DTL Season 7-Week 6

3. Kara is a Kryptonian on par with Superman's abilities. She was in direct sunlight for over 20 years to charge her powers as well. J'onn may be more experienced, but he would also be holding back against Kara, not knowing how much she could handle. Kara would offer no such respect for J'onn.

4. The Extremis armor IS linked directly to Tony's brain and other organs. Here's the link to what the Extremis is. And as I said above, I had remembered earlier safeguards Tony had taken to prevent telepathic control of him as Iron Man. Notably when he fought Mentallo. I even went back and found the issue in question I was thinking of. It was the Captain America/Iron Man 1998 Annual. I had thought it was an earlier armor, but its actually just wristwatch circuitry. Here's a link to the page:

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J'onn wouldnt hold back..He's been in the tournament long enough to know whats expected of him. Kara is the enemy pure and simple...

And that I dont think classes as TP immunity...it prevents mental take over and control of the body but it doesnt stop him from having images planted in his mind. It seems to me that the wrist watch just combats the psychic hold on the brain that causes control. A mind blast or putting an image into someones head wouldnt fall under this type of assault.
Has rebuttaling even started yet? (Yeah, I pay no attention on the schedual, I just wait until I see W post the updates.)
do you know now that you mention it I dont think it has...

Oops ...my bad
Battle the 2ndth

I'm gonna try and keep this short and (minimally) disjointed.

Seeing as how this is their second meeting, Kang will be well prepared for their rematch. But so will Jamie, who will be able to work with both the scarab's artificial intelligence and Dick Grayson to come up with new strategies and technologies. This should result a fairly even match, although his vast experience and greater intelligence give the edge to Kang. This is a match that should last a while since neither is a slouch, and the scarab can help balance out some of Kang's advantage with it's ability to adapt on the fly.

Actually, all the matches of the lower ranks, are pretty evenly matched. In a fight in a room filled with air, Batman and White Wolf would have an epic battle of martial arts skills. The utility belt should give Dick an edge, although if Wolf had vanadium armor like his brother's, that balances things out again. But, if the fight were to take place under water (say, if Dick threw a couple of explosives against the wall if things were going badly for him), I'd say Dick's advantage would go way up. He's likely got much more underwater fighting experience than Wolf, and his costume and weapons would no doubt be designed to help in such a fight.

Spidey's natural abilities will help keep Gentlemen ghost at bay. And Nth metal weapons from Batman will give him what he needs to actually hurt the Ghost. Again, a dry environment would be best for Pete, but even under water, his armor and sticking power keeps him a viable fighter (as described in the prep-time), despite the water not effecting the Ghost.

Like I said, the lower ranks are pretty much well balanced. The ubers, not so much. Shanzar's resistance gives him a distinct advantage over Mordru, and Fernus' powers, speed, and sheer brutality give him the edge over Kyle. But, even if Kyle falls, Mordru will be the mage to lose his fight. And I don't think Fernus has what it takes to stop Shanzar. Especially if Shanzar were to take over Mordru's body (with the martian's mental powers, I'm not sure ifShanzar could take him over).

And even if Kang beats Jamie, I doubt he'll be able to stop Shanzar once he's free to attack the others.

The teams are balanced as a whole, but with the edge in lower ranks going to Jailbait, and the edge in the uber fights going to C&O, this should be a match C&O will take in the end.

Chaos & Order wins.
I saw them, but haven't read them. I just decided to make things official since I was away ;)
Odd Alliance vs Annoying Silence Rebuttal

I see that you’ve changed your initial post of how horrible my team would work to how great they’d work.

note: though my team doesn't know of the Odd Alliance too much, they are themselves self-destructive...
Domina is a Neo. they've spent their whole lives training to kill mutants. on top of being the leader of her own clan and way too bullheaded to accept anyones orders.
Magneto at any point before M-day is not going to follow anyones instructions, but rather play the roll of complete ruler and protector of mutants(but to only those who will follow him).
Vulcan is definitely not taking that since hes a ruler himself and sick with his own power.
proctor is drivin insane by the gan-jin, will never work for anyone unless they agree to join his gathering.
leaving blink, who is caught between all this power struggle and is very inexperienced at life in general(making her easily manipulated).

