I watched Clerks for the first time. Oh man, what a boring film. I don't understand where all the hype for this movie comes from. The rest of his movies are a massive improvement over this. The movie is one boring conversation after another. The crap that they are talking about is so mundane and crap. And the way they say things too. There's a scene with 3 guys talking, and everytime one guy finishes talking, the next guy says a line, then the other guy, it's so... what's the word... false. Yeah. Alot of the dialogue was so false to me. It must have taken Kevin Smith forever to write this movie, with such awkward dialogue. Every character thinks he's a wise ass. There's a scene where an old man is talking about tabloids, and out of absolutely nowhere one of the main characters spits in his face. The old guy runs out of the shop, and the guy spends the next 5 minutes explaining why he did it, as if it was some clever point. What a completely *******-ish thing to do. Really not funny at all.
The movie did have some funny moments. The scene where the video shop guy says "I don't appreciate your ruse" made me chuckle. But by and large, I was bored and frustrated. Each scene felt like a setup for yet another long and overdrawn joke. There are too many instances where nothing happens at all. An entire 8 seconds or so goes by as Dante serves a customer, with no words being exchanged. A hockey game insues, with takes up about 5 minutes of nothingness. I found it hard to pay attention afer awhile. I looked at the runtime, and sighed deeply as I realised the flick was only half way through.
Just what is meant to be so good about this movie? Bad acting, which I wouldn't have minded so much if the dialogue was more interesting. Cheap camera work. It just felt so mundane. It feels like watching co workers chat, and not being involved in the conversation, and what they're talking about is rubbish anyway.
Avoid if you're intelligent.