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DTL Season 6-Week 6 (Set 1)

DTL Commish

DTL Commisioner
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The rules:
This is one of two threads containing matches.
Because of the holidays, these threads will be in use for 16 days. Days 1-8 (Dec 19-26) are strictly setup time for owners to post their battles, plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help. Debating cannot begin until both owners post battles.

On Day 9 (Dec 27) I will post and tell everyone that voting may begin. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count. Look over the matchups and read the strategies, and take into consideration how in-character each character is. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match. (Note: The length of a writeup is at the discretion of the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, post the team names you think will prevail in each match. Remember to vote for all matches or your vote will not count! The teams with the highest vote total at the end of the 16th day (Jan 3) will get a W while the other will get an L. (Equal votes will result in a tie.)

The battleground for this week is: Themyscira

Heroes of the New Age
Captain Britain
Black Panther


The Polka Dot Fuchsia Lantern Corps
Thor (MU) - Super-strength/speed/durability, weather control, magic hammer enabling flight, energy manipulation, teleportation, and matter transmutation
Captain Atom (Wildstorm) (DU) - Super-strength/speed/durability, energy and radiation manipulation, flight, technopathy, transmutation
Supernova (Booster Gold) (DM) - Super-strength/durability, flight, teleportation, energy blasts
Black Knight (Dane Whitman) (MR) - Magic swords capable of energy manipulation, photonic sword capable of neural disruption, flying horse, magic shield capable of energy absorption, elven armor, extremely skilled martial artist and swordsman
Patriarch (MR) - Super-strength/durability, teleportation


Chaos & Order
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) (DU) - Wields a ring that creates hard light constructs limited only by imagination and willpower.
Maxima (DU) - Super strength, durability, flight, mental and energy powers
Vision (MM) - Synthezoid with super strength, durability, flight, energy blasts, intangibility.
Proctor (MR) - Super strength, durability, teleportation, energy blasts, Ebony Blade.
Ambrose Chase (DR) - Localized selective physics distortion field.


Yancy Street Gang
Hal Jordan (DU)
Barry Allen (DU)
Invisible Woman (MM)
Empath (MR)
Valkyrie (MR)
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Prep-Time here...

GL: "Looks like a tough match."

Maxima: "It is nothing we can't overcome."

GL: "I like that confidence. But, come on, look at that lineup. They've got a Lantern-"

Maxima: "As do we."

GL: "Yeah, but that's Hal Jordan."

Chase: "He's better than you?"

GL: "Well, no. Well..."

Chase: "Than what's the problem?"

GL: "Okay...they've got a Flash."

Proctor: "You've never delt with a speedster?"

GL: "Well, sure I have. Hell, Wally's arguably faster and more skilled than Barry." Proctor just crosses his arms, point made. "Fine, but I can't take both."

Maxima: "Worry not. I have battled any number of enemies, including Doomsday. I will handle the Lantern."

GL: "You?" Maxima gives her a withering look. "Right. Stupid question. What about the power of invisiblity?"

Proctor: "I can deal with invisibility."

Vision: "Her abilities surpase just invisibility."

Maxima: "If you know the woman, you should be the one facing her."

Vision: "That would not be logical in this battle. I should deal with the telepath, given my immunity."

Proctor: "And if you brief me on the Invisible Woman..."

Vision nods in agreement. "With my knowledge of Mrs. Richards, you should be able to deal with her abilities."

Chase: "Guess that leaves the viking chick to me."

GL: "That a problem?"

Chase: "No. I've got what it takes."

Vision: "Then I can assist you one I defeat Empath."

Chase chuckles. "I doubt they'll leave him undefended. Although I can't think of a defense that'll work against you. Anyway, you should either help Proctor or Maxima."

Maxima: "I will need know help."

GL: "I'm sure he meant to help you not kill Hal in the heat of battle."

Maxima: "Oh. Sensible. But I swear to control myself."

Chase: "She's serious."

GL: "Oh yeah."
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Battle-Time here...

