maybe that's just what I wanted to believe. I've tried to forget you, God knows...but I can't. I never could. I never will.

TALIA: Beloved, you give too much thought to what is "real" and what is not; to what is "true" and what is "false..." I realize that is your way, but just this once, accept things as they are...forgo your control, your discipline...just once, let yourself go...and take me with you.

RA'S: Detective, as you know, I am cursed with a love for emptiness...desolation. It is a beauty to wich my soul pure, as untainted as the deserts of my birth. I deem it my mission to purify this planet, to restore it to its former beauty...a mission I will brook no interference in...but for now, we are allies...and I hope that state continues. reomiving my king from check, I find we have achieved a stalemate. I find that quite fitting.
BATMAN: I play to win.

QAYIN: ...And at last, the Lazarus Pit is mine.
RA'S: I think not, Qayin.
QAYIN: Al Ghul. I commend your courage in daring to face my moment of triumph.
RA'S: You always spoke too quickly, Qayin. You may recall the story of Moses...who was permitted to see the promised land...but never to enter it.
*room explodes*

BATMAN: I'm here, Ra's. I don't want to answer any questions...I just want to find Qayin...and hope he puts up a fight.

RA'S: The battle goes well, Detective. My men have secured the perimeter...but there still remains the interior, where Qayin will be at his most dangerous.
BATMAN:'ll make what I have to do...that much easier.
RA'S: I understand. The guards seem most intent on keeping us from this central area.
BATMAN: It's their funeral.

BATMAN: You can't imagine how much I hate you, Qayin. Not only for the pain you've inflicted on others, through your terrorism..but for the pain you gave to someone I love--and to me.

RA'S: Perhaps now he is at peace.
BATMAN: Perhaps...I hope not.

BATMAN: All right, Talia... I wish things had... Our lives don't seem to... Maybe someday... I'm sorry.
RA'S: I, too, am son.
From Batman 1989. Watched it last night for the first time in a while, it's really an awesome movie. :D:up:

Bruce: What's on your mind, Alfred?
Alfred: I have no wish to spend my few remaining years grieving for the loss of old friends. Or their sons.

Knox: You know what they say? They say he can't be killed. They say he drinks blood. They say...
Eckhardt: And I say... you're full of ****, Knox. Oh, uh, you can quote me on that.

Vicki: Why won't you let me in? Why?
Bruce: You got in.
Vicki: I've loved since I met you. But I don't know what to think of all of this. I really don't.
Bruce: Look, sometimes I don't know what to think of this. It's just something I have to do.
Vicki: Why?
Bruce: Because nobody else can. Look, I've tried to avoid all of this, but I can't. This is the way it has to be. It's not a perfect world.
Vicki: It doesn't have to be a perfect world. I just have to know, we're gonna try to love each other.
Bruce: I'd like to. But he's out there now, and I've got to go to work.
MaskedManJRK said:
TALIA: Beloved, you give too much thought to what is "real" and what is not; to what is "true" and what is "false..." I realize that is your way, but just this once, accept things as they are...forgo your control, your discipline...just once, let yourself go...and take me with you.

I love this line. It almost captures Talia and Bruce's relationship perfectly.
Batman:poor Edward. I had to save them both. You see, I'm both Bruce Wayne and Batman. Not because I have to be. Now... because I choose to be.
ROBIN: Okay, how about this--we go on patrol, and if it's quiet, we'll come back and watch "It's a Wonderful Life." Deal?
BATMAN: Deal. ...You know, I've never seen it--couldn't get past the title.

"Christmas With The Joker"
Riddler: Isn't that right.. Bruce..?
Batman: "What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?"
Riddler: "Time to get a new fence." Everyone knows that one, it's worthless.
Batman: That's why I have nothing to fear from you. You had to tell Elliot, but no one else, not even Clayface when he was playing Robin. I know you Edward. Riddles are your compulsion, you're addiction, and a riddle that everyone knows the answer too.. is worthless.
Riddler: ..!.. *Defeated*

Nightwing: Okay, now maybe this is none of my damn business. And I know you think I'd be against going out with a former.. known.. thief, or whatever she is.. was.. Anyway, I'm not. Against it. If she makes you happy -- great. Except -- every relationship you've ever had with a woman -- either as Bruce or Batman -- has gotten screwed up because you didn't tell her about your being... either Batman or Bruce Wayne. My point is -- tell her. Hell, you've known each other so long she probably already knows.
Batman: You're right.
Nightwing: ..Really..?
Batman: It is none of your damn bussiness.

