Episode 11: Science/Fiction (Spoiler Discussion)

Venom 1988

formerly Ultimate_Venom
Jun 12, 2004
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Well figured I'd make a thread since there isn't one yet. I actually liked the pace of this episode, felt a lot more personal than most of the previous ones. Also based on the ending, I guess they're pulling the whole God of Stories thing from recent comics. Curious to see where things go from here.
I don’t know about the God of Stories thing but the two things that stuck out is there was another loop and the TVA book.

It still feels like Loki is going to fail to get the machine working. But will travel further back to fix it before it breaks.
Well figured I'd make a thread since there isn't one yet. I actually liked the pace of this episode, felt a lot more personal than most of the previous ones. Also based on the ending, I guess they're pulling the whole God of Stories thing from recent comics. Curious to see where things go from here.

I think you're right. I loved this entire season so far, and I liked this episode. We finally get the episode 5 calm before the storm that doesn't feel like filler. Not really sure how this is all gonna wrap up. I think at this point, Kang needs a W somehow, so I am hoping all of this has been part of the plans of He Who Remains. At some point, Kang needs some teeth
Loved this episode. I'm hoping that the finale ends the season satisfyingly because while not as great as season 1, it's still pretty great. Hell, at this stage Loki Season 2 being this good at a penultimate episode is already a huge step up from the other MCU shows.

As for performances, Tom Hiddleston is just fantastic let me tell you. Dude just has a way of always portraying vulnerability that is consistently surprising and poignant which is why the MCU version of Loki has resonated with me so much over the years. Ke Huy Quan is also great. It's wild to me how this dude has been sitting on the sidelines for decades, and his chemistry with pretty much everyone is great. He's been a great addition to the show and in a short time they made him feel like he's been here since Season 1.

Can't wait for next week. Hope it's good and doesn't tail off at the end like so many MCU shows.
I’ve been blasé about this season, but this episode is strong in many ways. Easily the best of the season.
This episode easily had some of the best performances from Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson throughout this entire show. The character work on this show is pretty fantastic and it saddens me that we aren't getting this same consistent level of writing for the other Disney Plus Marvel shows.

Also, that dissolving, spaghetti effect is creepy ASF yet super well done and effective IMO.

This felt so much like a Benson/Moorhead episode if your familiar with their past work and I love it.
Easily the best episode of the season thus far, but still, this doesn’t even come close to the feel and build up of the first season. The dissolve of the universe via that weird string effect is awesome and really gives us a potential preview of how other universes experience their timeline being destroyed.
I love this more than season 1. It seems everyone has forgotten about the bore of the "Lamenthis"-episode alone and the anti-climatic final.

I was a little bit touched by the bar scene with Sylvie and Loki with the latter wish for his friends back and dont want to be alone.

(I wished for an after credit scene with Ravona though. I dont have an idea how she will fit to the next episode)
It seems everyone has forgotten about the bore of the "Lamenthis"-episode alone and the anti-climatic final.
To each their own. I thought the season 1 final was great, especially given that most of it was just a conversation.

But I do agree this episode was pretty great as well, probably my favorite of the season. And I loved that record store scene, so good.
Really good episode, though it always feels like once the season starts getting good, it just ends.
I figured Loki would probably be taking over He Who Remains' role in overseeing the timelines/the TVA by the end of the season but for some reason it never connected in my mind that they could use the God of Stories for that. Loki even operated from outside of time and space then.

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This was the best episode of the season so far. We got Mobius on a jetski, now all we need is for Tom Hiddleston to bust out his Owen Wilson impression on the show.
As others mentioned this was a more personal episode and I was very happy to get it in advance of the likely chaos of the finale. I have empathy with Loki in this episode and that’s a far cry from the Thor/Avengers villain.

Mobius: “That’s a cool name.” :D
I'm just glad OB has made it all the way through this season. Best New character of the show!
So happy for the dude. This role has perfectly suited his quirky nature. Wonder if he lives on past the ending of this show and appears anywhere else.
This episode easily had some of the best performances from Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson throughout this entire show. The character work on this show is pretty fantastic and it saddens me that we aren't getting this same consistent level of writing for the other Disney Plus Marvel shows.

Also, that dissolving, spaghetti effect is creepy ASF yet super well done and effective IMO.

This felt so much like a Benson/Moorhead episode if your familiar with their past work and I love it.
It’s such an imaginative show along with solid acting. If all the MCU shows were on this level I’d be so much more into them all. I hope some aspects of this show are felt elsewhere too.

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