Best Martial Arts Star


May 11, 2002
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So who do you think is the best martial arts star of all time. My vote is for Jackie Chan Easily.
going on acting talent, martial arts expertice or film success?

over all i'd say my hero bruce
Overall talent as a whole the whole package. Acting Fighting everything. WHich I belive Jackie Chan has all of in spades. That is why he Is my Hero!!!
jackie chan is a goddamn stunt man.

Bruce Lee hands down.
Originally posted by kritic
jackie chan is a goddamn stunt man.

and a master of of Hap-ki-do:o

Bruce Lee hands down.

Except he doesn't have a film thats better than Drunken master

Lee was the better martial ARTIST but no way is a better STAR than chan.

Chan is a better actor , bruce couldn't act to save his life:)
No he can't because he's dead not because he's ******ed
Originally posted by guyverjay
Lee was the better martial ARTIST but no way is a better STAR than chan.

Chan is a better actor , bruce couldn't act to save his life:)

Exactly bruce the better martial artist but as a whole Jackie Chan is just a better actor comidian and Movie Star PERIOD.
Dont know about sonny chiba but as someone who did martial arts for 6 years i would rate both chan and jet li above bruce.
Originally posted by guyverjay
Lee was the better martial ARTIST but no way is a better STAR than chan.

Chan is a better actor , bruce couldn't act to save his life:)

Have to disagree here - as an actual fighter bruce was good - as a martial artist bruce doesnt scratch the surface of what Chan knows.
Pound for pound, BL was probably the strongest MLF. However, JC and JL has shown the widest range of skills.
As cool as Bruce Lee is and as skilled as he is(still haven't seen anyone better. Just people relying so damn much on aerials and fancy stuff that wouldn't work for crap), I have to say Chan is the better star. He's a better actor, he's funnier, he's more entertaining.

Although nothing takes away the feeling I get watching a Bruce Lee flick. The man's presence alone makes a movie worth watching to me.
I like Bruce Lee as much as anyone but I just think that Jackie Chan is the greatest martial arts or action star of all time.
Jackie Chan would have to be the biggest star, but Sonny Chiba is the biggest martial arts legend of all.
Originally posted by phillyboy
Jackie Chan would have to be the biggest star, but Sonny Chiba is the biggest martial arts legend of all.

Than why are you the only one who's heard of him?:p
Jackie Chan is a horrid actor, and they wonder why his films fail miserably. He can't carry a film on his own. He always needs a hip co-star to carry the acting weight of the film, and unfortunately that hasn't worked...except for RUSH HOUR. :o
He's a very good actor for a martial artist, see any of his more serious movies and it's obvious. When he's speaking in English though, his speech is poor, so he compensates for it with humor.

And he's had plenty of hits. Now that he's getting older, he's trying to focus on creating an enjoyable atmosphere in place of his amazing martial arts. The guys 45+, cut him some slack.

See a movie like Accidental Spy. He's a very good actor within his genre. Also the most gifted on-screen martial artist of his time. Sonny Chuba defies logic considering he's so big (or am I thinking of someone else), but Chan is far more adept and has done things that no other Martial Artist will even attempt.

Bruce Lee was a highly proficient Martial Artist, but his movies weren't as good and he was never the same physically after his injury. Yes I think Bruce was probably the most proficient on screen martial artist of his time before his injury. But his (trajically) short career has been eclipsed by the other Martial Artists on the list.

And Chan is also a Singer, and a danmed good one at that. That has nothing to do with Martial Arts, but man he's sings a good song.
Jackie Chan is almost 50 and he can still do most of the things he could do when he was 25. Amazing.
I'm not commenting of Chan in his home country, cause I'm sure he's good. But in the US, he's lacking...IMO.

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