

Oct 25, 2006
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Is it a common thing?

how do you fix depression, i could be in a good mood il think about the slightest depressing thing and il feel totally depressed for a good period of time, any way to fix it other than medications and shrinks.

i don't trust either of them.
I actually think that the majority of the cases of depression is just society allowing one to be a failure.

I think it's natural for everyone to go through some down time at one point in their life but there is definitely a lack of need for people to get out of that ruck over here.

Perhaps it is healthier to get it all out of your system but it is a shame to used the term thrown around so much.
I agree that depression is definately thrown around as an excuse too much. I think it's normal for a person to go through spirts of feeling down, but that doesn't mean you're going through depression. The few people I know who have actually been diagnosed with depression were in really bad shape. One shot himself, one came to the point of holding a knife to his chest and trying to muster the courage to drive it in, and the other one wanted to commit suicide but was raised christian and was afraid of what would come next. THOSE are serious depression issues. Someone being down for a day or two isn't depression. That's just normal emotional spirts.

However, if you do feel that you are truly going through depression, suck up your pride and get to a doctor. Take medications and get better. Take care of yourself and you and the people who love you will be greatful for it later.
I guess it could just be the environment, its totally boring where i live and theres not much to ever do, most of oceansides youths idea of fun is getting ****ed up every weekend, i mean i skate and hang out with friends, but half the time we chyll were contemplating what to do next.

we just wind up smoking or i go home and think about anything, which is wear my depression comes in, I'm an over thinker i think of one thing it leads to another, im also very pessimistic so my way of seeing things plus me over thinking makes me depressed.

everyones got there problems and i try not to dwell on it, but i just cant help but feeling down.

even when im in a good mood, i feel down. its weird.
I agree that depression is definately thrown around as an excuse too much. I think it's normal for a person to go through spirts of feeling down, but that doesn't mean you're going through depression. The few people I know who have actually been diagnosed with depression were in really bad shape. One shot himself, one came to the point of holding a knife to his chest and trying to muster the courage to drive it in, and the other one wanted to commit suicide but was raised christian and was afraid of what would come next. THOSE are serious depression issues. Someone being down for a day or two isn't depression. That's just normal emotional spirts.

However, if you do feel that you are truly going through depression, suck up your pride and get to a doctor. Take medications and get better. Take care of yourself and you and the people who love you will be greatful for it later.

Im going on almost 2-3 years of feeling like this, its an on and off thing but most of the time im down.

its like i want to up and leave this town and start new somewhere else. im not suicidal in the least bit but im afraid it can lead to that at my breaking point.

the only thing that makes me most happy is my gf and my friends, but i constantly over think, what happens when they leave me, i dont want to be left alone.
Then take it from someone who's lost someone who got to that breaking point, take it seriously, and if you even start to consider the idea, talk to people and get help.

Otherwise, I suggest a change of some sorts that may help. Adopt new or differant friends who may offer something more. Try to be creative and come up with things your friends can do that's special, like a murder mystery, a night to Jedi Duel with toy lightsabers, write a play, go to a play, wrestle in the back yard, whatever the heck you can come up with that may keep things interesting. Stop smoking. That might help. Maybe try a church youth group (depending on how old you are) are just try a service or two. You might find it uplifting. Just try differant things and see what clicks.
pfft...just remember...put on a happy face...laugh, and the world laughs with you. dont get even, get MAD...or something...

Idk, i guess i just have my on and off days.

like right now i feel fine, but earlier i was all like gahh=[

and dont worry i would bever harm myself or others, im too good a person lol.
Is it a common thing?

how do you fix depression, i could be in a good mood il think about the slightest depressing thing and il feel totally depressed for a good period of time, any way to fix it other than medications and shrinks.

i don't trust either of them.

It's a very common thing.
There are different ways to "fix it" but that doesn't guarantee that it will actually be fixed. The first thing to do would go have yourself tested to find out IF you really have depression and which kind (uni/bipolar). The more you know the better help you can get. It really depends from case to case what your treatment will look like, if it will be just therapy, medication or both.

