Da NFL Draft of 2013!!


Staff member
Feb 15, 2001
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The day is here. The time has come.

C'mon OL, Pass Rusher, MLB & CB for the Giants.
Pass rush for the Falcons please.
Tavon Austin for The Rams please if not him Lacy. Vaccaro at 22 would be nice too.
As long as my Panthers skip Vaccaro, I'll be happy with any pick they make. Kenny appears like a bust waiting to happen.
My 9ers are in talks to move up into the top 15 it seems
I wonder where g. Smith goes
A NY Super Bowl? Was this announced prior to now?

Good... I hope it's cold... let the men play like men. :up:

MFW I forgot the Draft was today. THANK GOD FOR MY YT SUBSCRIPTION BOX!
Fisher leapfrogs Joeckell. I love how dramatic Eisen and Gruden are. Eric Fisher, protecting the elite quarterback (at least according to Eisen) Alex Smith, has just made the Chiefs AFC West, nay, Super Bowl favorites. :funny:
Fisher leapfrogs Joeckell. I love how dramatic Eisen and Gruden are. Eric Fisher, protecting the elite quarterback (at least according to Eisen) Alex Smith, has just made the Chiefs AFC West, nay, Super Bowl favorites. :funny:
Luke Joeckel kisses his mom on the mouth. Eww.
Hey Matt,

Your Mom likes it when I kiss her on the mouth... :up:

I was wondering how Oakland was going to screw up.
Wow. It is like Jeff Ireland said, "Woah! Oakland made a really dumb move! But I'm the dumbest GM in football! I'll show them! I'll draft Dion Jordan!"

And then, not to be out done, Rich Eisen said, "Two front offices are making boneheaded moves!?!?! I have to do something to reclaim my title of king of the idiots!" and to do so provided this brilliant football analysis: "What do we know about Dion Jordan? Well, he has Dion and Jordan in his name, so he has that going for him."

Never change ESPN.
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