Comics Cyclops Costume


Allah hu Akbar
Mar 6, 2005
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I know that the other costume is from the Astonishing X-men series but I want to know what X-men comic title did that other Cyclops costume came from?

Because it reminded me of the Jim Lee Cyclops version and I really like it a lot. But right now Cyclops costume in Astonishing looks like a scuba diver suit and I don't like it.
It was a design and nothing more (although it may have been used in one of the X-Men Legends games).
I dont like the "human condom" look from Astonishing at all. Its much better when you can see his head.
I feel like i'm the only one who likes his Astonishing look. Its all one color, and just very simple looking.

That other design just looks goofy. The color scheme is weird, and its got a useless shoulder piece. I think my problem is mostly with the art, his hair is weird looking, and he looks a bit like a gorilla.

I might like it better if his hair was longer and 'flowy' like it was right after he returned from merging with Apocalypse. Or even short at spiky during Planet X.

lastly, I don't think it was in X-Men Legends. I've got both games and I don't remember it at all.
I also like his Astonishing look. I was actually always a fan of the 'condom'-look.
His astonishing look is my favorite, about the only modern x-men thing i like.
His current look is one of my favorites. It's simplistic, and could work in a live actionn film, unlike the lee suit which has gobs of yellow on it, even though i like that outfit.
I actually like his Astonishing look as well. Very sleek with no extraneous zippers, buckles, and pouches. I think I like it so much because it reminds me of his old Uncanny duds during the Bryne/Cockrum era.

As for that costume "variant" it has never actually appeared in the comics. They do have it on the new X-Men figures...but that's neither here nor there, since it appeals to neither comic fans, cartoon fans, or movie fans. It's almost like a custom.
The Jim Lee look is the only one that fits. The others are not good at all.

Well, when it was drawn by Jim Lee. Or Madureira, or Andy Kubert, not Brandon Peterson... that was ghastly...
I like Bachalo's Cyclops in uniform around Seagle's run. He draws Jean, Scott, Warren and Bobby really well.
I'm not a big Bachalo fan.

I do remember a GREAT Cyclops by Larroca on Uncanny 391... that was yummy...

This will always be my favorite, its just so iconic.


This one was cool and it was a shame he ditched it so soon.


His new one isn't his best, but of all the new costumes, his is probably the best, its just so oldschool.
I really would not mind this look at all if they brought it in:


I personally think it looks pretty cool.
Specter313 said:
I really would not mind this look at all if they brought it in:


I personally think it looks pretty cool.

muchhhh better with hair, but even better with slightly grown out hair (like your second pic in the post above) rather than that military gung-ho cut.
FieryBalrog said:
muchhhh better with hair, but even better with slightly grown out hair (like your second pic in the post above) rather than that military gung-ho cut.

You mean the one next to the Astonishing costume right? I agree. And I think it looks better with the slightly brighter blue as well.
i think he means the shaggy haircut from my post, the one above yours. once again people get our names mixed up.
Its from a small line of action figures - this guy was asked to use the normal pics as reference and adapt them for the new figures
What was the point of the utility belt in Lee's costume? Cause you know, he might need a grenade or some extra bullets...

Did he ever use any of those pockets? Ever?
Maybe a small rebreather, med kit bit and pieces in each one, spare communicator, or an emergency beacon or tracking device to give to someone.
Give him the AOA uniform with two eye slots or one unislot. That was a cool uniform too.
Spectre722 said:

This one was cool and it was a shame he ditched it so soon.

this one is very cool I liked the way he acted when he wore this costume.
I like his current costume, although I like the Jim Lee one best.
Personaly I think his new costume suits him, hes a dick and now with the head covering he looks like "CONDOM MAN"!!! Spewing his red lazer **** across all of his enemies!

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