DTL Season 5-Week 7 (Set 1)

DTL Commish

DTL Commisioner
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The rules:
This is one of four threads containing matches.
Due to the holiday, these threads will be in use for 20 days. Days 1-12 (Dec 15-Dec 26) are strictly setup time for owners to plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help from you, the fan.

On Day 13 (Dec 27) I will post and tell everyone that voting may begin. Only after doing so will voting start. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count.

Look over the matchups and read the owners strategies and take into consideration how in-character each character is. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match up. (Note: The length of a writeup is up to the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, post the team names you think will prevail in each match. Remember, to vote for each match up or your vote will not count! The teams with the highest vote total at the end of the 20th day (Jan 3) will get a W while the other will get an L. (Equal votes will result in a tie.)

The battleground for this week is: The X-Mansion

Heroes of the New Age
Martian Manhunter
Gorilla Grodd
Captain America
The Atom


The Deadly Dozen
Doomsday-Brainiac (DU)
Zoom (Blitz) (DU)
Magneto (Pre-Fatal Attractions) (MM)
The Ghost (MR)
Deadman (DR)


In Jesus' Name
Multiple Man


Everbody In The Case Mare
Wonder Woman
The Engineer
Jaine Cutter (DR)
In Jesus' NameIn Jesus' Name
Thanos (MU) - Mystic powers, telepathy, durability, strength, reflexes, stratigists... all on cosmic lvl
Stryfe (MU) - If Cable Burnt Offering was brute Strength and evil
Mimic (Exiles) (MM) - Leader of the Exiles copies powers and has Cyclops, Wolverines, Beasts, Northstars and Colossus' powers
Forge (Ultimates) (MR) - Can build things that he may not understand
Multiple Man (MR) - his dupes all have Jamies persona


Everbody In The Case Mare
Wonder Woman (DU)
Kayla (MU)
The Engineer (DM)
Deadpool (MR)
Jaine Cutter (DR)


They know everything about my team(except for Mimic)... My team know little about kayla and everything about deadpool

Mimic drops beasts power and picks up MM's(Thanos doesn't have to control any of it. i figured Mimic would definitely do it anyway)

preptime done...

(o. and everyone has telepathic protection)
LV's team has no chance...
Wonder Woman isn't strong enough for thanos
and kayla isn't that familiar with her powers so she'll be very little help. it even says so in her powers/abilities
no matter how smart she is, Engineer can't take on a bunch of Mimics
Jaine and Deadpool would literally kill forge and MM, but wouldn't have a chance against the rest
AS, you should really put a bit more effort into your write-up. I'm having interwebz problemz at home :( and I'm not going to get my internet until friday (IF the tech guys come around friday, cause I have a feeling they'll want to split early and won't get around to come to my house :()

But I AM going to put something up from work but I don't know how elaborated it will be so seriously now. This could be an easy win for you.If you put in a little effort. I mean come on... it's Deadpool! He's super fun to write
The Deadly Dozen
Doomsday-Brainiac (DU) -- super-strength/speed/durability, supergenius intellect, adaptation
Zoom (Blitz) (DU) -- time-based super-speed
Magneto (Pre-Fatal Attractions) (MM) -- controls metals and electromagnetism
Deadman (DR) -- invisible/intangible spirit that possesses the bodies of others
The Ghost (MR) -- invisibility, intangibility, high-tech weaponry, controls computers systems


Juggernaut (MU)
Martian Manhunter (DU)
Gorilla Grodd (DM)
Captain America (MR)
The Atom (DR)


Here's the short version of why my team would win:

All Nightwing's meds/regs match up poorly against Magneto
-- Magneto is telepathy resistant. He's resisted Xavier's uber level telepathy for an extended period, so Grodd's mid-level telepathy should be no big deal
- Magneto's forcefield can block a sustained blast from Cyclops, so he should be able to take a sustained pounding from Grodd without much trouble
- Cap's main weapon is a metal shield which Magneto can repel (he's done this when they've fought before)
- He should be able to repel the Atom with an electric field. Shrinking to atomic size won't block electromagnetic fields. In fact, electromagnetic fields are the main tool physicists use in controling and manipulating individual atoms -- as I know from my own thesis research.

I know some people don't like the idea of any version of Magneto as a med (although Wieg approved it so that's what counts.) But note that the main reasons Magneto has an edge here are good shields and psi resistance, neither of which consistute pushing him past medium. If anyone really thinks I pushed Magneto too far in my writeup, I'm prepared to pull out multiple examples of reg and mid level characters who've displayed similar feats and abilities.

The "Smarts" Factor
Of course, Captain America is a great combat leader and Grodd and the Atom are geniuses, so they may manage a few tricks despite being rather disadvantaged against Magneto. But I also have two very formidable regs in the Ghost and Deadman. Ghost and Magneto are both brilliant intellects as well, especially when it comes to utilizing a technology-heavy setting like this one. And in the ubers, I've got Brainiac.

Battlefield Knowledge
Magneto knows the Xavier mansion better than anyone else on the battlefield. He even led the New Mutants based out of the mansion when he temporarily reformed. So he's had time to study all the mansion's secrets. Juggernaut knows the mansion (wasn't it Xavier's family home? And Jugs is his step-brother). But he doesn't know about all the technology Xavier has added to the place, and how to use it. (Note that Nightwing's version of Juggernaut was from when he was still an X-Men foe -- from before he reformed and joined the team.)

Last but not least, the ubers
- Doomsday-Brainiac would kick the crap out of Martian Manhunter. He's already proven himself far superior when he battled the JLA.
- Of course, Nightwing probably wants to use Juggernaut to keep Doomsday occupied and use Martian Manhunter's telepathy to defeat Zoom. To combat this, I've figured out a way to (1) Keep Juggernaut out of the fight long enough for Doomsday to beat Martian Manhunter, and (2) Keep Zoom safe from Martian Manhunter until he goes down. To find out how I do this, you'll need to read my full writeup, below.
- Even when it does come to Doomsday vs. Juggernaut, Doomsday has a big advantage since he has at least Superman level speed, whereas Juggernaut doesn't have any super-speed that I know of (certainly not at Superman's level, anyway).