Depression is a rather serious psychiatric disorder and needs treatment (it again depends how grave the depression is, how often the episodes occur and for how long et cetera et cetera). Sadly there are still many people who see depression as a mood or something that you should be able to control, which you can't without treatment.

Of course people get the blues from time to time but if you really want to know go inform yourself, read some books and articles on depression or ask you doc instead of asking people HERE :hyper:
Hello, my names Nowufacedoom and I'm an alcoholic.

Wait... no wrong issue.

I'm a Manic Depressive (Bi-Polar) I have the most violent mood swings anyone has ever known. I can be the life of the party or the worlds most depressing person. I was diagnosed with it in High School about 3 years ago and have pretty much suffered with it constantly.

The weird thing it is I'm kinda proud of it. Most of the smartest, funniest, creative people in the world were Bi-Polar. I like to think it helps.

Always did see myself as the 'tragic artist' stereotype.

I have been in a pretty bad way more than once. Never attempted suicide but got damn close. The only thing that pulls me back is my determination not to turn out like my father, who took his own life.

It can be a serious thing, but like people say, the word is thrown about way too much nowadays.
Is it a common thing?

how do you fix depression, i could be in a good mood il think about the slightest depressing thing and il feel totally depressed for a good period of time, any way to fix it other than medications and shrinks.

i don't trust either of them.

Yeah depression is a common thing. You would be amazed how many people who get depressed but are good at hiding it.

I don't trust meds for depression to be honest. Putting someone on drugs for the rest of their life to feel not depressed isn't going to help in the long run.

But seriously, a proper deep routed depression doesn't go away, it becomes a part of the personality. However over 90% of the cases of depression you hear about are more akin to 'phases' of people's lives, a divergent way of seeking attention etc.
Putting someone on drugs for the rest of their life to feel not depressed isn't going to help in the long run.

Many people with depression NEED antidepressants (as well as therapy). It's not to make them feel euphoric, it's to normalize their perception of things, it's to make their brain work properly again to say so. (how anitdepressants work)
And yes, it does help in the long run, if done properly.
My ex used to cut herself, it used to piss me off.

It makes no difference to them in all honesty, I know it releases a pheremone but besides that it's stupid.
My ex used to cut herself, it used to piss me off.

It makes no difference to them in all honesty, I know it releases a pheremone but besides that it's stupid.

One of my ex girlfriends tried that once - and she was my ex at the time - and I told her if she did it again I was gonna do the job properly to save her the hassle :o
She blatantly loved the attention, eh Eggy.
Here's a good read about the criteria for diagnosis of nine types of depression according to the DSM-IV (which is the widely accepted handbook for mental health issues):

A lot of different factors have to fall into place and last for two (sometimes one for a few of the kinds of depression) solid weeks (that means no feeling better at all during those times) to classify depression. Feeling sad off and on in a day doesn't count. There are weight fluxuations, sleep disturbance, hopelessness, loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy, major behavior changes, etc.

That being said, clinical depression is quite common for a person to suffer at some point in their lives.

Dismissing psychological professionals without even trying is the first step to letting your issues spiral out of control, given you have them. The psychologist/patient relationship is just that- a relationship. Some psychologists just don't mesh with you, as in any relationship. Effort has to be put into finding the right one for you, who you can build trust and rapport with, otherwise, yes, they'll do you no good.
I'm positive there was a thread regarding the topic of depression awhile ago, but no matter. I had depression for many years, it got so bad that it manifested as a physical sickness as well. A lot of bad events happened in my life during this crisis, long story short I understood that something was wrong and I got help. I saw a psychiatrist for awhile and was given medication. I'm over it now, but I'll tell you I never used it as an excuse or crutch for anything.
When I was in high school I used to suffer severe depression. Thankfully that phase of my life has passed. The best way to get over depression is to do something you really enjoy doing, or to help someone else. If you focus on someone else's problem(s) it helps you put your own into perspective. If you do something you really enjoy doing, it's hard to be depressed while doing it.
The Hype doesn't cure your depression? :(
The Hype doesn't cure your depression? :(

:woot: All depends on how much fun you have when you're in the Hype. I make sure I have a good time when I come here. I leave my problems behind and just play with the folks I find ;)

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