Extended Cut/Spider-Man 3.1?

Dylan C. Bargas

Aug 30, 2005
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I think there should be a extended cut/Spider-Man 3.1 DVD. There was few scenes that the actors mention that never made it to the final cut. And they were very important ones too.

So what do you think, should there be a extended cut DVD?
Jesus! Use the freaking SEARCH FUNCTION! :cmad:
Just calm down dude. I didn't know I posted something that would actually make someone pissed off. I posted this thread without thinking too, I just felt I haven't been posting a lot on these boards in awhile. The least thing I wanted to happen is someone to get mad about what I posted on here.
Just calm down dude. I didn't know I posted something that would actually make someone pissed off. I posted this thread without thinking too, I just felt I haven't been posting a lot on these boards in awhile. The least thing I wanted to happen is someone to get mad about what I posted on here.
It's not you personally, but when a ton of newbs and unfamilair oldies do it all the time, it gets quite annoying very fast.

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