Ezra Miller IS the Flash

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Now is he Barry? Wally? Barry makes the most sense... But with him having a serie....
I'd prefer him as Nightwing but still amazing news :woot:
For some reason, I think there's possibility he'll be Bart. That said....... he's probably Wally West.
Don't know who he is (looks kinda weird...and is every member of JL going to be sporting black hair? :hehe: ) but this is great news for one reason only; won't have to hear about that ****** Aaron Paul anymore.

Hopefully. :oldrazz:
How was this confirmed? Someone fill me in please.

Also, another dark haired superhero??????? Sheesh.
Ezra Miller? A bit weird, but I'm going to give him a chance. And it's not like we're going to see him out of costume much, whether he's Wally or Barry.
also one of my picks for Dick Grayson as well, but still

I have never heard of this guy or seen him in anything... Seriously, after seeing his picture I am scratching my head, not to mention... He just doesn't look the part for ANY Flash, even Bart. Right now this seems strange. And dang... The dude is WAY young. I really need more info before I can pass judgement.
Love the casting. Liked Ezra Miller ever since We Need to Talk About Kevin.
Wow, this is amazing. I thought he would be Nightwing though.
I have never heard of this guy or seen him in anything... Seriously, after seeing his picture I am scratching my head, not to mention... He just doesn't look the part for ANY Flash, even Bart. Right now this seems strange. And dang... The dude is WAY young. I really need more info before I can pass judgement.

He was awesome in Perks. I can see him adapting a bit of his character in Perks for Flash. Here's a quick clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwfqGqgezH4
He naturally seems like a Flash guy to me as well.

And find the right pick, he does give off the standard Flash appeal/charisma

I have never heard of this guy or seen him in anything... Seriously, after seeing his picture I am scratching my head, not to mention... He just doesn't look the part for ANY Flash, even Bart. Right now this seems strange. And dang... The dude is WAY young. I really need more info before I can pass judgement.

Ya he doesn't look like Flash at all to me. But he is a great actor, he has that going for him
An openly gay actor cast in a pretty high profile superhero role is extremely good news, especially considering how Hollywood sometimes seems to be prejudiced in casting issues.
I guess Barry Allen will be passed up in favor of younger Flash, maybe they will show what happens to Barry in the first film.
An openly gay actor cast in a pretty high profile superhero role is extremely good news, especially considering how Hollywood sometimes seems to be prejudiced in casting issues.
I think it doesn't matter and is a non subject myself.
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