cast future villians you want to see


Feb 28, 2006
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Frieza- Cillian Murphy

Broly - would have to be a wrestler...Kane perhaps? or someone his size...dont know many actors...

Vegeta - Ray Park

Nappa other options :yay:

Buu- for some reason i see ryan reynolds, but then i think...HELL NO.

Cell- this ones up in the air for me. Jason Statham comes to mind. i think thats his name (guy from crank)
Freeza - Cilian Murphy

Vegeta - Ray Park

Nappa - Nathan Jones

Broly - Tyler Mane or Mark Calaway/The Undertaker

Cell & Majin Buu - Both should be CGI
I'm curious about who will be casted for Cell. He and Vegta are my favorite villains.
As much as i would like to see someone like Cilian Murphy as Frieza, I don't think he will want to do another villain role considering all the villains he has portrayed and since I read somewhere hes tired of doing villains.

As for Vegeta, Ray Park would be good but hes in his mid-thirties now, so i don't know how well that would work considering Bulma is in her early 20's. Add to that that he has that accent and I have not heard him without it.

Nappa has to be Goldberg. That guy from Troy is also good (either Tyler Mane or the guy that got killed early on by Achilles)

Cell has to be an unknown, tall, white actor (because the voice sounds more white than black in the anime), kinda like how Brandon Routh was for Superman.

As for Buu and Broly... they are wonderful villains in the DB universe but keep in mind they might be too silly to translate into feature length movies, though Buu would be pretty funny and entertaining to see.
Vegeta - Ray Park

Nappa - Nathan Jones (if it was goldberg people would see him as a wrestler not a villain)

Frieza - Cillian Murphy

Cell - A tall 6 foot handsome athletic english man

Buu - CGI

Broly - HHH
What are you talking about? Nathan Jones was a wrestler too & everyone knows that. Also, Triple H would not be a good choice for Broly. After carefully thinking it over, the Undertaker would be a much better choice.
brock lesner if he had long hair.... but i really like my casting of jason statham as cell.
hes the only person i can think of that would look like cell the most.... his acting, thats a diff story, i was going on looks alone.
i guess thats your opinion... but who would look like cell to you, seeing how as its a cartoon.


with makeup...seems good to me.
No one looks like Cell to me which is why I think he should be CGI.
well if u mean cgi in davy jones style, then id be up for that...
Sure, I wouldn't mind that.

Now, as far as other villains go, instead of a Majin Buu saga movie I'd like a Broly movie where they take elements from the first two Broly movies & also change his background a little bit.
The only villains I want to see are Raditz, Vegeta, Nappa, and Frieza. Cell and Majin Buu is the wildcard if they choose to, but that's it. No Broly, no Janemba, no Cooler, etc.
Screw Majin Buu, I'd much rather have Janemba or Broly. In fact, I wouldn't even mind if Freeza were to be replaced by Cooler & it was renamed the Cooler saga.
i guess thats your opinion... but who would look like cell to you, seeing how as its a cartoon.


with makeup...seems good to me.

He looks vaguely like him. CGI could do the rest but the main point is that Jason Statham doesn`t seem quite right for the character. He just isn`t cell. A great actor could pull it off but lets not kid ourselves Jason Statham is not Orson Wells.

Just like all the other we will prob get unknowns or lesser known actors cast for most of the characters in the entire franchise. Everyone on the boards will mock the choice and claim that Brock Lesnar or Tom Cruise should be frieza and then we will see the movie and be so glad that they picked the unknown with talent to play frieza.
He does look a little like him, but his voice is completely different.

Broly wasnt a good villain so i could do without him.
Jason Statham isn't even that good of an actor so I definitely don't want him cast as my favorite villain from the series.

Broly could be a great movie villain if they were to change some things & make his origin story a little better.
Hmm not really hed just be like Vegeta as a villain again, its important theres a good variety of movies.
Broly is nothing like Vegeta so in no way would it be like we'd be getting Vegeta as the villain again.
I would like to see a different guy for Fat Buu and Super Buu. I mean, they are almost entirely different characters. Pure CGI, of course, but I would like it better if two seperate people did the acting. I know the same guy did it in the anime, but...
That's because they were voice actors. For the movie I wouldn't mind if two people were cast as the different Boo's though.
Screw Majin Buu, I'd much rather have Janemba or Broly. In fact, I wouldn't even mind if Freeza were to be replaced by Cooler & it was renamed the Cooler saga.

I know you like Broly, but Janemba over Majin Buu? I mean, Majin Buu was a universal threat, and was the primary antagonist of the final saga. If there were no Saiyans or Cell, I don't see why Buu wouldn't be the next best thing. And you'd have Freeza replaced with Cooler? Honestly, man, were you being serious?
That's because they were voice actors. For the movie I wouldn't mind if two people were cast as the different Boo's though.

thats def the way to go with buu... i dont want a CGI villain tho unless done Davy Jones style. which is still iffy for me since makeup is so good these days...

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