Sequels Best Story for SM4?


Jun 21, 2005
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I see alot of threads talking about specific villains or actors, but what do you guys want to see in SM4 story wise? Let's see who can come up with the best. Just a quick summary will suffice.

Mine involves the Lizard, Kraven, and Black Cat(who they've been wanting to introduce since SM2) with a cameo by Shocker.

I love the MJ character, but in order to not make it so crowded, I think she should take a job related trip during the events of SM4. That makes 2 major characters not in the movie (Harry and MJ), and plenty of time for new character development.

Alot of people are saying Kraven should come to New York to hunt the Lizard. How can that happen? Is the Lizard gonna pop up at the start of the movie? Nope. All the characters should be introduced at the start.

Shocker gets defeated at the very start of the movie. Kraven comes to NY to hunt Spider-Man. Their first encounter is while Spidey is chasing/flirting with Black Cat who stole an ancient gem. Meanwhile, Conners is feeling the effects of his experiment and he starts to change, fully becoming the Lizard about halfway through film, he doesn't revert to human form. Kraven deals with Spider-Man and is now after this new Lizard creature. Spider-Man finds out it's Conners. Black Cat is still in possession of a gem that could possibly cure the Lizard. Spider-Man has to get gem from BC to cure Lizard. Kraven finds out it's Conners and still wants the kill, making him a truly evil bastard, even going as far as to hurt people in order to get to the Lizard. BC has a change of heart in the end because of Spidey, not the Lizard. The Lizard proves to be too much for Kraven. Spider-Man cures the Lizard. Finally, we see the transformation back to man.
here's my summary of SM4.

Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson are having a really good relationship and planning on getting married. Dr. Connors has been secretley studying Lizards and decides to inject himself with some sort of potion. Kraven The Hunter has been hunting in jungles and wants a new prey and that is Spider-man. Mary Jane watson is still a Jazz waitress and is pretty happy. Peter Parker is happy but is still a little depressed over the loss of Harry. Dr. Connor's Wife and Son are worried about where he has been because they found his office room trashed. The Lizard is hiding in the sewer. Kraven The Hunter on the other hand is making his way to NYC to Hunt down Spider-man when the time is right. The Daily Bugle has been getting reports of The Lizard in the sewer so Spidey goes to check that out and when he finds the Lizard, they get into a huge battle. Kraven arrives and the battle continues. Spider-man tries to convince the Lizard to stop but Kraven keeps jumping in and attacking Spidey. The Lizard then realizes what is happening to him and that he has to stop it.

theres alot more to the plot that I didn't put in but it was just a little summary.
well the idea i have...

open the movie with Kasady (just call him Kasady. The Simpsons have warped my opinion on the name "Cletus") anyways. Open the movie up with him running from the police (to establish he's a con) after just mowing down two unsuspecting people at a gas station (establishing he's batcrap crazy).

have him break into a big building (Conner's lab). He's hiding out..and looking for crap to fence. He see's the little piece of Venom symbiote left's since replicated-and created the Carnage symbiote. (say they were in two cases...cuz the venom symbiote would still be needed for my idea down the line..since this idea crosses 3 movies (4 counting Civil War)

Kasady ends up breaking the case..and bonding with the Carnage symbiote...does a little line about "kasady was terror...and the symbiote was mayhem..but now as one..i am CARNAGE!"..and during his battles...references being "incomplete" and the "synoptic needs its other half"-hence targeting spiderman....

Then we do some crap with Conners...including cameos by Reed Richards and Tony Stark (who helped with his little project)...which sets up his transformation into The Lizard.

Lizard battles Spiderman

Later on....Spiderman is swinging by..blindsided by Carnage..who hunts Spiderman looking for his "other half"

more filler crap..leading to a big three way battle then after the battle...we think Carnage is dead...pan down to a sewer..where he escaped....he's in his Kasady form, and says like "i know i'd find you. the synoptic can now be complete"..

last scene of spiderman venom lunging at the screen. *credits*

use Spiderman 5 as a build up for Civil War being a Subplot...and Venom / Carnage vs Spiderman being the main plot line.

stop all solo marvel movies. and do Civil War. just to see Captain America get the piss kicked out of him on the big screen.

then Spiderman 6 can be Back In Black...the ASM storyline..with May getting shot and Peter going nuts
I hope Carnage Lizard is not every noobs wish ^^^.... watch the studio grant it to them... nah just kidding.