The five chosen members of the Deadly Dozen find themselves in the X-Mansion. Even as the other members of the team take in their surroundings, Magneto springs into action -- magnetically tearing open the hallway wall and gripping a heavy-duty wire within. The mutant master of magnetism sends a massive surge of electricity down his arm and into the wires. Almost immediately, the lights above the team's heads flicker and cut out -- the whole mansion plunged into darkness.

"You've blacked out the whole building," says the Ghost. "Why?"

"I know this place," Magneto explains. "A school of sorts, for mutants -- super-powered beings like me. I was a teacher here, once."

"Then you know every resource the place has to offer," Zoom points out. "Why destroy our own weapons?"

"Because," Magneto explains, with a hint of irritation at being questioned, "these walls contain extensive files on me, my powers, and what my enemies perceive to be my weaknesses, as well as technology that can locate and track my movements, and perhaps all of yours as well. We cannot afford to let these fall into our enemies' hands."

"But," the mutant adds, "I've destroyed nothing. This was merely a controlled overload. I should be able to repair and reactivate those systems we wish to use -- once we are ready to take full control of them. And between Brainiac, the Ghost and myself, we should be more than capable of thwarting any efforts by our opponents to deprive us of that control. As for their database," he adds, glancing at the list of opponents that has appeared before them, "I suggest we destroy it. It will only contain significant information on the Juggernaut, and I'm already quite familiar with him."

"It seems this Juggernaut is but an alternate version of one I fought previously in this contest," Doomsday-Brainiac adds. "Only this one lacks telepathy, making him all the more easily beaten. Martian Manhunter I know from personal experience, and his power too is inferior to mine. He and the Atom are both famous in my world as members of the so-called 'Justice League.'"

"That leaves Captain America, with whom I have battled in the past," Magneto says. "He lacks power, but his resourcefulness is not to be underestimated. And lastly . . . "

"Grodd," Zoom says, his voice an angry hiss. "I have dealt with him before. In some ways, he made me the man I am today." [Author's Note: Hunter Zolomon was injured at the hands of Gorilla Grodd, starting him on the path to becoming Zoom.] "I will relish destroying him."

"Only if you survive not only his telepathy, but Martian Manhunter's as well," says the Ghost, glancing at the descriptions of their opponents. "I seem to recall that was something of a problem for you in the past." [Author's Note: Zoom fell pray to Exodus's telepathic power in my battle with Wiegeabo -- at least in Wieg's version, which got the most votes, so I'm treating it as definitive]

"Fortunately, our present location provides us with the answer," says Magneto. "There is a chamber hidden beneath the mansion . . . . But tell me, Zoom, how is your patience?"

"Horrible," Zoom answers succinctly.

"A pity then, that you have no choice," replies Magneto. "Not if you wish to win this battle. The best course is for you to lie in wait." Magneto explains his plan, and Zoom reluctantly agrees -- on the condition that his teammates save Grodd for him to finish.

With that settled, Magneto, whose superior knowledge of the battlefield make him the obvious leader for this match, moves on to the last order of business. "That leaves only one more question -- why have we been sent into battle with only four?"

"You haven't," says the Ghost, or rather Deadman speaking through the possessed form of the Ghost. He's seen enough to piece together the basics: this team has been pulled together from multiple worlds to face an opponent likewise assembled. He now explains his nature, and his teammates fill him in on the rest. He doesn't much care for the ruthless crew he's been surrounded with, but it's not as if he's been given the choice of standing on the sidelines. Deadman and the others reach an uneasy agreement -- he will help them win the battle, but will play no part in bringing about the deaths of any of their opponents.

And with that, the preparations begin in earnest . . . .

**Uber Battle Part 1**

"Be careful," Martian Manhunter warns, as he and the Juggernaut race through the halls of the X-Mansion. "I still haven't been able to pick up any telepathic trace of Zoom." [Author's note: This will be explained below -- in "Uber Battle Part 2"] Indeed, he hasn't been able to detect Deadman either, but this is not surprising if he's in spirit form. But the seeming invisibility of Zoom's mind is quite concerning. At least Magneto seemed to be making no effort to hide himself, and already Grodd and Captain America have engaged him. Meanwhile, Jonn and the Juggernaut are heading straight for the opposing teams biggest gun, the Brainiac-possessed Doomsday.

"The Ghost is nearby as well," Jonn adds. "Perhaps hoping to team with Doomsday against us. But he keeps darting through walls whenever we get near him."

"Bah, he's not the only one who can walk through walls," Cain scoffs. Any illusion that he was referring to Martian Manhunter's intangibility is quickly dashed, as the Juggernaut smashes right through a wall, bringing himself face to face with Doomsday. "I'll handle him," Cain says confidently, "you keep scanning for Zoom!"

"Juggernaut, look out!" the Martian yells, as the intangible form of the Ghost charges straight through Doomsday and through Juggernaut as well.

"Huh?" the Juggernaut grunts. Then he shrugs his colossal shoulders. "I don't know what the hell that was supposed to do," he declares, swinging a massive fist at Doomsday, "but it won't stop me from beating your bony -- wha?" Cain's most drops open in surprise, as his fist passes straight through Doomsday's face. "The bio didn't say you were intangible."

"Cain, your back," says the Martian Manhunter. For indeed the Ghost has planted a portable intangibility circuit in the middle of the Juggernaut's back, rendering him untouchable.

"Don't bother trying to remove it," the Ghost scoffs as Juggernaut tries to do exactly that. "It's phased on a slightly different frequency than you are -- your hand will pass through it just like you now pass through everything else. Only I can remove it."

