I think Galactus is such an awesome fascinating character that he is a cross between Darth Vader and King Kong(because he's 27-feet tall) and it would be cool to see him on the big screen conquering and devouring worlds and galaxies in a future Silver Surfer movie or the Avengers coming in 2012 or a sequel or a future Fantastic Four movie or a his own movie or even a Marvel Heroes Crossover movie where the Avengers,the Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four and even the Shi'ar confront him in an awesome space battle based on a recent Galactus comic book arc Galactus:The Devourer.
I a perfect world the FF will revert back to Marvel and then we will get a Galactus story along the lines of the one John B. did in the FF where the Avengers join the FF in the battle with the Big G. But that day is a LONG ways off. I do not think we will see him again unless Fox does a Silver Surfer origin movie...which could still happen...
They missed their opportunity to garner interest in him in FF: ROTSS. They never really addressed what he was other than just some massive entity/space cloud with tendrils. I really liked that movie otherwise. I had really anticipated a decent depiction of Galactus towards the end and the powers that be wimped out. Honestly, I think if they ever take a another crack at him it will be a long time coming unless they do a Surfer movie and after what happened last time, who knows what you'll get.
Galactus is a great character in the comics, but in a movie there's not much time to flesh out his origin aside from a wordy scene or sequence. The Rise of the Silver Surfer pretty much did what needs to be done with Galactus, by portraying him/it as a massive universal threat that eats planets. The whole cloud complaint is just fanboy nitpicking.
Also, Galactus is far from a cross between Vader and Kong.
I a perfect world the FF will revert back to Marvel and then we will get a Galactus story along the lines of the one John B. did in the FF where the Avengers join the FF in the battle with the Big G. But that day is a LONG ways off. I do not think we will see him again unless Fox does a Silver Surfer origin movie...which could still happen...
I was just thinking the same thing. If we ever get to have a true "Marvel Universe" movie, it would be great to see someone like Galactus create a threat to justify the involvement of all the world's heroes.
Galactus would of course be great in CGI and I believe he can work in a future Marvel movie. Galactus is a must for the big screen. Also it would be awesome if a future Marvel movie like the Silver Surfer movie or Fantastic Four movie or Avengers movie be set in the Negative Zone. It would be awesome to see the Negative Zone on the big screen with it's strange galaxies,stars and planets and civilizations. It would be awesome to have space battles between Galactus and the Fantastic Four,the Silver Surfer and the Avengers there.
But the question is: "Will they retain those rights?"
Do they even want the rights, or are they just trying to get as much money as possible from Marvel for turning them back over?
It seemed very coincidental that Fox announced their plans for an FF re-boot the day after the Marvel/Disney deal was announced (when there was a lot of money flying around).
We had a flurry of rumors several weeks ago, but nothing substantial and at least a couple of the people rumored claimed they knew nothing about it . . . so it's very possible those rumors were just more of Fox trying to show Marvel they would make this movie if Marvel wasn't careful and didn't come through with a big check. I suspect it may very well be a game of 'chicken' at this point.
I don't know any of the real contract details, but I've heard at least some speculation that Fox would have to make a film by 2012 and they claim they intend it for summer of 2012.
. . . yet we still don't have a director as we approach the 1.5 year point.
If we make it to December with nothing more substantial than we currently have, my money is that Fox will drop it and let it revert back to Marvel.
I always got a kick out of how and why they ruined Galactus. Okay, so we got a guy that can stretch his body, a woman who can turn invisible and make force fields, a dude who has rocky skin, and a man who can fly and set himself on fire, but noooooo a giant man dressed in purple who can eat planets is too much for a comic book movie so we'll turn him into a storm cloud!
Galactus is a great character in the comics, but in a movie there's not much time to flesh out his origin aside from a wordy scene or sequence. The Rise of the Silver Surfer pretty much did what needs to be done with Galactus, by portraying him/it as a massive universal threat that eats planets. The whole cloud complaint is just fanboy nitpicking.
Also, Galactus is far from a cross between Vader and Kong.
Why do people "hate" the color purple in movies? It's silly and irrational. Oh this color works for forty, fifty years on print but now it would ruin everything?
How about using some expertise and make it work! They made a three hour movie of human "smerfs". It made a profit.
galactus could pop up anywhere really. so if a beta ray bill movie, nova, thor, kree/ skrull movie. i mean he could just show up and eat a planet causing a hero to help evacuate, like nova and quasar or galactus could come to asgard or he could eat beta ray bills planet. lots of possibiblities for galactus. the most obvious is if the silver surfer movie gets made.
To put it simply changing Galactus to a cloud changes him from a character to a plot point. It may have 'worked' in the movie, but only for the plot, not the character.
Galactus, as he appears in the comics, is adaptable to film. You just need a lot of skill and imagination.
Galactus may be a great character in the comics, but in a two hour movie, there's not enough time to develop that. All he needs to be is a plot device.
Yeah, he can be explained in a 15 minute comic, but it's too hard for a 120 min movie.
Dude, you could explain him in 1 to 2 well written minutes. Again you show your ignorance by believing the "sludge" FOX has feed you.
FOX: the movie watcher is dumb; the movie watcher is dumb; the movie watcher is dumb; the movie watcher is dumb; the movie watcher is dumb; the movie watcher is dumb; the movie watcher is dumb ...
Ferret's are quick! You seem to lack this quality. Bad Ferret, back to your shoe box!
Negative. This movie watcher is NOT dumb. He just knows that Galactus's personality is extraneous and unneeded. All he needs to be is a huge, world-ending threat. The movies are meant to make things simpler, and there's no need to go into Galan of Taa and the universe before the Big Bang.
Oh, you forgot to mention he's a 250' tall humaniod, world-ending threat glad in purple armor and uses a big spaceship shaped like a ball, and NOT a big black space cloud.
Oh, you forgot to mention he's a 250' tall humaniod, world-ending threat glad in purple armor and uses a big spaceship shaped like a ball, and NOT a big black space cloud.
Except that he's not, that's just how the people of the 616 Marvel Earth see him, as it's been established that he appears differently to different planets based on their collective mental image of what the end of the world would be. For 616 Marvel Earth, he looks like a giant supervillain. There's no reason for him to look like that to the people of the movie's Earth as they've experienced a total of ONE supervillain in Doom.
And I don't see how I've "made your argument". There's literally no reason to explain his origins or make him a character in most movies. The only exception would be a Silver Surfer movie, as Galactus is a key character in his story. For the rest, he's just a plot point that gives the protagonists a huge world-ending threat to deal with.
I was referring to his origin which is very clearly defined and could be verbalized in minutes. Even down to the heralds names and atributes.
"For the rest, he's just a plot point that gives the protagonists a huge world-ending threat to deal with."
Fine, we can agree here.
I'm just saying there was no reason to make him a cloud except FOX being obtuse or plain lazy. The movie wouldn't have failed if Galacticus was accurately portrayed.
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