Here are the elements I want in my SM4:

1) Slow beginning... major character development. MJ gets her career back on track and starts hitting it big on the stage again. More screen time at the bugle with the characters in place as well as new ones (Mac Gargan anyone? And bring back John Jameson for an extended cameo at least).... MAJOR development of Conner's family background... Peter's new job working for Conners, and major screen time with Gwen and Peter working together in the lab and developing chemistry together.

2) Lizard springs up and in comes Kraven shortly thereafter (in Act II). Ideally I would have Wilson Fisk introduce Kraven as far as his intro is concerned (Fisk is a philanthropist to the city who hires Kraven for the greater good of the city but is secretely you know who to setup the sequels). But Kraven is a guy that can just pop up and introduce himself with little background or development since it fits the story so nicely.

3) Gwen/Pete/MJ love triangle FULLY developed as MJ fades out a little with her career... opening up screen time for Pete and Gwen as they race to save Conners together and get closer in the process

4) No Black Cat.... way too soon... even a side villain like Shocker or Rhino or Vulture (God forbid) would just be a waste of screen time... let the story outdo the action for a change... we don't need a 300 million dollar flick... just look at what X2 was compared to TLS.

5) Take your pick on how it ends... my one bone to pick... NO DAMN MARRIAGE... Pete/MJ should separate or put things on hold though... make SM4 even more tragic than three... make Peter realize that it is too soon to settle with MJ with all the risks involved. Let Gwen get in the way... she was way too under utilized...

Thats the variation I want to see with these characters... the continuity and the story are there... no need to make it bigger and bigger. The themes play out nicely... Family, temptation, over persuing goals. Now make the damn movie already Sony :yay:
i'd say a lizard and kraven film with connors either adapting the remaining venom symbiote piece for his lizard serum or turning it into a carnage symbiote that his formerly autistic assistant kletus kassidy gets and his inner true form gets released and evolved right at the end so there is a story for the fifth.
Hmm, a scientist with an autistic assistent??? Hate to sound ignorant but do such things happen??
Just give me something with Lizard and Kraven. (That's if there's no symbiotic villains.)
genius's have often been been known to have some slight mild autistic nature in the past...

number crunchers and pattern recognition specialists have been known to have slight autistic tendancies...

i'm not talking full blown here, mild symptons would suffice.

in a similar way to the dark pheonix cletus being able to fully express all his emotions, especially the bloodlust and 'carnage' continuosly shown to him as a child while in care would be the catalyst for his rage and terrorisation.

how's that sound now?
here's my summary of SM4.

Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson are having a really good relationship and planning on getting married. Dr. Connors has been secretley studying Lizards and decides to inject himself with some sort of potion. Kraven The Hunter has been hunting in jungles and wants a new prey and that is Spider-man. Mary Jane watson is still a Jazz waitress and is pretty happy. Peter Parker is happy but is still a little depressed over the loss of Harry. Dr. Connor's Wife and Son are worried about where he has been because they found his office room trashed. The Lizard is hiding in the sewer. Kraven The Hunter on the other hand is making his way to NYC to Hunt down Spider-man when the time is right. The Daily Bugle has been getting reports of The Lizard in the sewer so Spidey goes to check that out and when he finds the Lizard, they get into a huge battle. Kraven arrives and the battle continues. Spider-man tries to convince the Lizard to stop but Kraven keeps jumping in and attacking Spidey. The Lizard then realizes what is happening to him and that he has to stop it.

theres alot more to the plot that I didn't put in but it was just a little summary.

Basically what i want to see as well, although i think Kraven should arrive in NYC to hunt the Lizard, with Spidey caught in the middle...
I think SM4 should either include Lizard or show Peter/Spiderman working closely together with Doc Conners. Each movie deals with a specific character development for Peter. I would suspect something would happen causing Peter to seek a cure. Perhaps he wants to lead a normal life, or his powers go out of control. An accident in the lab would create the Lizard. All while this is going on Spiderman has to fight another villan, Scorpion would be cool. Perhaps spiderman failing into a bad public image and a price is on his head. Leading to bounty hunters and possibly the desire to no longer have the powers. Then he realizes that only he can save the day and abandons the cure.
Obviously the Lizard/Kraven story works the best because it "practically writes itself" as others have stated. The narrative line flows so flawlessly; it connects the main villian (the Lizard) to Parker (his prof), and connects a third party villian (Kraven) to that relationship via his obsession to capture his prize--be it Spider-Man or the Lizard, or both.
I hope Carnage Lizard is not every noobs wish ^^^.... watch the studio grant it to them... nah just kidding.

