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Comics Carlie Cooper? Really?

Who would you chose for the single Peter Parker?

  • Carlie

  • Lily

  • Felicia

  • Carol

  • Norah

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Maxwell's Demon
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score

So yeah, it's Carlie Cooper. All I have to say is wtf. Actually that isn't all I have to say. Shockingly I'll go on...

Out of all the BND female possibilities I think they've managed to chose the absolute worst of the bunch for his new love interest or girlfriend. Let's go through the possibilities shall we? (and for the sake of discussion let's leave MJ out of this)

Norah Winters. A good choice. She's quite opposite of Peter in so many ways. This is always a good dynamic for a couple. Plus her backstory could be rather interesting.

Lily Hollister. Say what you will but at least this would be a girl that Norman $%#%ed BEFORE she was in a relationship with him. That's called progress. Plus him raising a little goblin bastard (I used the word completely appropriately here censors) would be full of wacky shenanigans.

Black Cat. They've got a history. Add to this if Peter and MJ did break up because she as a civilian would be in too much danger. Well date a meta then. Felicia also has that fun opposite feel to her in a different way. Speaking of this but in a different way we've also got...

Ms. Marvel. They don't have a history but that could be a good thing. Again you've got an even more powerful meta so the MJ break up thing could be said to be justified. Add to this as characters they would really have an interesting opposites attract dynamic. Plus it would make the Avengers a bit more fun to read.

Carlie Cooper. Someone explain her appeal to me because I just don't see it. Other than writers explaining in thought bubbles that she's so great I don't see any reason for them to be together or that she is in fact in any way great.
She's similar in her character to Debra Whitman. Peter attracts both the hotties and the nerds.Gwen was both.
Spidey rules
Really now are you actually surprised by this? Ever since her first appearance, it was obvious what Marvel created her for. It was just matter of when it would happen...
I'm not an BND hater (more like coldly indifferent), but this trailer didn't stir any emotion in me. It just seemed dull and uninteresting. If this was supposed to highlight the awesomeness of 'Big Time', it failed.

Great, Hobgoblin is coming back. And what will he bring to the books that the other dozen Goblin characters didn't? :dry: .

Peter looks and sounds like he's 20 in it.

New Spider-Girl. :whatever:

And Ramos is still not a good artist.

Carlie dating Peter was almost the least offensive thing in this trailer.

Most people have issues with BND continuity. But continuity completely aside, the stories lately just seem like they're limp and treading water. Spidey needs an infusion of something new and great, and this doesn't seem like what I was hoping for.
I liked that trailer (except the Carlie part) a lot, but I'm a Ramos fan.

Anyway, if I had to choose someone that is not MJ, I voted Norah. She has spunk and I like her forward flirtations with Pete. She is definitely a much better character than Carlie (who I still see as a Gwen stand-in, I mean come on, bright blonde who's father was in law enforcement?, Sounds like what Marvel did after the writers vetoed Joe Q's offer to bring Gwen back).
I voted for Carlie. Her working in crime forensics should work in ASM really well. Plus, she's more suited for Pete, since they are both scientists, not only that but there will be the tension of detective-like Carlie potentially finding out about Pete's alias.

My favorite is Felica, but we all know it won't lead anywhere.

I liked the idea with Ms. Marvel a lot, but I don't think she'd be a good fit for ASM. Maybe if Marvel insisted on it, she would become much more popular. Hmm.. food for thought, perhaps sometime in the future.
As much as of a Norah Winters fan boy as I am, I'd love to see Peter date a legit top Marvel superhero in Carol. Lord knows it'd be better than Gwen Stacy 2.0.
None of the above. If it must be one of them, than Felicia. But I still want MJ.
I voted to Felicia because I love her but for the story it would be Ms. Marvel the best. Peter had never dated a girl who more powerful than he. It would bring some interesting stories about his civil life.
Norah is annoying
Lily sucks, only cause of Menace
Carlie I like, but I never wanted her to be Peter's love interest
I voted for Felicia/Black Cat.

