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Happy Valentine's Day, Guest!
Because BOOBS, that's why. She's basically Supergirl from another dimension. We already have the supergirl from this dimension so i'm assuming they saved her because 1) she's different from Supergirl so its not like we have two of them, 2) boobs.Power Girl is the Earth-Two counterpart of the Kryptonian Supergirl and first cousin to Kal-L, the Superman of Earth-Two. Possessing her cousin's superhuman strength and ability to fly, she took his place in the Justice Society of America after he entered into semi-retirement to focus on his personal life. Kara-L has since been recognized as an important member of the JSA.
After the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the merging of Earth-Two into New Earth, Power Girl was led to believe that she was a descendant of the Atlantean sorcerer Arion. This was later revealed to be a deception, and Kara's true Earth-Two heritage was revealed to her during the "Infinite Crisis".
During the events of Infinite Crisis, Power Girl was shocked to learn from Arion that her Atlantean origin was a lie. The story was crafted for her own protection, and was created by her foster mother, Lois Lane.
The Psycho-Pirate showed Kara multiple origins in an effort to drive her insane, but eventually revealed that her Kryptonian origin was her true origin. Power Girl was not only a survivor of Krypton, she was also a survivor of the entire Earth-Two universe. It is still unclear why she survived the Crisis retaining her pre-Crisis origin, when other Earth-Two figures, such as Jay Garrick and Alan Scott, did not.
Because BOOBS, that's why. She's basically Supergirl from another dimension. We already have the supergirl from this dimension so i'm assuming they saved her because 1) she's different from Supergirl so its not like we have two of them, 2) boobs.
That said, she's a very enjoyable character to read when under Simone and with Conner's art.
I'm still trying to figure out what Darkseid was trying to pull with that cape-tugging gag...?
Hello I'm a first time member. I'm a fan of both DC and Marvel comics although I don't personally own comics I follow the general story from online sources and movies/ animated series.
Anywho, I just watched this movie too. It was a great movie, surprised to see that Lex was still president made me lol a little when they just had to mention him in the movie.
I mainly came here because I'm trying to find a justice league movie/ episode that I can't remember what it was called.
It was the one where all the members of the justice league was like in a dream or under hypnosis or something and batman was the only one who figured it out.
I forgot most of it but the one scene I remember clearly was near the end when Batman went to the little girl who was controlling them and sat next to her on the swing set and convinced the little girl to stop. It was a very good film I want to know because I plan on purchasing it. I'm a great fan of the Batman story and series and I thinks its awesome that Batman is on par and even better superhero than all the other heroes even though he's only a human with no super powers.
Just wondering, as I am not familiar with the comic series, but:
Why was Jonathan still alive at this point?
Especially since in Public Enemies Superman references to Batman that he "already had" a funeral, implying the movie took place after "Superman: Doomsday". In that film, Jonathan was dead. And in this movie Doomsday showed up, and Superman knew who/what it was. Once again referencing that this takes place after Superman: Doomsday.
I never really like to see a fully established Superman and an alive Jonathan. Just doesn't make much sense.
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse is a direct sequel to Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, but none of the other movies are in continuity with each other.The animated movies as far as I know aren't in continuity with each other and exist in their own self-contained universes.
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse is a direct sequel to Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, but none of the other movies are in continuity with each other.
I was very disappointed with Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. It's the weakest in the DC Universe line to date in my opinion. On the positive side it had some good fight scenes, Summer Glau did very good voice work as Supergirl, and there was some nifty Kirby-esque designs. On the negative side the story was a mess. It just kind of careened around and what should have been the core story element - Supergirl's character arc - mostly got lost in the mix. The character designs of Batman and Superman's faces were also off-putting.
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths takes place in the same universe as the Justice League animated series and was supposed to be in between Justice League: Starcrossed and the start of Justice League Unlimited.
Exactly right.No it doesn't. If it did we would of had the VA from the DCAU series.
It was an IDEA they had for it but instead made it an original adaptation.
It is a direct sequel to Public Enemies. They made that clear through a number of references at the beginning (such as to Luthor's impeachment and to the meteor landing). Plus the creative team spoke about it being a sequel in interviews. The art style was changed to reflect Michael Turner's art since he was the artist on that story arc in the comics.I don't think this movie was a sequel to Superman/Batman: Public Enemies..
The art was totally different and yes in comics its a sequel, I did not look at this as a direct sequel to Public Enemies. The only real reference was the luthor as presidency, yet thats just because it happens in the comics.