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For those who want to know...but spoiler tags just in case you change your mind. 
deathfromabove's post: (details on the dialogue)
My description (more detail on the camera angles than the dialogue):

deathfromabove's post: (details on the dialogue)
disclaimer: this is rambling and fairly poorly written and it was done in haste and from memory but i beleive it to be as acurate as possible.
first the warners logo, followed by dc. the background was similar to the dc logo from begins except reds and oranges and there was some kind of very cool fiery/exploding begins bat symbol around it. very cool but not overblown.
then bam! the entire screen was filled with a panning shot moving over rooftops closing in on a gleaming glass building. there was an audible gasp in the audience becuase you definately got the feeling of movement as the camera moved in with the shot ending just after a few windows get blown out. the clarity and epic feel of the cinematography is hard to describe.
then in very quick succesion we see: an inside shot of two casually dressed figures wearing clown masks. they shoot some sort of grappling hook torpedo across to the rooftop below. then a shot moving out the window and dropping down to show just how high up we are. more vertigo. the two figures slide across carrying duffle bags and land haphazardly on the gravel rooftop. the shots are cutting quicker now and the music is very determined and persisitant but not blaring. definately reminded me of the shuffling percussion in the opening shots of begins and the editing is very similar. blink and you will miss it but not hard to follow. (does that make sense?)
now it cuts to a low shot of someone standing on the corner with a clown mask dangling from his hand. a truck pulls up, the figure pulls on his mask and gets in. very ominous feeling here. also, there is no noticable green in his hair. and it also seems to be flesh from behind the eyes. this is called suspension of disbelief or "movie magic" and believe me when you see this scene it will all work in context.
interior shot of the truck
" only three guys?"
"and two on the roof for the silent alarm"
"five guys. bigger shares"
"and the guy who set this up"
"thinks he can sit it out and still get a cut? no wonder they call him the joker"
cuts back to the roof top. the two figures are now messing with some sort of switch box.
"why do they call him joker?"
"he wears makeup. to scare people. like war paint"
the three clowns from the truck are wearing suits and they enter the bank.
shot of the bank manager sitting in his office as he hears gunfire.
"call going out."
"not anymore"
"funny it didnt go to 911 but a private number"
then the first guy shoots the other in the back, picks up the bag and heads inside via stairs.
it gets pretty chaotic here so ill try my best to get it all down.
shot of one of the clowns pulling someone from behind the counter. people freaking out. more automatic gunfire.
grumpy (who we know is the joker) seems to be kinda following the lead of smiley (or acting like he is). his body language is very hard to describe. kinda reminds of john doe's movement from the chase scene in seven. very deliberate but also aloof and distracted but focused at the same time. hard to describe but it definately stood out.
now one of the clowns (smiley) puts some grenades in the tellers hands. "wouldnt want you to have empty hands" in a very typical new yorkish thug voice.
now the clown from the roof is working on the vault with a drill of some kind and and suddenly he cries out in pain and falls back.
more shots of lobby mayhem as the clowns get the crowd under control.
back in the vault the roof clown is wearing his shoes on his hands saying "why would the vault be armed with an electric shock" and one of his cohorts replies "mob bank" then "what happened to the other guy?"
then as he opens the vault "boss told me to take care of him after we handled the alarm, bigger shares" then realizing what is about to happen pleads "no no wait!" right before he is shot.
tight shots of someone scooping piles of money into duffles and tossing them into a pile.
then from out of nowhere the bank manager fires from his office shattering glass and sending one of the clowns flying. grumpy takes cover while returning fire weaving around furniture and chairs before shotgun blasts finally pin him behind a desk or counter.
now the manager is yelling "do you even know who you are stealing from? you and your friends are dead!" now smiley joins grumpy behind the counter and there is an exchange about if the manager is still packing before smiley stands up only to be shot at. he crouches back down and as grumpy stands up and shoots the manager smiley asks "where'd you learn to count?" clearly grumpy was hoping his partner would get hit.
but now its just the two of them.
smiley says " im sure the boss told you take me out as soon as we finished" as he raises his gun behind grumpy's back .
close shot " no. he told me to kill the bus driver" almost in a very soft finnish/irish accent (???) again very hard to describe. grumpy slowly sidesteps causing smiley to do the same.
