The Force Awakens Is It Necessary For There To Be A Skywalker Character?

mr. peasant

Jul 31, 2007
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Just thought I'd ask the question and open up discussion on whether people think that the Sequel Trilogy should feature a Skywalker character. Personally, I'm against the notion - certainly amongst its main characters. My reasoning for it are as follows:

  1. Completed story arc:
    The Original Trilogy ended the Skywalker story arc well; with the main threads created/left open by the Prequel Trilogy intentionally crafted to be filled by the end of "Return of the Jedi". In addition, the OT didn't leave any major loose threads about the Skywalker family that necessarily needs to be picked up by future movies. Indeed, this opinion is backed somewhat by one of Lucas' past comments that he hadn't planned anything specific past the original six movies and that the story ended with Vader's death.
  2. New management, new beginnings:
    It feels appropriate that now that Star Wars has been bought by Disney and is to be made by someone other than Lucas, the movies should have fresh, new beginnings and not be overly limited by what had come before. Moreover, it can be seen as a sign of respect not to touch and mess with the Skywalker family's exploits; leaving it as Lucas' legacy.

To answer this thread's question, there should be a Skywalker in the sequel trilogy and I bet that this is one of the things audiences will want to put their butts in seats to see, the next Skywalker. However, do I think that every Star Wars movie that Disney has the potential to churn out needs a Skywalker? Then no.

For example:

The Star Wars saga is about the Skywalker family. So far, we've had two trilogies focusing on the father and the son, and now we're either going to get a son or a daughter. I hope that Episode IX brings an end to the Saga and the story of the Skywalker family, so that other corners of this universe can be explored in the spin-off films.

Should the protagonist of the Sequel Trilogy be a Skywalker? Yes, because the whole Saga is about them. However, the same rules cannot be applied to the spin-offs.
The Star Wars saga is about the Skywalker family. So far, we've had two trilogies focusing on the father and the son, and now we're either going to get a son or a daughter. I hope that Episode IX brings an end to the Saga and the story of the Skywalker family, so that other corners of this universe can be explored in the spin-off films.

Should the protagonist of the Sequel Trilogy be a Skywalker? Yes, because the whole Saga is about them. However, the same rules cannot be applied to the spin-offs.

I agree. Keep the main movies about the Skywalkers but the spin-offs can be centered around whoever they choose.
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Well,the deal is,Episode 7 is a continuation of the "Skywalker" legacy,like it or not.So I'd say keeping Luke at the forefront is essential.

If you're talking about the "Next Generation" cast (and I'm guessing you were) I don't really see Luke being married with kids,so I don't think there needs to be an "actual" Skywalker as his main apprentice.

I'm sure Han & Leia would have kids,but that would kinda make them "Solos" as opposed to Skywalkers in the technical sense.

I sorta wonder how they'll handle Han as the father of Jedi.He didn't seem to have the biggest understanding of the Force,though I believe he grew to accept the concept in the OT.
Let's face it, Disney will be making Star Wars movies for years to come. I think that the "Episodes," or Trilogies, should always be about the Skywalkers, and should be the movies that push the timeline forward.

Then, in between Trilogies, they could make various spinoff films that have nothing to do with the Skywalkers, but that fill in side stories in the galaxy during the Saga.
Should the main protagonist for THIS trilogy be a Skywalker, yes. However, that is more to close out that family's arc. After episode IX, then can use protagonists who aren't Skywalker or Solo family members. One of the major problems with the PT is that Lucas was so obsessed with Anakin and him being the center of everything that a lot of the other characters got shortchanged, most notably the Jedi. We finally get to see the Jedi order at the peak of their power, and all of these new characters are introduced, yet none of them were really developed properly because it had to be the Anakin show. This is a problem because the audience is supposed to care when the Jedi get slaughtered, but since they weren't developed, you didn't really care as much as you should.
I would say no. I actually would like the main character not to be a Skywalker. But I have no problem with a Skywalker (or a Solo) being a major character.
Should the main protagonist for THIS trilogy be a Skywalker, yes. However, that is more to close out that family's arc. After episode IX, then can use protagonists who aren't Skywalker or Solo family members. One of the major problems with the PT is that Lucas was so obsessed with Anakin and him being the center of everything that a lot of the other characters got shortchanged, most notably the Jedi. We finally get to see the Jedi order at the peak of their power, and all of these new characters are introduced, yet none of them were really developed properly because it had to be the Anakin show. This is a problem because the audience is supposed to care when the Jedi get slaughtered, but since they weren't developed, you didn't really care as much as you should.

Out of curiosity, how would the new trilogy help close out the Skywalker family arc? Personally, I thought "Return of the Jedi" did a pretty good job as a bookend to the Skywalker story, both prior to the prequels coming out and even after. I can't really think of what else needs to be told specifically about the Skywalker family.

Let's face it, Disney will be making Star Wars movies for years to come. I think that the "Episodes," or Trilogies, should always be about the Skywalkers, and should be the movies that push the timeline forward.

