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DC July Solicits


Disciple of Whedon
Jan 9, 2003
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GLC cover looks so cool. That book is slowly but inevitably becoming the book I look forward to most every month.

Final Crisis seems interesting enough. Very Morrison. Boo to "Requiem" though; the DCU hasn't been nearly so good story-wise that they can afford to kill off an A-lister and make it worth the while.

Booster Gold looks good. Wonder Woman looks kinda boring. And holy sht, Supergirl (Though the solicit gets it a little wrong; that person was last seen in Wonder Girl, not where they said).
Atleast Will pfeifer isnt the regular BB writer,Thank god speaking of..Catwomans cancelled (atleast it lasted 81 issues).
Not at all surprised to see Catwoman cancelled. That was comming a long, long time.

Though the All-New Atom....NOOOOOOOOO!!! :(
I'm not as broken up about the All-New Atom as I thought I'd be; although I do wish they had given another writer a crack at it, it was kinda begging to be put out of its misery after that mess of a last issue. Remender basically did every single exact thing that a new writer shouldn't have done with a preexisting series. Him and Picoult should compare notes.

I really just hope DC doesn't screw up Ryan any further after his series is done.

Man, along with Catwoman, DC is just canceling everything willy-nilly these few months. I wonder how long Checkmate has.
"The Joker's Asylum" and "Two-Face: Year One" will be top of my "to-buy" list for that month.
All-New Atom--The June solicit convinced me to keep reading this book under Remender, and the July solicit makes it look even better, but I really don't want to see Ryan Choi go down for Ray. I want to see them both live. I fear that won't be the case.

Billy Batson and the Magical Mystery Kids Book--Just makes me sad for what used to be. And is it just me or does Black Adam sound like an alright guy who just forgot where he put his keys in this solicit?

Booster Gold--This solicit appears to be trying very hard to contain an issue with a lot of different subplot resolutions, and failing. Booster goes to the distant future! ...but Batman's waiting for him.

Detective--"A Batman RIP issue"? Huh? I thought that was Morrison's story? Is it just one big Bat-over now? Besides, I thought we already covered The Return of Hush in Gotham Knights (which, I don't care what all you haters say, was a fine story. That books was the most consistently solid Bat-title since Shadow of the Bat.)

Joker's Asylum--...and just in case you were worried that Batman wasn't getting enough coverage, here's a series of one-shots about his villains! And is it just me, or does this sound a lot like that Bermejo/Azzarello Joker story that we're supposedly getting in October?

Jonah Hex + Darwyn Cooke + Canada = I'm all the way there.

Nightwing--strange alliances...unbelievable tragedy...is this also "a Batman RIP issue"?

Rann/Thanagar--Still not sure what to expect here.

Supergirl--They make it sound like Supergirl's gonna go Cass-Cain-crazy or something.

Tor--I monumentally don't care about this book.

The War That Time Forgot, the book I don't give a **** about, by the author I hate.

Action--If this wasn't by Geoff Johns, I wouldn't be looking forward to it. But it is by Geoff Johns, and I've got a good feeling about it.

Requiem--I've got a feeling it's Ray Palmer who's gonna die.

GABC--I wonder if Batman has more comic-book appearances to his name than any other character ever. I think he must.

GLC--Sweet cover, and it looks like a pretty cool story. I'm in.

Huntress Year One--The idea of giving more characters more backstory and more appeal is cool, but not if it relies on one of the Trinity for strength.

Infinity Inc--Another Final Crisis tie-in, I see. This just better not be an editorial mandate. DiDio promised those were gonna happen a lot less now, especially with regards to FC.

Legion--To anyone who thinks Legion of Three Worlds is going to result in the Threeboot Legion disappearing, take note: Jim Shooter appears to give less than a **** about Legion of Three Worlds.

Titans--Well, I guess he wouldn't be Winick if he didn't kill somebody...

Wonder Woman--Planet Hulk?

DC/WildStorm--That's a cool cover.

Robin--OK, so Tim is becoming Batman. You were right, that-one-guy-I-*****ed-out-for-assuming-Tim-would-become-Batman.

Simon Dark--This book is soooooooooooooooooooo dumb.

Batman--This incredible solicitation for "Batman R.I.P." ends with a surprising sentence that they forgot to

Gotham After Midnight--OK, seriously, Batman is getting like a third of DC's output for July. Also, this is by Steve Niles. WHY DOES THIS MAN STILL GET WORK? He's so formulaic it hurts. At least Bruce Jones sucks in new and exciting ways every time.

Brave and the Bold--The thing about Brave and the Bold is that the old book had some crazy team-ups, yeah, but it was usually one per story.

Justice League of America--Holy ****, is this an actual story arc?

Super Friends--JLApe for Kids.

Superman/Batman--Jor-El met Thomas Wayne? What?

Death Mask--How they can call this a "unique take" on Batman is beyond me.