" what bus driver?" he asks as grumpy side steps again caising smiley to move right into the line of fire as a school bus crashes through the front sending a desk and debris to finish him off. wide shot of the back of the bus as another clown emerges yelling "school's out! let's go!" before loading the bags.
now grumpy notices the bank manager, still alive, and moves towards him as he shoots the bus driver over his shoulder as an afterthought. thsi is the first time i noticed some green at the top of his head.
now the manager is giving his "honor and respect" speech as grumpy approaches and finally "they used to believe in something! what do you believe in?" and again "what do you believe in?!"
the shot is from behind as grumpy starts " i believe..." grabs chin of mask "that whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you..." pulls it off to reveal a dishevled joker's face 50+ feet tall "stranger"
again his voice is very unique, impossible to explain, but i will say its much more subtle than i expected. completely 180 degrees from jack or hamil. breathy and almost soft spoken. when he says "stranger" it almost sounds like a question. genuinly creepy and unnerving.
and although white makeup is covering his entire face it looks splochy and almost translucent with the flesh underneath coming through. like a very thin coat was applied and then mixed with his sweat. the effect was very much like that of a skin desease or that kind of complexion that is so pale the veins show through from beneath the skin. the black around his eyes were also there but nowhere near as dark as it looks in the pics. his makeup "smile" was very uneven and jagged like in the ibihdt pic and the scars were clearly evident.
he did not really look like he does in any of the pics we've seen and they definately haven't done him justice. even with all the pictures, audio and commentary weve seen it comes nowhere even close. i was thinking "wtf? and oh my god that's perfect" at the same time. completely unexpected and absolutely perfect. to see him talking and moving and just that freaking face! its less like he jumped straight from the comics and more like they reached into your psyche and pulled out the perfect joker. how he would really seem. scary. unnerving. unhinged but in complete control. focused and deadly but almost playful. he definately isnt overtly funny but there is some kind of absurdist humour to his actions (like w/ smiley and the bank manager). there are no more words to describe it. i really can't wait for some footage to get out there so all the worryworts and doubters can be satisfied and have their fears put to rest.
so by now you all know the rest but... the joker places a grenade in the manager's mouth and walks, no, saunters and slinks back to the bus with a string trailing from the grenade to his pocket. he shuts the door and drives off pulling the pin from the grenade which releases (seemingly?) harmless lavender smoke. he pulls out into traffic in between two more school busses and dissapears into the background as the sound of sirens announce the police cars heading in the opposite direction. a slight pause and then before i had time to catch my breath:
new batsuit in a cage, a mix of close and wide shots of the batpod, cape flapping in the wind as it races past the camera, the tumbler, low shot looking up at the joker as he looks around, then joker grimly pumping rounds out of a shotgun (not a tommy gun) looking completely maniacal, and a few more shots that i cant exactly remember right now and then the shot of gordon, surrounded by a crowd, wields an axe. finally an absolutely breathtaking shot of batman in the new suit atop a building that towers over a grim and grey overcast gotham daytime skyline. knowing it was the sears tower (and that it was just outside a few blocks away!) gave me chills and before my eyes could mist over and i couldnt help myself any longer i started cheering. gordon smashes the signal the crowd finally joined in and the dark knight appeared on screen before fading to a bat symbol and finally darkness. the crowd continued cheering as the lights came up and after we all exited we were greated with copies of the gotham times.
first the warners logo, followed by dc. the background was similar to the dc logo from begins except reds and oranges and there was some kind of very cool fiery/exploding begins bat symbol around it. very cool but not overblown.
then bam! the entire screen was filled with a panning shot moving over rooftops closing in on a gleaming glass building. there was an audible gasp in the audience becuase you definately got the feeling of movement as the camera moved in with the shot ending just after a few windows get blown out. the clarity and epic feel of the cinematography is hard to describe.
then in very quick succesion we see: an inside shot of two casually dressed figures wearing clown masks. they shoot some sort of grappling hook torpedo across to the rooftop below. then a shot moving out the window and dropping down to show just how high up we are. more vertigo. the two figures slide across carrying duffle bags and land haphazardly on the gravel rooftop. the shots are cutting quicker now and the music is very determined and persisitant but not blaring. definately reminded me of the shuffling percussion in the opening shots of begins and the editing is very similar. blink and you will miss it but not hard to follow. (does that make sense?)
now it cuts to a low shot of someone standing on the corner with a clown mask dangling from his hand. a truck pulls up, the figure pulls on his mask and gets in. very ominous feeling here. also, there is no noticable green in his hair. and it also seems to be flesh from behind the eyes. this is called suspension of disbelief or "movie magic" and believe me when you see this scene it will all work in context.
interior shot of the truck
" only three guys?"
