The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Electro's story line?

Green Goblin

Crawling on walls
Jun 24, 2013
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With all this speculation on GG and Black Cat this thread is to bring it back to the main villain. We know that he is a nobody who idolizes Spider-Man but how will he get his powers? What is his goal in the end?
he gets his powers from electrical eels cause he falls in or somthing
i wonder if his origin will be the same (or at least similar) as in Electro (The Spectacular Spider-Man) :cool:
i wonder if his origin will be the same (or at least similar) as in Electro (The Spectacular Spider-Man) :cool:

I don't want him "falling into something by accident" that's too generic, I'd rather he tries to take his life or something...
i think he does researches for unlimited electric energy and during an experiment he gets a load of his own medicine if you will...maybe he gets sabotaged
It's probably going to be similar to the 616 one idek
I don't want him "falling into something by accident" that's too generic, I'd rather he tries to take his life or something...

With the Spider Man's #1 fan and the "even my mother forgot my birthday" story
it's quite possible imo
I think it would be cool if Black Cat sneaks into OsCorp to steal or get whatever the plot needs but Spider-Man follows her into OsCorp. Max is working late doing whatever he does when Felicia uses him as a way to escape from OsCorp as in, you can catch me or save him, but it’s too late and Max becomes Electro and his idolization of Spider-Man turns to hatred. It may be a little too clichéd, but that’s what I have come up with.
he rubs a balloon. then his hair becomes so static that he can't comb it over anymore so he shaves it all

lame jokes aside, something to do with unlimited energy something, electric eels, sabotage. Just what HUMANIMAL said
At the moment it's shaping up like this:

Works at Oscorp.
Nobody takes any notice of him.
He loves Spider-Man.
An incident occurs - transforming him into Electro.
Spidey worship becomes hate.
Takes out his frustrations on people, abuses his literal power.

Not sure of his endgame, though.
At the moment it's shaping up like this:

Works at Oscorp.
Nobody takes any notice of him.
He loves Spider-Man.
An incident occurs - transforming him into Electro.
Spidey worship becomes hate.
Takes out his frustrations on people, abuses his literal power.

Not sure of his endgame, though.

i wonder if him wandering around times square leads into the times square fight?

for some reason i pictured that fight scene having electro in his final outfit, not the black hoodie and torn jeans

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