Here are the elements I want in my SM4:

1) Slow beginning... major character development. MJ gets her career back on track and starts hitting it big on the stage again. More screen time at the bugle with the characters in place as well as new ones (Mac Gargan anyone? And bring back John Jameson for an extended cameo at least).... MAJOR development of Conner's family background... Peter's new job working for Conners, and major screen time with Gwen and Peter working together in the lab and developing chemistry together.

2) Lizard springs up and in comes Kraven shortly thereafter (in Act II). Ideally I would have Wilson Fisk introduce Kraven as far as his intro is concerned (Fisk is a philanthropist to the city who hires Kraven for the greater good of the city but is secretely you know who to setup the sequels). But Kraven is a guy that can just pop up and introduce himself with little background or development since it fits the story so nicely.

3) Gwen/Pete/MJ love triangle FULLY developed as MJ fades out a little with her career... opening up screen time for Pete and Gwen as they race to save Conners together and get closer in the process

4) No Black Cat.... way too soon... even a side villain like Shocker or Rhino or Vulture (God forbid) would just be a waste of screen time... let the story outdo the action for a change... we don't need a 300 million dollar flick... just look at what X2 was compared to TLS.

5) Take your pick on how it ends... my one bone to pick... NO DAMN MARRIAGE... Pete/MJ should separate or put things on hold though... make SM4 even more tragic than three... make Peter realize that it is too soon to settle with MJ with all the risks involved. Let Gwen get in the way... she was way too under utilized...

Thats the variation I want to see with these characters... the continuity and the story are there... no need to make it bigger and bigger. The themes play out nicely... Family, temptation, over persuing goals. Now make the damn movie already Sony :yay:

Slow beginning? You're aware this is a summer action movie right.
And how is the FOURTH film in a franchise too early for Black Cat? When should she show up? The seventh movie?

And a 5 minute fight with a C-lister wouldn't hurt anyone.
Movie opens up to a dark rainy night in the African jungle. We see Kraven hunt down a cheetah. He then says that hunting is getting too easy and he needs a new hunt. Meanwhile in the city, We find Peter and MJ are still friends, but they are no longer in a romantic relationship. Peter wants to be in one with MJ, but she still can't completely trust him even after Peter has explained time after time the symbiote that influenced his actions. Dr. Connors desperatly wants his arm back and is working on a serum that will help limbless people all over the world. Conners figures it is finally time to test it. He uses himself as the lab rat and is violently turned into the Lizard.( I want this transformations to be AMAZING on scree). Spidey heres about hughe Lizard sightings and goes searching for it. Kraven arrives at New York with the idea to hunt down Spiderman. Spiderman finds the Lizard and is easily defeated(but his mask does not get ripped off lol). Kraven reads about the battle between the two and thinks that Lizard is a greater challenge because he defeated Spiderman. Kraven hunts down where the Lizard is staying, which is deep in the sewer. Kraven attacks the Lizard, looking to defeat him, but fails. Kraven is happy that his new hunt takes more than 1 attempt. MJ gets upset with Peter because he continues to try and make excuses why he was so rude and hurtfull towards her in Sm3. Looking to prove himself, Spiderman swings to Dr. Conners lab to get the symbiote, because MJ still doesn't believe the monster on Eddie once belonged to Peter. Spiderman finds the Lizard there and they fight in Conners lab. Spiderman realizes that the Lizard is Conners and looks to help him. Kraven busts in and goes after Lizard. They have a fight where all three of them are fighting each other. The Lizard gets away and Spiderman tells Kraven that the Lizard is not a monster. Kraven no longer cares and moves on, searching for the Lizard.