"and two on the roof for the silent alarm"
"five guys. bigger shares"
"and the guy who set this up"
"thinks he can sit it out and still get a cut? no wonder they call him the joker"
cuts back to the roof top. the two figures are now messing with some sort of switch box.
"why do they call him joker?"
"he wears makeup. to scare people. like war paint"
the three clowns from the truck are wearing suits and they enter the bank.
shot of the bank manager sitting in his office as he hears gunfire.
"call going out."
"not anymore"
"funny it didnt go to 911 but a private number"
then the first guy shoots the other in the back, picks up the bag and heads inside via stairs.
it gets pretty chaotic here so ill try my best to get it all down.
shot of one of the clowns pulling someone from behind the counter. people freaking out. more automatic gunfire.
grumpy (who we know is the joker) seems to be kinda following the lead of smiley (or acting like he is). his body language is very hard to describe. kinda reminds of john doe's movement from the chase scene in seven. very deliberate but also aloof and distracted but focused at the same time. hard to describe but it definately stood out.
now one of the clowns (smiley) puts some grenades in the tellers hands. "wouldnt want you to have empty hands" in a very typical new yorkish thug voice.
now the clown from the roof is working on the vault with a drill of some kind and and suddenly he cries out in pain and falls back.
more shots of lobby mayhem as the clowns get the crowd under control.
back in the vault the roof clown is wearing his shoes on his hands saying "why would the vault be armed with an electric shock" and one of his cohorts replies "mob bank" then "what happened to the other guy?"
then as he opens the vault "boss told me to take care of him after we handled the alarm, bigger shares" then realizing what is about to happen pleads "no no wait!" right before he is shot.
tight shots of someone scooping piles of money into duffles and tossing them into a pile.
then from out of nowhere the bank manager fires from his office shattering glass and sending one of the clowns flying. grumpy takes cover while returning fire weaving around furniture and chairs before shotgun blasts finally pin him behind a desk or counter.
now the manager is yelling "do you even know who you are stealing from? you and your friends are dead!" now smiley joins grumpy behind the counter and there is an exchange about if the manager is still packing before smiley stands up only to be shot at. he crouches back down and as grumpy stands up and shoots the manager smiley asks "where'd you learn to count?" clearly grumpy was hoping his partner would get hit.
but now its just the two of them.
smiley says " im sure the boss told you take me out as soon as we finished" as he raises his gun behind grumpy's back .
close shot " no. he told me to kill the bus driver" almost in a very soft finnish/irish accent (???) again very hard to describe. grumpy slowly sidesteps causing smiley to do the same.
" what bus driver?" he asks as grumpy side steps again caising smiley to move right into the line of fire as a school bus crashes through the front sending a desk and debris to finish him off. wide shot of the back of the bus as another clown emerges yelling "school's out! let's go!" before loading the bags.
now grumpy notices the bank manager, still alive, and moves towards him as he shoots the bus driver over his shoulder as an afterthought. thsi is the first time i noticed some green at the top of his head.
now the manager is giving his "honor and respect" speech as grumpy approaches and finally "they used to believe in something! what do you believe in?" and again "what do you believe in?!"
the shot is from behind as grumpy starts " i believe..." grabs chin of mask "that whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you..." pulls it off to reveal a dishevled joker's face 50+ feet tall "stranger"
again his voice is very unique, impossible to explain, but i will say its much more subtle than i expected. completely 180 degrees from jack or hamil. breathy and almost soft spoken. when he says "stranger" it almost sounds like a question. genuinly creepy and unnerving.
and although white makeup is covering his entire face it looks splochy and almost translucent with the flesh underneath coming through. like a very thin coat was applied and then mixed with his sweat. the effect was very much like that of a skin desease or that kind of complexion that is so pale the veins show through from beneath the skin. the black around his eyes were also there but nowhere near as dark as it looks in the pics. his makeup "smile" was very uneven and jagged like in the ibihdt pic and the scars were clearly evident.
