Its also very possible that Bobbi Morse doesn't exist, and even if she did exist she has nothing to do with the character as portrayed on AoS. Because AoS isn't canon, and hasn't been for years. *cough*
As for Maya and her quest for revenge, note that its not like the show had her declare "Having found out the truth, I am seeking to kill my new vendetta!" Her actions after the confrontation with Clint read more as "Get some verification of this story, and then run". She probably still hated Clint, but her short term priority was "Get away from Fisk"; her confrontation with Fisk where she shot him was a chance side effect of her trying to get Kazi to flee with her. Reading between the lines, she probably hated Fisk as much as Ronin, but she didn't think she could actually *take* Fisk ( rightfully so, I can't see her standing a chance against a Fisk whose not running on empty after being blown up ).