Then, in between Trilogies, they could make various spinoff films that have nothing to do with the Skywalkers, but that fill in side stories in the galaxy during the Saga.

The problem/danger with that system is the element of self-sabotage involved. By setting it up that way, it essentially labels the non-Skywalker-featuring movies as unimportant and the lesser of the movies. There's a reason why the X-Men movie franchise so-called "spin-offs" still featured Wolverine as the main character.

Also, by constantly placing the Skywalker family at the centre of major events, it makes it as though the world does indeed revolve around them and consequently, the universe seem small.
In all honesty, for me having a Skywalker character isnt vital. I dont think the name of the characters will make a difference to me as long as it all comes together well. If there's Skywalkers, cool. If there arent any, fine too. It's not a dealbreaker.
Out of curiosity, how would the new trilogy help close out the Skywalker family arc? Personally, I thought "Return of the Jedi" did a pretty good job as a bookend to the Skywalker story, both prior to the prequels coming out and even after. I can't really think of what else needs to be told specifically about the Skywalker family.

The problem/danger with that system is the element of self-sabotage involved. By setting it up that way, it essentially labels the non-Skywalker-featuring movies as unimportant and the lesser of the movies. There's a reason why the X-Men movie franchise so-called "spin-offs" still featured Wolverine as the main character.

Also, by constantly placing the Skywalker family at the centre of major events, it makes it as though the world does indeed revolve around them and consequently, the universe seem small.
Well for one thing, seeing the final fates of Luke, Leia, and Han. Seeing them mentor a new generation and the reconstruction of the Jedi order. Then the big three can depart the scene with grace and the franchise can move forward in new directions.
The family of the Skywalkers' should return. They possess the power of the highest midi chlorian counts.
The "Young female lead" could also be one of Luke's padawans. Off Topic, but I just hope Luke is not killed in the first film of the new trilogy, like Obi Wan and Qui Gon.
Out of curiosity, how would the new trilogy help close out the Skywalker family arc? Personally, I thought "Return of the Jedi" did a pretty good job as a bookend to the Skywalker story, both prior to the prequels coming out and even after. I can't really think of what else needs to be told specifically about the Skywalker family.

I agree with the part where we don't always need the Skywalker's. The universe is so big and vast, we can move to completely different characters in the future. (I still pray for a KOTOR trilogy)

However there is another part of the arch for the Skywalker family. And Yoda said it in ROTJ "Pass on what you have learned". We've seen a Skywalker fall, another bring the other back, but we have not seen them pass on their legacy, to a next generation. Anakin was a bad father and almost non-existent. So I would say ya there is another chapter that can be written with the Skywalker's in VII-IX that is very typical of most mythologies is the older generation giving to the new.

But, there will be; for me, the question is, does there need to be more than two Jedi? After the over-saturation with them in the preceding trilogy, I hope they scale back and limit it two primary characters.
Unless there is a McCloud, a Star Wars movie isn't a Star Wars movie without a Skywalker.
Don't really care one way or another, honestly. Luke, Han, and Leia had a great end to their story in ROTJ so if they didn't show up it's not like we got cheated in anyway shape or form. I want new characters and new story arcs. Oh except Chewie. I never can get enough of Chewie! Him being a wookie means he will outlive the trio providing they don't drop a moon on him in this new trilogy. He could show up well after the trio are gone.

Personally I hoped that Luke would at most function as this trilogy's yoda. Head master of the new Jedi order. I just want good movies set in a galaxy far far away. I don't really need a bunch of nostalgia and OT stuff to make me enjoy it. As long as it's well made and has a good script it will be well on its way to pleasing me.
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  1. Completed story arc:
    The Original Trilogy ended the Skywalker story arc well; with the main threads created/left open by the Prequel Trilogy intentionally crafted to be filled by the end of "Return of the Jedi". In addition, the OT didn't leave any major loose threads about the Skywalker family that necessarily needs to be picked up by future movies. Indeed, this opinion is backed somewhat by one of Lucas' past comments that he hadn't planned anything specific past the original six movies and that the story ended with Vader's death.
  2. New management, new beginnings:
    It feels appropriate that now that Star Wars has been bought by Disney and is to be made by someone other than Lucas, the movies should have fresh, new beginnings and not be overly limited by what had come before. Moreover, it can be seen as a sign of respect not to touch and mess with the Skywalker family's exploits; leaving it as Lucas' legacy.


I agree with both of these. I feel like the prior story is complete. This should be treated (and I believe it will be) as a new saga that happens to be set in this universe.
They've done games where there's no Skywalkers about at all or just mentioned as an aside (Kotor, Dark Forces) and they've been well received. If they had them make cameos or something just to show that they can't or won't be at the forefront of the series, that's fine.

I'd be good with them showing the Jedi being rebuilt with Luke directing some lessons or training while the main characters go do the main plot with some interaction with him. Him just giving them something to go scout out, some rumors of surviving Jedi or something to kick the plot off.

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