he did not really look like he does in any of the pics we've seen and they definately haven't done him justice. even with all the pictures, audio and commentary weve seen it comes nowhere even close. i was thinking "wtf? and oh my god that's perfect" at the same time. completely unexpected and absolutely perfect. to see him talking and moving and just that freaking face! its less like he jumped straight from the comics and more like they reached into your psyche and pulled out the perfect joker. how he would really seem. scary. unnerving. unhinged but in complete control. focused and deadly but almost playful. he definately isnt overtly funny but there is some kind of absurdist humour to his actions (like w/ smiley and the bank manager). there are no more words to describe it. i really can't wait for some footage to get out there so all the worryworts and doubters can be satisfied and have their fears put to rest.
so by now you all know the rest but... the joker places a grenade in the manager's mouth and walks, no, saunters and slinks back to the bus with a string trailing from the grenade to his pocket. he shuts the door and drives off pulling the pin from the grenade which releases (seemingly?) harmless lavender smoke. he pulls out into traffic in between two more school busses and dissapears into the background as the sound of sirens announce the police cars heading in the opposite direction. a slight pause and then before i had time to catch my breath:
new batsuit in a cage, a mix of close and wide shots of the batpod, cape flapping in the wind as it races past the camera, the tumbler, low shot looking up at the joker as he looks around, then joker grimly pumping rounds out of a shotgun (not a tommy gun) looking completely maniacal, and a few more shots that i cant exactly remember right now and then the shot of gordon, surrounded by a crowd, wields an axe. finally an absolutely breathtaking shot of batman in the new suit atop a building that towers over a grim and grey overcast gotham daytime skyline. knowing it was the sears tower (and that it was just outside a few blocks away!) gave me chills and before my eyes could mist over and i couldnt help myself any longer i started cheering. gordon smashes the signal the crowd finally joined in and the dark knight appeared on screen before fading to a bat symbol and finally darkness. the crowd continued cheering as the lights came up and after we all exited we were greated with copies of the gotham times.
My description (more detail on the camera angles than the dialogue):
Here's my description - I realized I couldn't draw storyboards fast enough (my memory is fading! Ack!) so I decided with a text description instead. I tried to focus a little more on camera angles than deathfromabove's description.
WB, Legendary Pictures, and DC logos fade away into a blue fiery smoke.
Sudden immense aerial view of a Gotham city block, brightly lit during the day. Camera slowly zooms in to focus on one building, that's made up entirely of windows. Suddenly a window blows out.
Cut to inside the building. A man in a clown mask levels a grappling gun to frame right, then fires toward the nearby lower roof of the Gotham National Bank. He secures the zipline, then plunges down it. Another clown-masked man does the same. The camera follows them out the window then swoops down to a dizzying view of the street below.
Cut to a waist-down back shot of a man standing on a street corner with his head down, holding a clown mask in his left hand. (This is the Joker, although the characters and the audience are unaware of it.)
We slowly pan up as a van approaches frame left. The man quickly puts on his mask and enters the right back door of the van.
Cut to inside the van. The camera is in the back, looking toward the windshield. The Joker has moved to the left back side of the van, and is loading a gun. The camera moves outside of the van, looking into the passenger side window. The two men sitting in the front, also wearing clown masks, discuss how there were supposed to be 6 people in on the job (there are 5), and how their boss expects a cut even though he isn't directly involved. "Must be why they call him the Joker!"
Cut to the bank rooftop. The two masked men move frame right as they approach a security wiring box, and discuss how the Joker wears make-up "like war paint" while jimmying the box open.
Cut to outside the bank, with the camera looking at the back of the van. The van stops camera left, and everyone exits frame right, going up the stairs while the camera moves with them. The Joker is the last to follow.
All three masked men enter the bank frame right, and one of them starts shooting into the air. They begin threatening customers and tellers, telling them put hands down. "Not hands up! Hands down!" One of them threatens a man cowering on the floor, and another drags a teller over the counter by her hands. The Joker has still said and done nothing.
Cut to the bank rooftop, the camera placed to the left of the security box, facing the two robbers. One of them is in the foreground, presumably messing with the wires. He notes how the alarm is now intercepted, although it doesn't go to 911, it goes to a private number. Almost unnoticed by the audience, the man behind him raises his gun slowly, then shoots his partner in the back.
