February Solicitations


Dead of Night: WereWolf by Night :word:

wow, never thought I'd see a Darkhawk resurgence...

so far, I'm interested in Captain America and Fantastic Four.
Cap,DD and Iron Fist all look great

that Cap cover made my dirty mind chuckle a bit though :oldrazz:
Wow, I was hoping for Baron Blood in Captain Britain and MI-13, but Cornell decided to just go straight for Dracula himself. Sounds good.

Sweet, John Maddox is back in X-Factor. His original story was a high point of the series. Hopefully this one's just as good.

Hmm, Kitty Pryde's on the cover of that last Spider-Man/X-Men issue. Maybe I'll convince myself that it takes place before OMD/BND and buy it anyway.

Yay, more X-Men: First Class with Parker and Cruz still attached! :)

I face a major dilemma with X-Men: Kingbreaker. On the one hand, it's probably going to be treated in much the same way as the Nova, Silver Surfer, Ronan, and Super-Skrull minis were with Annihilation, in that it'll be a direct lead-in to the War of Kings event, which I'm very much looking forward to, plus it's drawn by Dustin Weaver, whom I like a lot. On the other hand, it's filled with the dregs of the X-universe like Polaris and Rachel Whateverthef***she'sgoingbynow, and I'm fairly certain I don't want to have to read anymore of Vulcan than I absolutely have to, especially since there's less chance of him totally getting his ass kicked in Kingbreaker than there is in War of Kings itself. This'll probably end up being either an impulse buy or skip right in the comic shop when I see the first issue, depending on my mood at that second.

Sweet, Legacy is free of Wolverine: Origins' influence, and it's now focusing on Rogue and Gambit alongside Professor X, all of whom I love, and... wait, is that Danger on the cover? Oh well, two out of three ain't bad.

Heh, Dr. Doom and the Masters of Evil sounds like it could be a great spiritual successor to the wonderful MODOK's 11 mini-series. Seems like it has just the right touch of respectful nostalgia and humor to work perfectly for me.

Franklin Richards' solicitation would probably be funnier if it were actually exaggerating what's going on at Marvel and DC right now, only... it's not. But I'm sure the Franklin Richards comic will at least be a nice, self-contained breath of fresh air from the never-ending parade of mega-events.

Holy s***, the Capital City of Hell? Those four words are now my sole reason to finally stop procrastinating and get caught up on Iron Fist.

"Flamehead-fans: You Cannot. Afford. To miss. This." Yet another story of a once-popular hero who turns evil simply for not being the first to bear the name? Uh, yeah... yeah, I'm pretty sure I can afford to miss that. And have change left over. Whatever that means. Pretty cover, though.

Haha, Marvel TV has a pretty cool concept. I'd feel much better about it if Frank Tieri weren't writing it, but I think I'll give it a shot anyway. Sometimes there are concepts so good even s***ty writers can't screw them up too badly.

I'm more curious about Eye of the Camera than excited for it. I can't seem to let myself get excited for it. Marvels is such a hallmark of historical comics storytelling, for lack of a better term, that Eye of the Camera is going to have enormous shoes to fill. The art looks gorgeous, at least.

Whoa, rogue Worldmind forcibly recreating the Nova Corps on Earth? Not a bad idea, and this is coming from a guy who thinks almost every hero-turned-villain story sucks.

Geez, Ramos is not drawing the interior of Runaways, which might've been an ideal time to give Moore's run a shot... but then Ramos is replaced by Miyazawa, whose art is even worse, as far as I'm concerned. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
that Cap cover made my dirty mind chuckle a bit though :oldrazz:
I considered that too.:cwink:

My pull list so far:

Captain America #47 - the villain has a very pulpish design; the cover has an excellent layout. And a Namor/Black Widow teamup should be interesting.

Captain Britain and MI13 #10 - I've been waiting for a more Spitfire-centric story since this book started. She was probably my favourite member of the cast going in, and though the vampire-reveal was a major one, not a whole lot has been done with it yet.

Daredevil #116 - David Aja on guest art? That's neat. Brubaker has spent two years building up various minor villains, but it was only a matter of time before the Kingpin made a comeback.

Fantastic Four #564 - It's a shame that inking has caused such a scheduling problem, since Millar and Hitch had hoped to really break expectations with this run, and now people will inevitably blame them. Still, it's an enjoyable story, if not especially attention-grabbing (which is unusual for Millar.

Uncanny X-Men #506 - So that's Beast, Angel...er, Forge, maybe? and somebody I absolutely don't recognize. The idea of a dedicated group trying to reverse M-Day is nice, although I'm curious what they'll be looking at when Endangered Species seemed dedicated to closing off every ally. And love that Dodson art.

War of Kings: Darkhawk #1 - I know nothing about him, but I'm following War of Kings. They seem to have commissioned Brandon Peterson to handle all the covers for this event.

