First Hitman 360 screenshots...


Nov 13, 2002
Reaction score



Well they're not awful like Farcry, but it doesn't look like they did anything extra.
Eidos is milking the Hitman franchise as bad as UbiSoft is milking the Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia franchises and Nintendo milking the Mario Sports/Party franchises.
Man, the day the 360 is rid of ports will be a day long remembered...:(
Man, the day the 360 is rid of ports will be a day long remembered...:(
The Playstation 3 is going to be plagued with them also. EA is going to be especially guilty of this :o
EA, the evil corporation with sublimal messages in madden which makes you play again and agian...:(
EA's going to turn into Acclaim this generation. They must collapse.
hippie_hunter said:
Eidos is milking the Hitman franchise as bad as UbiSoft is milking the Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia franchises and Nintendo milking the Mario Sports/Party franchises.
Come on though, Blood Money and Double agent look FANTASTIC. Double Agent is taking SC in a new direction and Blood Money is improving on an already great forumula.
Horrorfan said:
Come on though, Blood Money and Double agent look FANTASTIC. Double Agent is taking SC in a new direction and Blood Money is improving on an already great forumula.

I should also add on Square-Enix milking the Final Fantasy franchise too :o
hippie_hunter said:
I should also add on Square-Enix milking the Final Fantasy franchise too :o

Whats wrong with making sequels if they are good though? The point of the buisness, of all buisness, is to make money, and its not as if the sequels of said games usually suck (but I hope to get SC Essentials friday).
Horrorfan said:
Whats wrong with making sequels if they are good though? The point of the buisness, of all buisness, is to make money, and its not as if the sequels of said games usually suck (but I hope to get SC Essentials friday).

I'm not saying that they're bad (personally they're not my cup of tea), it's just that it is too many sequels in such a short time.
hippie_hunter said:
I'm not saying that they're bad (personally they're not my cup of tea), it's just that it is too many sequels in such a short time.

I cant speak for the others but SC has different development teams working on them at the same time, so thats why they are out so quick.
Horrorfan said:
I cant speak for the others but SC has different development teams working on them at the same time, so thats why they are out so quick.

That makes the ****ing even worse :o
hippie_hunter said:
That makes the ****ing even worse :o

But you can't lie, the ****es make a good game. :up:
Weren't we guaranteed perfectly round models this generation? I still see obvious edges on that chrome-dome.
The Lumberjack said:
Weren't we guaranteed perfectly round models this generation? I still see obvious edges on that chrome-dome.
I don't know who made that guarantee, but whoever it was probably wasn't the person who decided to just port this game from the PC.
Most xbox360 games looks like graphics from the first xbox. If that's the jump we are getting, meh. :down
Pitty they didnt build this as a 360 game from the start and tune down the game for current gen platforms :down.

Still, its HITMAN and it will kick ass.
TheSaintofKillers said:
Most xbox360 games looks like graphics from the first xbox. If that's the jump we are getting, meh.

Yeah... right.






You know, you are proving my point more than anything else here. These games look all the same, except the 360 games seems more blurry, and a bit more shiny.

The gap is small, come on. It will probably get bigger the farther we will get down the line, but right now, aside from VERY few games, the graphics sure aren't anything to blow us away, imo.

You seem easily impressed. When I put aside a picture of Goldeneye and then of Halo 2, yes, THERE I see a huge gap. But these games above ? An update as small as these pictures above in FX doesn't warrant a "next-generation" jump yet. At least, for me.
TheSaintofKillers said:
You know, you are proving my point more than anything else here. These games looks all the same, except the 360 games seems more blurry, and a bit more shiny.
:confused: WTF?

No really....WTF?
TheCardPlayer said:
:confused: WTF?

No really....WTF?

Sigh, ok, whatever.

If you find this:


and this


to be that far of a jump between generations, i'm stunned more than anything else here. Look at the the ground, it's the same. Even the characters are near the same, only that the 360 has "rounder" effects, but they still both look as plastic.

Now, for me, a real gap is when I look at a picture of that resident evil 5 video. Will it really look like this when it will be release ? No idea, but that's the least I want when there's a generation gap. Am I asking for too much ? I doubt it, especially when i'm going to shell 400-500$ for new consoles.

Especially consoles that offer nothing new in the gameplay department, except when it comes to graphics. If the only huge update we are getting this generation is in graphics, then I expect WONDERS in that department, unlike you.
RE5 is prerendered. It won't look like all.

And trust me. PS3 won't offer a huge jump either.

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