Cut to the POV of the shooter, looking down at his dead partner, who has fallen to his left. The camera follows him as he moves down the stairs and meets with one of the van-arrived men who is trying to get the vault open (on frame right) with a drill. He takes the drill to the vault and is suddenly thrown back (frame left off-screen) by a large electric burst.
In the bank lobby, the 2 remaining men are prying open each hostage's hands and putting something into them. Close up of a robber placing a live grenade into the teller's hands. "We wouldn’t want your hands free would we?” Inside a windowed room, the bank manager turns and looks concerned, then angry.
Cut to the bank vault on frame right. The robber who was shocked now has his hands placed in his sneakers and is working on turning the vault door open that way. He exclaims how is it that a bank has a vault protected by 22,000 volts. His partner says that it's a mob bank. The vault-breaker asks about the man who was supposed to take care of the alarm. The other says he shot him dead, so they get a bigger cut, and that the Joker ordered him so. The vault-breaker gets the vault open, turns around and realizes his partner has a gun trained on him. He pleads, "No!" but his partner shoots him in the chest off-screen. The remaining robber takes his duffle bag inside the vault and starts sweeping cash into his bag.
Inside the bank, the camera follows one of the masked men, who notices the manager crouched low in his room and moves to take a shot...and the room explodes, revealing the bank manager holding a large shotgun under his desk.
He jumps out of the hole in his room and starts blasting at the robbers. He makes it clear that they have messed with the wrong bank - the money belongs to the mob. They're as good as dead.
The vault robber arrives, just as the manager starts shooting at him. He ducks behind a counter. The Joker hides behind a counter, then manages to crawl to where the other robber is waiting. The other man asks the Joker if the manager has run out of shells. The Joker, cowering with his arms wrapped around his knees, meekly nods yes. The other man immediately stands up in the foreground to take a shot. The manager blasts at him and he crouches back down. "Where'd you learn how to count?" he retorts. The Joker turns toward him with an annoyed movement. (He obviously wanted the other guy to get hit.)
Eventually the manager runs out of shells. Immediately, the Joker stands, then shoots and wounds him. The manager falls to the floor, still alive but writhing in pain.
The Joker and the remaining robber gather up the duffle bags of cash at the center of the floor. Then when the Joker has his back turned, the robber takes out his gun and trains it on him, saying, "I'm sure the boss told you to take me out first." The hand that is holding the gun is shaking just a little. The Joker looks unconcerned, and takes two smooth, theatrical, almost playful steps to his right, moving unperceptively away from the path of the door. "No, I'm supposed to shoot the bus driver," he says, shrugging nonchalantly.
The other robber looks confused. "Bus driver?"
Suddenly the door explodes frame right and the back end of a yellow school bus bursts into the bank, knocking over the robber with the gun. Another clown-masked man exits the back door of the bus and starts helping the Joker throw in the bags of cash. When they're almost done, the Joker turns away and coolly shoots the last robber in the chest.
The bank manager has seen all of this, and mutters how they used to believe in honor in Gotham's underworld. He demands of the last robber (the Joker), "What do you believe in?" The Joker, after throwing in the last bag of cash, turns curiously to the bank manager and tilts his head slightly. The camera follows as he saunters over to the bank manager, still lying prone on the ground. The Joker gently places a cylindrical grenade into the manager's mouth. The grenade is attached to a string. The manager's eyes go wide. The Joker speaks. "I believe that what doesn't kill you, makes you..."
Camera cuts close-up to face the Joker as he lifts his mask, revealing a face ruined by blotchy white makeup and a large scar on his mouth. "...stranger." He gives the manager a brief wide, mischievous grin, then puts the mask back on and the camera follows as he walks back toward the bus. The end of the grenade string is attached to his belt loop. The manager shudders slightly as the string tightens.
With the camera facing the back of the bus, the Joker closes the door on the string, then moves out to the front to drive it out. As the bus rolls away, the camera focuses on the bank manager, as the grenade string is pulled taut and is finally yanked out of the grenade. The manager's eyes go wide for a few suspenseful seconds. Finally, a short "pffft" as a gentle smoke is released from the end of the grenade. The manager's eyes roll back in his head in relief.