Blue Beetle--That solicit simply begs for a Manhunter/Blue Beetle crossover.

Teen Titans--You know? I could get into a Blue Beetle/Red Devil friendship.
Booster Gold--This solicit appears to be trying very hard to contain an issue with a lot of different subplot resolutions, and failing. Booster goes to the distant future! ...but Batman's waiting for him.
Considering that they've done Booster Gold #0, it really should be no surprise at all that they're doing Booster Gold #1,000,000.

Detective--"A Batman RIP issue"? Huh? I thought that was Morrison's story? Is it just one big Bat-over now? Besides, I thought we already covered The Return of Hush in Gotham Knights (which, I don't care what all you haters say, was a fine story. That books was the most consistently solid Bat-title since Shadow of the Bat.)
Lieberman's "Hush Returns" sucked ass. His run literally killed Gotham Knights.

Requiem--I've got a feeling it's Ray Palmer who's gonna die.
It won't, Palmer has been confirmed to be in Robinson's Justice League.

Titans--Well, I guess he wouldn't be Winick if he didn't kill somebody...
I really doubt anyone's going to end up getting killed.

Blue Beetle--That solicit simply begs for a Manhunter/Blue Beetle crossover.
I'm surprised that they didn't announce this book to be cancelled this month as well.
So Tim Drake is going to temporarily take over Batman's spot, huh? That sounds like it could be interesting

Storming Paradise from WS looks interesting, as well
LAWL! Beechen on Batgirl, LAWL!

Other thoughts:

Superman/Batman #50 sounds like it could be a blast. I like how this book isn't even trying to be in continuity anymore, it's more of an All Star book now more than anything.

Blue Beetle sounds *****ey. Yes, *****ey. I mean, he's going to start off his run on a hispanic superhero by telling a story about immigration? Lucky us.

Jonah Hex #33, Jesus, Darwyn Cooke? My pants just exploded.

Who the **** is buying Infinity Inc?
Atleast Will pfeifer isnt the regular BB writer,Thank god speaking of..Catwomans cancelled (atleast it lasted 81 issues).

Will Pfeifer is a good writer, if you really think he was responsible for the abomination that was Amazons Attack then you really don't know what you're talking about.
You really can't absolve him of all the blame, either. Or at least I can't. There's "editorially mandated," and then there's "editorially mandated with bonus fck you crazy."
You really can't absolve him of all the blame, either. Or at least I can't. There's "editorially mandated," and then there's "editorially mandated with bonus fck you crazy."

Let me put it this way....there shouldn't have been an Amazons Attack to begin with, so he can't be blamed for writing it. Except for the killer bee thing, that was crazy.
But look at something like One More Day, which was obviously editorially mandated up the ass to the hilt with no lube, but you can still clearly see where the writer obviously, desperately tried to make something resembling a good story out of it. Same with Guggenheim's short Flash run, or -- God help me, I can't believe I'm even thinking this -- Picoult's WW run. Compare with AA or with Beechen on Batgirl, where the writer was handed their shtty orders, and then proceeded to make it even worse than you'd ever think possible.
But look at something like One More Day, which was obviously editorially mandated up the ass to the hilt with no lube, but you can still clearly see where the writer obviously, desperately tried to make something resembling a good story out of it. Same with Guggenheim's short Flash run, or -- God help me, I can't believe I'm even thinking this -- Picoult's WW run. Compare with AA or with Beechen on Batgirl, where the writer was handed their shtty orders, and then proceeded to make it even worse than you'd ever think possible.

Beechen never wrote Batgirl.:o

...Until now, LAWL!
So Tim Drake is going to temporarily take over Batman's spot, huh? That sounds like it could be interesting

Storming Paradise from WS looks interesting, as well

1. Nightwing should take up the Batman mantle


2. I doubt Tim can strike fear into criminals

1. Nightwing should take up the Batman mantle


2. I doubt Tim can strike fear into criminals


It's not like it's going to a permanent thing or anything, but I still think it may make for an interesting little side story as Batman RIP is going on.
In the interest of keeping my blood pressure down, I'm going to try to just talk about the ones that I actually like.

Rogues' Revenge sounds cool. Not a fan of tying it into FC more (I say "more" because, given that it's Johns, it probably would've tied in somehow anyway), but Johns and Kolins on the Rogues can't be a bad thing. I'll check it out.

I'll probably pick up the first issue of Ambush Bug, at least. I've always heard what a great comedy character he is, but I've never had any real exposure to him. Giffen + comedy is usually a winning formula.

I... may actually try Teen Titans out again. I like Kid Devil and I love Blue Beetle, so an awkward buddy team-up between the two could be fun. I'll be trying it out very, very cautiously, though, given McKeever's record on the Titans so far.

Jason Aaron on Joker's Asylum: The Penguin? I'll check that out.

