Iron Man Did you know Joss Whedon almost directed this movie

I will forever be grateful to Favreau for the dynamite casting of RDJ as Tony Stark and setting up the fundamental tone of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, but yeah, it probably would've been better. That is not to say that Iron Man is bad, it's still the best Superhero origin movie put to celuloid. But Whedon has the skill to better even that.
I remember that.

But I'm happy with how things played out. Something to consider though is back when this almost happend, New Line Cinema held the film rights to Iron Man. And as we've seen with other Marvel films where the character was being leased out to another studio, would they have let Whedon make the film he wanted to?
Would it have been better? Anything is possible but my gut says NO! Whedon did great on Avengers but I still think IM1 edges it out as the better movie. Of course I consider IM1 to be the pinacle of ALL superhero movies. It's just the closest of any superhero film I've seen has come to being perfect. But I don't doubt Whedon could make a great Iron Man movie.
Tim McCanlies wrote the Script at this Time. I really would like to read it. I heard so much about it.

I have two other Iron Man Scripts as PDF.

1. The Iron Man (1997) by Jeff Vintar (Story by Stan Lee) with MODOK as Villain.

2. Iron Man (2004) by Alfred Gough & Miles Millas with War Machine as Villain.

I also would like to see some old Concept Art from past Iron Man Projects.
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IM is perfect the way it is. No director could've captured what Favs did.
Tim McCanlies wrote the Script at this Time. I really would like to read it. I heard so much about it.

I have two other Iron Man Scripts as PDF.

1. The Iron Man (1997) by Jeff Vintar (Story by Stan Lee) with MODOK as Villain.

2. Iron Man (2004) by Alfred Gough & Miles Millas with War Machine as Villain.

I also would like to see some old Concept Art from past Iron Man Projects.

Didn't that one have Howard Stark as the villain? Ugh! Glad that never saw the light of day.
Didn't that one have Howard Stark as the villain? Ugh! Glad that never saw the light of day.

Yes. Howard Stark was War Machine in that Script. The Story was Action Loaded, but quite Depressing. God, that sounds horrible. It sounds like the basic idea of Ang Lee's Hulk with more action.
Well that's what you get when writers don't know the character nor do they understand why the character is appealing. Ang Lee was a master at doing that.
In general, I like Whedon's sensibilities, but Favreau & Co. did such a good job with the character that I couldn't see it any other way. Happy with what we've got.
It happened perfectly the way it did; Favs and RDJ and Fiege all created a masterpiece that led us to where we are today. Anything else would have been inferior; that being said Whedon's great and I don't think anyone else could've made the Avengers as great as it was.

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