The bus containing the stolen money rolls out of the bank frame right. Clouds of dust fall off the end. The bus merges onto a city street in between 2 other equally yellow school buses, driving away from camera. Police cars, with their sirens on, start to approach the bank toward the camera.
Cut to a frontal shot of the new Batsuit in a wooden cage.
Cut to several shots of Batman riding the Batpod at night. Shot of the black Tumber rounding a curve frame right.
Cut to a nighttime waist-up shot of the Joker looking toward frame right, pumping off several rounds with a large gun. He's not smiling, but in total concentration.
Cut to a group of policemen surrounding the Batsignal during a cloudy day (the audience cannot see that it is the Batsignal - it's just the floodlight portion). Jim Gordon stands in front. He slowly raises an axe.
Cut to Batman standing on top of a very tall building (Sears Tower), with his right hand to his ear. It almost looks like he's saluting, except he looks deep in concentration. I don't remember this shot being at night - it's at dusk, most likely.
Cut to Gordon bringing down the axe. Camera cuts to face directly into the batsignal. The axe comes down, and the symbol shatters.
The new, black, sleek, blue-tinged Bat symbol fades into screen.
WB, Legendary Pictures, and DC logos fade away into a blue fiery smoke.
Sudden immense aerial view of a Gotham city block, brightly lit during the day. Camera slowly zooms in to focus on one building, that's made up entirely of windows. Suddenly a window blows out.
Cut to inside the building. A man in a clown mask levels a grappling gun to frame right, then fires toward the nearby lower roof of the Gotham National Bank. He secures the zipline, then plunges down it. Another clown-masked man does the same. The camera follows them out the window then swoops down to a dizzying view of the street below.
Cut to a waist-down back shot of a man standing on a street corner with his head down, holding a clown mask in his left hand. (This is the Joker, although the characters and the audience are unaware of it.)
We slowly pan up as a van approaches frame left. The man quickly puts on his mask and enters the right back door of the van.
Cut to inside the van. The camera is in the back, looking toward the windshield. The Joker has moved to the left back side of the van, and is loading a gun. The camera moves outside of the van, looking into the passenger side window. The two men sitting in the front, also wearing clown masks, discuss how there were supposed to be 6 people in on the job (there are 5), and how their boss expects a cut even though he isn't directly involved. "Must be why they call him the Joker!"
Cut to the bank rooftop. The two masked men move frame right as they approach a security wiring box, and discuss how the Joker wears make-up "like war paint" while jimmying the box open.
Cut to outside the bank, with the camera looking at the back of the van. The van stops camera left, and everyone exits frame right, going up the stairs while the camera moves with them. The Joker is the last to follow.
All three masked men enter the bank frame right, and one of them starts shooting into the air. They begin threatening customers and tellers, telling them put hands down. "Not hands up! Hands down!" One of them threatens a man cowering on the floor, and another drags a teller over the counter by her hands. The Joker has still said and done nothing.
Cut to the bank rooftop, the camera placed to the left of the security box, facing the two robbers. One of them is in the foreground, presumably messing with the wires. He notes how the alarm is now intercepted, although it doesn't go to 911, it goes to a private number. Almost unnoticed by the audience, the man behind him raises his gun slowly, then shoots his partner in the back.
Cut to the POV of the shooter, looking down at his dead partner, who has fallen to his left. The camera follows him as he moves down the stairs and meets with one of the van-arrived men who is trying to get the vault open (on frame right) with a drill. He takes the drill to the vault and is suddenly thrown back (frame left off-screen) by a large electric burst.
In the bank lobby, the 2 remaining men are prying open each hostage's hands and putting something into them. Close up of a robber placing a live grenade into the teller's hands. "We wouldn’t want your hands free would we?” Inside a windowed room, the bank manager turns and looks concerned, then angry.
Cut to the bank vault on frame right. The robber who was shocked now has his hands placed in his sneakers and is working on turning the vault door open that way. He exclaims how is it that a bank has a vault protected by 22,000 volts. His partner says that it's a mob bank. The vault-breaker asks about the man who was supposed to take care of the alarm. The other says he shot him dead, so they get a bigger cut, and that the Joker ordered him so. The vault-breaker gets the vault open, turns around and realizes his partner has a gun trained on him. He pleads, "No!" but his partner shoots him in the chest off-screen. The remaining robber takes his duffle bag inside the vault and starts sweeping cash into his bag.
