Clark Gregg is Agent Phil Coulson

Yeah, definitely not a co-lead. Mar-Vell & Fury should be more prominent than Phil.

I'd say about Thor 1 levels would suffice. Or a little less. Just...there, but the relationship should probably be more focused on Nick & Phil rather than Carol & Phil. Like show Phil coming into his own as an agent and proving himself, show why he's Fury's trusted go-to in the later films.

Frankly, while he probably will interact with Carol, I'd actually be just as fine if he didn't. I kinda love the idea of Carol being this huge secret ace-up-Fury's-sleeve he doesn't fill anyone else in on, y'know? Get into the "his secrets have secrets!" stuff.

Phil can kind of help him out, but not necessarily be directly in on the significance of what's going on, more a peripheral player that Nick senses is a good honest man and who he's starting to trust, slowly bringing him in on all the crazy cosmic/superpowered stuff but only in a broad general sense rather than directly "hey, meet Carol, she can fly & punch holes through asteroids!"
Honestly, I would be happy with just he’s a guy at a computer who helps them out. Fury says thanks and if he ever needs a job give him a call. The end
Phil hates tech stuff though, as seen on S.H.I.E.L.D. :oldrazz: He's an oldschool field-guy, can't see him being the guy on comms providing info from some office somewhere.

Probably more out doing the legwork, being all gumshoe investigator guy.
I kinda wonder if he'd earn more from a supporting role in this than in an entire season of Agents of Shield.
Didn't see one posted for Agent Coulson so figured I set one up!

Edit: Thank you!
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Apparently.I am very slow on the uptake.
Until yesterday,
I did not realize that Clark Gregg wrote the screenplay for one of my favorite films,
What Lies Beneath.
I saw that years ago checking up on IMDB. That one is kept quiet. It's a pretty good film and Harrison Ford makes a good villain.
Will he be as impressive as his short from Thor?

Will the Kree dub him Captain Marvel after he outwits her comrades in the Star Force?
I was hoping for more Coulson, only because it's the first we've seen him on the big screen since 2012, but I realized they had to keep the story focused on Carol, so it's a good thing they didnt spend too much time on the cameo roles.
Yeah I was ok with Coulson's time. It was just great seeing him in a film again, especially after spending the past few years being even more invested in him due to Agent of Shield. Even with the small time he had you could tell why Fury would spend the time and resources years later to resurrect him in the 1st place. Loyalty that you get from a guy like Coulson isn't seen that often.
I bet he got paid a lot of $$$ for the 5 days he was on set. AMAZING agent he got.
It was odd seeing him with that much hair but still cool to see him back on the big screen in the MCU.
While it was great to see him again, Coulson's de-aging really bugged me in the movie. He didn't look anything like 90s Clark Gregg and the hairstyle they gave him looked way too modern, probably due to the super fake hairline. Wish they had gone for something more like this:
While it was great to see him again, Coulson's de-aging really bugged me in the movie. He didn't look anything like 90s Clark Gregg and the hairstyle they gave him looked way too modern, probably due to the super fake hairline. Wish they had gone for something more like this:

Agree 100%!
You can tell all their de-aging energy went to Fury, lol.
I could so take or leave Coulson in this movie. You get a smile out of it, but he so doesn't need to be there, that could have been any random agent. Kinda falls flat as a way that Fury starts trusting him too, just "this guy didn't rat me out". Not a huge deal, just I dunno, like the rest of the movie I just wasn't really invested in any of the relationships beyond "heh, that's kind of amusing".

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