"Then remove it," says Martian Manhunter, with his telepathic brain lending the command irrestible force. But as Ghost reaches to do just that, a huge grey hand wraps around his head . . . and crushes it into jelly.

"You killed your own teammate?" gasps Martian Manhunter, horrorstruck.

"A calculated sacrifice," says Brainiac coldly, "and one that is justified if it removes the Juggernaut from the battle." As Cain raises off in search of some way to remove the device, Martian Manhunter is left to face Doomsday-Brainiac alone. He knows he can't aford to hide behind his intangibility. The rules of this contest dictate that he must beat Doomsday before he can hope to help his weaker teammates, and it is not a challenge a hero such as he can shirk. Nor can he rely on his telepathy alone, as even if he were to succeed in removing Brainiac's mind, he'd still have to face this mindless engine of destruction in combat. He has only one option -- to do what seems impossible. He must defeat Doomsday in physical combat.

But as he stares down those bleak odds, one question knaws in the back of Jonn's mind... Where the hell is Zoom?

**Reg/Med battle**
Meanwhile, in the hangar of the X-Men's Blackbird jet . . .

"Is that your best?" Magneto scoffs, easily resisting a mind blast from the telepathic Gorilla Grodd. "If Charles couldn't beat me, do you really think I'd fall to an overgrown Gorilla?"

"Typical human arrogance," Grodd replies, leaping over a large chunk of metal debris Magneto had hurled at him and slamming the master of magnetism with a two-fisted strike. At the same time, Captain America slashes Magneto from behind with the edge of his unbreakable shield.

Magneto grunts, but his protective forcefield holds. A blast of Magnetic force hurls Cap's shield away, carrying the Avenger along with it. Magneto whirls back around to face Grodd, his face contorted with rage. "Don't call me human!" the mutant yells.

As Grodd raises his fist for another blow, Magneto vibrates the floor with a wave of magnetic force, throwing the Gorilla off balance. Before Grodd can recover, Magneto has torn two metal support beams from the walls, coiling them around Grodd's arms and hoisting him into the air. The mutant magnetically reinforces the metal so that even Grodd's fantastic strength is not enough to break free. (When Polaris was possessed by Malice, she used a similar trick to restrain Rogue.) Two more beams wrap around Gordd's legs, as Megneto prepares to tear the great ape limb from limb.

"Personally," says Captain America, "I think you ought to aspire to a bit more humanity."

"Do you aspire to be a worm, Captain?" Magneto sneers. "Do you long to attain the virtues of the humble cockroach? For I am as far beyond you as you are beyond mindless vermin!" As he speaks, Magneto tears up tiny pieces of metal from all around the hangar and hurls them at Captain America with the speed of bullets. But with astonishing speed and agility, the star-spangled Avenger dodges, and what he cannot evade he deflects with his unbreakable shield.

"Your shield is a truly remarkable alloy," Magneto admits. "A pity that it can only protect you from one direction at a time." Tapping into the Blackbird's electronic weapons system, Magneto locks two small homing missles onto Captain America and fires them both simultaneously. A magnetic shove sends one missle on a wide arc towards the Avenger's back, while the other charges him head on. "You'd be surprised what one man can do!" the Captain declares, and as he speaks he moves, leaping directly over the oncoming missle and knocking it to the floor with his shield. The missle explodes as Cap tucks into a ball and lets his shield absorb the blast, the force of it sending him somersaulting right over Magneto's head. The second missle, still locked on to Cap, slams right into Magneto's forcefield.

But as the fire and smoke clears, Magneto still stands, albeit looking somewhat stunned. This time he wastes no time with words, preparing to stike down his foe with all of his magnetic might. And surprisingly, Captain America makes no effort to dodge, instead simply standing in place and speaking in a voice that sounds strangely unlike his own. "Finally!"

"I thought I'd never get ahold of him," Deadman continues, for indeed it is he speaking through the now possessed form of Captain America. "Never have I faced a will so formidable. But finally his resistance melted away, almost as if -- no, wait, it's a --" but the word "trap" catches in his throat, as the Atom enlarges himself from microscopic size just large enough to block Captain America's airway. Cap falls to the ground, unconscious, with Deadman still trapped inside his mind.

"You should have stayed hidden," Magneto says, sucking the Atom out of Cap's body with a powerful electric field. The Atom tries to escape by shrinking out of sight, but Magneto bends magnetic fields around him to create a magnetic atom trap from which the hero cannot escape. The Atom reverses strategies, now trying to rapidly enlarge to break Magneto's hold on him, but a burst of electricity shocks him into unconsciousness.

"The advantage of aligning oneself with heroes," Gorilla Grodd muses, having torn free of his bonds while Magneto was preoccupied, "is that they're all too willing to sacrifice themselves for the so-called 'greater good'." With that, he takes a pair of electrical cables, ripped from the hangar wall, and tosses them straight at Magneto.

"You seek to defeat the Master of Electro-Magnetism with electricity?" Magneto laughs, incredulous. A moment later, he notices the hole Grodd has smashed in the Blackbird's fuel tank, and the puddle of gasoline that now extends all the way to his feet. A moment too late. The sparking wires hit the gas, and as William Shakespeare might once have said, "KA-BLAMMO!"

