Superman Returns Brandon Routh on MTV movie awards

Cool I hope they spoof Superman Returns. I loved the Star Wars & Batman Begins Spoofs they did last year :up:
lol back at home is he?

I kid I kid... Anyway cool news.. Happy to see that the WB is actually gettin him these kinds of gigs... Should help the movie spread the word, and what not... They did good gettin him on this since the WB already blew the Superbowl spot.
im sure theyll spoof superman.
patrickbateman said:
coooooooooool get lex from smallville that would be coool

What's Smallville? :rolleyes:
POTC2 go the **** home!! Superman is teen times bigger, if anything will be spoofed on the MTV movie awards, it's SUPES!!!!!!
Naite22 said:
POTC2 go the **** home!! Superman is teen times bigger, if anything will be spoofed on the MTV movie awards, it's SUPES!!!!!!

Look, I think SR will be great movie and I know I will love it, but...

I am also POTC fan.
GothicPowerMix1 said:
Cool I hope they spoof Superman Returns. I loved the Star Wars & Batman Begins Spoofs they did last year :up:

Really? Can you describe how they did that?:O
explode7 said:
Really? Can you describe how they did that?:O

Its on the DVD. Let's see if we can find it.
That's cool. I always enjoyed MTV awards, but it sucked when Lindsay Lohan was the host. I also was little ticked that they gave the best actor and best new actor, for basically playing himself. I thought both Di Caprio in Catch me if you can" and Maguire and in "Spidey" were better.

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