The anchors that shaped CBS News, ABC News, and NBC News such as Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, Barbara Walters, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, etc. were liberals. You have the Hollywood elite, which is overwhelmingly liberal. And of course the blogosphere dominated by the Huffington Post and Daily Kos, are liberal.
Of course I personally find that Fox News being so overwhelmingly conservative and by far the one with the highest ratings counters the other news outlets. And conservative talk radio dominating political talk radio makes up for liberals dominating the blogosphere. And most people don't give a damn about the politics of Hollywood.
Overall, it balances itself out. We have conservative based media and liberal based media. We all have our options of what to choose to listen, watch, and read while tuning the others out.
For example, I hate Fox News. I find it too flashy, too sensationalist, and too biased. So I completely tune out Fox News and never watch it. Therefore, since I never watch it, it doesn't bother me. I don't go to the Huffington Post because I find it to be too biased, since I never go on the Huffington Post's website, I don't get bothered by it.