Continued Below
AS, you should really put a bit more effort into your write-up. I'm having interwebz problemz at home :( and I'm not going to get my internet until friday (IF the tech guys come around friday, cause I have a feeling they'll want to split early and won't get around to come to my house :()

But I AM going to put something up from work but I don't know how elaborated it will be so seriously now. This could be an easy win for you.If you put in a little effort. I mean come on... it's Deadpool! He's super fun to write
only if you do commentary
there's nothing much to comment on right now but if you do a more elaborated write-up you bet your heiny we'll debate it. :)
I think AS was trying to say Deadpool is only fun to write if he writes dialogue . . . but I might be misunderstanding.
thats exactly what i'm sayin.

deadpool is a VERY fun character to toy with and would definitely make my 5 DAYS that it would take to write him, but i think that that much time(the time that it would take to write him) would take up all other time that i might and/or might not have time to make time to deal with, when you have a character as highly in the commentary bubbles as one such as deadpool, who would never give up talking, unless he killed everyone on the field(including or discluding his team).
and that. is something that deadpool would do in the middle of battle(the length of the last post being the subject)
Prep time

In Jesus' Name
Multiple Man


Everbody In The Case Mare
Wonder Woman
Kayla Ballantine
The Engineer
Jaine Cutter (DR)

Scott Summer and Emma Frost's shared bedroom was quiet and still in the darkness of the night, with only the moon's rays coming in through the large windows to dimly light the furniture. With a faint pop, Deadpool, the talkative hired assasin, teleported into the room. He soaked in the aromas and then headed for the boudoir. He used the brush to go through his non existent hair and used the mascara on his non existent eye lashes.
He then opened the drawers and picked up a couple of pairs of underwear, he lifted his mask and inhaled deeply. Upon further rummaging he discovered an interesting looking device.
- Oh, I envy you more then any other electronic device in existance, said Deadpool holding the vibrator close to his non existant heart.
A spatial rift opened under him and Deadpool fell through the floors until he reached the control room of the Danger room, where the rest of his team was gathered. The Engineer hovered above him, waving a silvery finger:
- We're not here for you to indulge in your sick voyeuristic tendencies! Angie shouted.
- Don't make me smack you with this Angie, you know I'll do it! Wave threatened.
- Gimme that!
- Hey, get your own pleasure stick!
- Stop it! Wonder Woman shouted. Why do you always do this Wade? Why do I always have to reprimand you? You may not care about yourself but I do. I care about each and every one of you and everytime I have to go into battle against incredible odds and each time you have to make a mockery of everything! Why?
Wonder Woman looked truly pissed. Deadpool wanted to make a comment about looking beautiful when she's pissed, but a tiny little voice inside his head that he seldom heard told him this would be the time to shut up. So he did. Instead he stuff the vibrator in his utility belt and pretended to listen to everything that followed.
The facts are these:
All of their oponents were known to them
Engineer easily took control of the Mansion's computer system and locked Forge out of it.
Using Kayla's limitless energy source and the tools she had in the Danger Room along with her own tools Angie was able to construct inhibitor collars. Given that 80% of the opposing team was made up of mutants, she figured they'd come in handy. All her teammates had to do was find ways of putting them on their oponents.
Wonder Woman was to keep Thanos busy until everybody else in the Casa Mare could come to her aid.

Heroes of the New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Martian Manhunter (DU)
Juggernaut (MU)
Gorilla Grodd (DM)
Captain America (MR)
The Atom (DR)


The Deadly Dozen (Owner: XFanTim)

Doomsday-Brainiac (DU)
Zoom (Blitz) (DU)
Magneto (Pre-Fatal Attractions) (MM)
The Ghost (MR)
Deadman (DR)


Location – X-Mansion

The immediate absence of Batman is noted by all as they port into a hallway of a very posh looking building. Both Steve and Cain recognise their surroundings. Cain clenches his fists, anger building up inside him. Steve being fully aware of Cain’s history with his brother immediately steps in.

Steve – ‘Easy Cain…I don’t think Xavier’s here…don’t do anything rash. We don’t want you smashing up the place, we could use it to our advantage.’

Cain growled under his breath. There was reason in Steve’s advice. Cain backed down and kept quiet.

Nightwing said:
Doomsday-Brainiac - super strength/speed/durability/intelligence
Zoom (Blitz) – Flash level speed
Magneto (Pre-Fatal Attractions) - controls metals and electromagnetism
Deadman – Can take control of bodies and has access to their full powers and abilities. Cannot be detected until he inhabits a host.
The Ghost (MR) -- invisibility, intangibility, high-tech weaponry

You weren’t chosen by me this time. Your opponent selected you whilst I selected who I felt you could perform well against. Don’t disappoint me.

J’onn – ‘I know 3 of our opponents. Two of which are formidable foes. Doomsday alone is incredibly ruthless and was responsible for the defeat of Superman, with Brainiac’s control there is no limit to his power. Brainiac is an incredibly high level intellect and will be a difficult foe. Once the link is broken between the two Doomsday will be easier to take out. His primal animal instincts should be easy enough to use against him.

Grodd – ‘Zoom is mine. I have faced Flash and should be able to handle this one.’

J’onn – ‘We will have to deal with Deadman as and when we discover who he has taken control of.’

Steve – ‘Magneto will be a problem. He has the ability to control a great deal more than just metal. He has been taken down before by telepathic attacks on his mind but his will power and resistance is so great it will take a great deal to take him out. Ghost we will have to tackle as and when we face him.’

Ray and J’onn head down to the basement in search of things they can use in their own battles. They come across a sealed door. Atom shrinks to microscopic levels and climbs through the minute gaps below while J’onn phases through. In here they find Cerebro. J’onn places the helmet on and concentrates his powers on the location of his opponents. Nothing.

J’onn – ‘They must not be here yet or forces beyond our control are hiding them from any methods. This Cerebro is an amazing device though. It takes all my power and focuses it expanding it on a level beyond my own. I can see any mind through the device.’

Ray – ‘Interesting. This could be the tool we’re looking for to try and sever the link between Brainiac and Doomsday

J’onn – ‘That’s exactly what I was thinking. Although I think it would be easier if I could see Doomsday as I use the device. We will need to lure him here and keep him at bay at the same time.’

Ray – ‘You have a plan don’t you?’

J’onn grins and nods.