- Batman Hush

My two favourite moments in Hush (Which I loved.) GREAT idea for a thread.
Bruce Wayne: Who are you?
Payback: I'm your worst nightmare!
Bruce Wayne: You have no idea what my nightmares are like.

Bruce Wayne: When I was young, women used to throw themselves at my feet all the time.
Terry McGinnis: What did you do?
Bruce Wayne: Step over them.
Terry McGinnis: Smooth.
Bruce Wayne: I thought so.
Gotham City is hell...We are all in hell...And I am the King of Hell

-Batman Gothic
Well that was fun. Who's for Chinese? -Joker-

Best Joker Quote Ever....Mark Hammill, I bow to you...
Awsome thread guys, keep up the good work!
Batman 1989
Joker: Jack? Jack is dead, my friend You can call me... Joker. And as you can see, I'm a lot happier.

Vicki Vale: I've just got to know. Are we gonna try and love each other? Bruce Wayne: I'd like to. But he's out there right now. And I've got to go to work.

batman tas
The Joker: [on his answering machine] Boy, did YOU get the wrong number! We're not home right now, so please leave your message at the sound of the shriek. Oh, no! No, please!...

batman beyond: Return of the joker
The Joker: Ah, the new boy. Ears are too long and I miss the cape. But not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.

The Joker: But all too soon, the shocks and the serums took their toll, and the boy began to share such secrets with me. Secrets that are mine alone to know... Bruce. It's true, Batsy! I know everything. And kinda like the kid who peeks at his Christmas presents, I must admit, it's sadly anti-climactic. Behind all the sturm and bat-o-rangs, you're just a little boy in a playsuit, crying for mommy and daddy! It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
The Joker: Oh, what the heck, I'll laugh anyway. HA HA HA HA HA HAA!

The Joker: [to Batman] If you don't like the movie, I've got slides.
OMG, the dialogue between Batman and Blue Beetle is hilarious. I have to look for that comic.
I just needed to post something so that I could subscribe to this thread, because it is asbolutely AWESOME

Where is this line from?

Is this a Joker (Mark Hammil) line?

"I know Batman personally... and you, sir, are NOT Batman."

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993)

One of the BEST Batman movies ever made, animated or live-action.

*Bruce has fallen in love & wants to give up being Batman for a normal life. He stands in the pouring rain at his parents' grave.*
Bruce Wayne: It's not that I don't care anymore. I don't want to let you down, honest! But... it just doesn't hurt so bad anymore! You can understand that, can't you? Look, I can give money to the city, they can hire more cops. Let someone else take the risk. But it's different now! Please! I need it to be different now! I know I made a promise, but I didn't see this coming. I didn't count on being happy.
*in tears*
Please. Tell me that it's okay.

Alfred: Vengeance blackens the soul, Bruce. I always feared you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night. But you haven't fallen in yet, and I thank Heaven for that. But Andrea fell into that pit years ago. And no one, not even you, could have pulled her back.

Arthur Reeves: (during a TV interview) What kind of city are we running when we depend on the support of a potential madman?!
Alfred: Such rot, sir. Why, you're the very model of sanity. Oh, by the way, I pressed your tights and put away your exploding gas balls.
Batman: Thank you, Alfred.

Batman: You think you know everything about me, don't you?
Alfred: I diapered your bottom. I bloody well ought to... sir!

The Joker: So, what's an old-timer like you want with a two-timer like me?

The Joker: Can't be too careful with all those weirdos around!

Salvatore Valestra: This isn't a joke! Batman's knocking us off, and you're the only one who can take him down! Look, five million up front, with whatever you want to finish him off!
The Joker: *yawns* What do I look like, pest control?

Arthur Reeves: You're telling me there were four precincts on Batman's heels and he still got away?! Unbelievable!
The Joker: Tsk, tsk. And to think our tax money goes to pay those jerks.

The Joker: You're crazy! I'm your only chance to get out of here! Let me go or we'll both die!
Batman: Whatever it takes!

The Joker: (after a jet-pack crash landing) For once, I'm stuck without a punchline.

The Joker: I'm impressed, lady. You're harder to kill than a cockroach on steroids.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, go out & buy it right now! It's honestly that good!
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Two-Face : Outta my face clown

The Joker: Which one ?

*Two face looks shocked* OWNED
As much as the shumacher movies are hated on...and terrible in so many ways...I love when Batman says:

"I see without seeing. To me, darkness is as clear as daylight."

Don't know why but always thought that was cool


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