Supergirl Chris Wood IS Mon-El


Definitely Not 40
Apr 4, 2004
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Didn't see a thread dedicated to this casting yet, so...

Chris Wood Joins Supergirl Season 2 as 'Surprise' Series Regular
The veteran of Vampire Diaries, Carrie Diaries and, most recently, Containment, is joining Supergirl in a series-regular role that’s shrouded in secrecy, TVLine has learned exclusively. All that we know is that the actor will be playing a surprise DC Comics character, and that he’ll make his debut early into the series’ second season.
Jeff Jensen

Chris Wood is a pod person. Or rather: he'll be playing whoever is in that pod that crashed on Earth in the #Supergirl finale.#SDCC

There's a rumor out there that he's playing Mon-El, which would make sense because the character is connected to both Krypton and the Legion of Superheroes, and would be a nice way to bring that group into Kara's orbit while also building on Clark's connection to them (since we've seen that he's got himself a Flight Ring).
Hopefully an alien being that has an allergy when it comes to all clothing!

I have no idea who he will be. Hopefully not another Kryptonian, but I guess he must be from an alien species who had dealings with Kryptonians due to the similarities in the pod designs.
Hopefully an alien being that has an allergy when it comes to all clothing!

I have no idea who he will be. Hopefully not another Kryptonian, but I guess he must be from an alien species who had dealings with Kryptonians due to the similarities in the pod designs.

If it is Mon-El (though they may not use this name right away, he may be Lar Gand), which I think it is....he is from Daxam, landed on Krypton and was warned by Zor-El that the planet was going to explode and gave him a map to Earth and possibly a pod?????? They may be replacing the story line somewhat from Superboy to Supergirl....

But with the Berlanti-verse, who the hell knows.....LOL
* New Supergirl series-regular Chris Wood will be playing Mon-El, who is in the Season 1 finale’s pod. Supergirl has also added Sharon Leal (Grimm, Hellcats) as Miss Martian.
Whats his relation to Kara and Clark?
Whats his relation to Kara and Clark?

Mon-El?? No relation, he's not even Kryptonian.....Mon because apparently he landed on a Monday, and the El, just sort of adopting him???? but no actual relation in the comics.
For anyone not familiar with the character of Mon-El, here's a brief "bullet-point" rundown:
- His real name is Lar Gand, and he hails from a planet called Daxam, which is a "sister planet" to/colony of Krypton

- He was given the name "Mon-El" after Clark found him and believed him to be his brother; the name, as Kelly noted, is derived from the fact that he landed on Earth on a Monday and the fact that Clark believed him to be his brother

- He's been a member of both the Legion of Superheroes and the Justice League in the comics

- Rather than being affected by Kryptonite, his weakness, like that of all Daxamites, is lead
Mon-El?? No relation, he's not even Kryptonian.....Mon because apparently he landed on a Monday, and the El, just sort of adopting him???? but no actual relation in the comics.

For anyone not familiar with the character of Mon-El, here's a brief "bullet-point" rundown:
- His real name is Lar Gand, and he hails from a planet called Daxam, which is a "sister planet" to/colony of Krypton

- He was given the name "Mon-El" after Clark found him and believed him to be his brother; the name, as Kelly noted, is derived from the fact that he landed on Earth on a Monday and the fact that Clark believed him to be his brother

- He's been a member of both the Legion of Superheroes and the Justice League in the comics

- Rather than being affected by Kryptonite, his weakness, like that of all Daxamites, is lead


Really curious to see how they adapt this look. I feel like they could get away with sticking reasonably close to the source material. Nothing particularly outlandish about it.
I guess they live peacefully with the Cylons.
Mon-El's usual look is an inverse of Superman's. Red suit, blue cape. But his suit at times looked like a tunic jacket rather than spandex. Like Tom Welling in Smallville
Hoechlin's only signed for two episodes thus far, right? Why do I feel like Mon-El wakes up right as Supes goes back to Metropolis?
Welp.... called that one.
I will bet you that Supergirl discovers that Mon-El's weakness is lead and that she will put him in the Phantom Zone. Then he returns with the Legion of Superheroes and maybe fall in love with Brainiac 5.
Lead is certainly easier to come by than Kryptonite. Probably a good thing to keep it secret then, otherwise all the bad guys will start wearing lead jewelry.
Lead is certainly easier to come by than Kryptonite. Probably a good thing to keep it secret then, otherwise all the bad guys will start wearing lead jewelry.

Jewelry? How about plain ole bullets? He'd have to be careful if he wanted to stop a convenience store robbery.
- Rather than being affected by Kryptonite, his weakness, like that of all Daxamites, is lead

I will bet you that Supergirl discovers that Mon-El's weakness is lead and that she will put him in the Phantom Zone.

How about plain ole [lead] bullets? He'd have to be careful if he wanted to stop a convenience store robbery.

As far as I know, lead is lousy at being radioactive. In fact, certain radioactive substances turn into lead as a final stage in their decay (lead is the end of the line). Likewise, lead is a good radiation shield because it does not, itself, become radioactive.

So technically, lead can’t “work at a distance” on Daxamites in the same way as kryptonite does on Kryptonians. But according to DC’s “comic book science,” lead is like the mirror version of kryptonite.

It will be interesting if they make lead irreversibly fatal to him.
He reminds me of a young Christian Bale. And as someone who first fell in love with Bale in's workin' for me. :atp:
He has great chemistry w/Winn.....they need to make that happen. Him being happy in general is better then having to play annoyed.
I liked him as Kai in TVD and he's even more charming here. He has chemistry with everyone too which helps. The bromance with Winn is fun and I'm totally buying his chemistry with Kara. :up:
He kind of reminds me of Brandon Lee in the action movies Showdown In Little Tokyo and Rapid Fire before The Crow.
I like what they did with Jimmy for the most part, but dear god, Mon-el has so much more chemistry with everyone on the show.

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