They make their way into Forge’s lab…

* * * * * * * *

On the top floor of the mansion Steve walks amongst the rooms. Everyone littered with Christmas decorations and presents. He looks at his reflection in a mirror, another Christmas has arrived. His mind wanders back to the war. He remembers Christmas with his wife, with his old pal Bucky. The sacrifice he made for his country…he would’ve been happy with losing his life…but to miss so much and have his loved ones die around him and he physically hadn’t aged. If this is what immortality felt like he was grateful in that sense that he didn’t have it.

Ray – ‘Steve. You ok?’

Steve – ‘Yeah. We ready to go?’

Ray – ‘Almost’

* * * * * * * *

Grodd clambers over the bars and rings suspended from Hanks ceiling. He flicks through the books, Freud, Darwin all brilliant theories all humans. He threw them to the floor disgusted. He sees two photos, Hank as a human and Hank in his animal state.

Grodd – ‘Hmm’ he throws the first to the floor ‘Not as grotesque. Perhaps there’s hope for these humans after all.’

He drops to his feet and heads to the entrance way. J’onn mind links with him and asks for his assistance in the lab. When Grodd arrives he, J’onn and Ray use their skills and knowledge found around the mansion to create some sort of device capable of suppressing the mutant gene. After a few hours they feel they have a device capable of taking out Magneto.

* * * * * * * *

Cain makes his way to the back office. Removing his helmet and placing it down he looks around the room. The marble bust of his brother looming in a corner. Looking at him, he looking back. Anger takes over him again, he smashes the bust and starts to work on the rest of the room. The desk, books, a globe…it all crumbles beneath his hands…

And its now when it starts…

To Be Continued…

Heroes of the New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Martian Manhunter (DU)
Juggernaut (MU)
Gorilla Grodd (DM)
Captain America (MR)
The Atom (DR)


The Deadly Dozen (Owner: XFanTim)

Doomsday-Brainiac (DU)
Zoom (Blitz) (DU)
Magneto (Pre-Fatal Attractions) (MM)
The Ghost (MR)
Deadman (DR)


Location – X-Mansion

Juggernaut and Martian Manhunter Vs Doomsday-Brainiac

As Cain smashes up the room he hears a voice in his head.

Xavier – ‘Cain…You need to stop this…You need to let go’

Cain – ‘Get out of my head Charles…You don’t have any right in there.’

Cain runs through the wall and out into the corridor. He sees Charles stood at the opposite end of the building. He steps into the elevator and makes his way down to the basement. Cain follows. He sees Charles stood at the doors of Cerebro

Xavier – ‘Cain we can stop this together. We can help you together.’

Cain – ‘I don’t need your help Charles. Infact it’s you that needs help.’

Cain lunges forward only for his hands to pass right through his brother’s body.’

J’onn in his now tangible form rises to the floor above to find Doomsday. He knows Brainiac will be aware of all possible out comes of the battle. But he will struggle to suspect one of his own team mates. The real Ghost phases through the roof Martian Manhunter in form of Ghost he appears in front of D/B mere seconds afterwards.

Ghost – ‘The big red is downstairs. I can’t tackle him on my own’

Brainiac – ‘Very good. We shall take care of him.’

Doomsday jumps into the corridor and smashes down into the basement. Brainiac sees the Juggernaut. Cain turns to see Doomsday. The feral beast screams as he launches towards Marko. Both charge at each other. Arms outstretched, Marko grabs Doomsdays shoulders. The beast struggles and manages to remove his grip. A blow is slammed into Cain’s unprotected face. The claws and bones slam against each other but Juggernaut remains upright. An ongoing battle ensues between the two as the whole structure of the building is rocked.

Gorilla Grodd Vs Zoom (Blitz)

Grodd hangs from the chandelier in the main hall, focusing on his next attack. Using his telepathy he is quickly able to locate Zoom’s trajectory. The speedster dots around the mansion, his own orders given by Brainiac. Grodd drops and mind blasts Zoom. Zoom reacts with his speed and smacks Grodd in the face then steps over him.

Grodd – ‘Ah Zolomon. I’ve been meaning to catch up with you. How’s the Flash these days? Taking your advice is he?’

Zoom – ‘Grodd…I know all about your mind games. I’ve been well versed by Brainiac. I’ve also managed to keep my mind’s speed above your own so your telepathy won’t work either. I can think faster than you can.’

Grodd – ‘Such intuitiveness for a human. I’m intrigued. Tell me have you ever considered going back in time and stopping me breaking your spine? Or even stopping me from inheriting this wonderful ability that I possess?’

Zoom – ‘Grodd that won’t work. Im not falling for your tricks. You think you can distract me enough to catch me off guard…well it won’t work.’

Grodd – ‘Clearly you are the faster thinker. How foolish of me to ever try and trick a genius human like yourself’ The tone of sarcasm is subtle but Zoom still detects it. He makes a move and launches himself at Grodd. Grodd seeing this attack tries to leap out of the way but it’s useless. He is thrown head first into a nearby wall. The thick mahogany splinters like balsa wood under the creatures weight.

Grodd rises to his feet as Zoom spins around the room creating a vortex and whipping Grodd into all the walls of the corridor.

Grodd – ‘Very good Hunter, very good. I see your mind is focused on the task at hand. It’s a shame I have to defeat you because together we could defeat Flash.’

Zoom – ‘I can take care of Flash myself. And you won’t be taking me out, not today.’

Grodd – ‘Really?’ Grodd focuses his mind not on Zoom’s conscious brain matter but on the dormant part. He triggers the memories of the last time they met. The feeling of his spine cracking, the agonising ordeal of losing his legs. The memories all come flooding back as though it were happening again. Grodd leaps for Zoom.