Ugh, Hush again? And a tie-in to Morrison's Batman junk? You're killing me here, Dini. But I'll tough it out for the first couple issues of this arc, at least. Plus, Batman and Catwoman are fun together.

I might check out Two Face Year One. Maybe. I wonder what's really left to tell after the masterpiece that was The Long Halloween, but I'm still thinking about picking it up. It's only 2 issues, after all.

Ooh, a Brainiac story in Action Comics? Damn it, after the awesomeness of the Legion arc, I may end up adding Action Comics to my pull list.

Blue Beetle's story may be a little too ripped-from-the-headlines for my liking. Sturges is pretty good, though, and Albuquerque's still there. Should be okay.

I love that Booster Gold is tying into all the past crossovers. Looks like Ted's dead again by this issue, which sucks, but Johns pretty much telegraphed it straight from the start. I like Peter Platinum's play on Booster's own name.

Sounds like Peyer's run on the Flash will still be going strong in July. Unfortunately, Freddie Williams will still be drawing the comic. Oh well, a great half of a set of creators is better than most comics can muster.

GLC sounds good. Still not a fan of more Black Mercy stuff, but we'll see how it goes. The big battle at the end of this arc should at least be fun. Can't figure out why some pissant little ***** like Mongul can hold his own against almost a dozen of the GLC's best and brightest, though; I guess maybe the rule that more rings does not equal more power is no longer valid? Mongul's got six or eight yellow rings, after all.

Legion sounds kind of meh-ish. I loved Waid's take on the Threeboot Legion, but since he left, the writers who've followed have not been doing a good job. Bedard introduced some new takes on old Legionnaires that were, in a word, terrible. The couple issues I read of Shooter's run were pretty bland. Good thing there's so much stuff going on with other Legions elsewhere.

Yay for Manhunter's resurrection! Liam Sharp's art actually looks good on that cover, too. Usually his style is too exaggerated for my tastes. I'm a bit leary of Gaydos, since I don't think I've ever seen him draw an action scene that actually looks exciting, but I'll see how it goes. Still, Manhunter's back!

Wonder Woman. Hmm. More powerless Wonder Woman stuff? Oh well, the bit about the Gorilla Knights vs. the Department of Metahuman Affairs sounds cool. I'm sure Simone will find some way to entertain me regardless of what the plot is.

Weird that the Suicide Squad mini is collected under the subtitle From the Ashes rather than the mini's subtitle, which was Raise the Flag. I guess it's more apt, though. Rick Flag's seeming resurrection is explained rather quickly and the story moves to more of a general Suicide Squad arc afterward.

Ooh, Gotham Central hardcovers? I wonder if I should get them or wait another few years to see if they ever get the Absolute treatment? Their quality certainly merits it if Batman: Hush does.

I'll probably pick up that Invasion TPB, since Blue Beetle has referenced it a bit.

Oh ****, Gage and Googe on the Wildcats? I'm actually excited for that in spite of the cluster**** that the Wildstorm universe has become. I'll give its first few issues a try.

Storming Paradise has an absolutely fantastic creative team and I've always liked historical fiction. I'll have to check that series out.

Okay, I'm breaking my rule on not talking about sucky solicitations for one thing:

Newsarama said:
Newsarama said:
Written by Adam Beechen
AAAAAARRRGH!!! :cmad: :cmad: :cmad:

I think that about covers it. :o
But look at something like One More Day, which was obviously editorially mandated up the ass to the hilt with no lube, but you can still clearly see where the writer obviously, desperately tried to make something resembling a good story out of it. Same with Guggenheim's short Flash run, or -- God help me, I can't believe I'm even thinking this -- Picoult's WW run. Compare with AA or with Beechen on Batgirl, where the writer was handed their shtty orders, and then proceeded to make it even worse than you'd ever think possible.
Still not convinced that Beechen's Batgirl thing was editorially mandated at all. But Guggenheim's Flash didn't just try to be good. It was really good.

I totally forgot to even check Vertigo and WildStorm. Have to get a chance to do that later today.
Jor-El having contact with Thomas Wayne (Superman/Batman) is the stupidest thing ever. Well, close.
It's not like it's going to a permanent thing or anything, but I still think it may make for an interesting little side story as Batman RIP is going on.

Yeah but still... youd think they'd put Nightwing in the batsuit instead of a Robin still in highschool.
Just so all the typical haters could lambast them for repeating Prodigal? No.
Prodigal aside, Tim really is just a better candidate to succeed Bruce as Batman. He's light years smarter than Dick. All he needs to do is not get his ass kicked so much and he'd be a great Batman.
Prodigal aside, Tim really is just a better candidate to succeed Bruce as Batman. He's light years smarter than Dick. All he needs to do is not get his ass kicked so much and he'd be a great Batman.
And Bruce has actually been doing a lot of getting his ass kicked too, so that works.

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