NOW said:
note: though my team doesn't know of the Odd Alliance too much, they are themselves are well connected...
Domina is a Neo, The supermutant race, already a devoted follower of magneto.
Vulcan is definitely not taking that kind of orders, hes a ruler, sick with his own power.(he will seperate from everyone else, directly into the sea)
proctor falls in line with magneto.
blink, with her perverted and easily mallable mind might as well had jumped into magneto's arms, know who he is already.

My concern here is that as of my posting my write up the ORIGINAL was what you had posted, and then suddenly when you posted your write up the NOW was included. This makes me question weather or not you had a gameplan in mind with my “disgrunted” team that you changed after reading my write up. Honestly, going with your original write up would have hurt you greatly and I was anticipating reading your write up so I could debate it, but now I see it’s changed after initially posted in your first post. Not to mention your one write up also now has two other posts following it that details a little on it, which I don’t think is allowed either.

This is why you NEED to stop posting crap before it’s ready and do it in Microsoft Word or Notepad or something. It’s getting stupid. This has been the rule since day one and I know I personally have called you out on it two times now, and Wiegeabo’s stated it in general before now. Rules are rules, follow them. They keep it clean so that there’s little room to question if someone’s cheating or not, and in this situation I’m not sure you aren’t. It takes the fun out of it for the rest of us.

Now on to the actual debate…


Last Week(with the assisstance of Forge(all though not the exact same person he knew, X-Man instinctfully trusts him PERIOD)) X-Man and Stryfe learned that in this competition, they are apart of a team, Stryfe whos only goal was to ever get revenge on a family who was never there and a rebel that was and X-Man first to get revenge on apocolypse(something him and stryfe shared) then to just survive.

Again, same as last week... this goes against every bit of each of their characters, especially X-Man's. It doesn't matter if it's a competition or a good will concert to cure aids... Nate will not work or strategize with Stryfe at all. Stryfe is a psychopath on par with Apocalypse. Yes, Stryfe hates and wants to kill Apocalypse, but he's just as bad himself and always has been. Nate hates anyone like that, and being that he knows Stryfe, knows how he is, knows all that... he will not work with Stryfe. And yeah, Stryfe's main beef was with his family, but he killed millions in his future that he had no beef with, and if he learns that Nate is still an extention of his family, and also has a relationship with Scott and Jean, well that would make him just as good as Cable to Stryfe. It just WON'T happen in the slightest, and there's a 99% chance that they'd be at each other yet again this match. I gave them the benefit of the doubt for the sake of getting some type of write up done fairly, but to be honest, and this isn't even just me trying to get votes, I think having them both together on your team is 1) redundant, and 2) suicide every week. They would kill each other over anyone else week in and week out.

Entering the blank slate of a room(informed again of the situation and of the team mates), MountJoy waits for an oppritunity, hits Multiple Man with his basilisk field, jumps into him and mass multiplies to a point that the room is completely consumed by his dupes, and jumps also into NightCrawler.

My problem with this is that you have Nightcrawler and Multiple Man on your team, but you do squat with them. You basically kill them off at the beginning of every week that they're in because they're only fodder for Mountjoy. It's the same strategy over and over again. Not that there's anything wrong with the strategy, but with someone as versatile as Mountjoy... I'd suggest a bit more creativity.


Each team materializes into a dome of thier own(these dooms obviously connected).
None of which matters.
Stryfe lifts the team, puts them all in a protective bubble, explods the room around them, letting in the water(at this depth the water being pushed in is a tidal wave through the halls, completely destroying and collapsing each complex as it fills up).

My issue here is that yes, Stryfe can carry them in bubbles and keep the water out, but he can’t create air within them. For as much as they are doing here, they’d suffocate fairly quickly. Not to mention it’d take a lot of concentration for Stryfe to create bubbles for not only the Annoying Silence team but also for all the Mountjoy multiples, not to mention those being created throughout the battle.