It's important not to forget the battlefield in this matchup. Themyscira has a ton of Amazon weapons and technology. Both ancient and advanced. It's a good think Doom isn't there to take advantage of it.

And that's a weakness of the Yancy Gang. They don't have anyone to take advantage of the tech on the island. Jordan will be too busy with Kyle. Susan may be smart, but she's not Reed. And she's definitely not Vision, who will be able to directly interface with the tech they find.

So, let's mix this up and start with the regulars since the Lanterns will be busy with each other, and Barry will be trying to figure out how to beat someone with Superman level power and mental abilities.

This isn't going to be much of a match. Vision's scanners can find Empath anywhere on the island, and he can phase to get to him. You might argue that Susan might be able to Emapth from Vision phasing to get to him. But that means she'll be with him, and Vision's scanners can find her. It also means Proctor will be joining the fight, since Susan is his target, and, using the location Vision provides, can teleport through Susan's forcefield to get to her directly.

Of course, Vision is immune to Empath's influence. But the same can't be said for Susan resisting Proctor's mental attack, scrambling her brain chemistry. I doubt she'd even be able to keep for forcefields intact.

And, before you say that Susan will attack Proctor with a forcefield, remember that he is immortal, the Ebony Blade can cut through anything, including the fields, and he can teleport to safety and back.

If it wasn't for his powers, Chase wouldn't stand much of a chance against Valkyrie. Even with them he could still lose. Valkyrie has an essentially endless supply of weapons to choose from and use. Although I'd doubt she'd go with any advanced weaponry in favor of hand weapons she's more familiar with. The same can't be said for Chase who not only has his guns, but will have no problem using more advanced tech against her.

So it's not going to be easy for Valkyrie to win this fight. Chase is also a skilled soldier, and his powers not only can protect him from oncoming attacks, he can run up walls and ceilings, reducing the advantage of Valkyrie's flying steed. And if she gets too close, she runs the risk of being trapped in some kind of time slowing, or kinetic energy steeling, or crushing gravity bubble.

And Chase doesn't even have to win the fight. Just keep her busy long enough for the other to help, or take her down after Chase falls.

Uber battle to come...
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This is Brunnhilde's campaign. She will be taking the lead here and I don't think Hal or Barry are going to stop her. Sue will be the wise adviser in this team dynamic. Sue will also be keeping an eye on Empath. We can't assure his total devotion in this matchup but we can presume that he will carry out his orders. He usually yields to strong women.

Valkyrie will search the Queens palace for any "trinkets" that might be unguarded since the populace has disappeared. Hopefully this will give her a couple of synergy bonuses.

1. She's in Woman's World.
2. Mythic battleground.
3. Amazonian vaults.

Anywho. I'm very glad to have her in this battle environment.

Valkyrie prepares the battlements with help from Hal and Barry. She directs them to prepare the beaches as if it were Normandy. She was there after all. Meanwhile Sue and Empath prepare the palace for defense. Just as a fallback position. With Val overseeing everything she discovers a few catapults and places them on the roof. Sue and Empath are now assigned to those spots.

Which brings up my placement. Having 24 hours to prepare would prolly be awkward if one team were seeing the other team while they were both prepping in the same area. Ridiculous right? Well if I am to write a good scenario I need to presume my basic whereabouts are not in the same physical space as the enemy. Why would I make the presumption that I am in the palace? I'm applying a certain weight to the characteristics of my party. In this instance Val gives me a an "in" that I can work with. Might not be anything but there are certain esoteric values that we cannot assign with tonnage and speed. I've been calling these things synergy just to have a moniker.

Val will be astride Aragorn in the open courtyard that leads to the beach. Flanking her will be Barry Allen and Hal Jordan. Sue and Empath on the roof or battlements of the Palace with the catapults. I would prefer trebuchets but Greeks and all.

Valkyrie raises Dragonfang.
"We await the dawn."


Battle Soon.

:gl: :gl: :gl:
Previously on DTL...

