In the interest of keeping my blood pressure down, I'm going to try to just talk about the ones that I actually like.
Rogues' Revenge sounds cool. Not a fan of tying it into FC more (I say "more" because, given that it's Johns, it probably would've tied in somehow anyway), but Johns and Kolins on the Rogues can't be a bad thing. I'll check it out.
I'll probably pick up the first issue of Ambush Bug, at least. I've always heard what a great comedy character he is, but I've never had any real exposure to him. Giffen + comedy is usually a winning formula.
I... may actually try Teen Titans out again. I like Kid Devil and I
love Blue Beetle, so an awkward buddy team-up between the two could be fun. I'll be trying it out very, very cautiously, though, given McKeever's record on the Titans so far.
Jason Aaron on Joker's Asylum: The Penguin? I'll check that out.
Ugh, Hush again? And a tie-in to Morrison's Batman junk? You're killing me here, Dini. But I'll tough it out for the first couple issues of this arc, at least. Plus, Batman and Catwoman are fun together.
I might check out Two Face Year One. Maybe. I wonder what's really left to tell after the masterpiece that was The Long Halloween, but I'm still thinking about picking it up. It's only 2 issues, after all.
Ooh, a Brainiac story in Action Comics? Damn it, after the awesomeness of the Legion arc, I may end up adding Action Comics to my pull list.
Blue Beetle's story may be a little too ripped-from-the-headlines for my liking. Sturges is pretty good, though, and Albuquerque's still there. Should be okay.
I love that Booster Gold is tying into all the past crossovers. Looks like Ted's dead again by this issue, which sucks, but Johns pretty much telegraphed it straight from the start. I like Peter Platinum's play on Booster's own name.
Sounds like Peyer's run on the Flash will still be going strong in July. Unfortunately, Freddie Williams will still be drawing the comic. Oh well, a great
half of a set of creators is better than most comics can muster.
GLC sounds good. Still not a fan of more Black Mercy stuff, but we'll see how it goes. The big battle at the end of this arc should at least be fun. Can't figure out why some pissant little ***** like Mongul can hold his own against almost a dozen of the GLC's best and brightest, though; I guess maybe the rule that more rings does not equal more power is no longer valid? Mongul's got six or eight yellow rings, after all.
Legion sounds kind of meh-ish. I loved Waid's take on the Threeboot Legion, but since he left, the writers who've followed have not been doing a good job. Bedard introduced some new takes on old Legionnaires that were, in a word, terrible. The couple issues I read of Shooter's run were pretty bland. Good thing there's so much stuff going on with other Legions elsewhere.
Yay for Manhunter's resurrection! Liam Sharp's art actually looks good on that cover, too. Usually his style is too exaggerated for my tastes. I'm a bit leary of Gaydos, since I don't think I've ever seen him draw an action scene that actually looks exciting, but I'll see how it goes. Still, Manhunter's back!
Wonder Woman. Hmm. More powerless Wonder Woman stuff? Oh well, the bit about the Gorilla Knights vs. the Department of Metahuman Affairs sounds cool. I'm sure Simone will find some way to entertain me regardless of what the plot is.
Weird that the Suicide Squad mini is collected under the subtitle From the Ashes rather than the mini's subtitle, which was Raise the Flag. I guess it's more apt, though. Rick Flag's seeming resurrection is explained rather quickly and the story moves to more of a general Suicide Squad arc afterward.
Ooh, Gotham Central hardcovers? I wonder if I should get them or wait another few years to see if they ever get the Absolute treatment? Their quality certainly merits it if Batman: Hush does.
I'll probably pick up that Invasion TPB, since Blue Beetle has referenced it a bit.
Oh ****, Gage and Googe on the Wildcats? I'm actually excited for that in spite of the cluster**** that the Wildstorm universe has become. I'll give its first few issues a try.
Storming Paradise has an absolutely fantastic creative team and I've always liked historical fiction. I'll have to check that series out.
Okay, I'm breaking my rule on not talking about sucky solicitations for one thing:
Newsarama said:
Newsarama said:
I think that about covers it.