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Best Marvel Movie Adaptation.

Best Marvel Comic Movie Adaptation.

  • X-Men Trilogy.

  • Daredevil.

  • The Hulk.

  • The Blade Trilogy

  • The Punisher.

  • Spidermans 1, and 2.

  • Fantastic Four

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May 16, 2006
Reaction score
So out of all the Current Marvel comic movies that has currently been made. Which one was the very best version put onto the big screen. I will make a poll ofcourse so you Marvel fans can decide on your own. I Think DC could hold some very stiff competition ahead for Marvel. Non the less this is a Marvel subject not as DC comics subject.

1 X-Men Trilogy
2 Spiderman 1, and 2.
3 Blade Trilogy.
4 Daredevil.
5 The Punisher.
6 The Fantastic Four.
7 The Hulk.
if X-Men 3 had been directed by Brian Singer then I would have placed those films first but Phoenix was such a disappointment. As is Spiderman is the truest to the spirit of the comic.

:spidey: :spidey:
I've gotta go with the Director's Cut of Daredevil...but then again, I could be wrong. (I've only read a few Spidey trades, three X-Men trades, and no Hulk)
Spider-Man 1 and 2.
Well to me teh best comic books to be adapted to film were not Marvel comics if you ask me. I am a big X-Men movie fan and Daredevil and Fantastic Four were oK movies and all but i think Hellboy and Batman Begins were the best comic adapted movies in resent history.
1. Spider-Man 1 & 2
2. X-Men Trilogy
3. Fantastic 4
4. The Hulk
5. Daredevil
6. Punisher

Haven't seen any of the Blade movies. Punisher was a terrible movie IMO. The Hulk was good for what it was but I would've preferred a more 'fun' movie. I thought the cast was old and I didn't seem to care for Eric Bana as Bruce Banner. They should get someone like Toby Macguire or Christian Bale. Someone who could bring out an emotional performance and one that the general audience would adore. Eric's a good actor, but not right for the Bruce role. Also they should take the geeky scientist approach where his fellow co-workers or students make fun him of because of his geekiness but the beautiful Betty Ross is the one that seems to like him ala Spider-Man. Daredevil was a good movie for what it was too but I would've preferred a more serious and emotional tone much like Batman Begins. Daredevil is such an awesome character. He deserves more justice. Instead they get Ben Afflack to pay Matt Murrdock :rolleyes: Again this is just my opinion.
Am I the only one who thinks X3 (last stand) was the first disappointing Marvel movie FOX has made, I thought DD was far superior than Batman Begins, and i loved FF and thought Electra was harmless fun. But hey too each their own
Chris Wallace said:
Where'd you get the Christina Ricci "Psycho" pic?
Haven't a clue. Someone just found it off google and gave it to me, I think.

Anywho, if we're listing the movies, I'd go...

1. Spider-Man 1 & 2
2. X-Men Trilogy
3. Punisher
4. Daredevil
5. The Hulk
6. Fantastic 4
I haven't seen any of the Blade movies.
So mine are,

Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2
X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men The Last Stand
Fantastic Four

They're all great though.
CConn said:
1. Spider-Man 1 & 2
2. X-Men Trilogy
3. Punisher
4. Daredevil
5. The Hulk
6. Fantastic 4

My thoughts exactly.
Spider-Man and X-Men seem to be the big ones.:up:
Cream of the Crop
1. Hulk - The superhero movie that feels like a drama. Ang Lee took a huge risk by not focusing on the action, and it paid off. Too bad most critics and fans didn't feel the same way.
2. X2: X-Men United - Starts off with a bang and never slows down. Bonus points for keeping Magneto and Mystique around. Burning question: Where are Toad and Sabretooth?
3. Blade II - The action comes on strong - the final fight between Blade and Nomak was, for its time, the best yet in a superhero movie.
4. X-Men - A strong start to Marvel's best overall franchise so far. The action could have used some work, but the characters were so spot-on I didn't mind.
5. Spider-Man - Hero takes on scientist/mentor-turned-villain and saves the day.

Well Above Average
6. Blade - Sue me.
7. Spider-Man II - I liked this movie better when it was called "Spider-Man"
8. X-Men: The Last Stand - All action, no soul. A disappointing end to a franchise.

Bottom Feeders
9. The Punisher - Tom Jane dazzles as the title character. Too bad everything else sucks.
10. Daredevil - Director Mark Steven Johnson crams 40 years of comic book history down our throats in 90 minutes. Thanks, bud. NOTE - the Director's Cut is much stronger. Too bad we didn't get to see that version in theaters.
11. Elektra - Cool fights, yet no story to speak of. Ranks above Fantastic Four because star Jennifer Garner could kick Jessica (Invisible Girl) Alba's ass into orbit.

Gives Batman & Robin a run for its money
11. Fantastic Four - I saw this at the dollar theater and felt cheated. Way to ruin Marvel's best villain, guys. Thanks. Nothing quite like seeing Dr. Doom reduced to an evil businessman (cliche) with lame lightning powers. Oh, and metal skin. How scary :rolleyes:

Not ranked
Blade: Trinity - The bad reviews killed any interest I had in seeing it. I might rent it just to hear Ryan Reynolds call his ex-girlfriend a cockjuggling thunder****, though.
Man-Thing - Direct to DVD and overpriced. No thanks. The comic prequel was surprisingly good, though.
Ultimate Avengers: The Movie - The animation, or what I've seen of it, looks horrible. The suits at Marvel should take a cue from Batman: The Animated Series and show a bit more care in their work.
Sin City is the most closely adapted since it was basically translated to film.
As a long term Batman fan but ya Spider-Man wins my vote
PunisherFan20 said:
Now, outside of Marvel....Hellboy is probably the most closely adapted film.

When I saw it advertised in magazines I didn't care for it. When I saw a TV spot I thought "Hey, that looks good! I'll see it." So I saw it on opening night and I loved it. It was funny and everything. I wasn't even a fan of the comics and I loved it. I saw it twice in theatres, and bought it on DVD the day it came out.

Good movie.:up:
Spider-Man 1 and 2.:spidey:

I can't consider X-Men as a great film franchise b/c it was too unfaithful to the comics unlike all the other Marvel films that have been made so far. I didn't see X3 so I won't make a complete judgement.

This is how I'd rank the other marvel films though
Fantastic Four
Spider-Man 1 and 2 is the winner.
Blade 1 and 2 would've tied 1st place...if it weren't for Blade: Trinity.


If Raimi delivers the same level of quality on Spidey 3, and I'm confident he will, the Spidey films will stand as the greatest superhero film series ever made.

Hopefully Nolan and Singer will get the chance to give Raimi a run for his money with great Batman and Superman series.
How can daredevil have more votes than blade??? :(
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