Inside the bank, the camera follows one of the masked men, who notices the manager crouched low in his room and moves to take a shot...and the room explodes, revealing the bank manager holding a large shotgun under his desk.
He jumps out of the hole in his room and starts blasting at the robbers. He makes it clear that they have messed with the wrong bank - the money belongs to the mob. They're as good as dead.
The vault robber arrives, just as the manager starts shooting at him. He ducks behind a counter. The Joker hides behind a counter, then manages to crawl to where the other robber is waiting. The other man asks the Joker if the manager has run out of shells. The Joker, cowering with his arms wrapped around his knees, meekly nods yes. The other man immediately stands up in the foreground to take a shot. The manager blasts at him and he crouches back down. "Where'd you learn how to count?" he retorts. The Joker turns toward him with an annoyed movement. (He obviously wanted the other guy to get hit.)
Eventually the manager runs out of shells. Immediately, the Joker stands, then shoots and wounds him. The manager falls to the floor, still alive but writhing in pain.
The Joker and the remaining robber gather up the duffle bags of cash at the center of the floor. Then when the Joker has his back turned, the robber takes out his gun and trains it on him, saying, "I'm sure the boss told you to take me out first." The hand that is holding the gun is shaking just a little. The Joker looks unconcerned, and takes two smooth, theatrical, almost playful steps to his right, moving unperceptively away from the path of the door. "No, I'm supposed to shoot the bus driver," he says, shrugging nonchalantly.
The other robber looks confused. "Bus driver?"
Suddenly the door explodes frame right and the back end of a yellow school bus bursts into the bank, knocking over the robber with the gun. Another clown-masked man exits the back door of the bus and starts helping the Joker throw in the bags of cash. When they're almost done, the Joker turns away and coolly shoots the last robber in the chest.
The bank manager has seen all of this, and mutters how they used to believe in honor in Gotham's underworld. He demands of the last robber (the Joker), "What do you believe in?" The Joker, after throwing in the last bag of cash, turns curiously to the bank manager and tilts his head slightly. The camera follows as he saunters over to the bank manager, still lying prone on the ground. The Joker gently places a cylindrical grenade into the manager's mouth. The grenade is attached to a string. The manager's eyes go wide. The Joker speaks. "I believe that what doesn't kill you, makes you..."
Camera cuts close-up to face the Joker as he lifts his mask, revealing a face ruined by blotchy white makeup and a large scar on his mouth. "...stranger." He gives the manager a brief wide, mischievous grin, then puts the mask back on and the camera follows as he walks back toward the bus. The end of the grenade string is attached to his belt loop. The manager shudders slightly as the string tightens.
With the camera facing the back of the bus, the Joker closes the door on the string, then moves out to the front to drive it out. As the bus rolls away, the camera focuses on the bank manager, as the grenade string is pulled taut and is finally yanked out of the grenade. The manager's eyes go wide for a few suspenseful seconds. Finally, a short "pffft" as a gentle smoke is released from the end of the grenade. The manager's eyes roll back in his head in relief.
The bus containing the stolen money rolls out of the bank frame right. Clouds of dust fall off the end. The bus merges onto a city street in between 2 other equally yellow school buses, driving away from camera. Police cars, with their sirens on, start to approach the bank toward the camera.
Cut to a frontal shot of the new Batsuit in a wooden cage.
Cut to several shots of Batman riding the Batpod at night. Shot of the black Tumber rounding a curve frame right.
Cut to a nighttime waist-up shot of the Joker looking toward frame right, pumping off several rounds with a large gun. He's not smiling, but in total concentration.
Cut to a group of policemen surrounding the Batsignal during a cloudy day (the audience cannot see that it is the Batsignal - it's just the floodlight portion). Jim Gordon stands in front. He slowly raises an axe.
Cut to Batman standing on top of a very tall building (Sears Tower), with his right hand to his ear. It almost looks like he's saluting, except he looks deep in concentration. I don't remember this shot being at night - it's at dusk, most likely.
Cut to Gordon bringing down the axe. Camera cuts to face directly into the batsignal. The axe comes down, and the symbol shatters.
The new, black, sleek, blue-tinged Bat symbol fades into screen.