On the other side of action, at the bottom of the ocean, its too risky for blink to teleport anywhere(with very limited areas in which she could teleport(having the threat of teleporting into the sea around her, instantly killing her or anyone else)).[/ quote]

This is honestly something I haven’t thought about but I’m fairly certain people typically teleport into water without problem because it isn’t solid, like rock or structures. I have no proof though, so voters take it for what it is.

As Vulcan enters the water, hes is forcefully grabbed, dug and buried(covering the whole they put him in) by the two omnipotent telekines. And, at the center of the earth(though Vulcan does not die) there is no true manner of direction, so vulcan must find his way back to battle.

This would do nothing for Vulcan. He can use energy to blast a hole out like an explosion and fire out like he’s flying through space. Not to mention he can just feel the gravity of the area and figure out that if he has to climb or fly a certain direction, then that’s up. This would honestly be a thirty second delay at best. And yeah, the water would come in, but he has energy to propel him and he doesn’t need to breath, as he’s gone weeks through space without breathing. Not a problem, and of course, with Vulcan free to battle, just about everything that follows this point is altered dramatically for AS’s bad.

Much like before, as Nate Grey aided the Hulk against a fight with thanos, X-man fashoins a strong telekinetic armor around MountJoy(but this time completely encompassing his body, so he can teleport now w/o threat throught he waters.

This wouldn’t work either. He gave Hulk the armor to enhance his strength, and this would work for Mountjoy as well, but it does nothing for making him teleport into water. If there’s anything about teleporting into water that could hurt someone it’s that person’s molecules merging with the hydrogen and oxygen of the water (which I don’t think would happen). Even with the armor, if you say the water would kill someone, this would still take place even for Mountjoy. Even with the armor, Nightcrawler’s powers are useless and there’s still just a lot of Mountjoys floating around with no propulsion to depend on.

Watching the buildings stop crumbling, Stryfe points out that the Odd Alliance must have sealed off a safe area.
X-Man and Stryfe quickly dive in to the minds of the Odd Alliance(except magneto, ofcourse), picking out Domina, slowwing her brains patterns, making her fall asleep.

Again, X-Man and Stryfe working together is impossible… won’t happen, and likely they’d be at each other’s throats. But to put blinders on belief and assuming they’d do this… this is a very weak way to take out an uber. Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak!

Dropping to the floor, Magneto reacts instantly raising a magnetic bubble(realizing he will have to use a great deal of power just to maintain his construct from the Thousands Of Pounds Per Square Inch Pressure at the bottom of the Atlantic.), attracting the attention of the Annoying Silence.

I honestly dismissed the preasure being that Marvel characters are always visiting Atlantis in suits without worrying about the preasure that’d likely be there. I’d assume the same goes for the write up. But if you want to focus on that, then what the heck is your team doing for preasure? All the Mountjoys fighting? Are they all protected by Stryfe? Is his concentration enough to protected Mountjoys (and focus and follow them so they don’t leave the bubble), mentally search out Domina, and protect himself? I don’t see this happening.

Again, Stryfe sees the team and mentally taps into MountJoy, giving him a PRECISE location so to teleport into Magneto's bubble. Hitting Magneto with his basilisk field, grabbing Blink(and by command of X-Man and Stryfe), teleporting several times just to get back to the surface(ofcourse following NightCrawlers power-set), weakening and disorienting blink with each port. Eventually landing on Greenland, Leaving Blink completely exhuasted. easy pickins for MJ to just Multiply and beat her to unconciousness.

I don’t see how the basalisk field would do anything here, as Magneto acts at the spead of thought and doesn’t need movement. Slowing him down wont’ do anything and likely he’d grab the metal of Mountjoy’s blood and have his way with him. And again, Mountjoy won’t be able to teleport underwater (according to your write up… I think they can in mine, but we’re debating yours here), so this whole strategy goes to crap.

I’ll skip a bit here and go to the end…

Quite to the Point. Vulcan can let of some powerful attacks. Not including shutting off Mutants powers.. .

