Final Crisis #6 spoilers


Real Hero
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
Batman is dead.

Story: Batman uses the bullet to shoot Darkseid, it hits kinda close to his heart but more closer to the shoulders really. Darkseid kills Batman with his eye beam lazor thingy and then the comic ends with Superman getting ready to whoop Darkseid's ass.

Full review with spoilers, thanks Spideyzero for the useful link!
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I didn't read the spoilers yet, but i'm going to the comic shop later, but just so i know, 2 things:

1. How many pages does the Batman stuff consist of?

2. Is it worth spending 4 bucks on?
1) Dunno. :P
2) I'm not into Final Crisis stuff cuz i'm such a "newb" to everything non-Batman, my knowledge on all the chars like Darkseid is all based off the Bruce Timm's DC Universe. =/ So i really can't say is it worth the 4 bucks, next issue will be interesting tho.
Informative link. :) added that to my 1st post, thanks!
Okay, I'm sorry, but this has got to rank as one of the weakest "deaths" for a major comic book character in recent memory. Superman's death where goes down fighting Doomsday? That's epic. Hal Jordan sacrificing himself to restore the sun? That's epic. Barry Allen attempting to stop Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths? That's epic. Batman getting shot with Omega beams after challenging Darkseid to what essentially amounts to a quick draw shoot-out?

Yeah, it's epic all right. EPIC FAIL!.

What makes it even more ridiculous is that it essentially makes Morrison's other story, Batman R.I.P. utterly pointless since neither one apparently had anything to do with the other, and everybody knows darn well that Batman is going to come back. Only this time, it's going to involve some magical mumbo jumbo like the Lazarus Pits or the Black Lanterns or what not--which is totally wrong for a character like Batman that's supposed to be one of DC's more plausible heroes.

If this is Didio's big plan to try and bring attention to the Batman books by killing off the titular character in a similar vein to what DC did for Superman and Marvel did for Captain America, it's already off to a piss poor start.
Awful. A full year lead up to that? DC took it's baddest superhero and betrayed his biggest rule (the gun) and then he got zapped? BS. I'm also annoyed that they didn't show where Superman got "the body" so you can already see "the switch" when they bring him back. Between Final Crisis and RIP, you just KNOW that they are gonna drill the Battle for the Cowl into the ground.

Awful. Worst "Major" Arcs I've ever read.
What makes it even more ridiculous is that it essentially makes Morrison's other story, Batman R.I.P. utterly pointless since neither one apparently had anything to do with the other, and everybody knows darn well that Batman is going to come back. Only this time, it's going to involve some magical mumbo jumbo like the Lazarus Pits or the Black Lanterns or what not--which is totally wrong for a character like Batman that's supposed to be one of DC's more plausible heroes.

Batman R.I.P was more about an Ultimate tribute to Batman for fightning an evil organization which was pretty much pure evil of humankind. Batman breaking his 1 rule and basicly wounding a god is prety god damn badass if you ask me.

Now i must apologyze for abit misleading but Batman isn't technically speaking dead, i read that this omega-beam shizzle pretyt much makes you into a horrible coma state and you relive your most horrible visions over and over or so. I just hope Batman doesn't get resurrect as a god or sum, heard Spectre needs a new host. >_<
Well, i read the 6 pages in the shop. And it was a let-down.

and DRZ, i have to disagree. Batman fighting an evil organization that was the pure evil of mankind is cool. What's not cool is when it's revealed in the last issue that Batman was onto them the entire time, thus no longer making them pure evil, but 5th rate villains who don't know any better.

And this Final Crisis thing was billed something huge! And it didn't amount to much. It should have been given it's own full issue, not 6 pages. The idea of taking down a god is cool. Achieving that in a meager 6 pages isn't. This whole thing has been, if i may put it like this, like jerking off and stopping before climax. It could have been so much better.
Batman R.I.P was more about an Ultimate tribute to Batman for fightning an evil organization which was pretty much pure evil of humankind. Batman breaking his 1 rule and basicly wounding a god is prety god damn badass if you ask me.

First of all, both Morrison and Didio flat out stated that Batman R.I.P. had direct ties to what Batman final fate would be in Final Crisis #6. Didio specifically said that Final Crisis #6 was essentially the real end of R.I.P. Well, it turns out what happened in Final Crisis #6 had almsot nothing to do with R.I.P. Also, this is essentially a retread of how Morrision killed off Batman in his JLA "Rock of Ages" story, only this time it's basically just a quick-draw duel. And honestly, Batman shooting a gun and thus breaking his one rule actually cheapens Batman. Because if Batman can kill somebody with a gun, what makes him so darn special than any body else? Hell, Jimmy Olsen could have shot Darkseid--which, considering how Darkseid first appeared in a Jimmy Olsen comic, would have been wonderfully ironic.