Zoom takes control of his own mind and jumps out of reach. He begins a massive attack launching himself around the world to build enough momentum for each strike. The gorillas body takes a huge beating as each punch is released as Zoom hits England. The speed at which he moves is intense, Grodd’s eyes struggle to keep up with both the blur and the fist that hit him. As Zoom continues to run, his anger builds and so does his speed. A speed window is ripped open by Zoom as he races across the mansion gardens for the 12th time. He strikes Grodd to the ground and stops to catch his breath.

Grodd lays on the ground half beaten to death, yet all he can do is laugh.

Grodd – ‘You know you should’ve listened to Brainiac.’ As Zoom had focused all his energy and thought on what he was doing and what Grodd had done, he had lowered his only real defence against Grodd. His mind was wide open to attack. Grodd hurled a powerful mind blast at Zoom knocking him to his feet. Grodd rises to his and shuffles across the floor. He picks Zoom up and holds him above his head, he is about to bring him down onto his knee, breaking his back again when a thought comes into his head.

Grodd – ‘No I won’t give you the satisfaction of reliving that nightmare just once again’

He hurls Zoom into the speed window.

Grodd – ‘Instead you can relive it over and over.’ Zoom stands in his own past reliving the pain of Grodd’s attack. He watches it over and over, trapped. Zoom is out and Grodd makes his way back into the mansion.

Juggernaut and Martian Manhunter vs. Doomsday-Brainiac (Part 2)

The two giants tussle and roll across the floor. The beast screaming as he tries to rip chunks out of Cain. J’onn phases into Cerebro and begins to locate Brainiac’s mind.

The doors open and Doomsday, currently in the process of slamming Marko’s head into the floor, notices his enemy

Brainiac – ‘The Martian…So you were implanting a trap. Do you honestly expect to take us down with Cerebro? That’s right. Magneto told us all about the device he and Xavier built.’

J’onn focuses on the mind of the beast. While Brainiac’s mind is complex and hard to over come, Doomsday’s is simple and easier to target. Focusing his telepathy he begins to unlocks the bridges that join the two minds.

Brainiac – ‘What are you doing? Don’t you realise if you sever the links he will kill you all? I’m only just keeping his mind at bay. He’s an animal and will stop at nothing. You have witnessed this first hand.’

This doesn’t deter J’onn. He continues to attack the beasts mind. As more links undo Doomsday begins to gain more control over himself. His posture changes. He hunches over more like an ape than man, his thirst for blood and death begins to kick in. Before long Brainiac’s hold has dropped. Brainiac the whole time tries to hold the links but its too late. The feral beast holds his hands in the air and lets out an almighty scream.

J’onn – ‘So it begins.’ J’onn shape shifts to increase his size as Doomsday lunges. The two tussle with Doomsday over powering the Martian. Juggernaut rises to his feet and runs towards Doomsday. Grabbing him by the skull he drags him out of the Cerebro Chamber continues to pound his fist into the bony, spiky face of Doomsday.

J’onn – ‘Is there anywhere we can seal him?’

Juggernaut – ‘Yeah there’s the…’ Doomsday grabs Juggernauts throat and holds him up. Juggernaut brings his arms down on Doomsdays wrist and snaps it, whilst J’onn burns heat vision into his spine. ‘There’s the danger room. Rolling holograms. The times I been hauled up in there.’

J’onn – ‘Then we need to get him in there. His animal instincts are intelligent enough to let him figure out what’s illusion and what isn’t.’

The two wrestle with Doomsday, J’onn suffers more damage than the other two and tries to use his speed more to his advantage.

They finally get him over the doorway of the danger room. J’onn phases to the controls as Juggernaut holds Doomsday in a head lock. Doomsday bites into Juggernauts arm trying to release his grip. Cain flexes his biceps and cracks Doomsday’s jaw. He pushes it back into place before being kick full force into the now open, danger room.

The door closes as J’onn programs holographic projections of Juggernaut and the X-men. Doomsday unaware of what is real and what isn’t begins to fight with them all taking him out of the fight.

Captain America and Atom vs. Deadman and Ghost

The regulars run into each other in the upstairs of the mansion. Initially the only one who can be seen is Captain America. Ghost makes himself known and Deadman inhabits Atom. Growing to his normal size Ray turns towards Steve. He lunges and a little caught of guard to begin with, Rogers takes a punch to the face but not long before seeing what has happened. He spins and smashes Ray clean in the face taking out Atom and Deadman from the fight.

As he reaches a full 360 degrees he releases his shield at Ghost. It hurtles towards him only to pass through. As it does Ghost becomes tangible and quickly plants a device on the shield. Still on its trajectory it phases through all the walls and out of the building. Steve seeing this runs towards Ghost. Executing a perfectly timed flying kick he aims straight at his head only to miss. Again with precision timing Ghost grabs Steve’s foot and flips onto the floor. Captain America lays on the floor as Ghost attaches a small device similar to the one placed on his shield. As he does, Steve punches the central plate of Ghost suit. With the added strength of his super soldier serum he manages to cause damage yet to be detected by Ghost. Steve begins to fall through the floor of the mansion and continues straight down. Ghost turns intangible makes his way towards the basement. Unable to rectify the error in his circuitry Ghost finds himself solidifying in the Danger Room. Doomsday still on his destructive warpath of fighting the hard light copies reaches for Ghost and smashes his skull open against the wall.

Martian Manhunter, Juggernaut and Gorilla Grodd vs. Magneto

Within seconds of Doomsday’s capture the walls of the Cerebro chamber begin to grind and moan as the metal is manipulated. Magneto blasts a whole through the roof as he sends chunks of metal towards J’onn and Cain. J’onn phases to allow the metal to pass whereas Cain just stands it out.

Eric floats down to face his opponents.