But he cant shut off the powers of an army of MJ/MM/NC's that is headed at him.
Releasing enormous amounts of power, Vulcan soon finds him self frantically(though not in a panic) firing at the suprising amount of targets, but all for naught...

MJ teleports vulcans limbs off, one. by. one. As he bleeds out in mid air.

He wouldn’t need to shut off their powers, just blow the crap out of them. Multiple Man can multiply with force, but if he’s fried to a corpse in a blast (and Vulcan does this a lot), he won’t multiply, and once Multiple Man’s prime self is defeated the rest disappear, and with a wave of energy killing them, it wouldn’t be long before Mountjoy’s a husk and the dupes disappear. I literally see it taking maybe twenty seconds, and only that long due to the teleportation… if it can even happen.

Anyhow, I’ve detailed picky things, but there’s one huge thing that bugs me here. I have a team led by Magneto… one of the most militant strategic minds in Marvel Comics…. And yet not in a single moment of your write up is there a shred of strategy for the Odd Alliance, and not only that, but never once does a single member of the team even DEFEND THEMSEVLES!!! No attack, no defense, NOTHING! They just stand there and take what’s coming to them like newbs. In fact, the only offensive or defensive move used was by Vulcan in the end and only because it multiplies Madrox, thus, hurting them more. Magneto just holds up a bubble. Blink and Proctor sit in the bubble. Vulcan hides in a hole. Domina goes nighty night. And that’s it. Horrible and unbelievable treatment of the Odd Alliance.

Of course, all this dealt by a team led by enemies Stryfe and X-Man working together in unison to make it all happen.

I rest my case.

Winner – Odd Alliance
JewishHobbit said:
AS!!!! It's been stated a hundred times this season... do not edit your posts. Type it up in Word or something then copy and paste it when it's ready.
AnnoyingSilence said:
when i'm done, i'm goin to sss that post out and paste it below ;)
JewishHobbit said:
I see that you’ve changed your initial post of how horrible my team would work to how great they’d work.
yes. it is a good thing that my actual write-up is correct... or haven't you been watching my write-ups constantly changing alllll season.

and plz... be quite.
you complain too much about the things i do. none of which has affect what you do.(except start your debates too early(even before the write-up was into its FIRST fight))
I do my write-ups the way i've been doin them allllllll season. edit by edit by edit.
if you don't like my story... vote low.
if it don't count... o well. i'm 0-6 anyhow.

i'm an adult, and i am more than entitled to do what i want.

Chill Out.
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Odd Alliance vs Annoying Silence Rebuttal

I see that you’ve changed your initial post of how horrible my team would work to how great they’d work.

My concern here is that as of my posting my write up the ORIGINAL was what you had posted, and then suddenly when you posted your write up the NOW was included. This makes me question weather or not you had a gameplan in mind with my “disgrunted” team that you changed after reading my write up. Honestly, going with your original write up would have hurt you greatly and I was anticipating reading your write up so I could debate it, but now I see it’s changed after initially posted in your first post. Not to mention your one write up also now has two other posts following it that details a little on it, which I don’t think is allowed either.

This is why you NEED to stop posting crap before it’s ready and do it in Microsoft Word or Notepad or something. It’s getting stupid. This has been the rule since day one and I know I personally have called you out on it two times now, and Wiegeabo’s stated it in general before now. Rules are rules, follow them. They keep it clean so that there’s little room to question if someone’s cheating or not, and in this situation I’m not sure you aren’t. It takes the fun out of it for the rest of us.

