Die Hard 2


Jul 14, 2002
Reaction score
I was just watching this on Cinemax right now. I think I may have been a little too harsh on this movie. Yea...story-wise it was basically Die Hard but they replaced a building with an airport. However, the action scenes were REALLY good. I can't complain there. And Stuart Baird's editing was top-notch as usual. It's STILL my least favorite of the Die Hard movies, but it's not too bad.
I was just watching this on Cinemax right now. I think I may have been a little too harsh on this movie. Yea...story-wise it was basically Die Hard but they replaced a building with an airport. However, the action scenes were REALLY good. I can't complain there. And Stuart Baird's editing was top-notch as usual. It's STILL my least favorite of the Die Hard movies, but it's not too bad.

Renny Harlin is a competent director just like Brett Ratner and for the most post they are competent directors so in that respect they get a little too much criticism but in the end their films lack any real passion and are usually rather generic and cliche thus they are rather useless in the grand scheme of things.
Even though I've seen the movie, this is the only DVD I own that I still haven't gotten around to watching.
Nothing beats an icicle to the eye. NOTHING.
Renny Harlin is a competent director just like Brett Ratner and for the most post they are competent directors so in that respect they get a little too much criticism but in the end their films lack any real passion and are usually rather generic and cliche thus they are rather useless in the grand scheme of things.

Brett Ratner is better than Harlin. Ratner has Family Man and Red Dragon under his belt. And, honestly, I think what's enjoyable about Die Hard 2 is as a result of the contributions by Bruce Willis, the screenwriters, editor Stuart Baird, and Michael Kamen's Lethal Weapon-esque music. Harlin may have made some good contributions, but it was those guys that saved the movie. Like I said before it's the weakest of the Die Hard movies but that doesn't make it a bad movie. When Die Hard 4 was released I said Die Hard 2 sucked. That was a little harsh. It doesn't suck. It's just not as good as it could have been.
Renny Harlin is a competent director just like Brett Ratner and for the most post they are competent directors so in that respect they get a little too much criticism but in the end their films lack any real passion and are usually rather generic and cliche thus they are rather useless in the grand scheme of things.

This is the most honest analysis. I agree with everything stated
dont forget former presidential candidate Fred Thompson
John Leguizamo is in it too, but I agree that Die Hard 2 just doesn't have that cool character banter of the first Die Hard or the kick ass buddy cop feel of Die Hard 3.
I watched all the Die Hard's last summer and found this one a mediocre action movie with mediocre action sequences, carried solely on the McClane character.
I watched all the Die Hard's last summer and found this one a mediocre action movie with mediocre action sequences, carried solely on the McClane character.

I'm sure if you saw all four Die Hards in the same week this movie would seem horrible. It's like if you saw all Batman movies within the same week Batman Forever would seem like a piece of crap. But...in reality...the movies aren't THAT bad. They are weak but not terrible.
I was just watching this on Cinemax right now. I think I may have been a little too harsh on this movie. Yea...story-wise it was basically Die Hard but they replaced a building with an airport. However, the action scenes were REALLY good. I can't complain there. And Stuart Baird's editing was top-notch as usual. It's STILL my least favorite of the Die Hard movies, but it's not too bad.
It's fun, and yeah just a repeat of part one. I loved the new one. My fave is still one, followed by four then three.
I like three more than four. Three had Sam Jackson. Four had Justin Long. :dry:
Die Hard 2 wasnt BAD, it just wasnt as good as 1. With A Vengance made the right move though, by just totally ignoring it.
Die Hard 2 just felt like a remake of the first one too much. It stuck to the formula too much. Where as the other sequels tried to change it up a bit.

As anyone ever noticed something? John Mclane's adventures always happens within a 24 hour period. He was doing it before Jack Baur
Die Hard 2 just felt like a remake of the first one too much. It stuck to the formula too much. Where as the other sequels tried to change it up a bit.

As anyone ever noticed something? John Mclane's adventures always happens within a 24 hour period. He was doing it before Jack Baur

Baur is a poor man's McClane.
I really like Die Hard 2 I think its just damn fun I think imin the Minority when i say that DHWAV is my least favorite, it just wasnt very fun to me.
I thought we were on Die Hard 5 now?

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