Cain – ‘Magneto…was wondering when you were gonna arrive’

Magneto hurls another wave metal spikes, this time Grodd, who has just arrived, is impaled in the arm with one. He screams out in pain as he pulls it out. He runs towards Magneto and leaps. Hitting both Eric’s shield and a wall of metal debris. Using an electromagnetic field he launches Grodd back. Grodd tries again…

J’onn – ‘Grodd wait…’

J’onn tries to stop him but Eric has already redirected his attack and thrown Grodd into the Cerebro chamber. The door slams shut and the sound of grinding metal and ape cries can be heard.

J’onn flies towards Eric as Juggernaut slams his fist hard into the floor. A tremor of metal and plastic rolls towards Eric only to be redirected. J’onn phases through it as Juggernaut runs into it. His run continues as Magneto hovers above the ground. Cain begins to hammer at the shield protecting his former leader, J’onn opts to work in another way. He phases through the impenetrable shield and wraps his now snake like body around Eric. Whilst crushing on his body he begins to assault his mind with telepathy.

Eric – ‘You’ll…never…get…in’

J’onn continues, not letting his guard down, Cain continues to try and break his shield. J’onn admires the willpower of this man. He is being assault both through mind and body and yet his defences do not falter once. Cain finally makes his way through the shield, not through brute strength but purely on the grounds of Magneto’s loss of consciousness.

J’onn – ‘Incredible…his mind remained intact through the whole attack. If he hadn’t lost breath I fear we might not have defeated him. An incredibly powerful man…’

Heroes Of The New Age are victorious…
I should have my writeup up sometime tomorrow. I've written more than half, but since I'm writing it out of order I'm not going to post until it's all done.
sitting here waiting on my dad.... so i'll push out a little story
as always, my team materializes outside the building(thanos sees this team advantage being in wide-open spaces) becuase of the sheer numbers this team has(also, EVERYBODY likes to take control of any complexs defenses, which thanos antisipates)

Wonder Woman isn't strong enough for thanos
and kayla isn't that familiar with her powers so she'll be very little help. it even says so in her powers/abilities
no matter how smart she is, Engineer can't take on a bunch of Mimics
Jaine and Deadpool would literally kill forge and MM, but wouldn't have a chance against the rest
Continued from above

**Uber Battle Part 2**

Meanwhile, Zoom waits ever so impatiently in the Z'Nox chamber. This is a completely telepathy-proof chamber which Xavier built to hide out in while planning for an invasion by the alien Z'Nox. Few know of its existence, but as a former headmaster of Xavier's school, Magneto is one who does. At last, the door is wrenched open.

Instantly, Zoom's eyes take in the sight of Doomsday-Brainiac, with the green goo dripping from his bony spikes the only remnant of the heroic Martian Manhunter. "Your turn," Brainiac says, but Zoom is already off.

Zoom sprints towards Grodd, ready to blindside the great Gorilla before he knows what's coming, but at the last nanosecond he feels an overwhelming urge not to attack. He's come to know this feeling as part of this competition. Damn, Zoom thinks, Juggernaut must not be as out of commision as we thought. Meaning I can't attack Grodd unless he attacks me.

So instead, Zoom changes tactics, zipping around Grodd in circles and taunting him from all directions at once. "Remember me, Grodd?" he asks. "You broke me. Crippled me. Left me for dead. I'm here now . . . to thank you. You made me stronger. Now it's time for me to return the favor."

"Prattling human," Grodd scoffs. "You can't touch me."

"Oh no, Grodd, it is you who can't touch me. Not with your slow, clumsy body. But perhaps, with your mind." As he speaks, Zoom speeds up and slows down his progression through time, making his thoughts change pace in a way that makes them hard for the telepath to latch hold of. "You have no choice but to face me," Zoom adds. "Only you and Juggernaut left, and he'll never catch me. Tell me, how fast can you think? Faster than I can leave you broken, like you broke me?"

Zoom is right of course -- Grodd must defeat him if he's to win this fight. Resigned to this reality, the ape fires a telepathic blast, but Zoom moves a million times faster than thought. Even as the pain of the blast starts to burn his brain, his arm thrusts forward, and a razor sharp blade -- forged by magneto himself -- slashes Grodd's spinal cord. The Gorilla's concentration instantly shattered, the mind-blast fizzles, and the great ape falls to the ground.

Zoom isn't satisfied. Running at full speed, even the weight of the now-paralyzed Grodd can barely slow him, as he drags the ape's body all the way to the Z'Nox chamber and tosses it inside. "You left me unable to walk, I leave you unable to move, and unable to even touch the minds of others. I grew stronger from the experience, Grodd -- will you?" Zoom's final words penetrate the chamber just before the door slams shut. "You're welcome."


Meanwhile, Juggernaut and Doomsday's battle threatens to bring down the Xavier Mansion around them. Each rains down super-strong punches on the other, with neithers industructible body giving an inch. Zoom runs to Doomsday's side and queries his teammate. "How did he manage to escape the Ghost's device?"

"Raced into the mansions central power core," Brainiac answers. "The electrical energies must have overloaded it. Are you ready to end this?"

"Absolutely," answers Zoom.

With his superior speed, Doomsday ducks under a blow from the Juggernaut, catching Cain's arm and spinning around at high speed. The Juggernaut is sent flying like a shot put -- but on a trajectory precisely calculated by Brainiac's superior intellect. He lands in the middle of the X-Men's "Danger Room."

Before he can even get his bearings, Cain finds himself floating in mid-air. Zoom had outraced him to the room, and called up a program Magneto had shown him in the X-Men's simulation library (the one part of the X-Men's files Magneto had resisted purging). A zero-gravity training program. The mighty Juggernaut is left floating helplessly in the middle of a massive empty room.

And with Juggernaut immobilized, Gorilla Grodd paralyzed and locked away in the Z'Nox chamber, Martian Manhunter dead (or nearly so) and the Atom and Captain America unconscious, there can be only one conclusion . . .

The Deadly Dozen Win
Battle is up, in two parts.