Now on to the actual debate…

Again, same as last week... this goes against every bit of each of their characters, especially X-Man's. It doesn't matter if it's a competition or a good will concert to cure aids... Nate will not work or strategize with Stryfe at all. Stryfe is a psychopath on par with Apocalypse. Yes, Stryfe hates and wants to kill Apocalypse, but he's just as bad himself and always has been. Nate hates anyone like that, and being that he knows Stryfe, knows how he is, knows all that... he will not work with Stryfe. And yeah, Stryfe's main beef was with his family, but he killed millions in his future that he had no beef with, and if he learns that Nate is still an extention of his family, and also has a relationship with Scott and Jean, well that would make him just as good as Cable to Stryfe. It just WON'T happen in the slightest, and there's a 99% chance that they'd be at each other yet again this match. I gave them the benefit of the doubt for the sake of getting some type of write up done fairly, but to be honest, and this isn't even just me trying to get votes, I think having them both together on your team is 1) redundant, and 2) suicide every week. They would kill each other over anyone else week in and week out.

My problem with this is that you have Nightcrawler and Multiple Man on your team, but you do squat with them. You basically kill them off at the beginning of every week that they're in because they're only fodder for Mountjoy. It's the same strategy over and over again. Not that there's anything wrong with the strategy, but with someone as versatile as Mountjoy... I'd suggest a bit more creativity.

My issue here is that yes, Stryfe can carry them in bubbles and keep the water out, but he can’t create air within them. For as much as they are doing here, they’d suffocate fairly quickly. Not to mention it’d take a lot of concentration for Stryfe to create bubbles for not only the Annoying Silence team but also for all the Mountjoy multiples, not to mention those being created throughout the battle.

On the other side of action, at the bottom of the ocean, its too risky for blink to teleport anywhere(with very limited areas in which she could teleport(having the threat of teleporting into the sea around her, instantly killing her or anyone else)).

This is honestly something I haven’t thought about but I’m fairly certain people typically teleport into water without problem because it isn’t solid, like rock or structures. I have no proof though, so voters take it for what it is.

This would do nothing for Vulcan. He can use energy to blast a hole out like an explosion and fire out like he’s flying through space. Not to mention he can just feel the gravity of the area and figure out that if he has to climb or fly a certain direction, then that’s up. This would honestly be a thirty second delay at best. And yeah, the water would come in, but he has energy to propel him and he doesn’t need to breath, as he’s gone weeks through space without breathing. Not a problem, and of course, with Vulcan free to battle, just about everything that follows this point is altered dramatically for AS’s bad.

This wouldn’t work either. He gave Hulk the armor to enhance his strength, and this would work for Mountjoy as well, but it does nothing for making him teleport into water. If there’s anything about teleporting into water that could hurt someone it’s that person’s molecules merging with the hydrogen and oxygen of the water (which I don’t think would happen). Even with the armor, if you say the water would kill someone, this would still take place even for Mountjoy. Even with the armor, Nightcrawler’s powers are useless and there’s still just a lot of Mountjoys floating around with no propulsion to depend on.

Again, X-Man and Stryfe working together is impossible… won’t happen, and likely they’d be at each other’s throats. But to put blinders on belief and assuming they’d do this… this is a very weak way to take out an uber. Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak!

I honestly dismissed the preasure being that Marvel characters are always visiting Atlantis in suits without worrying about the preasure that’d likely be there. I’d assume the same goes for the write up. But if you want to focus on that, then what the heck is your team doing for preasure? All the Mountjoys fighting? Are they all protected by Stryfe? Is his concentration enough to protected Mountjoys (and focus and follow them so they don’t leave the bubble), mentally search out Domina, and protect himself? I don’t see this happening.

I don’t see how the basalisk field would do anything here, as Magneto acts at the spead of thought and doesn’t need movement. Slowing him down wont’ do anything and likely he’d grab the metal of Mountjoy’s blood and have his way with him. And again, Mountjoy won’t be able to teleport underwater (according to your write up… I think they can in mine, but we’re debating yours here), so this whole strategy goes to crap.

I’ll skip a bit here and go to the end…

He wouldn’t need to shut off their powers, just blow the crap out of them. Multiple Man can multiply with force, but if he’s fried to a corpse in a blast (and Vulcan does this a lot), he won’t multiply, and once Multiple Man’s prime self is defeated the rest disappear, and with a wave of energy killing them, it wouldn’t be long before Mountjoy’s a husk and the dupes disappear. I literally see it taking maybe twenty seconds, and only that long due to the teleportation… if it can even happen.

