Ever gotten sick from depression?


Apr 21, 2005
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Never knew the feeling till a few days ago. I was feeling so positive and happy for the first time in so long, then a few days ago something happened to someone I really care about. It's so hard for me to eat but I'm basically forcing myself and I haven't been able to be myself and I want this to go away but that person won't let me in and try to help them because they already feel horrible as it is. Why do I have to be so damn sympathetic?

Anyone else ever have that feeling?
Depression can and does often manifest physically. Sucks. I haven't been 'sick' in over ten years- sick from a true illness that is. Anytime I've missed school/work has been from emotional upset effecting me physically. But aye, it happens. If you need to vent, my PM box is always open.
Thank you

it gets easier the more i talk about it, but once i'm done talking about it, the problem is still there. and usually when I get this way , it's gone within a day, but this time it's been 3 fricken days! ugh
Aye, been there. Just don't let it send you into a spiral.
I'm trying. At least i'm sleeping pretty damn well. I just want that person to see that i'll be there for them, whenever. I don't want to see them so hurt.
Sometimes that's all you can do. There are a lot of places that only a person themselves can work their way out of.
Yeah, that's true.
Just want to see that smiley hyper kid I'm used to seeing everyday.
See, I was going to come in here and be a negative nelly, but Runt already set the tone to be all nice and ****.:cmad:

**** you, Runt.:cmad:

Feel better, JM.:cmad::up:
See, I was going to come in here and be a negative nelly, but Runt already set the tone to be all nice and ****.:cmad:

**** you, Runt.:cmad:

Feel better, JM.:cmad::up:

**** you too darlin. :cmad: Not my fault I'm in a good mood today. Feel free to abuse me in order to get all those negative nelly feelings out. :up:
Get out that house. Make it a point interact with people. Getting out of the house always helps me.

Edit: & also watch a of your favorite comedies. That always helps me as well. Lifts the old spirits up.
I never knew i had depression..until i was happy for the first time in a long time..

I hope all works out for JM.

it will get better with time, I promise.
I had something happen to me when I was in high school that sent me in a deep depression. I worried over this one thing for so long that it really screwed my stomach up. I couldn't eat and it was just excruciating pain.

It ended up being the start of a very bad case of acid reflux that has landed me in the emergency room on more than one occasion (the day before Thanksgiving was the latest).

I'm not sure if the depression and worrying started this condition, but I haven't been the same physically since.
*Gives JM a hug*

Hang in there lil trooper...
If you want, I can bake you a cake. :)

Well actually I can't, but it's the thought that counts :):)
I'm trying. At least i'm sleeping pretty damn well. I just want that person to see that i'll be there for them, whenever. I don't want to see them so hurt.

From the sounds of it it seems like you've done what you could to help or at least you've given that person every indication that you're there for them; now you just have to wait for that person to come to you.

I don't know the specifics so it's kinda hard to say.

But, have I ever felt depressed cause I wanted to help someone so badly? I'm a med student with a bleeding heart (Patch Adams Syndrome) who treats patients in an urban city (Detroit) with the highest homicide rate in the nation, what do you think? :yay: The other day I had a crazy rant in the "meanest mom..." thread about drunk drivers. It's good to "let it out" as well!

Just reassure them you'll be there whenever they're ready. That's all you can do right now...going over that can have a negative effect.

You seem to be doing everything possible J, just know that Allah is watching over you.
thanks for the sympathy and advice guys, it really means a lot.
hate that most of you have gone through this in one way or another but i'm glad you all were able to overcome it and hopefully soon i'll overcome this.
thanks for the sympathy and advice guys, it really means a lot.
hate that most of you have gone through this in one way or another but i'm glad you all were able to overcome it and hopefully soon i'll overcome this.

I must say though that you are showing true heart by going into depression over someone else. I think the majority of depression is self-centred in nature.

You'll come through this fine ;) :up:
aw well thank you. I mean I do care about this person a lot, and I just don't want to see him be hurt like he is. hopefully it'll be easier to get out of it since it is dealing with someone else's feelings instead of my own.

again thank you
Never knew the feeling till a few days ago. I was feeling so positive and happy for the first time in so long, then a few days ago something happened to someone I really care about. It's so hard for me to eat but I'm basically forcing myself and I haven't been able to be myself and I want this to go away but that person won't let me in and try to help them because they already feel horrible as it is. Why do I have to be so damn sympathetic?

Anyone else ever have that feeling?

:( Sugar Lump, what's wrong!!??
From the sounds of it it seems like you've done what you could to help or at least you've given that person every indication that you're there for them; now you just have to wait for that person to come to you.

I don't know the specifics so it's kinda hard to say.

But, have I ever felt depressed cause I wanted to help someone so badly? I'm a med student with a bleeding heart (Patch Adams Syndrome) who treats patients in an urban city (Detroit) with the highest homicide rate in the nation, what do you think? :yay: The other day I had a crazy rant in the "meanest mom..." thread about drunk drivers. It's good to "let it out" as well!

Just reassure them you'll be there whenever they're ready. That's all you can do right now...going over that can have a negative effect.

You seem to be doing everything possible J, just know that Allah is watching over you.

shookran :)

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