Now i must apologyze for abit misleading but Batman isn't technically speaking dead, i read that this omega-beam shizzle pretyt much makes you into a horrible coma state and you relive your most horrible visions over and over or so. I just hope Batman doesn't get resurrect as a god or sum, heard Spectre needs a new host. >_<

True, the "Omega Sanction" is essentially "death that is life" so, perhaps, it means Batman is both alive and dead at the same time, if that makes sense. But even so, it again shows how this method of killing Batman is all kinds of wrong because his eventual return IS going to involve some magical mumbo jumbo--which is wrong for a character that's supposed to be one of DC more grounded and plausible superheroes.
Well we still don't know who Dr. Hurt is and he did "curse" Batman's cowl, but in the end, false advertisenment isn't illegal. :o/ I don't think it cheapens Batman that he breaks his rule to kill/wound a god, i mean hes a mortal man and yet he shoots a bloody god. :P
I'm at a loss of words on this whole FC/RIP connection, but the last page of the comic is a shocking image, and whatever happens beyond this will stay with me. Obviously Bruce Wayne will return, I just don't know why he had to go in the first place, especially after the success of "The Dark Knight" put him on everyone's mind
Tawky Tawny the Tiger is the man. Anyway living multiple lifes and then deaths is a "fate worse than death" I guess since I hear the omega sanction = fifth world omega effect. Just Morrison paying more tribute to Kirby as this whole thing has been a Jack Kirby love letter.

Morrison and Johns have the key to the DCU so their stories overlap. It's obvious to many Bruce's body = Blackest Night reanimation subject. Then when Bruce's soul eventually reconciles with his body down the road we have Batman: Rebirth by Johns. DC under DiDio is just that obvious you'll see. One of their obvious goals is to reinvent Batman by 2010. Maybe making him more like his movie counterpart? who knows?

I guess they figured they reinvented Hal and will now do the same with Barry for this generation, why not Batman? it's ballsy I don't know if it's wise but I'll give them that much it's ballsy. as long as I get to read about Bruce in purgatory or wherever the hell they send him in the meantime I don't mind. I got to read about Hal as the Spectre and they obviously just won't leave Bruce Wayne out of the comic books somehow he's just obviously not Batman anymore.
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Spoilers ahead.

I think it's funny that Batman's "death" has been described as not "epic" enough (the fan community has long since murdered the word "epic," by the way). Batman just killed a freaking God. It doesn't get bigger than that. No, there was no battle in downtown Metropolis or at the center of the sun or in the anti-matter universe like there's been a million other times. Instead we got Batman standing in a room and breaking his foremost rule to kill a God. Forgive me if I think that's pretty fitting.

As for the omega sanction? Someone on the DC message boards mentioned that this power traps the victim in an infinite number of alternate lives, each worst than the last (hence, "The death that is life"), and that Mr. Miracle escaped from it. This is an appropriate fate for Batman, given how Morrison emphasized Batman's traumatic life so recently--how any other person could never surmount the horror of that life. It's the perfect "death" for Batman to overcome. If this person was correct in his description of the omega sanction, while Batman is, in the physical world, dead, he still exists somewhere, so he'll be back.

I don't expect him to be back in the Blackest Night. Too soon. It might be interesting if he didn't come back for a long time. It might also be interesting if he did not become Batman again upon returning.
Batman went out like a man and not a coward. It was appropriate IMO but I know by mid next year somehow Bruce Wayne will be back. Also I said his corpse in Blackest Night not his essence/soul which is what's trapped around. Physically he's crispier than KFC for now.

But yeah about the omega sanction that's what the omega effect does and Darkseid is in control of it all. I hope they don't drop the ball with everything in between. I agree that it would be real interesting if he's not Batman anymore when he returns.
Batman went out like a man and not a coward. It was appropriate IMO but I know by mid next year somehow Bruce Wayne will be back. Also I said his corpse in Blackest Night not his essence/soul which is what's trapped around. Physically he's crispier than KFC for now.
Hm. I wonder if that's how the Black rings work, though--just reanimation, as opposed to actual resurrection.

But yeah about the omega sanction that's what the omega effect does and Darkseid is in control of it all. I hope they don't drop the ball with everything in between. I agree that it would be real interesting if he's not Batman anymore when he returns.
I just don't want this be a a throwaway. When he comes back, something needs to be different that makes this worth our while. If that means Bruce isn't Batman any longer, and Dick is Batman permanently, great. I'll get on board if they can make it work. If he does become Batman again, I'll be on board for that, too. Just make it relevant.
Hm. I wonder if that's how the Black rings work, though--just reanimation, as opposed to actual resurrection.

from wiki fwiw since the comics have said almost next to nothing about the Black Lanterns so far.