Anyhow, I’ve detailed picky things, but there’s one huge thing that bugs me here. I have a team led by Magneto… one of the most militant strategic minds in Marvel Comics…. And yet not in a single moment of your write up is there a shred of strategy for the Odd Alliance, and not only that, but never once does a single member of the team even DEFEND THEMSEVLES!!! No attack, no defense, NOTHING! They just stand there and take what’s coming to them like newbs. In fact, the only offensive or defensive move used was by Vulcan in the end and only because it multiplies Madrox, thus, hurting them more. Magneto just holds up a bubble. Blink and Proctor sit in the bubble. Vulcan hides in a hole. Domina goes nighty night. And that’s it. Horrible and unbelievable treatment of the Odd Alliance.

Of course, all this dealt by a team led by enemies Stryfe and X-Man working together in unison to make it all happen.

I rest my case.

Winner – Odd Alliance
and seriously... i'm not reading any of this... its just a rant
Seriously AS, why are you even playing this game? You don't want to follow rules, you don't want to play the debate game, you don't want to win any votes, you don't want to actually vote, you don't want to do anything but type "sss" at everything that comes at you. So what's the point?
Seriously AS, why are you even playing this game? You don't want to follow rules, you don't want to play the debate game, you don't want to win any votes, you don't want to actually vote, you don't want to do anything but type "sss" at everything that comes at you. So what's the point?


and no. i don't play the "Debate Game"...

i'm sorry. did you expect me to explain myself? :yellow:
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you know how i fake vote...

The Ringers - 5
(if you gonna say that MM can do everything SG can do and more... don't JUST state that she wins)
Heros Of The New Age - 7
i think for the ubs it'd come down to the lanterns(Since, weither in air or in water GL's rings work the same) and Iron Man would DOMinate

Chaos and Order - 5
a lot of "Like I said" 's... doesn't matter how many times you say it, play it out. IMO your team wins atleast
Jail Baits - 4
i would of tied ya(but gave you a 6), but your in dc's atlantis...
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Heroes of the New Age - 7
Ringers - 6

I thought this was a very good match. There were problems in both in my opinion, but overall I enjoyed reading them both. In the end it was close, but I feel HOTNA's was more believable. However, it could have gone either way. I do like that Green Lantern had Taskmaster take out Batman. I totally think he could if Ion played back some Batman footage on his ring for Task to study during preptime.

Jailbait - 7
Chaos & Order - 6

Again, this was actually a pretty good match. I feel that Harlekin had better arguments in the end but W's was pretty good as well. It's close but I think Jailbait's got it fairly securely.
Jailbait - 7
Chaos & Order - 6

A tough battle from both sides...Harl just takes it though

AnnoyingSilence - 3
Odd Alliance - 7

A very similar strategy from AS which is a recurring thing. Then there are about 3 extra posts with you adding bits to your write up. You have good regs that on their own would be good but you always have MJ absorb and you lose 2 characters and instantly out number yourself...with those odds you just cant win really...

Some advice AS...change your strategy
Jailbait 6
Chaos & Order 7

Great match from both, but I personally liked Wieg's write up a little more.

Annoying Silence 2
Odd Alliance 7

I still just don't see Stryfe and X-Man working together. At all. No matter the reason. Nor do I appreciate the fact that another player willingly violates the rules.
here, this is me, imitating everyone

AnnoyingSilence 4
The Odd Alliance 7

Heroes of the New Age 8
The Ringers 7
Annoying Silence 0
The Odd Alliance 7

(I actually didn't think AS's writeup was that bad, and would have given it a 4. But changing writeups is against the rules)

Heroes of the New Age 6
The Ringers 5

(Damn you both for making such good and even battles. The Manhunter's telepathy just edged it out for me)
Final Results

AnnoyingSilence 9
The Odd Alliance 28

Jailbait 20
Chaos & Order 19

Heroes of the New Age 21
The Ringers 18

(AnnoyingSlience's votes were not counted because he did not vote on all teams)

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