Carlie Cooper's a piece of trash who isn't worth our time.
I voted Norah, she's my favorite of the choices. I like Black Cat too, but I don't think they're right for each other long term (not that the writers are worried about that...).
Carlie Cooper. Someone explain her appeal to me because I just don't see it. Other than writers explaining in thought bubbles that she's so great I don't see any reason for them to be together or that she is in fact in any way great.

Someone saw an episode of Spectacular Spider-man and thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if there was a nerdy Gwen Stacey in the 616 mythos?" The Marketing team nodded soulessly, and Dan Slott excecuted the idea.

But seriously, she's not bad from the few issues I actually read of BND. Still prefer the red headed jackpot myself though... er not the super hero, MJ, Carlie's not a bad replacement.
Finally, someone else who doesn't hate her
Thank you very much

I agree on the red headed Jackpot (MJ), she's the best
Someone saw an episode of Spectacular Spider-man and thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if there was a nerdy Gwen Stacey in the 616 mythos?" The Marketing team nodded soulessly, and Dan Slott excecuted the idea.
I figured it was also a lame attempt at cashing in on the popularity of all those CSI shows. Somehow I doubt Carlie will ever have much of a following among fans.
I honestly really wouldn't choose any of them. I actually liked Carlie Cooper during the Brand New Day era. It's just been really odd that since Big Time Carlie sort of just hasn't been the same and it's Slott that got me to like her during BND. So...I don't know what's going on.

I think Peter being attached to Avengers, Fantastic Four, and working at Horizon Labs...who has time for a girlfriend. :huh::oldrazz:
Alright, guys, I'll be honest. Carlie Cooper? I think she's a decent character. I've mentioned time and time again that I love what BND has done (I hated OMD). And Carlie Cooper is one of the things i've never had a major problem with.

Originally posted by SPideyInATree

I honestly really wouldn't choose any of them. I actually liked Carlie Cooper during the Brand New Day era. It's just been really odd that since Big Time Carlie sort of just hasn't been the same and it's Slott that got me to like her during BND. So...I don't know what's going on.

I think Peter being attached to Avengers, Fantastic Four, and working at Horizon Labs...who has time for a girlfriend. :huh::oldrazz:
This is one of the reasons I don't have a problem with her. I loved when she was closer to Peter, but I like seeing her solo side of life as well. Well, as a CSI person, anyway. Besides, she's a nerd, and you know how peter is, lol. Remember Debra Whitman?

Then again, MJ wasn't a nerd and Felecia certainly was NOT either. Ehh, I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles. :oldrazz:

Overall though, I think I'd choose Felecia for Peter.
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i dont think charlie cooper is that bad. she is a nerd like him, she will understand most of his sci-fi talk personllay i would want a girlfriend like her
peter and mary jane need to be together, simple as that. i can live with harry being alive again, aunt may not knowing peter's secret (and being alive again as well, for that matter), but i long for peter and mary jane to rediscover one another in the recreated world of their lives. for the moment, i can tolerate the black cat because they go way back and i enjoy their knowledge of each other (that probably sounds more dirty than i mean it to). i do not care for carlie at the moment. she's boring and feels like contrived filler. i do like the fact that she has a science background, but the whole "mailing-peter's-favorite-snicker-doodles-on-his-business-trip" was annoying. at least she didn't get the goblin tattoo.
Amazing #660 spoilers--


loved all the artwork.. but I'd have to re-read these issues again to get the full story.. it came across as very confusing at parts.. especially when all the kids show up.. who all are they? it's Franklin, Valeria (precociously genius-level?), then Alex Power( he's how old, now?), and some kid with black hair, and, is that Artie from X-Factor? and a floating mole-man drone head?

..it was hard to keep up with all the reality warps.. though the nod to the spider-woman costume was neat.. less so with the Kaine nod (no clones!)..

-- side note with Rhino.. in his history, most of it he's been given the mentality of an East Coast tough-guy.. since when did he get retconned into being this russian-national?

carlie finally gets.. a spidey tattoo.. heh.. well, at least it was above her bikini line.. on a side note, regarding her "gripe", i'd be worried about a sig oth who "constantly" shows up at work to visit.. i guess getting lucky makes up for it this time.. (and does she wear a weave? her hair was short how long ago?)
Well, she dumped him, so good riddance to her.
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