Brand New Blade Trailer is great!

The trailer looks pretty good and I'm still gonna watch the series but I have no faith in Sticky's performance to keep the series going. I think he will be th downfall of the series.
I'm not concerend about Sticky's performance as an actor because the film isn't an acting showcase. I'm more concerned about his believability performing martial arts and in fight sequences. If he can pull that off I'd be happy. I haven't seen an extensive clips of fight sequences or swordplay yet. Mainlay guns so far.
Advanced Dark said:
I'm not concerend about Sticky's performance as an actor because the film isn't an acting showcase. I'm more concerned about his believability performing martial arts and in fight sequences. If he can pull that off I'd be happy. I haven't seen an extensive clips of fight sequences or swordplay yet. Mainlay guns so far.

I know what you mean. From what I've seen in movies of his in the past I don't know how believable he would be. Snipes is a 5th degree black belt for real. I mean, that's a lot to live up to you know?
I'm really not concerned with Sticky's acting. After seeing his role in over there, i believe he can pull of blade. As far as the fighting goes, i have faith in the editing team.;) :up:

This part was great :
Some1 posted a comment about this clip that said it gave them the fan film kinda feel and i have to agree with them. Nothin really in that trailer that said to me ah man I have to watch this, only of the fact that its blade is whats gonna make me watch this.

I really do hope its good tho.
low quality good thing spike has it and now a bigger network.
you have to turn of your brains to enjoy this series.
dark_b said:
you have to turn of your brains to enjoy this series.

^Was that the sales pitch they gave to make this series:)
i dont recall the movies being high brow entertainment
I am still very much looking forward to this series. I look at it like The Crow series it started off as its okay but grew into something I was hooked on.
Man, them hiring a non-martial artist is going to be a mistake. One of the main draws to the Blade series is Snipes's skills at kicking ayse.
Anyone else think the dialogue is just re-hashed from the movies?

"So what're you?"

"....Something else."

Reminds me of the first Blade . . . It's a shame they're going to make a mockery of a good movie . . . I enjoyed the sequels, though they were not as good as the first.

I actually can't even believe what i just watched was a REAL tv show trailer.
It has the acting from a porno mixed with the effects from the 90's movie.
I can't wait to NEVER see this show...and with that...not coming to this board anymore.

2 cents.

dark_b said:
you have to turn of your brains to enjoy this series.

As we all learned from the last two films huh?

Let's be honest with ourselves. The Blade TV series won't have to try very hard to be better than Blade 2 or Blade Trinity.

IMHO, with a decent set of writers they should be able to make this series last past the first 6 episodes.

Maybe the TV show will make me start to like the Blade character.

After watchin' the trailer I plan on watching every episode. IMHO, it looks better than either of the last two films.

The lack of CG goes a long way toward creating a bit more realism in the film.

Let's hope the series isn't too gun heavy.
I'm looking forward to everything except seeing a bald Sticky.
Hopefully the show lasts long enough to get blades hair back. Though i'm concerned about the other characters. If there a bunch of white people who dont know whats going on.............
...Man did his voice throw me off. =/ I'm really wishing that these were prequels right now...Other than that it seemed alright. Basic tv movie/show fare...I'll watch it just because it has Blade in it.
Dre Roughneck said:
As we all learned from the last two films huh?

Let's be honest with ourselves. The Blade TV series won't have to try very hard to be better than Blade 2 or Blade Trinity.

Anything is better than Trinity but Blade 2 is my favorite Marvel film and arguably the best of the series. No way is the quality going to show anything like Blade 2 but it's not expected to at 2 million a pop.

We keep seeing these trailers expecting Wesley...but it's not. Personally the more I get used to seeing Sticky and not Wesley the better I'm feeling. It's a TV show. And for TV it looks good. Better than Buffy or Angel and from what I've seen not even comparable. Sticky seems to be doing fine with the dialogue. The lack of martial arts training compared to Wesley can be overcome by good editing work. This is going to come down to writing just like any other show on TV. If the writing is good then there is nothing to worry about.

"'s been fun."


Son Of Logan said:

We keep seeing these trailers expecting Wesley...but it's not. Personally the more I get used to seeing Sticky and not Wesley the better I'm feeling. It's a TV show. And for TV it looks good. Better than Buffy or Angel and from what I've seen not even comparable. Sticky seems to be doing fine with the dialogue. The lack of martial arts training compared to Wesley can be overcome by good editing work. This is going to come down to writing just like any other show on TV. If the writing is good then there is nothing to worry about.

"'s been fun."


I heard that Jason Statham from The Transporter movies doesn't have any real formal martial arts training but he had a good fight choreographer. If this is true, then that's all Sticky'd need to pull off some decent fighting for this show.

dark_b said:
this is after triniy right?
Personally, I would have preferred this to be its own series, like a restart. I hope they manage to make it apparent that this takes place in the universe the movie created.

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