"The black rings symbolize a total absence of emotion and life"

so yeah we're dealing with cosmic powered zombies here all organs intact and being mobile probably still have body based feelings like hunger and stuff. It's going to be interesting to see and it would give an easy way out to reanimate Bruce's corpse in the time being and it's been hinted at before.

don't want this be a a throwaway. When he comes back, something needs to be different that makes this worth our while. If that means Bruce isn't Batman any longer, and Dick is Batman permanently, great. I'll get on board if they can make it work. If he does become Batman again, I'll be on board for that, too. Just make it relevant.

Most definitely.
that's NOT how "The Batman" dies. I am so disappointed
Tawky Tawny the Tiger is the man. Anyway living multiple lifes and then deaths is a "fate worse than death" I guess since I hear the omega sanction = fifth world omega effect. Just Morrison paying more tribute to Kirby as this whole thing has been a Jack Kirby love letter.

Morrison and Johns have the key to the DCU so their stories overlap. It's obvious to many Bruce's body = Blackest Night reanimation subject. Then when Bruce's soul eventually reconciles with his body down the road we have Batman: Rebirth by Johns. DC under DiDio is just that obvious you'll see. One of their obvious goals is to reinvent Batman by 2010. Maybe making him more like his movie counterpart? who knows?

I guess they figured they reinvented Hal and will now do the same with Barry for this generation, why not Batman? it's ballsy I don't know if it's wise but I'll give them that much it's ballsy. as long as I get to read about Bruce in purgatory or wherever the hell they send him in the meantime I don't mind. I got to read about Hal as the Spectre and they obviously just won't leave Bruce Wayne out of the comic books somehow he's just obviously not Batman anymore.

Spoilers ahead.

I think it's funny that Batman's "death" has been described as not "epic" enough (the fan community has long since murdered the word "epic," by the way). Batman just killed a freaking God. It doesn't get bigger than that. No, there was no battle in downtown Metropolis or at the center of the sun or in the anti-matter universe like there's been a million other times. Instead we got Batman standing in a room and breaking his foremost rule to kill a God. Forgive me if I think that's pretty fitting.

As for the omega sanction? Someone on the DC message boards mentioned that this power traps the victim in an infinite number of alternate lives, each worst than the last (hence, "The death that is life"), and that Mr. Miracle escaped from it. This is an appropriate fate for Batman, given how Morrison emphasized Batman's traumatic life so recently--how any other person could never surmount the horror of that life. It's the perfect "death" for Batman to overcome. If this person was correct in his description of the omega sanction, while Batman is, in the physical world, dead, he still exists somewhere, so he'll be back.

I don't expect him to be back in the Blackest Night. Too soon. It might be interesting if he didn't come back for a long time. It might also be interesting if he did not become Batman again upon returning. would you rate this issue and the impact?
I'm not sure yet. I have to read the ending. As we've seen in Captain America, what makes or breaks something like this is the fallout.

That said, I think that, if one has not read Morrison's FC tie-in in Batman, Batman's death in the issue is considerably weaker. The tie-in is where the story I was looking for--the character story--is found. What we see in FC is the conclusion of that story, and when considered that way, it is enhanced considerably. Very strong. The issue as a whole was strong, too.
Inform the media. I feel sorry for Batfans.

Batman uses a gun and then dies.



:gl: :gl: :gl:
Batman is great because he's the detective, he knows what's going on behind the scenes. While Earth falls into chaos, and all these battles rage over the world, Batman is where he needs to be: facing the person responsible for it all. Batman doesn't kill. But to save the world, he kills a god, and he dies for it. The fact of the matter is, everyone will have their own ideas about how / when Batman should die. But for me, sacrificing himself by killing a god to help save the world? Not too bad.

And saying "Batman uses a gun and then dies" is like saying that Superman just got punched to death by an alien mongoloid in the streets. Let's not be angry little people and oversimplify it.
Inform the media. I feel sorry for Batfans.

Batman uses a gun and then dies.



:gl: :gl: :gl:
And he killed a guy, too. So? I don't understand the "Oh my God, he used a gun! I hates it forevers!" attitude. Does anyone actually think Batman breaking his rules isn't a valid and compelling avenue? It was always going to happen sooner or later. Conflict is what fiction is about--including conflict with the self. What's more, does anyone actually believe that Batman wouldn't use a gun to save the universe?

As for using a gun and then dying? Who didn't ever think that the last thing Batman would ever do was break his cardinal rules and then resign himself to death or retirement and seclusion?

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