Aquaman's supposed to be appearing in Action Comics. Definitely looking forward to how Clark reacts to the newbie.
Robin/Boomerang team-up seems badass. I'm looking forward to the emotional implications of it. The sons of mutual murderers/victims teaming up to fight crime. Only in comics.
I am practically wetting myself with anticipation for Kerschl's guest art on the new Flash comic. Any idea who the speedster with the hood is? He looks like the Pied Piper or an updated Dr. Alchemy, but neither of those make sense.
I wonder if Johns and Winick are going for some kind of theme where Teen Titans uses villains and then Outsiders uses them the very next issue. It happened with Brother Blood back when the respective series first started, and now the Brotherhood of Evil is jumping right from one to the next.
The Dini Batman story sounds cool. I'm looking forward to the Riddler's reasons for ostensibly turning crimefighter. I really hope he got over his androgynous, metrosexual phase during the missing year and is back to his normal look, though. The Morrison Batman sounds kind of bland. Tons of Man-Bats and an Elseworlds story coming into the mainstream DCU? Eh. I'll probably end up getting both Batman comics, though.
Firestorm sounds good except for that ending. "Who is the other Firestorm?" Seriously, it's just absurd now. Soon DC's gonna have a universe composed of one half established, original characters and another half characters who've decided to impersonate the first half.