The Return.


Sue flexes her muscles as she makes a run for the Most Valuable Medium of the Year.


Hal Jordan sticks it to the Telepaths.


and what of the Chooser of the Slain?


Stay Tuned.

:gl: :gl: :gl:

"Normandy huh?"

Kyle Rayner creates a fleet of landing craft filled with green tinted US troops.

"Why are we the Nazis?"

Bunkers filled with green German soldiers materialize and begin firing artillery at the approaching transports. Several boulders fly overhead as the Amazonian catapults close in on their own targets.

Aragorn leaps to the air as a target materializes.

"Heimdal's beard! What is that?"

An emerald dirigible looms off the coast. It slowly approaches the beach head.

"This vehicle is misplaced in this setting."
"Don't be such a stickler, Vision. Besides, I like them and we can approach from the air."

The Vision fades and leaves the blimp. Heading for the palace. Meanwhile Proctor and Ambrose repel from the balloon onto the beach head. Emerald soldiers kill and die within the imaginary battle waged between the two Lanterns. And then Maxima enters the fray.

Maxima VS Flash

Maxima flies past green flak fire and destroys a bunker. Debris falls about her as she turns and faces Barry Allen.

"I am the Sovereign of Almerac. You may surrender."
"I don't think so."

Maxima tries her telepathy but finds her attempts blocked. Flash taps his helmet. This one shaped like his old friend's Jay Garrick.

"Nice huh?"

Maxima attempts to use her enhanced speed to punch Flash. He deftly sidesteps.

"Stand still!!"
"Come and get me!"

The two speed off towards the city proper.

Proctor VS Valkyrie

Proctor wastes no time and takes the fight to the Yancy Street Gang. He teleports onto Aragorn's back and grabs Val from behind. If not for Aragorn's bucking motion he would have stabbed her in the back. Val and Proctor fall from the horse with Proctor taking the brunt. Valkryie delivers a few lightning fast blows with her hilt and then stands. Proctor kicks her legs out from under her and they both retreat to gain their feet.

Swords flare and Ebony Blade meets Dragonfang.

Ambrose and Vision VS Empath and Invisible Woman

Ambrose uses his Matrix abilities to successfully infiltrate the palace. He works his way to the ramparts and hunts down Empath at a catapult.

"Hold it!"

Ambrose fires his sidearm and a blast bounces off Empaths chest.

"Why should I? When you seem to fear me so much."

Ambrose cowers before Empath. The mutant produces an Amazonian cudgel and strikes Ambrose across the head. Staggering him.


A half materialized arm appears in Empath's torso. The mutant screams and falls to the ground.

"There you are."

The Vision's materialized form swells and pops.

"Just needed the right bait."

Sue looks down at the unconscious form of Empath and the half awake Ambrose. She waves her hand and Ambrose falls unconscious.

"Back to the front."

Maxima VS Flash

"You cannot run from me!"
"I can."
"I will destroy this entire city!"
"Not all of it, I hope."
"There is no place you can hide!"
"What if I'm not hiding?"
"What if I'm leading you somewhere?"
"Where are...?"

Maxima notices she has been lead to a vault of some sort. She turns and sees Flash at the base of giant lever protruding from the wall.

"I hear Hercules was once held here. I hope you enjoy your stay."


The great stone slab slams shut. Cutting off the bitter scream from inside.

Proctor VS Valkyrie

Sword that can cut through anything VS unbreakable sword!

Not alot of dialogue here. Just Val using the terrain to her advantage. Using prepped pits and traps. And hopefully an Amazonian trinket to help her out. And with the help of Aragorn and her superior strength she will prevail. At least hold out until allies can help.

Kyle Rayner VS Hal Jordan

These two spend the battle in World War II. A long sustained battle between the two lending itself to Hal's advantage. Hal could end this sooner than expected with his experience and willpower. His experience gives him a lifetime of scenarios he can bring to this match and Kyle can't match that.

