Episode 2: The Variant (Spoiler Discussion)


Your Most Aggro Pal (he/him)
Jun 16, 2004
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The God of Mischief chase his own tail...

So apparently Bonnie Tyler's, "Holding Out for a Hero" is very cheap. Because this is the 4th different time I have heard it used in a week. :funny:
Hahaha. I was thinking the same thing. It all of a sudden became such a popular choice to use in trailers and now even shows. It is catchy though

Anyway, great episode! I am loving this series so far. I think it’s fair to say it’s my favorite of the MCU series that have released so far. This is the first true introduction of the multiverse and it is shaping up to be a great lead off to Doctor Strange 2 and the new Spider-Man movie
Yeah, I love this show. Too much this late to recap, but Lady Loki did not disappoint, and there is no way the Time Keepers are real. Oh, and for the fellow Sandman fans among us. Is it just me, or did Loki look just like Dream during the supermarket confrontation?
Another cool episode in what has been a really fun ride so far. The whole Time Keepers thing has me second guessing myself. This week, it felt blatantly obvious that they don’t exist...a little too obvious, maybe? I’m sticking with my primary instinct that the Time Keepers story is Ravonna (and Kang?) working everyone, but part of me feels they laid it on kind of thick this week, as if the writers want us to doubt the Time Keepers’ existence.
Another solid episode and the interactions between Hiddleston and Wilson still remain to be my favorite thing about this show so far, although it was cool seeing the two Loki's finally meet and I do find Lady Loki to be a pretty intersting character atleast as far as finding what her true motivations are.

It's just too bad that reveal was spoiled a long time ago for me, because if it wasn't I do believe it would have had a much bigger impact, but that's whatever I guess. I'm definitely looking forward to the next episode though to see where this is all going and hopefully get a better sense of the direction of this show.

I really am loving the music and how atmoespheric it is at times too.
So apparently Bonnie Tyler's, "Holding Out for a Hero" is very cheap. Because this is the 4th different time I have heard it used in a week. :funny:

This is the second time that the MCU used an song that originally was used for one of the Shrek movies, the first time was with Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin
Another week, another awesome episode. This show is great
Another cool episode in what has been a really fun ride so far. The whole Time Keepers thing has me second guessing myself. This week, it felt blatantly obvious that they don’t exist...a little too obvious, maybe? I’m sticking with my primary instinct that the Time Keepers story is Ravonna (and Kang?) working everyone, but part of me feels they laid it on kind of thick this week, as if the writers want us to doubt the Time Keepers’ existence.

I think the same. Too obvious for them to just not exist. The myth is clearly fake. I believe Kang is somehow involved in all this. That middle time keeper looking like Kang and Ravonna being the head here can't be coincidence.
So if the timekeepers reorganized the multiverse into a single timeline does that mean there is no multiverse or that the multiverse only has 1 timeline? This would explain if the female loki is trying to restore her universe by causing all the branches. Another theory is maybe female loki just wants to reset her timeline enough to undo something. Could be to save their mother or something else. Any way the show is really good can't wait to see the end of this.
'Lady Loki' is actually Sylvie
I guess technically this was revealed in (something that came with) the episode, so it might be okay to post here... But it's also clearly some kind of an unintentional leak regardless that spoils the plot of future episodes. So maybe use spoiler tags for people in this thread who don't want to know about anything beyond the plot of episode 2 yet? I'm not sure...

It's unfortunate because I didn't see that yet and came here to write my theory about exactly this, going from what was in the episode itself. But I guess this spoiler basically confirms my theory and it's now pointless to speculate, and doing so knowing that this is out there would basically just be posting spoilers...

That middle time keeper looking like Kang [...] can't be coincidence.
I think it can, since they just used their looks from the comics :oldrazz:
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Thought this was a great episode. And yea, I'm thinking the Time Keepers don't exist either. Or maybe they did at some point until someone took them out (maybe Kang or Ravonna?). Since no one at the TVA seems to question The Time Keeper's motives, why would they suspect something was wrong if they suddenly got different orders or something.

Really liked the Pompeii scene as well. This is shaping up to be my favorite MCU show so far.
Brilliant episode and reaffirms that this is my favorite Marvel show to date. I’m convinced the Time Keepers are long gone and Kang is using Ravonna to keep things in order and Lady Loki’s plan is to create chaos. This would connect with the conversation between Loki and Mobius regarding free will and living in a world without chaos. The Time Keepers or whomever, wants this control, but Lady Loki seems to want to create mayhem by creating multiple realities.
Brilliant episode and reaffirms that this is my favorite Marvel show to date. I’m convinced the Time Keepers are long gone and Kang is using Ravonna to keep things in order and Lady Loki’s plan is to create chaos. This would connect with the conversation between Loki and Mobius regarding free will and living in a world without chaos. The Time Keepers or whomever, wants this control, but Lady Loki seems to want to create mayhem by creating multiple realities.

Agreed. The only thing I am not sure of is if the Time Keepers were ever real. I think Kang made up the entire lore.
So how far into the future can the TVA jump? I was under the impression that the Timekeepers were molding the future on an ongoing basis, but the TVA jumped to (and knew about) a hurricane in 2050.
So how far into the future can the TVA jump? I was under the impression that the Timekeepers were molding the future on an ongoing basis, but the TVA jumped to (and knew about) a hurricane in 2050.

At least to 2301 (I paused it to read the monitors of all the branching timelines lol), but we don't know how far into the future the Timekeepers have planned out. So it could even be farther than that.
So how far into the future can the TVA jump? I was under the impression that the Timekeepers were molding the future on an ongoing basis, but the TVA jumped to (and knew about) a hurricane in 2050.
Since they're an agency over time existing outside of time I was under the impression they can jump as far into the future as there is time to jump to. Which this episode was reaffirmed by the files pertaining to the end of time apparently being available but classified. I'm not sure what "molding the future on an ongoing basis" would even mean?
Since they're an agency over time existing outside of time I was under the impression they can jump as far into the future as there is time to jump to. Which this episode was reaffirmed by the files pertaining to the end of time apparently being available but classified. I'm not sure what "molding the future on an ongoing basis" would even mean?

That's why I think the TVA is full of it or at least the people in charge, whether that's the Time Keepers or someone else.

I'm thinking that whoever is in charge wants the sacred timeline not because they fear the multiverse leads to destruction but as a way of keeping time in order and under their rule.
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Since they're an agency over time existing outside of time I was under the impression they can jump as far into the future as there is time to jump to. Which this episode was reaffirmed by the files pertaining to the end of time apparently being available but classified. I'm not sure what "molding the future on an ongoing basis" would even mean?

Mobius said they're "untangling the epilogue from its infinite branches." And when Loki asked how it all ends, Mobius said its a work in progress. I took that to mean that the timekeepers are still figuring out the future.

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