X-Force #12 - Domino's sticking around, then; cool. I prefer Choi to Crain on art, though.
Great, no "Old Man Logan" for this month either?? So after December's issue there's a two month gap, tsk, Millar Millar Millar. Oh well, everything else looks solid though, Brubaker as usual is kicking ass in all his books.
On the other hand, it's filled with the dregs of the X-universe like Polaris and Rachel Whateverthef***she'sgoingbynow.
Oh, c'mon; no way are Lorna and Rachel the dregs when the universe has the likes of Thunderbird III, Slipstream, and Lifeguard.
I'm getting so far:

WOLVERINE: FIRST CLASS #12 - I might jump off this series after this issue. It's had a couple of great issues (#2 & 5) but everything else I've found to be average.

X-MEN ORIGINS: SABRETOOTH - Never read any of the writer's other stuff, Panosian is alright. Going into this purely for Sabretooth.

CAPTAIN AMERICA #47 - Bru + Epting + Bucky = :yay:

DAREDEVIL #116 - Bru has been on fire for a while on this book. That, couple with the return of the Kingpin, plus David Aja on art puts this top of my reading list in Febuary.

MARVEL ADVENTURES SUPER HEROES #8 - Might get this for some Steve Rogers action.
The usual thoughts/rants:

- While I always enjoy more X-MEN: FIRST CLASS, I question why they decided to cancel the ongoing, only to then put out a "special" and then a 4 issue mini. Wouldn't it have been easier to just release an annual and then cancel it in 4 issues? Oh, well. Parker & Cruz are still aboard and this will probably still be lighter hearted X-Men stuff.

- Speaking of which, SPIDER-MAN/X-MEN chugs along. The first issue was like a really good issue of XM:FC although Gage is trying to make the continuity work. Essentially, the story is that four Spider-Man/X-Men random retcon team-ups somehow lead to the millionth scheme from Mr. Sinister, who's dead now anyway. Hmm. In the grand scheme of things this really doesn't matter and probably just serves to add something else to the shelves that is Spidey or X in an age when paper is SO expensive Marvel looks for any excuse to jack prices up a buck. Still, Gage is usually solid and the art is nice. Plus, this story offers the Astonishing team (plus Nightcrawler), which was always a solid cast of X-Men. Gage can stand to impress me even further if he has Colossus do something cool. ;)

- Still annoyed that CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND MI-13 is still considered an X-Book even though aside for Pete Wisdom, it really has no character who is an X-Man (and Wisdom used to be on EXCALIBUR, which was always one of those "X-Books, sort of" things). Dracula is coming back, being revived for the billionth time. In a way it almost seems a bit predictable, going for the biggest vampire ever rather than, say, Baron & Baroness Blood. Still, CB&MI-13 is a book whose strength isn't in Cornell writing the most original plots ever, but in his character interaction and development. Of course, you could say this helps tie into Blade and Spitfire, and Blade has had quite a few stories where he fights Dracula alongside no-name slayers who all die anyway. At least this time he will have bigger back-up, which probably means Dracula will, too. Drac is one of those villains who can and has never died for good, so any climatic showdown rarely works...but you could argue that for virtually any A-List super villain these days. As always, looks good.

- So NEW EXILES "Begins Anew"...hmm...does that mean that someone will finally react to Proteus basically wearing Morph's corpse and everyone still jokes with him about it?

- The first issue of ADAM: LEGEND OF THE BLUE MARVEL made a better impression on me than I expected; in a way it is a step up from NEW WARRIORS for Grevioux. The cover looks nice and Blue Marvel is looking more interesting than Sentry is by far. Hopefully by issue #4 the story will be in full swing and I will be more confidently recommending it.

- CAPTAIN AMERICA #47 is looking good, and the new pulp villain looks interesting...although for some reason he reminds me of V (as in V for Vendetta). Plus, more Black Widow and Namor (and Invaders stuff), and Brubaker & Epting, so there really isn't more to need to know at this point to ramp up anticipation.

- Kingpin returns in DAREDEVIL? Gosh, what a shock. What next, Bullseye?

- IMMORTAL IRON FIST #23 has a kick ass cover, and hopefully the story matches.

- A Christmas FF issue around Valentine's Day? Ah, Hitch, you speed-artist you!

- GHOST RIDER #32 finishes Aaron's solid arc, but considering how low sales are going, I am curious if this may be his last. Which would be a shame, considering he has really saved a title that Daniel Way left for dead.

- A sequel to MARVELS...exactly a decade after no one wanted one. Brilliant! And then some random one-shot about Galactus on TV. Marvel can't complain about the high cost of paper when they continue to publish some comics no one asks for and just clog the racks, like TRUE BELIEVERS and whatnot.

- NOVA #22...hmm...so Worldmind starts to practically force people into becoming Centurians. It seems odd that Nova's faithful super-computer of Xanadar would go dictator, but then again, it's point of view may be, "Richard alone is too impulsive, nearly erased the whole of Xanadarian culture a few times for refusing to listen, and hasn't stopped long enough to recruit, so now I must do it for him" or something. Still, looks interesting, and great cover.

- WORLD OF KINGS: DARKHAWK looks very interesting. It looks like it helps bridge the gap from Darkhawk moving from Loners founder to space hero, written by the Loners founder himself, Cebulski. Finally, something worthwhile that isn't fairy tales rubbish. The cover looks impressive and at two issues, likely won't ware out any welcome. A lock.