Sorry it's a bit long this week. These characters just really seemed to cry out for some dialogue. :)
Ok a few points in regards to mine..

After the long debate of how to get through Magnetos shield and no doubt Tim expected me to use telepathy as a means to bring him down I opted on using J'onn phase through the shield (which wouldnt be stoppable) and then once inside it just squeeze Eric into unconsciousness.

Secondly Doomsday is not the brightest crayon in the box and therefore once his link from Brainiac is severed then he is niave and a killing machine therefore if trapped in the danger room with hard light images he would be occupied for ever if the enemies in there never died etc.

Thirdly you're probably wondering where Xavier came from....its just J'onn having shape shifted to try and lure Cain to the basement as it is the strongest part of the construct and a safer place for him to battle Doomsday, who again J'onn using shape shifting in the guise of Ghost, lured down to the basement.

As for all my other strategies.....well they suck and this is by far my worst write up ever....ok so i enjoyed writing it and atleast i made an appearance but you all suck if you vote for me cos the strategies are cheap and so out of comic book law it makes me laugh....

Merry Christmas Everyone
I wish you hadn't said that, Nightwing. I was planning to vote for you.
Ha ha if people want to vote how they want then thats fine...you're not losers.I just am not very confident this week purely on the efforts I have just re-read in my own write up.
A Few Brief Comments

I was going to object to your inventing the mutant gene supressing tech in your prep-time. A bunch of admittedly smart guys with no knowledge of the mutant gene inventing a mutant-depowering serum in 24 hours? I doubt even mutant experts like Xavier and the Beast could do it that quick.

But then you didn't seem to use it in the battle, instead having Martian Manhunter squeeze Magneto into unconsciousness. I don't really have a problem with your ubers beating Magneto (although I think with the strategies I came up with your ubers would never get the chance). What I do object to is that Magneto seemingly did nothing until your team was ready to gang up on him. He knows the battlefield better than anyone, and he matches up best against your low level guys -- he shouldn't be standing on the sidelines while they pick off my regs.

The other thing is your use of the mansion's tech against me (danger room, etc.) I know your team has some geniuses in the Atom and Grodd, but I've got a genius who controls electronics and who knows the X-Men's tech inside and out: Magneto. I've also got the Ghost, who's an expert on hacking and controlling computer systems, and I've got Brainiac. So if anyone is going to be in control of the danger room and other tech, it would be my team. And anything we can't take control of Magneto would be able to just fry with an electromagnetic pulse. He's not going to leave an asset like the danger room operational if my team isn't in control of it.
Ari though will probably vote against me no matter what I do because he seemingly thinks Zoom is the weakest character in all of comics. Look, I didn't even choose him this week.

Hopefully I can convince some people though.
A Few Brief Comments

I was going to object to your inventing the mutant gene supressing tech in your prep-time. A bunch of admittedly smart guys with no knowledge of the mutant gene inventing a mutant-depowering serum in 24 hours? I doubt even mutant experts like Xavier and the Beast could do it that quick.

But then you didn't seem to use it in the battle, instead having Martian Manhunter squeeze Magneto into unconsciousness. I don't really have a problem with your ubers beating Magneto (although I think with the strategies I came up with your ubers would never get the chance). What I do object to is that Magneto seemingly did nothing until your team was ready to gang up on him. He knows the battlefield better than anyone, and he matches up best against your low level guys -- he shouldn't be standing on the sidelines while they pick off my regs.

The other thing is your use of the mansion's tech against me (danger room, etc.) I know your team has some geniuses in the Atom and Grodd, but I've got a genius who controls electronics and who knows the X-Men's tech inside and out: Magneto. I've also got the Ghost, who's an expert on hacking and controlling computer systems, and I've got Brainiac. So if anyone is going to be in control of the danger room and other tech, it would be my team. And anything we can't take control of Magneto would be able to just fry with an electromagnetic pulse. He's not going to leave an asset like the danger room operational if my team isn't in control of it.

oh yeah i forgot about the technology from my prep time ha ha...

and as for the tech thing....im not gonna have your team have a full advantage of the entire battle field....

also the way i wrote it was as if all battles were on going at the same time...so whilst doomsday and jugs/mm fought, grodd was fighting zoom and ghost and deadman were fighting cap and atom.then mags comes in within seconds of MM and jugs containing doomsday....the ubers battles in my head were over in a matter of just a few minutes...so mags wouldve arrived there just at the right time as he normally wouldve and wouldnt just be hanging around waiting....

but other than that i aint gonna debate anything cos ive nothing to disagree with...i just had fun writing it...with the exception of my regs battle....that sucked monkey butt....
Ari though will probably vote against me no matter what I do because he seemingly thinks Zoom is the weakest character in all of comics. Look, I didn't even choose him this week.
Oh who can't leave hte past behind now, Tim? My opinion of Zoom, as I have stated over and over again, is that he is quite powerful, but he always loses, in the comics, because he doesn't really know how to use his powers with any level of finesse--look how long it took him to figure out how to PHASE, for Chrissake! That's not a Speed Force trick, that's just a superspeed trick.

What follows is blacked-out, because it involves me discussing the battle before voting is open. This is for XFanTim. Everyone else, don't ****in' read it.

[blackout]Regardless, my opinion of Zoom isn't what had me in favor of Nightwing. I like his way of taking out Doomsday/Brainiac, who would have been the real decisive factor in your favor. Furthermore, Juggernaut is maybe the only Earthling from the Marvel universe that I would give odds to against Doomsday. With Brainiac's connection severed, Juggernaut and J'onn could lure a mindless beast like Doomsday into the Danger Room fairly easily. After that, I'm afraid I just don't see the rest of your team winning out. This is one of those battles that hinges on one uber fight, and J'onn and Juggernaut vs. Doomsday/Brainiac is that hinge.[/blackout]

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