Celebrities you've met


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
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Constantly seeing that commercial for that Break Up movie that Aniston and V. Vaughn are in, which was filmed in Chicago last summer. I was working in the NBC Tower, and they were shooting in front of it for about a week, and I got on the elevator one day, got off at the bottom, and there is Vaughn with a couple other guys waiting, and he says, "what's up, man?" To which I casually responded, "same old, same old, man," (sheer genius on my part :o). Said good luck with whatever scene he's shooting, and he laughed and went on his way. That's the last one I recall semi-meeting. I know I ain't the only one that's met someone on here, am I right?
Ernie Hudson is the greatest man alive.

Alfonso Riberia is exactly like Carlton Banks.

I met them both at different comic cons
i've met huey lewis, richard karn, one of the guys from n'synch, and dave chappelle.

i actually went to dave chappelle's house this year.
I've tried meeting several celebrities without success. Now that they have my picture, they know I'm coming from a mile away and their security detail has orders to shoot on sight.
I've met a few. I stood next to Roger Daltrey of "The Who" at a urinal once.


- Whirly
photojones2 said:
i've met huey lewis, richard karn, one of the guys from n'synch, and dave chappelle.

i actually went to dave chappelle's house this year.
I met Dave very briefly after a show. He was getting in an escalade while everyone else was waiting outside the bus for him.
Seriously, Ernie Hudson is like the nicest guy alive. My frineds and I chatted with him a bit about Ghostbusters. He had some hilarious things to say and horror stories about the production. He got totally shafted.
kainedamo said:
I met the black guy from Stargate SG1.
Christopher Judge :up:

He did the voice of Magneto in X-Men Evolution
Ronny Shade said:
Seriously, Ernie Hudson is like the nicest guy alive. My frineds and I chatted with him a bit about Ghostbusters. He had some hilarious things to say and horror stories about the production. He got totally shafted.

how so?
Olivia DeHavilland (big whoopo)
Michael Jordan (colossal ass****)
Karl Malone (an evil ****** and a theif)
Billy Duffy from the Cult (super cool dude, talked about music for like half an hour)
Dennis Hopper (he's like a snake, he's just as scared of you as you are of him)
Crispin Glover (inSANE, it's not an act)
Karen Black
Mike Watt and Ed fromohio of fIREHOSE (most awesome dudes on Earth)
Cameron Diaz came in to our theater during Sundance and was impossibly nice. She had really bad acne. I was impressed with the fact that she dropped ONE kernel of popcorn on the floor and bent over and picked it up and threw it away.
Holly Hunter (a mega-c***)
Joanna Kearns (If I can't have her, why live?)
Rick(y) Shroeder was coming out of a Mexican retaurant in L.A. while we were on tour there and our drunkard/punching bag/roadie started shrieking like a little girl "RICKY!!!OMG! RICKY!!!....RICKAY!!!!" and Rick Shroeder looked pissed off. That was hilarious.
All the members of X (minus Billy Zoom, sadly)
Nicolas Cage got kicked out of our theater for being wasted and yelling during a movie and fell down the stairs when they escorted him out, sadly I missed that one, but, awesome.:up:
Cyndi Lauper, who is incredibly tiny and hot-as-f***.

But oddly, the one where I was most nervous was RON CANADA, this dude who played "Otis Payne" in "Lone Star", and of all things, a Klingon on DS9.:confused:
I actually wanted his autograph because I was obsessed with Lone Star and couldn't believe he was really standing there.

Well, as you know, he's not a big name at all, so he seemed thrilled that someone was in awe of him and talked to me about acting forever and was super cool.

My friend's girlfriend got to meet Gene Simmons and my friend told her, "If he wants to f*** you, DO IT. I won't be mad."
I met the main cast of the Fantastic 4 film except Alba at a NY signing they did for the movie. All of them were very nice

I've also met a bunch of wrestlers, the biggest one being Hulk Hogan

Gene Simmons at aBook signing
photojones2 said:
how so which...got shafted?

The role of Winston was supposed to be a huge one...he was supposed to be (originally) a powerful ex-airforce guy who bankrolls the GBs operation. Ernie took a paycut for the movie because the role was so great. Then they cut it down and he didnt even show up until page 60.
I sat a few rows away from Mike Myers at a Yankee game. During the seventh inning stretch a friend and I went over and asked his wife for her autograph. Mike was not amused:)
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Karl Malone (an evil ****** and a theif)

Wil said:
Nicolas Cage got kicked out of our theater for being wasted and yelling during a movie and fell down the stairs when they escorted him out, sadly I missed that one, but, awesome.:up:
ampersand said:
I sat a few rows away from Mike Myers at a Yankee game. During the seventh inning stretch a friend and I went over and asked his wife for her autograph. Mike was not amused:)
why his wife?
ampersand said:
I sat a few rows away from Mike Myers at a Yankee game. During the seventh inning stretch a friend and I went over and asked his wife for her autograph. Mike was not amused:)
Ronny Shade said:
how so which...got shafted?

The role of Winston was supposed to be a huge one...he was supposed to be (originally) a powerful ex-airforce guy who bankrolls the GBs operation. Ernie took a paycut for the movie because the role was so great. Then they cut it down and he didnt even show up until page 60.

i always figured something fishy was going on...i mean, if you look at the posters and dvd covers, ernie's name ain't up there. hell, on the dvd i have, he's not even pictured on the cover. that always pissed me off. i mean, he WAS a ghostbuster, afterall.
photojones2 said:
i always figured something fishy was going on...i mean, if you look at the posters and dvd covers, ernie's name ain't up there. hell, on the dvd i have, he's not even pictured on the cover. that always pissed me off. i mean, he WAS a ghostbuster, afterall.
It was inspiring how he chronicles so many terrible (for him) events and wasn't even mad about it.

He described signing autographs on the poster that he wasn't even on...hilarious.
ampersand said:
As a joke. His wife laughed and thought it was funny, Mike got angry.
Well, considering his award winning performance in Cat in the Hat, why would he be? :o
that movie was SO BAD...I'm ashamed I saw it.

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