But if that's not enough to sway the voters because of their love of Kyle and hate of Hal I still have this strategy.

Hal just needs to stall and he can do that. Once you accept that then the rest of the Yancy Street Gang will do the dirty work and no one need concede the match from Kyle to Hal.

Victory Yancy Street Gang.

:gl: :gl: :gl:
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Battle-Time Part II

The Lanterns pretty much have no choice but to fight each other. Kyle isn't going to let Maxima take on Hal. Similarly, Hal knows Kyle has trained with Wally. And Wally's arguably a better speedster than Barry. So Hal really needs to deal with Kyle.

And that matchup is going to be a relative stalemate. Yes, Hal has more experience and arguably more willpower. But Kyle is no slouch. He's one of the best, or he wouldn't be part of the honor guard. Nor could he have contained the power of Ion. And his imagination is much better than Hal's. This match is going to be pretty much be stalemated.

Which leads us to Maxima and Flash. At first sight, it appears that Flash should have this match wrapped up. With his speed, how can Maxima even keep up? First, Maxima can amp herself enough to hurt Doomsday. So she should be able to take a pounding from Barry. But, since she can fly, it limits Barry's ability to even get to her. Whirlwinds won't do much to her, and even if Barry threw weapons at her at superspeed, not only is she super durable, she can put a forcefield around herself.

So, she can take Barry's attacks, but how does she fight a Flash? Maxima does have telepathy, to the point where she can control minds. The obvious argument is that a Flash's mind is moving to fast to get a lock on it. But Flash's have succumbed to mental attacks before. And even at superspeed they have an effect. How else would Grodd be able to be such a threat?

And even if she can't beat Barry on her own, she's got teammates to help her out. If anyone can track a Flash, it's Vision. And they just need to herd Barry into range of Ambrose, and they've got him trapped. Or Proctor can throw his mental attacks into the mix with Maxima's, and Barry'll really get a mindjob.

So now it's essentially Hal against Chaos & Order. If Chaos has lost any members, it would probably just be Ambrose. But Proctor an cut through any of Hal's constructs and shields. Vision's intangibility protects him. And Maxima has her strength and optic blasts that can shake up Superman. It's only a matter of time before Hal's ring is drained or he's just beaten.

Chaos & Order win.
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Hal could end this sooner than expected with his experience and willpower. His experience gives him a lifetime of scenarios he can bring to this match and Kyle can't match that.

But if that's not enough to sway the voters because of their love of Kyle and hate of Hal I still have this strategy.
I do not hate Hal Jordan. I read his comic book every month. I loved Rebirth even though it began the gradual assassination of Kyle's character.

But I have to say that your assessment of Kyle is ********. Kyle spent years being the only Green Lantern in the universe, and didn't try to destroy the universe.
Actually my venom was for Corp. He's the resident Hal Hater.

As for Kyle, he's great, but so are John and Guy. They are great cops. But Hal is Super Cop.

:gl: :gl: :gl:
There are some matchups I didn't write that my team could still win.

Proctor and Valkyrie. Great matchup. Very experienced fighters with unbreakable swords. But Proctor can't be killed. And he has energy attacks. Plus, if things get bad he can teleport away. Or he can use his teleportation as an advantage, jumping around, attacking from random directions.

But this matchup leaves Vision and Ambrose to fight Susan and Empath. Not a great idea. So all Proctor has to do is teleport away to help fight Susan and Empath. If Valkyrie is too far away, it's a 3-2 match. If she's right there, Ambrose can help keep her busy while Proctor scrambles Empath's brain.
As the only voter currently active who is allowed to vote in this match, I vote for Chaos & Order! I also vote for Heroes of the New Age!

Guys, this game is just about dead.
I'm gonna give this one the The Polka Dot Fuchsia Lantern Corps in a close one.
Voting is now closed.
Final results:

Heroes of the New Age 2
The Polka Dot Fuchsia Lantern Corps 1

Chaos & Order 1
Yancy Street Gang 1

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