
I wanted to watch this show but not having the Noggin in my room doesnt help matters much. But one day shall catch it.
So Aubrey Graham (the actor who plays Jimmy) has apparently been doing his thing with music, as he goes by Drake when he performs as a rapper. He's been working with a whole rack of well-known people in mainstream rap, and has already gotten some exposure here in the states. My sister sent me the link for his mixtape and it's actually not bad. As a rapper, he's got skills, the subject matter is just a little boring at times 'cause it's a lot of the typical pimpin'/playa type stuff that keeps me from listening to the radio these days. Plus, it's hard to separate him from him being on Degrassi. Not that they haven't dealt with some serious ****, but it's still a teen drama with a bunch of pretty suburban white kids. That's like a rapper like Game being on a corny ass dating show before becoming a rapper. . . . .oh, wait a minute!

Oh well, listen for yourselves:

I've heard some of his music. It's pretty good.

Now there currently filming season 8 of this show and adding like eight new characters.:whatever: They need to give it up. This show went downhill like 3 seasons ago. But I will still watch. :(
I've been with this show since my degrassi summer. (summer '03) I call it my degrassi summer because it was the year I went to summer school, and there was just a whole bunch of drama in that alone. Yeah, one of the best summers of my life. I'm so glad I happened upon this show.
Used to love this show.. then they killed JT and made the two most annoying characters the leads and it went to poop.
JT dying still hurts. I still say it should've been manny, Also, 2 annoying now leads? who?
Pete's not SO bad. Darcy however is on Manny status
Darcy is just the most annoying thread ever.
i got into this show about a year ago, im obsessed with it now. Its one of my favorite shows, anyone watch last nights episode?(the graduation one) Liberty mentioned JT in her speach :(
I've been missing it a lot lately, don't know why. I'll make up for it on The N's website.
So Aubrey Graham (the actor who plays Jimmy) has apparently been doing his thing with music, as he goes by Drake when he performs as a rapper. He's been working with a whole rack of well-known people in mainstream rap, and has already gotten some exposure here in the states. My sister sent me the link for his mixtape and it's actually not bad. As a rapper, he's got skills, the subject matter is just a little boring at times 'cause it's a lot of the typical pimpin'/playa type stuff that keeps me from listening to the radio these days. Plus, it's hard to separate him from him being on Degrassi. Not that they haven't dealt with some serious ****, but it's still a teen drama with a bunch of pretty suburban white kids. That's like a rapper like Game being on a corny ass dating show before becoming a rapper. . . . .oh, wait a minute!

Oh well, listen for yourselves:

this aint the same drake that is on the radio now is it? i totally forgot about this til i started watching the show tonight and wanted to bump the thread
i am starting to watch this show (the next generation) that is, from episode 1 til the end.

not all at once, of course. But I just watched the first two, the ones where Emma meets the "boy" online

i forgot how melodramatic and cheesy this show is/was. it's gonna be great watchng it all over again
My sister loved this show. I on the other hand, really didn't like it.

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