- Ramos only lasted an arc on interiors for RUNAWAYS, but I still am not likely returning.
Oh, c'mon; no way are Lorna and Rachel the dregs when the universe has the likes of Thunderbird III, Slipstream, and Lifeguard.
I wasn't reading many X-Men comics when they were around, so I never suffered at their hands. Rachel and Lorna, though... oh, how I loathe them. Except in X-Factor. I liked Lorna then. But now she's all crazy and a long-lost child of Magneto and annoying. That's three strikes right there.
Rachel was fun in the 80's. Her connection to the Days of Future Past. Her love of Franklin. Her encounters with Selene. Her "Hound" persona. Brief stint with the Phoenix Force ala The Beyonder.

But then she was shipped of to Excalibur and she never recovered.

:thing: :doom: :thing:
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I don't care for Rachael, or Lorna, or Thunderbird III, or Slipstream, or Lifeguard....

The X-Men Universe has a lot of dead weight, useless characters (or once decent characters that have been complicated, botched, retcon'd and emo'd into oblivion). Which is part of why I get frustrated every week when many of them get extended cameo stints in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN while Colossus is ignored. :o
Colossus has appeared a few times in WatXM. Kitty's on the team, so I'm sure he'll show up again at some point. Personally, I'm annoyed that Iceman's still a f***ing teenager and Angel isn't on the team at all. Screw with everyone else all you want, but I'd really prefer the original five to be left alone. Hank's the only one who's handled well in the cartoon.
Colossus has appeared a few times in WatXM. Kitty's on the team, so I'm sure he'll show up again at some point. Personally, I'm annoyed that Iceman's still a f***ing teenager and Angel isn't on the team at all. Screw with everyone else all you want, but I'd really prefer the original five to be left alone. Hank's the only one who's handled well in the cartoon.

Colossus appeared once in the pilot, where he got punk'd, and once when Mystique took his form in episode 10. Wikipedia claims he returns in episode 21 near the end of the season, but I am not holding my breath. This is from the same creative team that wasted him in X-Men Evolution (a show I otherwise enjoyed immensely). In W&TXM, Kitty is obviously interested in dating Iceman.

I should note the Kitty/Colossus dynamic has never been presented in any other medium besides comics. Not once. It was mildly homaged in Evolution in season 3 for a few scenes, but that was all Colossus got there. Hints, allusions, homages to something, and zero pay off. It may have stunk that Aquaman wasn't in JUSTICE LEAGUE, but at least all of his episodes usually were good and tried to go into his character (even if Namor was obviously seen as inspiration). Colossus only showed up twice in the 90's show (within the first two season) but both episodes were great for the team and for him. Would you rather a B lister show up a few times in very good appearances or many times and contribute almost nothing?

Angel, at the very least, was showcased early on when I didn't expect him to be, and parts of his character dyanmic were expressed. He even had a character conflict! That's more than Iceman has gotten.

Only the 90's show tried to claim the original five X-Men were the founders, and that conflicted with the show's own continuity. Beast is awesome on that show, too, as well as Emma Frost and Nightcrawler. Anyone else has just been sort of there. Even Wolverine often defaults to "gruff leader", which isn't nearly as original as the producers think it is. But the show is getting better.
Looks like the Defenders will have a mini team up in Hulk 10. Vs. The Offenders.

Rulk, Tiger Shark, Terrax, and Mordo.

Normally I'd be excited but this IS Loeb.

:thing: :doom: :thing:
People in some forums (like one of the blogs run by THE BEAT's Paul O'Brien) are starting to compare Loeb's writing to Liefield; as in work that sells a lot of issues but is usually this side of terrible. That is not a good place for a career to land you.
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Since the full solicitations are up:
WOLVERINE: FIRST CLASS #12 - I might jump off this series after this issue. It's had a couple of great issues (#2 & 5) but everything else I've found to be average.

X-MEN ORIGINS: SABRETOOTH - Never read any of the writer's other stuff, Panosian is alright. Going into this purely for Sabretooth.

CAPTAIN AMERICA #47 - Bru + Epting + Bucky = :yay:

DAREDEVIL #116 - Bru has been on fire for a while on this book. That, couple with the return of the Kingpin, plus David Aja on art puts this top of my reading list in Febuary.

INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #10 - I'm not enthused about going into a year-long arc knowing nothing about it but if anyone can pull it off, Fraction can.

http://www.newsarama.com/preview_images/marvelnew/mar09/ultwolv1.jpgULTMATE WOLVERINE VS.HULK #1 & #2 - The writing and art looked good on this from what I've seen. And now that the writer has finally handed in his scripts, I look forward to reading this "on time".

Well, there goes my hope that no one would care if those ridiculously delayed books started getting finished and ignore them. :(
People in some forums (like one of the blogs run by THE BEAT's Paul O'Brien) are starting to compare Loeb's writing to Liefield; as in work that sells a lot of issues but is usually this side of terrible. That is now a good place for a career to land you.
I'm sure Loeb cries himself to sleep on his bed of cash each night.

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