Discussion: Reverend Wright And The Fallout


Mar 26, 2001
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Its official.
The race to dig into Obama has begun.

His bigotted and ignorant pastor has seen to that.
I glanced the newspaper earlier and saw something about that.. what exactly happened?
Its being discussed in the Obama thread.....
I don't think this will hurt him. Bush got support from Pat Robertson and Falwell. A bit different in viewpoints, but they have the same extremist mindset that you would think would turn off voters but in fact brings out minorities of similar mindsets out in droves.
I don't think this will hurt him. Bush got support from Pat Robertson and Falwell. A bit different in viewpoints, but they have the same extremist mindset that you would think would turn off voters but in fact brings out minorities of similar mindsets out in droves.

Obama attended this church Chair. It doesn't matter that Bush got support from Falwell or Pat Robertson. Obama has actually attended this church for 20 years listening to this same pastor's sermons. I think this is a little different.
The honeymoon is not over yet. For all we know, this will bounce off him just like his lack of experience and a platform until two weeks before Super Tuesday. Gotta wait to see the results of this before we determine if the "honeymoon is over."
The honeymoon is not over yet. For all we know, this will bounce off him just like his lack of experience and a platform until two weeks before Super Tuesday. Gotta wait to see the results of this before we determine if the "honeymoon is over."

Of course it will bounce off of him. As we saw today, the media is making sure this scandal ends as soon as it can so they can get back to praising him. They made Wright's decision to quit the campaign a breaking news story. Meanwhile, Hillary denounced Geraldine Ferraro's comments two days ago, and it barely received any attention. The pundits are still debating Ferraro's comments, while this scandal is slipping away from Obama, at the discretion of the media.
Of course it will bounce off of him. As we saw today, the media is making sure this scandal ends as soon as it can so they can get back to praising him. They made Wright's decision to quit the campaign a breaking news story. Meanwhile, Hillary denounced Geraldine Ferraro's comments two days ago, and it barely received any attention. The pundits are still debating Ferraro's comments, while this scandal is slipping away from Obama, at the discretion of the media.

The media can try all they want to make this go away...the American people will not let something like this go away. Let the firestorm begin.
No it doesnt matter. The American people generally arent going to care what Obamas pastor says the same way they wont really care what Ferrarro said. They will think less of those people, not of Hillary or Obama.

Of course it will bounce off of him. As we saw today, the media is making sure this scandal ends as soon as it can so they can get back to praising him. They made Wright's decision to quit the campaign a breaking news story. Meanwhile, Hillary denounced Geraldine Ferraro's comments two days ago, and it barely received any attention. The pundits are still debating Ferraro's comments, while this scandal is slipping away from Obama, at the discretion of the media.

Thats because one is a former vice presdential candidate...and one is a pastor :up:
Of course it will bounce off of him. As we saw today, the media is making sure this scandal ends as soon as it can so they can get back to praising him. They made Wright's decision to quit the campaign a breaking news story. Meanwhile, Hillary denounced Geraldine Ferraro's comments two days ago, and it barely received any attention. The pundits are still debating Ferraro's comments, while this scandal is slipping away from Obama, at the discretion of the media.
I agree with you, it's funny how the media is so biased. You can tell they have their own agenda.
Thats because one is a former vice presdential candidate...and one is a pastor :up:

No, it's because one worked for Clinton, and the other worked for Obama. Their respected professions and histories shouldn't matter. They both said idiotic things, but Wright said worse things to actually incite a fury against Clinton. Not only that, but Wright basically brushed aside the horrible events of 9/11 and implied that the deaths suffered that day weren't nearly as bad or comparable to the atrocities committed abroad, which is still utterly uncalled for if you're a professional representing a leading Presidential candidate.
I don't think this will hurt him. Bush got support from Pat Robertson and Falwell. A bit different in viewpoints, but they have the same extremist mindset that you would think would turn off voters but in fact brings out minorities of similar mindsets out in droves.

Obama is suppose to be above other politicians. If Obama is just like everyone else in Washington - isn't his message of "Change" all bunk?
I guess I don't understand how the man's pastor's personal beliefs has an impact on Obama in the eyes of others? Last I checked, Obama is supposed to be worshipping Jesus and the Bible as opposed a pastor in his church. What does one have to do with the other? I mean, I have friends who don't believe in God whatsoever--but their atheism doesn't affect my personal beliefs one iota.

