The Force Awakens Chewbacca to return?


Dec 8, 2012
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I remember I heard a few years back that in Peter Mayhews Episode III contact, he was required to return for Episode VII (sparking a little buzz). Anyway I'm thinking this is a pretty big sign Chewy's coming back (also a sign that despite what a lot of people have been posting, that there was an intended sequel trilogy planned at the time of the prequels.)
Yes but if you have also been keeping up with other news, Peter can hardly walk. He's been in real poor physical condition the past few years. I remember even hearing during Episode III it was not easy for him. Maybe Chewie will return, but sadly I doubt Peter can even do it anymore, the man can't walk without two canes apparently. Which sucks. But if Chewie comes back I'm for it. He has a cane lightsaber back in 2007 I remember.
Yes but if you have also been keeping up with other news, Peter can hardly walk. He's been in real poor physical condition the past few years. I remember even hearing during Episode III it was not easy for him. Maybe Chewie will return, but sadly I doubt Peter can even do it anymore, the man can't walk without two canes apparently. Which sucks. But if Chewie comes back I'm for it. He has a cane lightsaber back in 2007 I remember.

Yeah thats why made the title Chewbacca not Mayhew :/
You talked of his contract, could Chewie be back? Yes. I'm just saying Peter can't do it. Yes you can get anyone in that suit. That's why I said maybe Chewie will return, but Peter can't do it. Re-read my post.
Yeah, Peter has to walk with a cane now, if not he's wheelchair bound. But yes, Chewie will be back but with a different actor.
So excited to see Chewy back and see what the new movies have to offer!
You talked of his contract, could Chewie be back? Yes. I'm just saying Peter can't do it. Yes you can get anyone in that suit. That's why I said maybe Chewie will return, but Peter can't do it. Re-read my post.

I didn't disagree with you and I understood your post. You pointed out how he'd been walking with a cain, and all I was trying to say was that I'm aware and if his reprisal was put in the contract then perhaps they had plans for the character.
First look at #EpisodeVII Chewie with Disney Chairman Bob Iger! #Starwars (deleted)


Chairman’s new co-pilot. #StarWarsDay

I honestly don't know. The image was supplied to is without much context. No idea where/when it was taken.

Faber: Right and of course J.J. Abrams. Although you gave them a selfie the other day, what was that all about? Why would you take a picture with Chewbacca?

Iger: Hey, Chewy is my man. I was at Pinewood Studios outside of London a couple of weeks ago, with Alan Horn the head of our studio and talking with J.J. Abrams and Kathy Kennedy and basically going through some of the details about the shoot which was just about to start. The cast was just assembling. We were looking at costuming and there was Chewy and, of course, i had my iPhone in my hand. So what do you do in today's world when you see someone that you like and have your iPhone and you take a selfie. And so then Kathy Kennedy suggested we post it on, which we did on May the 4th. May the 4th be with you by the way. The next thing i knew, I think in an hour I had about 35,000 hits on my Instagram page. And I'm not that popular.
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I like this mask better than the Episode III mask. This looks more like Chewie!
I don't think the mask in Episode III was bad. It did have a very different look though.
Gonna be great to see Chewy and Han interacting with each other again. One of my favorite scenes is in Empire when Chewy was taking something apart on the Falcon and Han got pissed and told him to put it back together. I hope we get a few scenes like that again.
Hasbro Chewbacca figure:

"Faithful First Mate and co-pilot, Chewbacca has loyally stood by his captain's side through the twisting fortunes of a galaxy in turmoil."

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