Beginning stages of my "MAN OF STEEL" parody trailer


Aug 4, 2010
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I've been working on my own parody of the 'MAN OF STEEL' trailer and have some rough-cut videos ready to roll on what I have put together so far. This project will probably take me a little while to complete and I hope to have it finished by its release (June 14th, 2013.) We got around to cutting the arctic scenes first since we only had a few weeks to prepare before all the snow melts. I figured I'd post it here and get quick feedback from true Superman fans who will enjoy it.

Any criticisms or ideas are welcomed:

Running time: 17 seconds.
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Looks okay so far. Can't wait to see the finished product. :up:
Thanks man. It's been fun so far, trying to come up with creative ways to do what we can without going to deep into things. Sometimes simpler the better and I have people willing to work with me (my brother as Zod, fiance' as Lois Lane, etc.) Not sure how it will turn out once it's complete but that's been the fun part!
Two comments. Remove "parody" from the title. It doesn't seem like you are making fun of the official trailer. Seems like a genuine attempt to recreate it.

Also, I wouldn't continue to post updates with just one or two shots added in each. Try and finish it then reveal the finished product. It will make a bigger impact.

Otherwise...nice job so far. Can't wait to see the flying scenes!
Good call, kyleman. I never even thought about parody reference. All in all, I wanted to show you guys what I was working on and see some quick feedback to see if I should go through with it or not. Seems like fans are eager to see what I can come up with so I'm going to go all out. Can't wait to finish it and show my fellow Super-fans how excited I am for this movie! I hope others share my excitement :D
Good call, kyleman. I never even thought about parody reference. All in all, I wanted to show you guys what I was working on and see some quick feedback to see if I should go through with it or not. Seems like fans are eager to see what I can come up with so I'm going to go all out. Can't wait to finish it and show my fellow Super-fans how excited I am for this movie! I hope others share my excitement :D

go for it

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