Clark Wants........ : Confirmed


Nov 20, 2007
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In the new Dec. issue of SFX magazine, Al Gough mentioned that Clark will want to have a disguise much like Oliver Queen does, so this could mean that Clark may very well start wearing glasses! If a season 8 happens, it WILL be the last one, unfortunately and also he will fly in season 8.

Gough adds that we will see how Clark Kent comes to adopt his traditional, bespectacled look, despite the fact that many have watched him grow up without glasses.
'Yes, we have an explanation,' laughs Gough. 'Whether people will like it or not is another story, but, yeah... I think we certainly delved into the idea of a secret identity with Green Arrow last year. He was a guy who clearly had a secret identity for various reasons, and Clark started to see the importance of adopting one.
'The problem with Superman is that the secret identity he comes up with is so lame! His costume doesn't have a cowl or a hood or anything. It's so weird. I mean it's one of those things that was always in the comic books, and in the '30s it was always just taken as gospel that people didn't recognise Superman as Clark. I know there have been explanations about how the glasses work, people have tried to explain it. Valiant efforts, all of them. But at the end of the day it's not like they ever really cracked it.'"

I think finally
and heres ways he can fool people
Inthe comics they used different things to say superman and ck are different people
Superman use super hypnotisim to fool people in his mild mannered Clark Kent persona

people think superman doesn't have a secrent identity

also superman blurred his face so people won't reconize his face

and of course the chris reeve way
Gough's been saying for awhile that Clark's going to be wanting to get a disguise. It seems that now they've got an idea, though. which is good. I'm interested to see how they even attempt to explain that.
Did it say that was something in store for this season (however much is left) or something they were planning for a Season 8 if that happens?

And thanks for the info, glad to see he may finally start getting into his Ck role a little more.
Not to sound like a prick or anything, but shouldn't this thread be merged into the spoilers and speculation thread? I know that some people want to stay spoiler free and this would ruin it for them.
Not to sound like a prick or anything, but shouldn't this thread be merged into the spoilers and speculation thread? I know that some people want to stay spoiler free and this would ruin it for them.

I don't think so... After all, it goes without saying that Clark will want to adapt a disguise at some point. and it's not like they say how he's going to do it, or when, or if it's even going to be this season.
I Like the sound of this :)
hell, if I was Clark, when I moved to Metropolis to become a reporter, I would change my name, use a blonde wig, put in brown contacts, and wear a fat suit (being 6'4", isn't as specious if your 100 pound over weight) LOL


cool news about them planning something for the show
I don't think so... After all, it goes without saying that Clark will want to adapt a disguise at some point. and it's not like they say how he's going to do it, or when, or if it's even going to be this season.

I guess you could be right, but that doesn't mean that Smallville was guaranteed to show us Clark's disguise.
Not to sound like a prick or anything, but shouldn't this thread be merged into the spoilers and speculation thread? I know that some people want to stay spoiler free and this would ruin it for them.

Yeah, really....

Yeah, really....


C'mon Trip. this is something they've been talking about for years. This isn't a definitive spoiler. "Clark will think about getting a disguise" big whoop, to be honest.
C'mon Trip. this is something they've been talking about for years. This isn't a definitive spoiler. "Clark will think about getting a disguise" big whoop, to be honest.

Well, I didn't really read the first post, I saw something that was heading toward more specific spoilers and I shied away from the rest....

It really is bad form to put spoilers in thread titles just in general even if the spoiler isn't that big a stretch.
I wonder how it will be done because Clark really screwed himself with not wearing glasses, being friends with Lex, etc.
Didn't Welling right in his contract that he would NOT wear the glasses? Season 3 was suppose to start it but he didn't want to wear them.
I always would have had him in glasses, that would have been in Welling's contract from day one if I was in charge. Would have been Clark's silly attempt to blend in so he could "feel" more normal.

Everytime they would get knocked off or be seen with them off, another character would be like, wow, you look so different Clark, you should really get contacts!
Didn't Welling right in his contract that he would NOT wear the glasses? Season 3 was suppose to start it but he didn't want to wear them.

I seriously doubt that.

A good way to go about this would be to have Clark make a deal with devil. The Devil would take on the guise of a regular JOE nad make Clark exchange his love for Lana in exhange for making people forget what he looks like without glasses.
Didn't Welling right in his contract that he would NOT wear the glasses? Season 3 was suppose to start it but he didn't want to wear them.
How do rumors like this start? Seriously? :huh:
from us during hiatus. lol
We know the whole Lois & Co. not recognizing Clark as Superman is dumb, but is part of the mythos, so AlMiles have to keep the tradition. Why the creators of Superman had such a lame idea for Clark's "disguise" remains mind boggling.
I seriously doubt that.

A good way to go about this would be to have Clark make a deal with devil. The Devil would take on the guise of a regular JOE nad make Clark exchange his love for Lana in exhange for making people forget what he looks like without glasses.

LOL that idea sucked in one more day, and would even be ridiculous by smallville standards.
We know the whole Lois & Co. not recognizing Clark as Superman is dumb, but is part of the mythos, so AlMiles have to keep the tradition. Why the creators of Superman had such a lame idea for Clark's "disguise" remains mind boggling.

Im just perplexed how would they even come close to pulling it off on smallville since clarks never worn glasses at all, and everyone seen him without them for a long time.
How do rumors like this start? Seriously? :huh:

(From nx1701g(who is supposed to be a good source) on TrekBBS)

Nx1701G said:
His renegotiated contract had a clause that he had final approval over what clothing Clark wears and that he wouldn't have to wear the suit. Evidence of this is supported in the third season where he was supposed to have the glasses permanently but Tom petitioned for a return to the status quo and that's another reason why he's not in as much flannel/plaid prints in later episodes.
Clark wears the glasses and is a reporter only in a few times like Whisper, Lexmas, and Noir(alternate realities for sure but still and he loves journalist and worked for a newspaper even) and saw some people like Green Arrow, black canary, and Angel of Vengeance does he get a secret identity. so why doesn't he finally get that secret identity. especially he saw those heroes.

or he can be a superhero 24/7

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