I'll write more later, I'm sorry its long.
The next day the Lizard is found a top a building. A S.W.A.T. team and other officer's, including Captain Stacy, are below it fireing at the creature. Kraven stands up above a building near the one that the Lizard is a top, holding a rifle. While swinging to the scene, Spiderman notices Kraven and attacks him, telling him that the Lizard is an innocent man. While Spiderman and Kraven fight, The Lizard escapes. The officers follow him. Spiderman defeats the Kraven and swings after the police cars. He confronts Captain Stacy and tells him that the Lizard is an innocent man and that they should hold their fire and let him deal with the creature. Stacy agrees, but tells Spiderman he and his men will follow close behind just incase Spiderman gets seriously injured or killed. That way, they could stop the Lizard. Spiderman attacks the Lizard on a building and they fight. The police men are below watching, guns drawn. At the end of the battle the Lizard throws Spiderma into a gargoyle or some small statue thing on the building(really doesn't matter) and the debris falls towards the police men. Stacy shoves one of his fellow men aside, indangering is own life to save his friends. The debris falls on and kills Captain Stacy. The Lizard escapes while Spiderman swings down to see if Stacy is alright. Later on, Gwen invites Peter to the funeral, even though they haven't talked sense the jazz club inncident. Peter goes and his friendship wih Gwen is rekindled. They eventually begin a romantic relationship. MJ finds out about this and becomes upset with Peter even though she said she didn't want a romantic relationship with Peter. Confused and saddened, Spiderman looks for the Lizard. He spots Kraven and follows Kraven, knowing Kraven can find the Lizard easily. Indeed he does. Spiderman battles and defeats Kraven in the sewer while the Lizard escapes. Kraven gets knocked out and his unconscious body falls into sewer water and is not seen again in the movie. (I don't like killing off villains so hes gone, but not nessesarily dead). Spiderman goes to Conners lab and finds notes that have been poorly written. Spiderman reads them and realizes they have been written by the Lizard. Because of Kraven and the police attacking him, he now hates the two-legged species(humans) and wants them all dead. He wants his wife and child to die also, because he loves them and he does not want the human species stupidy to reach them before they die. Spiderman goes to Conners house and finds the Lizard there attacking Connors's wife. Spiderman attacks the Lizard and trys to explain that Kraven was evil and the police misunderstood him. (The Lizard does not talk, he only writes) The lizard continues to attack Spiderman. Conner's wife (her name slips my mind at the moment) tells Spiderman that she found a video Curt made before he took the serum. (obviously she's telling him while hes fighting). She says he mentions a reverse serum at his lab. Spiderman tells her to take her son to the next door neighbor's and tells her to go to the lab and get the serium. After they fight for awhile, she shows up and tosses Spiderman the serum. He has to continue to fight the Lizard so he can get the shot in. He stabs him with it and the Lizard turns back into Connors. Peter goes to his apartment and checks his messages. MJ leaves one saying she appoligizes for getting so worked up about Gwen, but shes leaving to shoot a small part in her first movie and that she won't be back for a few months. The next morning Spiderman checks on Curt at his wrecked lab and asks if hes doing alright. Conners replies "yes, except there is something that's missing that I rather not be missing". Spiderman asks what and Conners replies. "Do you remember that creature you faced that night at the construction site?" The last scene shows Spiderman swinging through town as if he is in a hurry.
Movie opens up to a dark rainy night in the African jungle. We see Kraven hunt down a cheetah. He then says that hunting is getting too easy and he needs a new hunt.