I have a feeling this is not going to stick. I've been home all day working on a paper, and I haven't seen anything about this on TV today. Is it hot or not?
It comes down to this.

Imagine this.
You goto a church for the first time, and they say.....That all the black people need to die, and the nazis were nice guys. Would you ever go back (cause I am assuming that you believe that is wrong like I do)

I wouldnt, I would probably leave during the sermon, and never look back.

He went there for 20 years. If he didnt agree, wouldnt he have left?
I dont think Obama will be let go on this one.
But Obama is half white...How could he go to sermon like that and then look at his mother...doesn't make sense.
I guess I don't understand how the man's pastor's personal beliefs has an impact on Obama in the eyes of others? Last I checked, Obama is supposed to be worshipping Jesus and the Bible as opposed a pastor in his church. What does one have to do with the other? I mean, I have friends who don't believe in God whatsoever--but their atheism doesn't affect my personal beliefs one iota.

I have a feeling this is not going to stick. I've been home all day working on a paper, and I haven't seen anything about this on TV today. Is it hot or not?

It's valid because Obama knew this man's stances, has heard his rhetoric and decided to not only separate himself from him - but embrace him completely. His relationship with this man was closer than simple pastor-church member.

In politics it is guilt by association. And rightfully so.
I guess I don't understand how the man's pastor's personal beliefs has an impact on Obama in the eyes of others? Last I checked, Obama is supposed to be worshipping Jesus and the Bible as opposed a pastor in his church. What does one have to do with the other? I mean, I have friends who don't believe in God whatsoever--but their atheism doesn't affect my personal beliefs one iota.

I have a feeling this is not going to stick. I've been home all day working on a paper, and I haven't seen anything about this on TV today. Is it hot or not?

You raise an interesting point.

Except in your eyes, Geraldine Ferraro's comments were completely uncalled for and racist and reflect Hillary Clinton's poor judgment. I believe you also cited her comments on Jesse Jackson back in 1988.

Wright's been saying these things throughout his career, repeatedly. This isn't the first time his comments have made the news. They first surfaced a few months ago, though not to the extent at which they have recently.

What Wright said was equally racist, and he basically laughed off the events of 9/11 and implied that they were somehow justified, considering the United States participated in more atrocities abroad than the deaths suffered at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

That's not only controversial, but frightening. Obama has attended this man's church for twenty years. He made Wright his campaign's spiritual mentor, and has admitted to taking political advice from him. Which political advice was it that Obama took? Did Obama consider believing some of the trash that came out of this guy's mouth? Even if he didn't believe it, why did he continue to listen? I think we have to question Obama's judgment on this.
The media can try all they want to make this go away...the American people will not let something like this go away. Let the firestorm begin.

Are we talking about the same American people who elected an alcoholic cocaine addict who had tanked several businesses into the ground as their President? Twice? :hehe:

I guess I don't understand how the man's pastor's personal beliefs has an impact on Obama in the eyes of others? Last I checked, Obama is supposed to be worshipping Jesus and the Bible as opposed a pastor in his church. What does one have to do with the other? I mean, I have friends who don't believe in God whatsoever--but their atheism doesn't affect my personal beliefs one iota.

I have a feeling this is not going to stick. I've been home all day working on a paper, and I haven't seen anything about this on TV today. Is it hot or not?


That is almost like saying your father has no impact on your personal beliefs...the pastor is his "spiritual guidance" so to speak......someone that he has looked to in decisions of marriage, and probably, many other things....

I'm not saying that his total belief system is centered on this pastor, but it has certainly been fed by this pastor....thats what pastors do.

I have a feeling this is going to stick like super glue on fingers......I don't think McCain will personally take this on, that's just not his style....but other conservative groups will definitely put this in commercials, mailouts, etc.....its here to stay in this campaign.
hahahaha, so, do ANY of you believe Obama is actually a racist?
hahahaha, so, do ANY of you believe Obama is actually a racist?

I'll put it this way........if I were on a jury, and he was on trial for racism. The prosecution has damn good evidence.....but "reasonable doubt" is still there. So he's safe for now.
In politics, truth is what the people believe - it has nothing to do with reality.

Thus, circumstantial is all that matters.

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