Fan Fics and Films

Satan be damned!
For years i´ve been waiting for a GR fanfilm ( i also made a thread about it ), and when they finally made it, it goes to you tube.
I hate you tube! I want to download the damn thing, not only watch it!
Can someone of you GR wizard fans put it in here to download, maybe Internapse´s FileFront or something?
Not that this movie's worth it, but there are ways to downlaod youtube videos. If you use firefox, install the greesemonkey extension. It puts a nice 'Save As' button on youtube and google videos.
theescapeclause said:
Not that this movie's worth it, but there are ways to downlaod youtube videos. If you use firefox, install the greesemonkey extension. It puts a nice 'Save As' button on youtube and google videos.

Thanx, man.
I´ll try it.
:) :up:
For what it's worth, i thought it was funny as hell! When you see someone making fun of the greatest comic-book character ever, you naturally think, "Wow, someone should smack them in the face with a heavy chain for being so stupid, then put a video of their stupidity online to further disgrace and humiliate them". It seems like someone finally had enough, and actually did it! Three Cheers for Natural Selection! :p
Well, the one that screenamesuck posted was good but... the only thing is just to silly for me to really consider it to really have anything to do with Ghost Rider.

Having said that, anything that talks about the character in anyway is good promotion for the character.
Ghost Rider could pose any challenge against Juggernaut, with his original set of powers with the Gem of Cyytorak?

Cause I'm writing a fanfic (already got 1 part down) where these two meet.
Brolly. Interesting question. I would ask that you clarify which GR you are thinking of. I have said that in GR # 11 Johnny B. took out the Hulk by burning away the oxygen around him so he passed out. Juggy though? One of my favorite comics is where Spiderman tricks Juggs into the foundation of a building and he sinks. He kept going and emerged on the east side some time later.
Having said that, the question would be if the Gem would protect Juggs from the Penance Stare of Ketch, or the Chain or hellfire? GR could take the punishment and survive. Thinking outloud but I would say GR Ketch or Johnny B would use the chain to get the lid off, then choke Juggernaut out. Juggs could beat on him all night and GR would get up again. Does that help? Kind of longish but wanted to provide some background reasoning rather than a fanboy -- GR all the way dude :ghost: like you know! Righteous! :ghost: etc.
I'd say yes.

Can you imagine actually seeing that battle though?! Awesomo!

Canadian Rider, I like your summary. I was thinking of the Johnny B Ghost Rider mainly.
Will you be posting (or have you already posted) this fanfic?
NDX said:
Will you be posting (or have you already posted) this fanfic?

What here? Well I have finished part 1, but haven't posted it anywhere but in the Blog section of my myspace.

It's not really a story, but a 6 part series of Ghost Rider and Juggernaut fighting. I'm working on part 2 right now, and feel it's really good.
I've always wondered, is Juggy's face protected also by his helmet?

If so, then Ghost Rider has to use his brains (which he uses seldomly) to take him out and he most likely could take out Juggy.

But GR wont take out or kill human beings, so toasting him is out....GR's goal throughout would be to give him a healthy dose of the Penance Stare.
I think most have covered my opinion on this with a similar viewpoint. Regardless, I'll answer anyway.

Ghost Rider is a Juggernaut as well, just with no Gem powering him. A physical fight between the two would prove pointless. Ghost Rider would get him in the end with the Pennance stare or soul searing hellfire blast. If Juggy did something bad enough, GR (as always) will get his vengeance. It's what he lives for. It's what he is.

Anyway, I hope we get to read the fanfic...
Im up for reading it... Sounds good..
Canadian Rider said:
Brolly. Interesting question. I would ask that you clarify which GR you are thinking of. I have said that in GR # 11 Johnny B. took out the Hulk by burning away the oxygen around him so he passed out. Juggy though? One of my favorite comics is where Spiderman tricks Juggs into the foundation of a building and he sinks. He kept going and emerged on the east side some time later.
Having said that, the question would be if the Gem would protect Juggs from the Penance Stare of Ketch, or the Chain or hellfire? GR could take the punishment and survive. Thinking outloud but I would say GR Ketch or Johnny B would use the chain to get the lid off, then choke Juggernaut out. Juggs could beat on him all night and GR would get up again. Does that help? Kind of longish but wanted to provide some background reasoning rather than a fanboy -- GR all the way dude :ghost: like you know! Righteous! :ghost: etc.


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