I like this beginning for SM5. I would change the cheetah to a very strong gorilla that kills humans.
The next day the Lizard is found a top a building. A S.W.A.T. team and other officer's, including Captain Stacy, are below it fireing at the creature. Kraven stands up above a building near the one that the Lizard is a top, holding a rifle. While swinging to the scene, Spiderman notices Kraven and attacks him, telling him that the Lizard is an innocent man. While Spiderman and Kraven fight, The Lizard escapes. The officers follow him. Spiderman defeats the Kraven and swings after the police cars. He confronts Captain Stacy and tells him that the Lizard is an innocent man and that they should hold their fire and let him deal with the creature. Stacy agrees, but tells Spiderman he and his men will follow close behind just incase Spiderman gets seriously injured or killed. That way, they could stop the Lizard. Spiderman attacks the Lizard on a building and they fight. The police men are below watching, guns drawn. At the end of the battle the Lizard throws Spiderma into a gargoyle or some small statue thing on the building(really doesn't matter) and the debris falls towards the police men. Stacy shoves one of his fellow men aside, indangering is own life to save his friends. The debris falls on and kills Captain Stacy. The Lizard escapes while Spiderman swings down to see if Stacy is alright. Later on, Gwen invites Peter to the funeral, even though they haven't talked sense the jazz club inncident. Peter goes and his friendship wih Gwen is rekindled. They eventually begin a romantic relationship. MJ finds out about this and becomes upset with Peter even though she said she didn't want a romantic relationship with Peter. Confused and saddened, Spiderman looks for the Lizard. He spots Kraven and follows Kraven, knowing Kraven can find the Lizard easily. Indeed he does. Spiderman battles and defeats Kraven in the sewer while the Lizard escapes. Kraven gets knocked out and his unconscious body falls into sewer water and is not seen again in the movie. (I don't like killing off villains so hes gone, but not nessesarily dead). Spiderman goes to Conners lab and finds notes that have been poorly written. Spiderman reads them and realizes they have been written by the Lizard. Because of Kraven and the police attacking him, he now hates the two-legged species(humans) and wants them all dead. He wants his wife and child to die also, because he loves them and he does not want the human species stupidy to reach them before they die. Spiderman goes to Conners house and finds the Lizard there attacking Connors's wife. Spiderman attacks the Lizard and trys to explain that Kraven was evil and the police misunderstood him. (The Lizard does not talk, he only writes) The lizard continues to attack Spiderman. Conner's wife (her name slips my mind at the moment) tells Spiderman that she found a video Curt made before he took the serum. (obviously she's telling him while hes fighting). She says he mentions a reverse serum at his lab. Spiderman tells her to take her son to the next door neighbor's and tells her to go to the lab and get the serium. After they fight for awhile, she shows up and tosses Spiderman the serum. He has to continue to fight the Lizard so he can get the shot in. He stabs him with it and the Lizard turns back into Connors. Peter goes to his apartment and checks his messages. MJ leaves one saying she appoligizes for getting so worked up about Gwen, but shes leaving to shoot a small part in her first movie and that she won't be back for a few months. The next morning Spiderman checks on Curt at his wrecked lab and asks if hes doing alright. Conners replies "yes, except there is something that's missing that I rather not be missing". Spiderman asks what and Conners replies. "Do you remember that creature you faced that night at the construction site?" The last scene shows Spiderman swinging through town as if he is in a hurry.

good job!

and yeah GO IRISH!:yay:
No Shocker, no Black Cat.

Lizard is best suited as the main villain.

MAYBE Kraven.
Like I have said in other threads, I would prefer the Scorpion as the villian in SM4, with Lizard/Kraven in SM5 because I feel the movies haven't really touched on Connors when compared to other "set-up" villians like Harry Osborn. However, I would be perfectly happy with the Lizard and Kraven, and I feel that Kraven should be hired to hunt down the Lizard with Spidey in the middle.

With that being said, I feel the fourth movie should not focus on Peter and MJ getting engaged or married. In the meantime, they should just be recovering from the events of Spider-Man 3. Also, the character of Gwen Stacy could be fleshed out a little more here, along with her father, too.

I would love to see a scene where Peter visits the Osborn in SM4, grieving over the loss of his friend Harry. My idea here is similiar to the one expressed in the opening story of the "Shrieking" arc in ASM back before Aunt May had a stroke in the mid 1990s.
genius's have often been been known to have some slight mild autistic nature in the past...

number crunchers and pattern recognition specialists have been known to have slight autistic tendancies...

i'm not talking full blown here, mild symptons would suffice.

in a similar way to the dark pheonix cletus being able to fully express all his emotions, especially the bloodlust and 'carnage' continuosly shown to him as a child while in care would be the catalyst for his rage and terrorisation.

how's that sound now?

yeah, i was thinking about full blown autism.
Slow beginning? You're aware this is a summer action movie right.
And how is the FOURTH film in a franchise too early for Black Cat? When should she show up? The seventh movie?

And a 5 minute fight with a C-lister wouldn't hurt anyone.

I should've phrased it better... but I really don't see the point with Rhino coming in the first five minutes and robbing a bank... I mean it could be done... but its just to fill screen time in my opinion... SM3 had a slow beginning no? Thats along the lines of what I meant... cmon Spidey with the speech... MJ's pathetic performance... it was really lack luster in my book... but you know why it was like that... that GG2 fight wasn't until twenty minutes in... and on Black Cat... why write out a character like Gwen? Will we ever see one of Parker's loves ever killed off? If Gwen is out then I am afraid not... and three love interests in one movie is overkill... I don't see the point of Black Cat unless its just a short cameo by Felicia to setup the character... she can still be featured in two films... SM4 won't be the last if things go to plan
use Spiderman 5 as a build up for Civil War being a Subplot...and Venom / Carnage vs Spiderman being the main plot line.

stop all solo marvel movies. and do Civil War. just to see Captain America get the piss kicked out of him on the big screen.

With all due respect, that makes absolutely no logical sense. Sorry, but I don't see them all of the sudden using the Spider-Man movies to put Civil War on the big screen.

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