World best spider-man film #1

Only live action films? There's only live action films, Spidey doesn't have any animated movies.
I'm going to go for it, though if you want me to take it down I will.

I thought that the amazing spiderman was a better movie overall. It's not perfect, but it's certainly a step above the others. I like it for the chemistry between Gwen and Peter that was sort of lost between Peter and Mary. I also like their attempt to make Peter an actual science whiz kid, instead of just a nerd. Finally, I like how the showed that Peter had the guts to stand up for himself even when he didn't have powers.

Now I will have to say that the Raimi films capture a better role model for children. Tobey Mcguire played a more emotional spiderman, and you could tell that the family was very close. The first movie loses a little bit of credit by not developing norman. The second movie has a great tight story, but peter losing his powers is random, and it adds pointless drama. Finally the third was good, but it ran on a little too long, and the story was too slow at times.

All in all they were good, but I just preferred the characters in The amazing spiderman better. Plus, though it's a bit nit-picky, I liked Andrew garfield's take on a human spider. He played that well even to the wrapping of the lizard in the school. His web swinging was parkour with a hint of webbing as a safety line. I could see that more than I can the jumping higher than a few stories. Plus it looks better.
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Spider-Man has a few animated movies from the 90's
Like what? I don't recall any actual movies, at most I can remember 2 episodes of the 90's back to back, but that's kinda it. Were there actual movies?
Are you kidding me? In my opinion Spider-Man 2. No contest.
#1 Spider-Man 2
#2 Spider-Man
#3 Amazing Spider-Man
#4 Spider-Man 3
I'm kind of curious. Spider-man 2 was definitely the best film in the raimi saga. Why did Peter spontaneously lose his powers? That's the only reason that I reduced it below TASM.
It's psychological. The film doesn't leave it a mystery. Peter is losing MJ, possibly for good, Harry is driving himself mad trying to find Spider-Man, he can't hold down a job, he's failing at school, he lives in a crappy apartment he can't even pay for, and May is tortured with guilt over what happened to Ben, blaming herself. When Peter tells her the truth about that night she pulls away from him. With all that, Peter's so twisted up in knots that his own brain starts blocking out his powers. Octavius even tells him keeping his love for MJ secret will make him sick. The doctor tells him it's all in his head.

Is that really so hard to believe?

My rankings match Thunderstrike's. I didn't care for TASM at all. The enjoyable parts of SM3 are better than that film, but the bad parts of SM3 are simply unwatchable.
It's psychological. The film doesn't leave it a mystery. Peter is losing MJ, possibly for good, Harry is driving himself mad trying to find Spider-Man, he can't hold down a job, he's failing at school, he lives in a crappy apartment he can't even pay for, and May is tortured with guilt over what happened to Ben, blaming herself. When Peter tells her the truth about that night she pulls away from him. With all that, Peter's so twisted up in knots that his own brain starts blocking out his powers. Octavius even tells him keeping his love for MJ secret will make him sick. The doctor tells him it's all in his head.

Is that really so hard to believe?

My rankings match Thunderstrike's. I didn't care for TASM at all. The enjoyable parts of SM3 are better than that film, but the bad parts of SM3 are simply unwatchable.

an excellent explanation of Peter's temporary power outage...

and your opinion of TASM and your interp of SM3 as compared to TASM mirror my own..

great minds think alike, huh?... :woot:
Spider-Man 2 hands down. Spider-Man is my second favorite, and to this day I still have a soft spot for the movie. Love them both. Spider-Man 3... that movie never happened.

The Amazing Spider-Man is not as good as the first Spider-Man film, but it has much more potential to take the franchise in many different directions. Can't wait to see the sequel to this film.
an excellent explanation of Peter's temporary power outage...

and your opinion of TASM and your interp of SM3 as compared to TASM mirror my own..

great minds think alike, huh?... :woot:
Yup! :woot:

I freely admit I do not get the love for TASM. I watched it; I tried to like it; but I simply cannot recognize the character being portrayed in that film as Peter Parker. It's some twisted up version of him, who broods over his dead father, doesn't seem to respect his aunt & uncle much, lies his way into a science lab so he can sneak around (screwing over another student in the process!), reveals his secret ID to a girl he barely knows so he can make out with her, and never really displays he's learned the "power and responsibility" lesson. He says he does ... but I don't believe him. He can't even keep a promise he makes to a dying man!

I was really disappointed by TASM. A corporate-rights-driven unnecessary reboot that tinkered too much with the character to try and make itself 'different'.
Yup! :woot:

I freely admit I do not get the love for TASM. I watched it; I tried to like it; but I simply cannot recognize the character being portrayed in that film as Peter Parker. It's some twisted up version of him, who broods over his dead father, doesn't seem to respect his aunt & uncle much, lies his way into a science lab so he can sneak around (screwing over another student in the process!), reveals his secret ID to a girl he barely knows so he can make out with her, and never really displays he's learned the "power and responsibility" lesson. He says he does ... but I don't believe him. He can't even keep a promise he makes to a dying man!

I was really disappointed by TASM. A corporate-rights-driven unnecessary reboot that tinkered too much with the character to try and make itself 'different'.

heard THAT... :up:
Marvel SO needs to do a good(and adult)animated Spider-man film. I'd love to see a darker and better version of the symbiote/Venom story or even Kraven's last hunt.
When I saw Spider-Man 3 for the first time, I was thinking that it wasn't what I expected, but found it very entertaining. And I thought, "well hey, we still have Venom coming up later in the movie! So maybe it will get better?"

About an hour and a half into the movie, Peter thinks he killed Sandman, and for some reason gives himself that emo hair. From that point, the movie just went downhill and got so much worse. And Venom... what did Sony do to one of my favorite villains?!
Amazing Spider-Man is somewhat better than the rest
Spider-Man the Movie is the best of Raimi's trilogy
Spider-Man 3 is my favorite Spidey film, it's just fun, and I love what they did with Venom
Spider-Man 2 is good, but it's my least favorite Spider-Man movie, and I can't agree on it being fantastic

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