Devourer of Worlds - Ralph Ineson is Galactus

not personally familiar with his work... but, from the few clips of looked up on the guy, he has a very unique/distinctive voice for it

given some of the more high profiles names that were rumored for the role... this is such brilliant pull for them as obscure as it might seem

like someone in casting department was really like, "this is the voice reference I want for the character, who can we get that sounds like that... wait can we just get him? someone get his agent on the phone"
I'm assuming this will be a 1 and done villain. I'm interested how they are going to pull off Galactus.
I reckon that’s wise. The thing with galactus is, he can’t actually eat earth or the story ends. So the more he keeps coming back, the less of a threat he becomes
Love his voice! Wonder if he will change his accent or not.
I reckon that’s wise. The thing with galactus is, he can’t actually eat earth or the story ends. So the more he keeps coming back, the less of a threat he becomes
Being a 1 and done doesn't surprise me anymore, given what they did to Hela and Red Skull (yup, he was only in Endgame for like 5 minutes). I'm just surprised they are doing it for the first FF film.

But i guess thats better to use the character now than never, especially if the reboot doesn't get a sequel which imo, is a big possibility.
I don't necessarily see Galactus as one and done, as he can be both a foe and ally. He's much more complex than than what he gets credit for.

I'm familiar with the actor and it's one of those castings that nobody would have guessed, but makes complete sense as the choice. Not just his voice, but his menace and presence on screen. These are all great things for playing Galactus. He'll be able to scare and unsettle people as a villain within a PG film.
I'm fairly non-plussed about this--but his voice is grand. Truthfully, I'm disappointed that they didn't land Javier Bardem for the role for the sheer star power he would've brought to the film. Also...I don't understand why we're even doing this again? They really should've saved this retread for a future film considering we already covered the Galactus storyline in 2007 (yes, it was horrible, but still.... it's rather fresh in people's minds to an extent--"last seen, first remembered,", etc.,).

Annihilus would've been a much better villain for this first movie--in my humble opinion. A galactic threat of a different sort, and something we haven't seen on the silver screen yet.
I'm fairly non-plussed about this--but his voice is grand. Truthfully, I'm disappointed that they didn't land Javier Bardem for the role for the sheer star power he would've brought to the film. Also...I don't understand why we're even doing this again? They really should've saved this retread for a future film considering we already covered the Galactus storyline in 2007 (yes, it was horrible, but still.... it's rather fresh in people's minds to an extent--"last seen, first remembered,", etc.,).

Annihilus would've been a much better villain for this first movie--in my humble opinion. A galactic threat of a different sort, and something we haven't seen on the silver screen yet.

It'll hide for over a year again. :o
I'm fairly non-plussed about this--but his voice is grand. Truthfully, I'm disappointed that they didn't land Javier Bardem for the role for the sheer star power he would've brought to the film. Also...I don't understand why we're even doing this again? They really should've saved this retread for a future film considering we already covered the Galactus storyline in 2007 (yes, it was horrible, but still.... it's rather fresh in people's minds to an extent--"last seen, first remembered,", etc.,).

Annihilus would've been a much better villain for this first movie--in my humble opinion. A galactic threat of a different sort, and something we haven't seen on the silver screen yet.
I was rooting for Bardem too but Ineson has won me over due to just his voice alone. Hopefully Bardem will pop up in another role down the line.
I think if Javier had gotten it I would have been like “that’s Javier”. I wouldn’t have thought “that’s galactus”.
We’ve seen a lot of films (from Marvel and others) with planet level threats, but I think there have been some elements missing that hopefully this film can pull off better.

The big one to me is Earth-threatening events never feel as intense as they should. No films I can think of have really felt like: “This is it. This is serious. Everything we know could end.”

We also haven’t seen a cold, emotionless threat.

Typically, even if the threat is alien, there are human-like emotions/motivation behind it all.

There’s something particularly frightening, for example, about getting eaten by a great white shark. You’re simply food to it. Your fear and emotions mean nothing to it.

Thanos, Dormammu, etc. have plans, schemes, motivations etc. that we can relate to on some level.

Galactus, if done right, is completely emotionless. He’s not thinking: “Should I do this? Is this the right thing? Should I consider something different?”

His consumption of a planet is a simple act that he hasn’t put any thought to. The lives affected are completely meaningless to him.

I’m hoping they can pull that off to give us something different than we’ve seen before.
I hear his first act of ruthlessness will be to throw the silver surfer over a pub.
There we go. Our first description of the script: “Cool as f***”


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